822 research outputs found

    Single File Diffusion enhancement in a fluctuating modulated 1D channel

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    We show that the diffusion of a single file of particles moving in a fluctuating modulated 1D channel is enhanced with respect to the one in a bald pipe. This effect, induced by the fluctuations of the modulation, is favored by the incommensurability between the channel potential modulation and the moving file periodicity. This phenomenon could be of importance in order to optimize the critical current in superconductors, in particular in the case where mobile vortices move in 1D channels designed by adapted patterns of pinning sites.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Determination of the interactions in confined macroscopic Wigner islands: theory and experiments

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    Macroscopic Wigner islands present an interesting complementary approach to explore the properties of two-dimensional confined particles systems. In this work, we characterize theoretically and experimentally the interaction between their basic components, viz., conducting spheres lying on the bottom electrode of a plane condenser. We show that the interaction energy can be approximately described by a decaying exponential as well as by a modified Bessel function of the second kind. In particular, this implies that the interactions in this system, whose characteristics are easily controllable, are the same as those between vortices in type-II superconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    On the theory of the vortex state in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase

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    We demonstrate that the vortex state in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase may be very different depending on the field orientation relative to the crystalline axes. We calculate numerically the upper critical field near the tricritical point taking into account the modulation of the order parameter along the magnetic field as well as the higher Landau levels. For s-wave superconductors with the anisotropy described by an elliptical Fermi surface we propose a general scheme of the analysis of the angular dependence of upper critical field at all temperatures on the basis of the exact solution for the order parameter. Our results show that the transitions (with tilting magnetic field) between different types of mixed states may be a salient feature of the FFLO phase. Moreover we discuss the reasons for the first-order phase transition into the FFLO state in the case of CeCoIn5 compound.Comment: 7 figure

    Feasibility of extended ultrasound examination of the fetal brain between 24 and 37 weeks’ gestation in low-risk pregnancies

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    Objectives: To assess the feasibility of identifying fetal brain structures and anatomic landmarks included in the anterior complex (AC) and posterior complex (PC), as well as the proximal hemisphere (PH). Methods: This was a prospective observational multicenter study of healthy pregnant women evaluated by ultrasound screening at 24 to 36 + 6 weeks' gestation. Six physicians performed transabdominal ultrasound, to obtain the planes required to visualize the AC, PC, and PH. Blind analysis by an expert and non-expert operator in fetal neurosonography was used to assess the structures included in each plane view. Results: In the population studied (n=366), structure detection rates for AC were over 95 %, with an agreement of 96 % when comparing expert and non-expert examiners. Visualization of the corpus callosum crossing the midline was detected in over 97 and 96 % of cases for the AC and PC, respectively, with an agreement of over 96 %. The PH plane, particularly through the posterior access via the mastoid fontanelle, enabled visualization of the proximal anatomical structures in almost 95 % of cases. Detection of the corpus callosum through the AC and PC, both proximal/distal germinal matrix (AC) and proximal Sylvian fissure through the anterior access (PH) in the 24-25 + 6, 26-31 + 6 and 32-36 + 6 weeks' gestation groups were successful in over 96 % of cases with high level of agreement. Conclusions: Inclusion of AC, PC, and PH later in pregnancy proves feasible with a high level of agreement between both expert and non-expert operators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transport properties of quantum dots in the Wigner molecule regime

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    The transport properties of quantum dots with up to N=7 electrons ranging from the weak to the strong interacting regime are investigated via the projected Hartree-Fock technique. As interactions increase radial order develops in the dot, with the formation of ring and centered-ring structures. Subsequently, angular correlations appear, signalling the formation of a Wigner molecule state. We show striking signatures of the emergence of Wigner molecules, detected in transport. In the linear regime, conductance is exponentially suppressed as the interaction strength grows. A further suppression is observed when centered-ring structures develop, or peculiar spin textures appear. In the nonlinear regime, the formation of molecular states may even lead to a conductance enhancement.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication on New Journal of Physic

    Deformed strings in the Heisenberg model

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    We investigate solutions to the Bethe equations for the isotropic S = 1/2 Heisenberg chain involving complex, string-like rapidity configurations of arbitrary length. Going beyond the traditional string hypothesis of undeformed strings, we describe a general procedure to construct eigenstates including strings with generic deformations, discuss general features of these solutions, and provide a number of explicit examples including complete solutions for all wavefunctions of short chains. We finally investigate some singular cases and show from simple symmetry arguments that their contribution to zero-temperature correlation functions vanishes.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure

    New Insights into the Anterior Complex

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    Objective: To introduce visualization of the germinal matrix (GM), external angle of the frontal horn, and periventricular white matter while evaluating the anterior complex (AC) during basic ultrasound assessment of the fetal brain. Case presentations: This is a retrospective observational study of healthy women with singleton pregnancies, with no increased risk of fetal central nervous system anomalies, attending routine ultrasound screening at 20-32 weeks' gestation. Seventeen cases are presented in which an abnormal aspect of the GM or external angle of the frontal horn or periventricular white matter on AC evaluation has allowed a prenatal diagnosis of peri-intraventricular hemorrhage, subependymal cysts, connatal cysts, periventricular venous hemorrhagic infarction, and white matter injury. Conclusion: An extended AC evaluation could significantly improve the -diagnosis of hemorrhagic/cystic/hypoxic-ischemic lesions during the performance of a basic ultrasound study of the fetal brain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Status of evaluated data files for 238U in the resonance region

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    Experimental data and evaluated data libraries related to neutron induced reaction cross sections for 238U in the resonance region are reviewed. Based on this review a set of test files is produced to study systematic effects such as the impact of the upper boundary of the resolved resonance region (RRR) and the representation of the infinite diluted capture and in-elastic cross section in the unresolved resonance region (URR). A set of Benchmark experiments was selected and used to verify the test files. Based on these studies recommendations to perform a new evaluation have been defined. This report has been prepared in support to the CIELO (Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation) project. The objective of this project is the creation of a world-wide recognised nuclear data file with a focus on six nuclides, i.e. 1H, 16O, 56Fe, 235U, 238U and 239Pu. Within the CIELO project, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) at Geel (B) is in charge of the production of an evaluated cross section data file for neutron induced reaction of 238U in the resonance region.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Laser microfluidics: fluid actuation by light

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    The development of microfluidic devices is still hindered by the lack of robust fundamental building blocks that constitute any fluidic system. An attractive approach is optical actuation because light field interaction is contactless and dynamically reconfigurable, and solutions have been anticipated through the use of optical forces to manipulate microparticles in flows. Following the concept of an 'optical chip' advanced from the optical actuation of suspensions, we propose in this survey new routes to extend this concept to microfluidic two-phase flows. First, we investigate the destabilization of fluid interfaces by the optical radiation pressure and the formation of liquid jets. We analyze the droplet shedding from the jet tip and the continuous transport in laser-sustained liquid channels. In the second part, we investigate a dissipative light-flow interaction mechanism consisting in heating locally two immiscible fluids to produce thermocapillary stresses along their interface. This opto-capillary coupling is implemented in adequate microchannel geometries to manipulate two-phase flows and propose a contactless optical toolbox including valves, droplet sorters and switches, droplet dividers or droplet mergers. Finally, we discuss radiation pressure and opto-capillary effects in the context of the 'optical chip' where flows, channels and operating functions would all be performed optically on the same device