31 research outputs found

    Quench Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Integrable SUSY Models

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    We analyse quench processes in two dimensional quantum field theories with infinite number of conservation laws which also include fermionic charges that close a N=1 supersymmetric algebra. While in general the quench protocol induces a breaking of supersymmetry, we show that there are particular initial states which ensure the persistence of supersymmetry also for the dynamics out of equilibrium. We discuss the conditions that identify such states and, as application, we present the significant cases of the Tricritical Ising Model and the Sine-Gordon model at its supersymmetric point. We also address the issue of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble in the presence of fermionic conserved charges

    Ensemble-based methods for forecasting census in hospital units

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    BACKGROUND: The ability to accurately forecast census counts in hospital departments has considerable implications for hospital resource allocation. In recent years several different methods have been proposed forecasting census counts, however many of these approaches do not use available patient-specific information. METHODS: In this paper we present an ensemble-based methodology for forecasting the census under a framework that simultaneously incorporates both (i) arrival trends over time and (ii) patient-specific baseline and time-varying information. The proposed model for predicting census has three components, namely: current census count, number of daily arrivals and number of daily departures. To model the number of daily arrivals, we use a seasonality adjusted Poisson Autoregressive (PAR) model where the parameter estimates are obtained via conditional maximum likelihood. The number of daily departures is predicted by modeling the probability of departure from the census using logistic regression models that are adjusted for the amount of time spent in the census and incorporate both patient-specific baseline and time varying patient-specific covariate information. We illustrate our approach using neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) data collected at Women & Infants Hospital, Providence RI, which consists of 1001 consecutive NICU admissions between April 1st 2008 and March 31st 2009. RESULTS: Our results demonstrate statistically significant improved prediction accuracy for 3, 5, and 7 day census forecasts and increased precision of our forecasting model compared to a forecasting approach that ignores patient-specific information. CONCLUSIONS: Forecasting models that utilize patient-specific baseline and time-varying information make the most of data typically available and have the capacity to substantially improve census forecasts

    QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories : challenges and perspectives

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    We highlight the progress, current status, and open challenges of QCD-driven physics, in theory and in experiment. We discuss how the strong interaction is intimately connected to a broad sweep of physical problems, in settings ranging from astrophysics and cosmology to strongly coupled, complex systems in particle and condensed-matter physics, as well as to searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. We also discuss how success in describing the strong interaction impacts other fields, and, in turn, how such subjects can impact studies of the strong interaction. In the course of the work we offer a perspective on the many research streams which flow into and out of QCD, as well as a vision for future developments.Peer reviewe

    Nationale Einheit und demokratische Legitimation

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    Absorptionswaermepumpe mit variabler Waermeauskopplung auf zwei Temperaturniveaus Abschlussbericht

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    Absorptionsmaschinen mit dem Stoffpaar Wasser/waessrige LiBr-Loesung sind zwar relativ weit verbreitet, werden aber nur zur Kuehlung eingesetzt. Die Temperatur der Waermeabgabe liegt mit etwa 36 C fuer Heizzwecke sehr niedrig. Am Institut war eine umschaltbare zweistufige Absorptionswaermepumpe mit dem Stoffpaar Wasser/LiBr entwickelt und im Labor getestet worden, die Waerme auf zwei Temperaturniveaus abgibt: bei etwa 39 C mit einem Waermeverhaeltnis von 2.2 und bei 80 C, wobei das Waermeverhaeltnis 1.3 betraegt. Dabei ist das Verhaeltnis der ausgekoppelten Waermeleistung auf den beiden Temperaturniveaus frei waehlbar. Ziel des Projektes war, diese Schaltungsvariante in der Praxis grosstechnisch zu erproben. Dazu wurde ein Pilotanlage zur Beheizung der Flugwerft Schleissheim mit einer Waermeleistung von etwa 500 kW konzipiert. Zur Ermittlung der benoetigten Waermetauscherflaechen wurde eine speziell entwickelte Rechenroutine eingesetzt. Weiterhin wurden einige wichtige Details der Maschine, wie z.B. die Loesungsaufgabe, im Labor entwickelt und getestet. Schliesslich wurde die Maschine mit einer umfangreichen Messtechnik ausgeruestet. Um auf dem Markt bestehen zu koennen, sollten Absorptions-Kaeltemaschinen und -Waermepumpen wirtschaftlich sein. Die groesste und teuerste Komponente ist der Absorber-Waermetauscher. Aufgrund der Kristallisationsgrenze der LiBr-Loesung stehen hier fuer den Waerme- und Stoffuebergang nur kleine treibende Temperaturdifferenzen zur Verfuegung. Weiteres Ziel des Projektes war deshalb die Untersuchung der Absorption an einem Rieselfilmabsorber. Dadurch sollten Erkenntnisse darueber gewonnen werden, welche Waermeuebergangskoeffizienten erwartet werden koennen bzw. wie ein optimaler Absorber konstruiert werden kann. (orig./UA)Absorption heatpumps using the working pair water/LiBr are widely used as chillers. The reject heat temperature is about 36 C and thus too low for heating purposes. In a former project, a new two stage absorption heat pump using water/LiBr was developped and tested in our laboratory. It delivers heat at two temperature levels: at 39 C with a COP of about 2.2 and at 80 C with a COP of 1.3. The amount of heat supplied at the two temperature levels can be varied in a wide range. The goal of this project was to test this type of two stage absorption machine in practice. For that purpose, a pilot plant with a heating capacity of about 500 kW was designed to be integrated into the heating system of the ''Flugwerft Schleissheim'', a branch of the ''Deutsches Museum Muenchen''. A special computer program was developped to determine the heat transfer areas of the heat exchangers. Furthermore, some important details of the machine, like the solution distribution, were developped and tested in laboratory. Finally, an extensive system to measure all parameters of the machine, i.e. temperatures, heating capacities, flow rates etc. was installed. To fit the market, absorption heatpumps and chillers must be economical. The largest and most expensive component of an absorption machine is the absorber heat exchanger. In this device, heat and mass tranfer occurs and only small driving temperature differences are possible due to crystallisation of the LiBr-solution. For this reason, a further aim of this project was the investigation of heat and mass transfer on a horizontal tube bundle absorber heat exchanger. This yields, information about the heat transfer coefficients and the optimum design of the absorber. (orig./UA)Available from TIB Hannover: F95B1771+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Temperature control of ion guiding through insulating capillaries

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    Guiding of highly charged ions through tilted capillaries promises to develop into a tool to efficiently collimate and focus low-energy ion beams to sub-micrometer spot size. One control parameter to optimize guiding is the residual electrical conductivity of the insulating material. Its strong, nearly exponential temperature dependence is the key to transmission control and can be used to suppress transmission instabilities arising from flux fluctuations of incident ions which otherwise would lead to Coulomb blocking of the capillary. We demonstrate the strong dependence of transmission of Ar 7+ ions through a single macroscopic glass capillary on temperature and ion flux. Results in the regime of dynamical equilibrium can be described by balance equations in the linear-response regime