439 research outputs found

    A rare case of secondary abdominal pregnancy following ruptured rudimentary horn

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    Abdominal pregnancies are classified as primary or secondary of which secondary abdominal pregnancies are more common. The incidence of abdominal pregnancy varies from 1 in 372 to 1 in 9,714 live births and accounts for 1.4% of ectopic pregnancies. Rudimentary horn pregnancy occurs in approximately 1/76 000 to 1/150 000 pregnancies. Abdominal pregnancies are classified as primary or secondary of which secondary abdominal pregnancies are more common. The incidence of abdominal pregnancy varies from 1 in 372 to 1 in 9,714 live births and accounts for 1.4% of ectopic pregnancies. Rudimentary horn pregnancy occurs in approximately 1/76 000 to 1/150 000 pregnancies. We report a case of secondary abdominal pregnancy in a 24-year-old primigravida at 19 weeks gestation who was asymptomatic on admission but a known case of unicornuate uterus with rudimentary right horn. Ultrasound revealed fetus in the abdominal cavity and was confirmed by MRI. Intraoperatively, fetus was found en sac in abdominal cavity and placenta in the cavity of the ruptured right rudimentary horn which was removed in toto with the horn

    Towards the Evolution of Multi-Layered Neural Networks: A Dynamic Structured Grammatical Evolution Approach

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    Current grammar-based NeuroEvolution approaches have several shortcomings. On the one hand, they do not allow the generation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs composed of more than one hidden-layer. On the other, there is no way to evolve networks with more than one output neuron. To properly evolve ANNs with more than one hidden-layer and multiple output nodes there is the need to know the number of neurons available in previous layers. In this paper we introduce Dynamic Structured Grammatical Evolution (DSGE): a new genotypic representation that overcomes the aforementioned limitations. By enabling the creation of dynamic rules that specify the connection possibilities of each neuron, the methodology enables the evolution of multi-layered ANNs with more than one output neuron. Results in different classification problems show that DSGE evolves effective single and multi-layered ANNs, with a varying number of output neurons

    Clinico hematological profile and outcome of anemia in children at tertiary care hospital, Karimnagar, Telangana, India

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    Background: Anemia is a common health problem worldwide. It is an important cause of morbidity and mortality of young and growing children in rural areas of developing countries. Young growing anemic children have various clinical symptoms, pallor, Jaundice, fever, cough, breathlessness, hyper pigmentation, tremors, and hepatosplenomegaly. The main objective is to study the clinical and haematological profile and variants of anemia in children of age 2 months to 14 years admitted in tertiary care hospital, Karimnagar.Methods: A retrospective study was carried out by studying medical records of hospital attached to Chalmeda Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar between January 2010 to December 2014. Study population constitutes total number of 316 cases of anemia in children of age 2 months to 14 years admitted in tertiary care hospital of Karimnagar. Diagnosis of anemia was based on hemoglobin levels and on the basis of clinical presentations. Classification of anemia was done by clinical findings, complete blood picture with peripheral smear and hemoglobin electrophoresis.Results: In present study out of 316 cases, 173 were males and 143 were females.  It was found that 58% of children were anemic due to iron deficiency anemia, 27 % were having sickle cell disorder, 9 % were having Thalassemia, and 5 % with megaloblastic anemia and 2% with aplastic anemia.Conclusions: Besides haematological investigations for typing of anemia, Haemoglobin electrophoresis establishes the disease in haemoglobinopathies. Adequate health and healthy nutritional habits and prescription of Iron supplements are of great importance in prevention and management of anemia in children assisted by public health services.

    The distribution of apolipoprotein E in mouse olfactory epithelium

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    Previous studies from our laboratory suggest that apolipoprotein (apoE), a lipid transporting protein, facilitates olfactory nerve regeneration. We have shown that apoE is enriched in the olfactory nerve and around the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb (OB). The studies reported herein were undertaken to identify possible sources of apoE in the olfactory epithelium (OE). Immunoblotting results revealed apoE expression in the OE of wild-type (WT) mice, but not in apoE deficient/knockout (KO) mice. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that the perikarya and processes of sustentacular (Sus) cells expressed apoE-like immunoreactivity. Minimal neuronal apoE immunostaining was seen, although apoE was observed in the interstial spaces between olfactory receptor neurons (ORN). Substantial apoE-like immunoreactivity was localized to the endfeet and terminal process of Sus cells surrounding the basal cells. Double labeling immunocytochemical studies confirmed that the cell bodies and endfeet of Sus cells expressed high levels of apoE. The endothelial cells of blood vessels were intensely stained for apoE in the lamina propria. Cells forming Bowman’s gland also immunostained for apoE. The apoE staining in the nerve fascicles was less intense, but was uniformly distributed throughout the core of the nerve bundles. Heavily stained cells, probably ensheathing glia, surrounded the nerve fascicles. These results revealed that apoE is expressed in the adult OE and lamina propria at strategic locations where it could facilitate the differentiation, maturation and axonal growth of the ORN, perhaps by recycling lipids from degenerating ORN for use by growing axons

    Prediction of storability of organically produced paddy seeds through natural and accelerated ageing techniques

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    The present study was conducted to know the storage potential of organically produced paddy seeds in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. The seed lot were divided into two parts, one part was stored in cloth bag for a period of 12 months under ambient conditions. At thesame time another set of seeds were subjected to accelerated ageing at 42 + 10C temperature and 90 per cent relative humidity (RH) for a period of 0-12 days. Among the ageing methods, artificially aged seeds showed drastic decreases in seed quality as compared to natural ageing. Among the treatments T9 (37.5 % FYM + 37.5 % vermicompost + 25 % neem cake + foliar spray of panchagavya on 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT) recorded significantly highest seed quality parameters viz., seed germination (97.81 %), seedling length (29.42 cm) and SVI (2878) at initial stage in both the method of aging and at the end of storage period; seed germination (71.23 and 87.33 %), seedling length (19.66 and 27.00 cm) and SVI (1400 and 2358) in accelerated ageing (AA) and natural ageing (NA) respectively, whereas, lowest in control (Inorganic treatment). The seed quality parameters of four days of AA were similar to that of six months of NA. Hence, storability of organically produced paddy seeds were better as compared to inorganic seeds and it can be predicted that four days of AA is equal to six months of NA. The information generated will be useful in retention or disposal of a particular variety or seed lot

    Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of Co(II) Complexes with Tetradentate Schiff bases Derived from Ortho-Phthalaldehyde

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    A series of cobalt (II) complexes have been synthesized with Schiff bases derived from ortho-phthalaldehyde and various amines in aqueous methanol solution. The newly synthesized Schiff bases and their Co (II) complexes have been characterized  by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility, thermal, conductance measurements, mass, IR, electronic, 1H,13C-NMR spectral techniques. These ligands act as tetradentate species and coordinate to the metal center through the different potential donor atoms such as N, O and S. The probable octahedral structures have been assigned to these complexes. All the synthesized Schiff base ligands and Co(II) metal complexes have also been screened for their antimicrobial activities and metal complexes found to be more active than respective Schiff-base ligands

    Multisite Microprobes for Electrochemical Recordings in Biological Dynamics

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    For over 30 years, techniques have been developed that allow for the microscale (10-30 /mum) measurement of chemical signals with high temporal resolution (1-200 Hz). Such measurements, called in vivo electrochemical recordings, allow for the direct determination of neurotransmitter molecules and related compounds in biological systems. Multiple recordings, simultaneously performed at different, closely spaced, well defined locations throughout a three-dimensional tissue volume in the brain, are of interest in neuroscience. Developments in microelectronic techniques enable the fabrication of multi-electrode microprobes for recording extracellular action potentials generated by individual neurons simultaneously. A high-yield microfabrication process has been successfully developed for the fabrication of a novel semiconductor based, four-site silicon microprobe that involves a three-mask process and standard UV photolithography. A plasma process has been developed for dry etching of the gold electrodes and conducting lines. The electrochemical behavior of the microprobe is investigated by a high-speed computer-based in vitro electrochemical recording system. The electrochemical signals are measured at 5 Hz and varying gain. It is found that a selectivity of over 500:1 is achieved, and the signal to noise ratio of the recorded signal is particularly suitable for in vivo recordings

    Clay mineralogy and provenance modeling of the Paleoproterozoic Kaladgi shales, Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implications on paleoweathering and source rock compositions

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    Proterozoic clastic sediments reveal vast information regarding provenance, depositional conditions, and environmental evolutions. Peninsular India comprising Archean cratons, also have numerous intracratonic Proterozoic sedimentary basins along their margins. The Archean Dharwar Craton in southern India has many Proterozoic successions, namely Cuddapah, Kurnool towards the East, and Kaladgi, Badami, and Bhima towards the northern margin. The Paleoproterozoic Kaladgi Basin (∼1.85 Ga) consists of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks with stromatolitic carbonate formations. XRD analysis of shale layers of the Lower Lokapur and Upper Simikere subgroups have been carried out to understand the primary clay mineral assemblages, weathering history, and provenance. The Lower and Upper shale layers of Lokapur and Simikere subgroups show a dominance of montmorillonite and kaolinite, respectively. The geochemical affinities and the clay mineral assemblages indicate a more mafic source to the lower shales (Manoli and Hebbal formations) and increased felsic contribution to the upper shales (Govindakoppa and Daddanhatti formations). Illite is ubiquitous in all the shales of the Kaladgi Supergroup possibly representing the diagenetic transformation of montmorillonite and kaolinite to illite. Geochemical modeling of provenance has been carried out using (Eu/Eu*)N, (La/Yb)N, (Gd/Yb)N, and (La/Sm)N of all the plausible source rocks and the average compositions of lower and upper shales. The modeling results suggest that the lower shales are derived from a source of mafic rocks – 45 %, K-rich granite – 35 %, and TTG – 20 %. While the upper shales are derived from source characterized by K-rich granites – 61 % and intermediate volcanic rocks – 39 %. These results signify the classical unroofing of TTG-greenstone belts exposing K-rich granites with the progression of sedimentation. Further, a good correlation between K-enrichment (a measure of % difference between CIA and pre-metasomatic CIA) and ƩLREE is attributed to the abundance of kaolinites that fractionate more LREE

    Next-generation modelling approaches for sustainable crop protection

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    The combined pre and post-harvest insect-pest and disease infestation causes an annual estimated 40-50% of total produce loss. Overall loss of attainable yield is more severe in the Asian and African continents because of transboundary insect pests, inconsistent access to crop protection products and lack of preparedness. Solicit innovative, digitally enabled lowcost climate smart pest management technologies for real-time pest forecasting and decision support systems (DSSs) are of great significance and inevitable. Considering this, efforts have been made to develop weather based forewarning models for pests in Chickpea and Pigeonpea (Helicoverpa, Phytophthora blight) and Cotton (Aphid, Leaf hopper, thrips, whitefly) for forewarning time of first appearance of pest, maximum severity/pest population vis-à-vis’ crop age. Using weather indices, models were obtained through stepwise regression technique and machine learning (artificial neural network and Bayesian network) techniques. In general, the models fitted well for all the available data and have good agreement between forecasts and observed status. The predictive ability and accuracy of models will be further validated through cross-location and cross-year models. Further, development of Hybrid Mobile App with Microsoft Azure and promoting e/m-participation will help in dissemination of information to end users for real-time pest monitoring, prediction and crop protection advisory
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