28 research outputs found

    Technical Design Report EuroGammaS proposal for the ELI-NP Gamma beam System

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    The machine described in this document is an advanced Source of up to 20 MeV Gamma Rays based on Compton back-scattering, i.e. collision of an intense high power laser beam and a high brightness electron beam with maximum kinetic energy of about 720 MeV. Fully equipped with collimation and characterization systems, in order to generate, form and fully measure the physical characteristics of the produced Gamma Ray beam. The quality, i.e. phase space density, of the two colliding beams will be such that the emitted Gamma ray beam is characterized by energy tunability, spectral density, bandwidth, polarization, divergence and brilliance compatible with the requested performances of the ELI-NP user facility, to be built in Romania as the Nuclear Physics oriented Pillar of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure. This document illustrates the Technical Design finally produced by the EuroGammaS Collaboration, after a thorough investigation of the machine expected performances within the constraints imposed by the ELI-NP tender for the Gamma Beam System (ELI-NP-GBS), in terms of available budget, deadlines for machine completion and performance achievement, compatibility with lay-out and characteristics of the planned civil engineering

    The ThomX project status

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    Work supported by the French Agence Nationale de la recherche as part of the program EQUIPEX under reference ANR-10-EQPX-51, the Ile de France region, CNRS-IN2P3 and Université Paris Sud XI - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/wepro052.pdfA collaboration of seven research institutes and an industry has been set up for the ThomX project, a compact Compton Backscattering Source (CBS) based in Orsay - France. After a period of study and definition of the machine performance, a full description of all the systems has been provided. The infrastructure work has been started and the main systems are in the call for tender phase. In this paper we will illustrate the definitive machine parameters and components characteristics. We will also update the results of the different technical and experimental activities on optical resonators, RF power supplies and on the electron gun

    The energy of generation and migration of point defects in the ordered CuPt and CuPt3 alloys

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, the energies of formation and migration of vacancies and interstitial atoms in the ordered CuPt and CuPt3 alloys are estimated. The energy-favorable configurations of the interstitial atoms are determined. In CuPt, high diffusion anisotropy is revealed during migration of an interstitial atom: in the ordered CuPt alloys it generally migrates along (111) planes containing Cu atoms

    The energy of generation and migration of point defects in the ordered CuPt and CuPt3 alloys

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, the energies of formation and migration of vacancies and interstitial atoms in the ordered CuPt and CuPt3 alloys are estimated. The energy-favorable configurations of the interstitial atoms are determined. In CuPt, high diffusion anisotropy is revealed during migration of an interstitial atom: in the ordered CuPt alloys it generally migrates along (111) planes containing Cu atoms

    A study of laser system requirements for application in beam diagnostics and polarimetry at the ILC

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    Advanced laser systems will be essential for a range of diagnostics devices and polarimetry at the ILC. High average power, high beam quality, excellent stability and reliability will be crucial in order to deliver the information required to attain the necessary ILC luminosity as well as for efficient polarimetry. The key parameters are listed together with the R and D required to achieve the necessary laser system performance