596 research outputs found

    Speech Emotion Recognition System

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    Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) is a research topic which has a wide range of applications. The features of speech such as, Mel Frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC ) are extracted which are uttered in the speech. To classify different emotional states such as boredom, happiness, sadness, neutral, anger, from various emotional sound tracks from a database containing emotional speech SVM is used as classifier. SVM is used for classification of emotions. The accuracy obtained in SVM is very much higher. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15057

    Discriminating quantum-optical beam-splitter channels with number-diagonal signal states: Applications to quantum reading and target detection

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    We consider the problem of distinguishing, with minimum probability of error, two optical beam-splitter channels with unequal complex-valued reflectivities using general quantum probe states entangled over M signal and M' idler mode pairs of which the signal modes are bounced off the beam splitter while the idler modes are retained losslessly. We obtain a lower bound on the output state fidelity valid for any pure input state. We define number-diagonal signal (NDS) states to be input states whose density operator in the signal modes is diagonal in the multimode number basis. For such input states, we derive series formulas for the optimal error probability, the output state fidelity, and the Chernoff-type upper bounds on the error probability. For the special cases of quantum reading of a classical digital memory and target detection (for which the reflectivities are real valued), we show that for a given input signal photon probability distribution, the fidelity is minimized by the NDS states with that distribution and that for a given average total signal energy N_s, the fidelity is minimized by any multimode Fock state with N_s total signal photons. For reading of an ideal memory, it is shown that Fock state inputs minimize the Chernoff bound. For target detection under high-loss conditions, a no-go result showing the lack of appreciable quantum advantage over coherent state transmitters is derived. A comparison of the error probability performance for quantum reading of number state and two-mode squeezed vacuum state (or EPR state) transmitters relative to coherent state transmitters is presented for various values of the reflectances. While the nonclassical states in general perform better than the coherent state, the quantitative performance gains differ depending on the values of the reflectances.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. This closely approximates the published version. The major change from v2 is that Section IV has been re-organized, with a no-go result for target detection under high loss conditions highlighted. The last sentence of the abstract has been deleted to conform to the arXiv word limit. Please see the PDF for the full abstrac

    Aspergillus fumigatus enhances elastase production in pseudomonas aeruginosaco-cultures

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    In the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung the presence of bacteria and fungi in the airways promotes an inflammatory response causing progressive lung damage, ultimately leading to high rates of morbidity and mortality. We hypothesized that polymicrobial interactions play an important role in promoting airway pathogenesis. We therefore examined the interplay between the most commonly isolated bacterial CF pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the most prevalent filamentous fungi, Aspergillus fumigatus, to test this. Co-culture experiments showed that in the presence of A. fumigatus the production of P. aeruginosa elastase was enhanced. This was confirmed by the presence of zones of clearance on Elastin-Congo Red (ECR) agar, which was identified as elastase by mass spectrometry. When P. aeruginosa were grown in a co-culture model with mature A. fumigatus biofilms, 60% of isolates produced significantly more elastase in the presence of the filamentous fungi than in its absence (P < .05). The expression of lasB also increased when P. aeruginosa isolates PA01 and PA14 were grown in co-culture with A. fumigatus. Supernatants from co-culture experiments were also significantly toxic to a human lung epithelial cell line (19–38% cell cytotoxicity) in comparison to supernatants from P. aeruginosa only cultures (P < .0001). Here we report that P. aeruginosa cytotoxic elastase is enhanced in the presence of the filamentous fungi A. fumigatus, suggesting that this may have a role to play in the damaging pathology associated with the lung tissue in this disease. This indicates that patients who have a co-colonisation with these two organisms may have a poorer prognosis

    Case Series-Open Reduction Internal Fixation With Plating Of Distal Radius Fracture

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    Distal radius fractures are a prevalent orthopedic challenge, often necessitating surgical intervention for optimal outcomes. This study focuses on the application of Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) in the management of these fractures, exploring the nuanced interplay between patient demographics, fracture characteristics, and postoperative recovery. Through a retrospective analysis of cases, we aim to provide insights into the efficacy of ORIF, elucidating the factors influencing surgical decision-making and the impact on functional outcomes. The study contributes valuable information to the orthopedic community, aiding in the refinement of treatment protocols for distal radius fracture

    Ultrasound-guided introital drainage of pyometrocolpos

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    Pyometrocolpos can be caused by congenital malformations such as distal vaginal atresia and imperforate hymen. Patients usually present with obstructive urinary tract infections, acute kidney injury, or sepsis. Percutaneous drainage of the infected fluid can help treat the patient; however, recurrence is of concern. In this case report, we present a case of a child with recurrent pyometrocolpos due to distal vaginal atresia despite initial percutaneous drainage. To our knowledge, this is the first report of ultrasound-guided introital drainage of pyometrocolpos with relief of symptoms obviating the need for repeat drainage or immediate surgery. © 201

    Peritoneal Dialysis in Dengue Shock Syndrome May Be Detrimental

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    Dengue shock syndrome is the most severe form of Dengue that can be fatal. Nonresponders to standard therapy need intensive care. This paper outlines the clinical features, complications, and outcomes of Dengue Shock Syndrome not responding to standard therapies and needing supportive care in a tertiary referral intensive care unit of a developing country. Nearly one-third die within 3 days of admission to ICU. Peritoneal dialysis predicts the worst outcomes


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    Heterosis breeding is one of the most efficient tools to exploit the heterotic response for various useful traits. The Line × Tester mating design was undertaken with seven lines and three testers were evaluated along with twenty one hybrids in randomized block design to estimate the magnitude of heterosis for yield and its yield contributing characters. The best way to utilize heterosis in crop is to generate F1 hybrids having maximum heterozygocity, thereby facilitating the identification and selection of hybrid vigor. The positive significant standard heterosis for fruit yield per plant was maximum with L3 × T1 (28.94%) followed by L7 × T3 (15.73%) and L7 × T1 (15.10%) respectively. Some of the promising hybrids have showed desirable heterosis for plant height, number of fruits per plant,1000 seed weight, seedling shoot length, seedling root length and seedling dry weight

    CO2 sequestration: microalgae genome analysis and its application of effective green source technology

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    Microalgae genome technology for CO2 sequestration is an appropriate vehicle for articulating the importance of the current need and solution for reduction of CO2 at the atmospheric level. In comparison with C4 plants, microalgae have greater capability to fix atmospheric CO2.The rate of CO2 fixation differs in different strains of microalgae. The photosynthetic enzyme RuBisCO is widely responsible for photosynthetic carbon assimilation in all plants including phototrophic algae.The gene rbcL encodes this enzyme. The catalytic activity of carbonic anhydrase achieves the CO2 generation in the RuBisCO. CAH3 gene is essential for generating CO2 concentration for RuBisCO by dehydration of accumulated inorganic carbon. There are also few other microalgae genes which involves for carbon assimilation. Genomic resource databases and several other nucleotide databases are being used for sequencing the microalgal genomes. Even though, recent advances in genomic studies are providing thrust to enhance the research on microalgal species, they are expensive and resources available for microalgal genomic studies are limited. This review article attempts first as a combined revise on microalgae CO2 sequestration in the field of basic science, applied aspects, and the role of specific gene(s) in the algal system is well defined which could be a supportive involvement of carbon dioxide reduction as “Green-Gene Technology”. This Green biotechnology could be used for Global warming reduction as well as creating wealth from the waste through valuable by-products from the selected microalgae strains in future