526 research outputs found

    Probing the isoscalar excitations of 12C with inelastic alpha scattering

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    The robust (spin and isospin zero) α\alpha-particle remains one of the best projectiles to probe the nuclear isoscalar excitations. In the present work, a microscopic folding model analysis of the \ac inelastic scattering to the 2+^+ (4.44 MeV), 0+^+ (7.65 MeV), 3^- (9.64 MeV), 0+^+ (10.3 MeV) and 1^- (10.84 MeV) states in 12^{12}C has been performed using the 3-α\alpha resonating group method wave functions. The isoscalar transition strengths of these states were carefully studied based on the coupled-channel analysis using the microscopic folded form factors. A correlation between the weak binding and/or short lifetime of the excited state and absorption in the exit channel of inelastic scattering has been established.Comment: Talk given at SOTANCP Workshop, Strasbourg, May 2008; to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Evidence for <i>L</i>-dependence generated by channel coupling: <sup>16</sup>O scattering from <sup>12</sup>C at 115.9 MeV

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    Background: In earlier work, inversion of S matrix for 330 MeV 16O on 12C resulted in highly undulatory potentials; the S matrix resulted from the inclusion of strong coupling to states of projectile and target nuclei. L-independent S-matrix equivalent potentials for other explicitly L-dependent potentials have been found to be undulatory. Purpose: To investigate the possible implications of the undulatory dynamic polarization potential for an underlying L dependence of the 16O on 12C optical potential. Methods: S matrix to potential, SL → V (r), inversion which yields local potentials that reproduce the elastic channel S matrix of coupled channel (CC) calculations, will be applied to the S matrix for 115.9 MeV 16O on 12C. Further, SL for explicitly L-dependent potentials are inverted and the resulting L-independent potentials are characterized and compared with the undulatory potentials found for 16O on 12C. Results: Some of the undulatory features exhibited by the potentials modified by channel coupling for 115.9 MeV 16O on 12C can be simulated by simple parameterized L-dependent potentials. Conclusions: The elastic scattering of 16O by 12C is a particularly favorable case for revealing the effective L dependence of the potential modified by channel coupling. Nevertheless, there is no reason to suppose that undularity is not a generic property leading in many cases to the choice: nucleus-nucleus potentials are (i) smooth and L-dependent, (ii) L-independent and undulatory, or (iii) both

    Theoretical photo-disintegration of 16^{16}O

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    The photodisintegration of 16^{16}O is predicted to be dominated by EE2 excitation in the vicinity of the α\alpha-particle threshold. The reaction rates of 12^{12}C(α\alpha,γ\gamma)16^{16}O are expected to be determined from this reaction.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC-XIV). 19-24 June 2016, Niigata, Japa

    Emergence of a secondary rainbow and the dynamical polarization potential for <sup>16</sup>O on <sup>12</sup>C at 330 MeV

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    Background: It was shown recently that an anomaly in the elastic scattering of 16O on 12C at around 300 MeV is resolved by including within the scattering model the inelastic excitation of specific collective excitations of both nuclei, leading to a secondary rainbow. There is very little systematic knowledge concerning the contribution of collective excitations to the interaction between nuclei, particularly in the overlap region when neither interacting nuclei are light nuclei. Purpose: Our goals are to study the dynamic polarization potential (DPP) generated by channel coupling that has been experimentally validated for a case (16O on 12C at around 300 MeV) where scattering is sensitive to the nuclear potential over a wide radial range; to exhibit evidence of the nonlocality due to collective coupling; to validate, or otherwise invalidate, the representation of the DPP by uniform renormalizing folding models or global potentials. Methods: S-matrix to potential, SL → V (r), inversion yields local potentials that reproduce the elastic channel S matrix of coupled channel calculations. Subtracting the elastic channel uncoupled potential yields a local L-independent representation of the DPP. The dependence of the DPP on the nature of the coupled states and other parameters can be studied. Results: Local DPPs were found due to the excitation of 12C and the combined excitation of 16O and 12C. The radial forms were different for the two cases, but each were very different from a uniform renormalization of the potential. The full coupling led to a 10% increase in the volume integral of the real potential. Evidence for the nonlocality of the underlying formal DPP and for the effect of direct coupling between the collective states is presented. Conclusions: The local DPP generating the secondary rainbow has been identified. In general, DPPs have forms that depend on the nature of the specific excitations generating them, but, as in this case, they cannot be represented by a uniform renormalization of a global model or folding model potential. The method employed herein is a useful tool for further exploration of the contribution of collective excitations to internuclear potentials, concerning which there is still remarkably little general information

    Folding model analysis of proton radioactivity of spherical proton emitters

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    Half lives of the decays of spherical nuclei away from proton drip line by proton emissions are estimated theoretically. The quantum mechanical tunneling probability is calculated within the WKB approximation. Microscopic proton-nucleus interaction potentials are obtained by single folding the densities of the daughter nuclei with M3Y effective interaction supplemented by a zero-range pseudo-potential for exchange along with the density dependence. Strengths of the M3Y interaction are extracted by fitting its matrix elements in an oscillator basis to those elements of the G-matrix obtained with the Reid-Elliott soft-core nucleon-nucleon interaction. Parameters of the density dependence are obtained from the nuclear matter calculations. Spherical charge distributions are used for calculating the Coulomb interaction potentials. These calculations provide reasonable estimates for the observed proton radioactivity lifetimes of proton rich nuclei for proton emissions from 26 ground and isomeric states of spherical proton emitters.Comment: 6 page

    Higher order effects in the 16O(d,p)17O^{16}O(d,p)^{17}O and 16O(d,n)17F^{16}O(d,n)^{17}F transfer reactions

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    Full Coupled Channels Calculations were performed for the 16O(d,n)17F^{16}O(d,n)^{17}F and 16O(d,p)17O^{16}O(d,p)^{17}O transfer reactions at several deuteron incident energies from Elab=2.29E_{lab}=2.29 MeV up to 3.27 MeV. A strong polarization effect between the entrance channel and the transfer channels 16O(d,n)17F(1/2+,0.495)^{16}O(d,n)^{17}F(1/2^{+},0.495) and 16O(d,p)17O(1/2+,0.87)^{16}O(d,p)^{17}O(1/2^{+},0.87) was observed. This polarization effect had to be taken into account in order to obtain realistic spectroscopic factors from these reactions.Comment: 15 papes, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    7Be(p,gamma)8B S-factor from ab initio no-core shell model wave functions

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    Nuclear structure of 7Be, 8B and 7,8Li is studied within the ab initio no-core shell model (NCSM). Starting from high-precision nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions, wave functions of 7Be and 8B bound states are obtained in basis spaces up to 10 hbar Omega and used to calculate channel cluster form factors (overlap integrals) of the 8B ground state with 7Be+p. Due to the use of the harmonic oscillator (HO) basis, the overlap integrals have incorrect asymptotic properties. We fix this problem in two alternative ways. First, by a Woods-Saxon (WS) potential solution fit to the interior of the NCSM overlap integrals. Second, by a direct matching with the Whittaker function. The corrected overlap integrals are then used for the 7Be(p,gamma)8B S-factor calculation. We study the convergence of the S-factor with respect to the NCSM HO frequency and the model space size. Our S-factor results are in agreement with recent direct measurement data. We also test the spectroscopic factors and the corrected overlap integrals from the NCSM in describing the momentum distributions in knockout reactions with 8B projectiles. A good agreement with the available experimental data is also found, attesting the overall consistency of the calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 26 figure

    Isospin dependence of 6He+p optical potential and the symmetry energy

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    A consistent folding analysis of the elastic p(6He,6He)p scattering and charge exchange p(6He,6Li*)n reaction data measured at Elab=41.6A MeV has been performed within the coupled channels formalism. We have used the isovector coupling to link the isospin dependence of 6He+p optical potential to the cross section of p(6He,6Li*)n reaction exciting the 0+ isobaric analog state (IAS) at 3.563 MeV in 6Li. Based on these results and the Hartree-Fock calculation of asymmetric nuclear matter using the same isospin-dependent effective nucleon-nucleon interaction, we were able to confirm that the most realistic value of the symmetry energy Esym is around 31 MeV. Our analysis has also shown that the measured charge exchange p(6He,6Li*)n data are quite sensitive to the halo tail of the 6He density used in the folding calculation and the IAS of 6Li is likely to have a halo structure similar to that established for the ground state of 6He.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Influence of the Dirac sea on proton electromagnetic knockout

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    We use the relativistic distorted-wave impulse approximation (RDWIA) to study the effects of negative-energy components of Dirac wave functions on the left-right asymmetry for (e,e'p) reactions on 16-O with 0.2 < Q^2 < 0.8 and 12-C with 0.6 < Q^2 < 1.8 (GeV/c)^2. Spinor distortion is more important for the bound state than for the ejectile and the net effect decreases with Q^2. Spinor distortion breaks Godon equivalence and the data favor the CC2 operator with intermediate coupling to the sea. The left-right asymmetry for Q^2 < 1.2 (GeV/c)^2 is described well by RDWIA calcuations, but at Q^2 = 1.8 (GeV/c)^2 the observed variation with missing momentum is flatter than predicted.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Coupling and higher-order effects in the 12C(d,p)13C and 13C(p,d)12C reactions

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    Coupled channels calculations are performed for the 12C(d,p)13C and 13C(p,d)12C reactions between 7 and 60 MeV to study the effect of inelastic couplings in transfer reactions. The effect of treating transfer beyond Born approximation is also addressed. The coupling to the 12C 2+ state is found to change the peak cross-section by up to 15 %. Effects beyond Born approximation lead to a significant renormalization of the cross-sections, between 5 and 10 % for deuteron energies above 10 MeV, and larger than 10 % for lower energies. We also performed calculations including the remnant term in the transfer operator, which has a small impact on the 12C(d,p)13C(g.s.) and 13C(p,d)12C(g.s.) reactions. Above 30 MeV deuteron energy, the effect of the remnant term is larger than 10 % for the 12C(d,p)13C(3.09 MeV) reaction and is found to increase with decreasing neutron separation energy for the 3.09 MeV state of 13C. This is of importance for transfer reactions with weakly bound nuclei.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.