1,773 research outputs found

    Cable clamp bolt fixture facilitates assembly in close quarters

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    Cable clamp bolt holding fixture facilitates forming of electrical cable runs in limited equipment space. The fixture engages the threads of the short clamp bolt through the clamp and maintains tension against clamp tendency to open while the operator installs the nut without difficulty

    Indentifying and modeling the distribution of cryptic reservoirs of Ebola virus using artificial intelligence

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    Fruit bats (Megachiroptera) have been found to be the principal reservoirs  of Ebola virus (EBOV) to humans. However, bats do not appear to be the primary reservoir in the environment and between outbreaks. The cryptic reservoir species of EBOV and its distribution have not been identified. The purpose of the study was to identify the most likely cryptic reservoir species of EBOV and the probable distribution of cryptic reservoir species where  EBOV could be maintained in Sierra Leone. The Bioagent Transport and Environmental Modeling System (BioTEMS) was used to analyze mammals, arthropods, plants and protists in order to identify the most likely species to be the cryptic reservoir for EBOV. ArcGIS and BioTEMS were used to  determine the probable distribution of cryptic reservoir species. BioTEMS identified free-living pathogenic amoebae (FLPA) as the probable cryptic reservoir species (Test Performance = 93.3). Diptera in the order Chrysops were also identified as possible secondary reservoirs and mechanical vectors of EBOV. Distribution of likely hot spots for FLPA and  phytotelmata/tree-holes were identified in several regions of Sierra Leone, primarily in the southeast and are similar to those predicted by other  authors, but at a much higher resolution (15 m for BioTEMS verses up to 5 km in other studies). Water-filled cavities (phytotelmata), specifically  tree-holes, were identified as the most likely sites for the cycle of  transmission to occur among FLPA and susceptible secondary reservoirs. Free-living pathogenic amoebae are not only pathogenic to humans and animals but they serve as reservoirs and Trojan horses of infection as well. Identifying what and where cryptic reservoirs of EBOV persist between  outbreaks provides an opportunity for the first time to conduct  environmental epidemiologic surveillance to mitigate outbreaks and to test anti-microbial delivery systems such as the ProVector® to reduce EBOVand FLPA.Keywords: Filovirus, Amoeba, Epidemiology, Machine Learning, Vector, Disaster Managemen

    Artificial neural networks and player recruitment in professional soccer

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    The aim was to objectively identify key performance indicators in professional soccer that influence outfield players’ league status using an artificial neural network. Mean technical performance data were collected from 966 outfield players’ (mean SD; age: 25 ± 4 yr, 1.81 ±) 90-minute performances in the English Football League. ProZone’s MatchViewer system and online databases were used to collect data on 347 indicators assessing the total number, accuracy and consistency of passes, tackles, possessions regained, clearances and shots. Players were assigned to one of three categories based on where they went on to complete most of their match time in the following season: group 0 (n = 209 players) went on to play in a lower soccer league, group 1 (n = 637 players) remained in the Football League Championship, and group 2 (n = 120 players) consisted of players who moved up to the English Premier League. The models created correctly predicted between 61.5% and 78.8% of the players’ league status. The model with the highest average test performance was for group 0 v 2 (U21 international caps, international caps, median tackles, percentage of first time passes unsuccessful upper quartile, maximum dribbles and possessions gained minimum) which correctly predicted 78.8% of the players’ league status with a test error of 8.3%. To date, there has not been a published example of an objective method of predicting career trajectory in soccer. This is a significant development as it highlights the potential for machine learning to be used in the scouting and recruitment process in a professional soccer environment

    Soot Formation in Hydrocarbon/Air Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames

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    Soot processes within hydrocarbon/air diffusion flames are important because they affect the durability and performance of propulsion systems, the hazards of unwanted fires, the pollutant and particulate emissions from combustion processes, and the potential for developing computational combustion. Motivated by these observations, this investigation involved an experimental study of the structure and soot properties of round laminar jet diffusion flames, seeking an improved understanding of soot formation (growth and nucleation) within diffusion flames. The present study extends earlier work in this laboratory concerning laminar smoke points (l) and soot formation in acetylene/air laminar jet diffusion flames (2), emphasizing soot formation in hydrocarbon/air laminar jet diffusion flames for fuels other than acetylene. In the flame system, acetylene is the dominant gas species in the soot formation region and both nucleation and growth were successfully attributed to first-order reactions of acetylene, with nucleation exhibiting an activation energy of 32 kcal/gmol while growth involved negligible activation energy and a collision efficiency of O.53%. In addition, soot growth in the acetylene diffusion flames was comparable to new soot in premixed flame (which also has been attributed to first-order acetylene reactions). In view of this status, a major issue is the nature of soot formation processes in diffusion flame involving hydrocarbon fuels other than acetylene. In particular, information is needed about th dominant gas species in the soot formation region and the impact of gas species other than acetylene on soot nucleation and growth

    A questionnaire study of injections prescribed and dispensed for patients diagnosed with mild/moderate community-acquired pneumonia in Mongolia

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    Purpose. The study aimed to determine the extent of and factors influencing the prescribing of injections for the treatment of mild/moderate community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Mongolia. Methods. Questionnaires were developed and administered to medication providers (34 Pharmacists, 27 pharmacy technicians) and prescribers (22 general doctors and 49 medical specialists) working in Mongolia. Results. Cefalosporins were prescribed for patients with mild pneumonia and doctors tended to prescribe injectable cefalosporins (cefazolin) rather than oral dosage forms. This was supported by the questionnaire study with pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Additionally, 23 pharmacists and pharmacy technicians indicated that OTC injectable cefalosporins (37.7%) and injectable aminopenicillins (33,9%) were frequently sold by pharmacies for the treatment of mild/moderate CAP. Doctors and particularly pharmacists in the questionnaire studies indicated choosing an injection was to avoid non-compliance problems. Conclusion. High levels of injectable prescribing of antibiotics were found in non-hospitalized patients with CAP in Mongolia. This prevalence level indicated that inappropriate injection prescribing is a public health hazard for Mongolia and requires consideration by the appropriate authorities

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    Is a Divorce Granted Where One Only of the Parties is domiciled Entitled to Full Faith and Credit?; Laibiltiy of Water Companies for Fire Losses; Diversion of Subterranean Percolating Waters; Women as Notaries Public

    Using the 'Recognising and Assessing Medical problems in a psychiatric setting' (RAMPPS) course within a Pre-registration mental Health nursing Course

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    O objetivo da comunicação é apresentar e discutir alguns resultados de uma pesquisa voltada às possíveis articulações entre uma formação oferecida pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo – SEE/SP por meio dos Grupos de Referência – GR a equipes gestoras, compostas por professores (as) coordenadores (as), diretores (as) de escola e supervisores (as) de ensino, e suas práticas de gestão tanto em suas escolas como nas diretorias de ensino da rede pública paulista. A abordagem metodológica é predominantemente qualitativa e exploratória, tendo com principal instrumento relatos de observações dos encontros formativos. Assim, primeiramente contextualizam-se historicamente a formação e o desenvolvimento profissional de gestores (as) escolares, focalizando, mais especificamente, o Estado de São Paulo. Em seguida, explicita-se como a formação oferecida por meio do GR foi planejada. Finalmente, apresentam-se e discutem-se alguns resultados, derivados de uma primeira sistematização de dados referentes a alguns encontros formativos do GR. Eles confirmam que a autonomia, a participação e a gestão democrática podem ter sido alguns dos princípios do planejamento da formação por parte da SEE/SP e que esses princípios não têm orientado a formação como seria esperado em razão de limitações de várias ordens, notadamente aquelas impostas pelo próprio sistema de ensino estadual. Apesar desse entrave fundamental, é possível vislumbrar, já nesta análise inicial, algumas possíveis interlocuções entre a formação no GR e práticas gestoras