388 research outputs found

    Differential, Partial Cross Sections for Electron Excitation of the Sodium 3P State

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    Using a powerful laser-based experimental method, the cross section for electron excitation of Na(3S) atoms to the Na(3P) state has been decomposed into partial components with respect to changes in the spin and angular momentum of the atomic electron, and these partial cross sections are further reduced to their differential character with respect to the electron scattering angle. Partial, differential cross sections are reported for electron collision energies from threshold 2.1 to 3.6 eV, and compared to available calculations

    Spin-Exchange Cross Section for Electron Excitation of Na 3S 3P Determined by a Novel Spectroscopic Technique

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    An experimental technique is described which enables determination of the partial cross sections for electron excitation of atoms as a function of changes in spin and orbital angular momentum. This method provides a good signal-to-noise ratio in the energy region near threshold, and could be used to study long- or short-lived excited states of many atomic systems. Measurements for Na 3S−3P, near-threshold excitation are reported here. The results are generally in good agreement with the close-coupling calculations of D. L. Moores and D. W. Norcross [J. Phys. B 5, 1482 (1972)] for the largest ΔmS and ΔmL components of the cross section, but not for the component with |ΔmS|=1 and |ΔmL|=1, indicating that the exchange interaction is larger than previously recognized

    SUSY Ward identities for multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with massive quarks

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    We use supersymmetric Ward identities to relate multi-gluon helicity amplitudes involving a pair of massive quarks to amplitudes with massive scalars. This allows to use the recent results for scalar amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons obtained by on-shell recursion relations to obtain scattering amplitudes involving top quarks.Comment: 22 pages, references adde

    On-shell recursion relations for all Born QCD amplitudes

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    We consider on-shell recursion relations for all Born QCD amplitudes. This includes amplitudes with several pairs of quarks and massive quarks. We give a detailed description on how to shift the external particles in spinor space and clarify the allowed helicities of the shifted legs. We proof that the corresponding meromorphic functions vanish at z --> infinity. As an application we obtain compact expressions for helicity amplitudes including a pair of massive quarks, one negative helicity gluon and an arbitrary number of positive helicity gluons.Comment: 30 pages, minor change

    Unitarity, BRST Symmetry and Ward Identities in Orbifold Gauge Theories

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    We discuss the use of BRST symmetry and the resulting Ward identities for orbifold gauge theories as consistency checks in an arbitrary number of dimensions. We verify that both the usual orbifold symmetry breaking and the recently proposed Higgsless symmetry breaking are consistent with the nilpotency of the BRST transformation. Imposing the Ward identities resulting from the BRST symmetry on the 4-point functions of theory, we obtain relations on the coupling constants that are shown to be equivalent to the conditions for tree level unitarity. We present the complete set of these sum rules also for inelastic scattering and discuss applications to 6-dimensional models and to incomplete matter multiplets on orbifold fixed points.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX (feynmf.sty, url.sty and thophys.sty included), v2:references added, v3:typos corrected, sec.3 revise

    Multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions

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    We consider the calculation of n-point multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions in QCD. We give the explicit transformation rules of this kind of massive fermion-pair amplitudes with respect to different reference momenta and check the correctness of them by SUSY Ward identities. Using these rules and onshell BCFW recursion relation, we calculate the analytic results of several n-point multigluon amplitudes.Comment: 15page

    A direct proof of the CSW rules

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    Using recursion methods similar to those of Britto, Cachazo, Feng and Witten (BCFW) a direct proof of the CSW rules for computing tree-level gluon amplitudes is given.Comment: 11 pages, uses axodraw.st

    Scalar diagrammatic rules for Born amplitudes in QCD

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    We show that all Born amplitudes in QCD can be calculated from scalar propagators and a set of three- and four-valent vertices. In particular, our approach includes amplitudes with any number of quark pairs. The quarks may be massless or massive. The proof of the formalism is given entirely within quantum field theory.Comment: 20 pages, references adde

    Four-fermion production near the W pair production threshold

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    We perform a dedicated study of the four-fermion production process e- e+ -> mu- nubar_mu u dbar X near the W pair-production threshold in view of the importance of this process for a precise measurement of the W boson mass. Accurate theoretical predictions for this process require a systematic treatment of finite-width effects. We use unstable-particle effective field theory (EFT) to perform an expansion in the coupling constants, GammaW/MW, and the non-relativistic velocity v of the W boson up to next-to-leading order in GammaW/MW ~ alpha_ew ~ v^2. We find that the dominant theoretical uncertainty in MW is currently due to an incomplete treatment of initial-state radiation. The remaining uncertainty of the NLO EFT calculation translates into delta MW ~ 10-15 MeV, and to about 5 MeV with additional input from the NLO four-fermion calculation in the full theory.Comment: 53 pages, v2: version to be published, inessential modification

    Massive amplitudes on the Coulomb branch of N=4 SYM

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    We initiate a systematic study of amplitudes with massive external particles on the Coulomb-branch of N=4 super Yang Mills theory: 1) We propose that (multi-)soft-scalar limits of massless amplitudes at the origin of moduli space can be used to determine Coulomb-branch amplitudes to leading order in the mass. This is demonstrated in numerous examples. 2) We find compact explicit expressions for several towers of tree-level amplitudes, including scattering of two massive W-bosons with any number of positive helicity gluons, valid for all values of the mass. 3) We present the general structure of superamplitudes on the Coulomb branch. For example, the n-point "MHV-band" superamplitude is proportional to a Grassmann polynomial of mixed degree 4 to 12, which is uniquely determined by supersymmetry. We find explicit tree-level superamplitudes for this MHV band and for other simple sectors of the theory. 4) Dual conformal generators are constructed, and we explore the dual conformal properties of the simplest massive amplitudes. Our compact expressions for amplitudes and superamplitudes should be of both theoretical and phenomenological interest; in particular the tree-level results carry over to truncations of the theory with less supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur
