113 research outputs found

    Probing the Role of Melanocortin Type 1 Receptor Agonists in Diverse Immunological Diseases

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    Background: The melanocortin α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), an endogenous peptide with high affinity for the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1r), has demonstrated prevention and reversal of intestinal and ocular inflammation in animal models. Preclinical studies were performed to determine whether two MC1r receptor agonists, PL-8177 and PL-8331, exhibit actions and efficacy similar to α-MSH in preventing and reversing intestinal and ocular inflammation.Methods: Both PL-8177 and PL-8331 were assessed in a Eurofins LeadProfilingScreen selectivity panel including 72 in vitro assays. PL-8177 and PL-8331 were evaluated in an in vitro assay using human whole blood stimulated by lipopolysaccharide to determine inhibition of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α); for comparison, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and α-MSH were used as positive controls. PL-8177, dosed at 0.5, 1.5, and 5.0 μg, was assessed in a cannulated rat model of dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS)-induced bowel inflammation versus vehicle and oral sulfasalazine. PL-8177 was also dosed at 0.3 mg/kg/mouse injected intraperitoneally versus untreated controls and α-MSH treatment in mice with experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU). PL-8331 at 3 doses, 3 times daily, was evaluated in a murine model of scopolamine-induced dry eye disease (SiccaSystemTM model), versus twice-daily Restasis® and Xiidra®.Results: Both PL-8177 and PL-8331 demonstrated no significant activity at the 1 μm concentration in any of the 72 in vitro assays. PL-8177 and PL-8331 inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α to a similar degree as ACTH and α-MSH. In the DNBS rat model of bowel inflammation, PL-8177 was significantly superior to untreated controls at all 3 doses (P < 0.05) in reducing bowel inflammation parameters, with effects similar to sulfasalazine. In the murine EAU model, PL-8177 significantly reduced retinal inflammation scores versus untreated controls (P = 0.0001) over 3–5 weeks, and to a similar degree as α-MSH. In the murine scopolamine-induced model of dry eye disease, PL-8331 reduced corneal fluorescein staining scores at all doses, significantly (P = 0.02) for the highest dose (1 × 10-5 mg⋅mL-1), and similarly to Restasis®; Xiidra® demonstrated no effect.Conclusion: The MC1r receptor agonists PL-8177 and PL-8331 exhibited actions similar to those of α-MSH in preventing and reversing intestinal and ocular inflammation in preclinical disease models

    Coe Genes Are Expressed in Differentiating Neurons in the Central Nervous System of Protostomes

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    Genes of the coe (collier/olfactory/early B-cell factor) family encode Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factors that are widely conserved in metazoans and involved in many developmental processes, neurogenesis in particular. Whereas their functions during vertebrate neural tube formation have been well documented, very little is known about their expression and role during central nervous system (CNS) development in protostomes. Here we characterized the CNS expression of coe genes in the insect Drosophila melanogaster and the polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii, which belong to different subgroups of protostomes and show strikingly different modes of development. In the Drosophila ventral nerve cord, we found that the Collier-expressing cells form a subpopulation of interneurons with diverse molecular identities and neurotransmitter phenotypes. We also demonstrate that collier is required for the proper differentiation of some interneurons belonging to the Eve-Lateral cluster. In Platynereis dumerilii, we cloned a single coe gene, Pdu-coe, and found that it is exclusively expressed in post mitotic neural cells. Using an original technique of in silico 3D registration, we show that Pdu-coe is co-expressed with many different neuronal markers and therefore that, like in Drosophila, its expression defines a heterogeneous population of neurons with diverse molecular identities. Our detailed characterization and comparison of coe gene expression in the CNS of two distantly-related protostomes suggest conserved roles of coe genes in neuronal differentiation in this clade. As similar roles have also been observed in vertebrates, this function was probably already established in the last common ancestor of all bilaterians

    Single neuron transcriptomics identify SRSF/ SR protein B52 as a regulator of axon growth and Choline acetyltransferase splicing.

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    We removed single identified neurons from living Drosophila embryos to gain insight into the transcriptional control of developing neuronal networks. The microarray analysis of the transcriptome of two sibling neurons revealed seven differentially expressed transcripts between both neurons (threshold: log(2)1.4). One transcript encodes the RNA splicing factor B52. Loss of B52 increases growth of axon branches. B52 function is also required for Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT ) splicing. At the end of embryogenesis, loss of B52 function impedes splicing of ChAT, reduces acetylcholine synthesis, and extends the period of uncoordinated muscle twitches during larval hatching. ChAT regulation by SRSF proteins may be a conserved feature since changes in SRSF5 expression and increased acetylcholine levels in brains of bipolar disease patients have been reported recently

    Mosquitoes LTR Retrotransposons: A Deeper View into the Genomic Sequence of Culex quinquefasciatus

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    A set of 67 novel LTR-retrotransposon has been identified by in silico analyses of the Culex quinquefasciatus genome using the LTR_STRUC program. The phylogenetic analysis shows that 29 novel and putatively functional LTR-retrotransposons detected belong to the Ty3/gypsy group. Our results demonstrate that, by considering only families containing potentially autonomous LTR-retrotransposons, they account for about 1% of the genome of C. quinquefasciatus. In previous studies it has been estimated that 29% of the genome of C. quinquefasciatus is occupied by mobile genetic elements

    Macrophage-derived Wnt opposes Notch signaling to specify hepatic progenitor cell fate in chronic liver disease

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    During chronic injury a population of bipotent hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) become activated to regenerate both cholangiocytes and hepatocytes. Here we show in human diseased liver and mouse models of the ductular reaction that Notch and Wnt signaling direct specification of HPCs via their interactions with activated myofibroblasts or macrophages. In particular, we found that during biliary regeneration, expression of Jagged 1 (a Notch ligand) by myofibroblasts promoted Notch signaling in HPCs and thus their biliary specification to cholangiocytes. Alternatively, during hepatocyte regeneration, macrophage engulfment of hepatocyte debris induced Wnt3a expression. This resulted in canonical Wnt signaling in nearby HPCs, thus maintaining expression of Numb (a cell fate determinant) within these cells and the promotion of their specification to hepatocytes. By these two pathways adult parenchymal regeneration during chronic liver injury is promoted

    Context Differences Reveal Insulator and Activator Functions of a Su(Hw) Binding Region

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    Insulators are DNA elements that divide chromosomes into independent transcriptional domains. The Drosophila genome contains hundreds of binding sites for the Suppressor of Hairy-wing [Su(Hw)] insulator protein, corresponding to locations of the retroviral gypsy insulator and non-gypsy binding regions (BRs). The first non-gypsy BR identified, 1A-2, resides in cytological region 1A. Using a quantitative transgene system, we show that 1A-2 is a composite insulator containing enhancer blocking and facilitator elements. We discovered that 1A-2 separates the yellow (y) gene from a previously unannotated, non-coding RNA gene, named yar for y-achaete (ac) intergenic RNA. The role of 1A-2 was elucidated using homologous recombination to excise these sequences from the natural location, representing the first deletion of any Su(Hw) BR in the genome. Loss of 1A-2 reduced yar RNA accumulation, without affecting mRNA levels from the neighboring y and ac genes. These data indicate that within the 1A region, 1A-2 acts an activator of yar transcription. Taken together, these studies reveal that the properties of 1A-2 are context-dependent, as this element has both insulator and enhancer activities. These findings imply that the function of non-gypsy Su(Hw) BRs depends on the genomic environment, predicting that Su(Hw) BRs represent a diverse collection of genomic regulatory elements

    RNA-Binding Protein Musashi1 Modulates Glioma Cell Growth through the Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Notch and PI3 Kinase/Akt Signaling Pathways

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    Musashi1 (MSI1) is an RNA-binding protein that plays critical roles in nervous-system development and stem-cell self-renewal. Here, we examined its role in the progression of glioma. Short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-based MSI1-knock down (KD) in glioblastoma and medulloblastoma cells resulted in a significantly lower number of self renewing colony on day 30 (a 65% reduction), compared with non-silencing shRNA-treated control cells, indicative of an inhibitory effect of MSI1-KD on tumor cell growth and survival. Immunocytochemical staining of the MSI1-KD glioblastoma cells indicated that they ectopically expressed metaphase markers. In addition, a 2.2-fold increase in the number of MSI1-KD cells in the G2/M phase was observed. Thus, MSI1-KD caused the prolongation of mitosis and reduced the cell survival, although the expression of activated Caspase-3 was unaltered. We further showed that MSI1-KD glioblastoma cells xenografted into the brains of NOD/SCID mice formed tumors that were 96.6% smaller, as measured by a bioluminescence imaging system (BLI), than non-KD cells, and the host survival was longer (49.3±6.1 days vs. 33.6±3.6 days; P<0.01). These findings and other cell biological analyses suggested that the reduction of MSI1 in glioma cells prolonged the cell cycle by inducing the accumulation of Cyclin B1. Furthermore, MSI1-KD reduced the activities of the Notch and PI3 kinase-Akt signaling pathways, through the up-regulation of Numb and PTEN, respectively. Exposure of glioma cells to chemical inhibitors of these pathways reduced the number of spheres and living cells, as did MSI1-KD. These results suggest that MSI1 increases the growth and/or survival of certain types of glioma cells by promoting the activation of both Notch and PI3 kinase/Akt signaling

    Asymmetric and symmetric stem-cell divisions in development and cancer

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    Much has been made of the idea that asymmetric cell division is a defining characteristic of stem cells that enables them to simultaneously perpetuate themselves (self-renew) and generate differentiated progeny. Yet many stem cells can divide symmetrically, particularly when they are expanding in number during development or after injury. Thus, asymmetric division is not necessary for stem-cell identity but rather is a tool that stem cells can use to maintain appropriate numbers of progeny. The facultative use of symmetric or asymmetric divisions by stem cells may be a key adaptation that is crucial for adult regenerative capacity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62868/1/nature04956.pd
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