694 research outputs found

    Pairwise entanglement and readout of atomic-ensemble and optical wave-packet modes in traveling-wave Raman interactions

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    We analyze quantum entanglement of Stokes light and atomic electronic polarization excited during single-pass, linear-regime, stimulated Raman scattering in terms of optical wave-packet modes and atomic-ensemble spatial modes. The output of this process is confirmed to be decomposable into multiple discrete, bosonic mode pairs, each pair undergoing independent evolution into a two-mode squeezed state. For this we extend the Bloch-Messiah reduction theorem, previously known for discrete linear systems (S. L. Braunstein, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 71, 055801 (2005)). We present typical mode functions in the case of one-dimensional scattering in an atomic vapor. We find that in the absence of dispersion, one mode pair dominates the process, leading to a simple interpretation of entanglement in this continuous-variable system. However, many mode pairs are excited in the presence of dispersion-induced temporal walkoff of the Stokes, as witnessed by the photon-count statistics. We also consider the readout of the stored atomic polarization using the anti-Stokes scattering process. We prove that the readout process can also be decomposed into multiple mode pairs, each pair undergoing independent evolution analogous to a beam-splitter transformation. We show that this process can have unit efficiency under realistic experimental conditions. The shape of the output light wave packet can be predicted. In case of unit readout efficiency it contains only excitations originating from a specified atomic excitation mode

    Quantum efficiency of single-photon sources in the cavity-QED strong-coupling regime

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    We calculate the integrated-pulse quantum efficiency of single-photon sources in the cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) strong-coupling regime. An analytical expression for the quantum efficiency is obtained in the Weisskopf-Wigner approximation. Optimal conditions for a high quantum efficiency and a temporally localized photon emission rate are examined. We show the condition under which the earlier result of Law and Kimble [J. Mod. Opt. 44, 2067 (1997)] can be used as the first approximation to our result.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, final version, tex file uploade

    Quantum-Fluctuation-Initiated Coherence in Multi-Octave Raman Optical Frequency Combs

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    We show experimentally and theoretically that the spectral components of a multi-octave frequency comb spontaneously created by stimulated Raman scattering in a hydrogen-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber exhibit strong self coherence and mutual coherence within each 12 ns driving laser pulse. This coherence arises in spite of the field's initiation being from quantum zero-point fluctuations, which causes each spectral component to show large phase and energy fluctuations. This points to the possibility of an optical frequency comb with nonclassical correlations between all comb lines.Comment: Accepted for publication, Physical Review Letters, 201

    Proposal for a QND which-path measurement using photons

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    A scheme is proposed for experimentally realizing the famous two-slit gedaenken experiment using photons. As elegantly discussed for electrons by Feynman, a particle's quantum pathways interfere to produce fringes in the probability density for the particle to be found at a particle location. If the path taken by the particle is experimentally determined, the complementarity principle says that the fringes must disappear. To carry out this experiment with photons is difficult because normally the act of determining a photon's location destroys it. We propose to overcome this difficulty by putting a type-2 optical parametric amplifier (OPA) in each arm of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and observing fringes at the output. An OPA responds to an input photon by increasing its probability to produce a pair of photons with polarization orthogonal to the input, the detection of which allows partial inference about the path taken by the input photon without destroying it. Thus, the measurement is of the quantum nondemolition (QND) type

    Tomographic reconstruction of quantum states in N spatial dimensions

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    Most quantum tomographic methods can only be used for one-dimensional problems. We show how to infer the quantum state of a non-relativistic N-dimensional harmonic oscillator system by simple inverse Radon transforms. The procedure is equally applicable to finding the joint quantum state of several distinguishable particles in different harmonic oscillator potentials. A requirement of the procedure is that the angular frequencies of the N harmonic potentials are incommensurable. We discuss what kind of information can be found if the requirement of incommensurability is not fulfilled and also under what conditions the state can be reconstructed from finite time measurements. As a further example of quantum state reconstruction in N dimensions we consider the two related cases of an N-dimensional free particle with periodic boundary conditions and a particle in an N-dimensional box, where we find a similar condition of incommensurability and finite recurrence time for the one-dimensional system.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Improving estimates of migration flows to Eurostat

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    In this paper we identify the current mandatory requirements and issues concerning the supply of detailed migration data to Eurostat. Using simple illustrations on immigration to the United Kingdom, we show how substantial and significant improvements can be made to the flows reported by the International Passenger Survey, which contain irregularities and missing data due to its relatively small sample size. Our general methodology is based on the idea of smoothing, repairing and combining data within multiplicative component framework
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