68 research outputs found

    Trends in childhood leukemia incidence in urban countries and their relation to environmental factors, including space weather

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    Leukemia is the most common cancer in children. Its incidence has been increasing worldwide since 1910th, suggesting the presence of common sources of the disease, most likely related to people’s lifestyle and environment. Understanding the relationship between childhood leukemia and environmental conditions is critical to preventing the disease. This discussion article examines established potentially-carcinogenic environmental factors, such as vehicle emissions and fires, alongside space weather-related parameters like cosmic rays and the geomagnetic field. To discern the primary contributor, we analyze trends and annual variations in leukemia incidence among 0-14-year-olds in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Russia from 1990 to 2018. Comparisons are drawn with the number of vehicles (representing gasoline emissions) and fire-affected land areas (indicative of fire-related pollutants), with novel data for Russia introduced for the first time. While childhood leukemia incidence is rising in all countries under study, the rate of increase in Russia is twice that of other nations, possibly due to a delayed surge in the country’s vehicle fleet compared to others. This trend in Russia may offer insights into past leukemia levels in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Our findings highlight vehicular emissions as the most substantial environmental hazard for children among the factors examined. We also advocate for the consideration of potential modulation of carcinogenic effects arising from variations in cosmic ray intensity, as well as the protective role of the geomagnetic field. To support the idea, we provide examples of potential space weather effects at both local and global scales. The additional analysis includes statistical data from 49 countries and underscores the significance of the magnetic field dip in the South Atlantic Anomaly in contributing to a peak in childhood leukemia incidence in Peru, Ecuador and Chile. We emphasize the importance of collectively assessing all potentially carcinogenic factors for the successful future predictions of childhood leukemia risk in each country


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    Ninety five lines of sunflower genetic collection differing by their ability to suppress the CMS phenotype were molecularly marked with the use of 7 primer pairs. Using the STS marker orfH522, a sterile (PET1) cytoplasmon was identified in 79 lines, which confirmed indirectly the presence of fertility restoration genes in their genotypes. The majority of these lines also have a complex of molecular markers linked to the Rf1 gene. The HRG01, HRG02 and STS115 markers showed the best diagnostic value in revealing the Rf1 gene in the examined material. The data on allelic variation of the microsatellite loci ORS224, ORS511 and ORS799 were obtained for the first time


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    The Soderberg aluminum reduction technology is associated with high pollutant emissions including gaseous and poorly soluble fluorides. Currently, conventional VSS cells equipped with a standard gas skirt and a burner do not meet the modern hooding efficiency requirements. The existing technology must be upgraded in order to comply with environmental regulations. The environmentally friendly Soderberg technology implemented with an upgraded gas skirt and a fundamentally new 4-dome gas removal system ensures daily average hooding efficiency of 97,4 %.Получение алюминия на электролизерах Содерберга сопряжено с выбросами в атмосферу большого количества загрязняющих веществ, включая газообразные и плохо растворимые фториды. В настоящее время рядовые электролизеры Содерберга, оснащенные стандартным газосборным колоколом и горелочными устройствами, не отвечают современным требованиям по эффективности укрытия. Для достижения нормативных экологических требований необходима модернизация существующей технологии. Внедрение технологии экологичного Содерберга, оснащенного модернизирован- ным газосборным колоколом и принципиально новой четырехкупольной системой газоудаления, обеспечивает среднесуточную эффективность укрытия 97,4 %

    Improvement of system exergy of chemical elements

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    The article focuses on the fact that the existing systems standard exergies chemical elements are not quite correct thermodynamically, the indicators that are negative values exergies nitrate salts and some other substances. The reason is that the three dominant components of the environment oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere and water in the ocean have thermodynamic probability of chemical interaction to form nitrate ion in the ocean. In this paper calculated the equilibrium contents of O2and N2in the atmosphere and the equilibrium concentration of NO3 – -ion in the ocean water, as calculated molar exergies O2and N2 and the air. Shown the air is the holder of the positive exergy and workability, and should not be regarded in exergy applications as ”gift resources”

    Environmentally-induced alternative oncogenesis: EROS arrows

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    The cause of the oncological diseases in children and the specific spectrum of this pathology, with hemangiomas prevailing among benign tumors (BT), and leukemia, lymphomas, and neural tissue tumors among malignant neoplasms (MN), remains unknown. The authors studied the similarities and differences of the connections between environmental factors, benign tumors and MN, as well as the relations between BT and MN. The causality of the so-called “sporadic” fluctuations in the incidence of neoplasms and their relations with environmental factors were revealed. A hypothesis of environmentally-induced alternative oncogenesis is suggested. According to the hypothesis, fetal hemoglobin enhances environmentally-related oxidative stress (EROS), leading to epigenomic regulation disorder of SEMA 7A and MICAL family proteins in the endothelium, axon growth cone, and hematopoietic stem cells

    About the role of environmental factors in carcinogenesis

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    There were found out the connections of the activity of the Sun and smoke of forest fires with the incidence of various forms of benign and malignant neoplasms in the population of young children 0-4 years old, in Khabarovsk Region, Russia. Thus, it was determined that so-called “sporadic” fluctuations in the incidence of neoplasms in the child population are not random. They are caused by long multi-year cycles of changes in the complex of environmental factors. The authors identified this phenomenon as “Alternative oncogenesis”, meaning by it the predominant occurrence of various forms of neoplasms in a certain period of time due to a change in the parameters of the complex of environmental factors. A proposed hypothesis is: ecologically linked oxidative stress as a cause of the epigenomic modulation leading to an imbalance between semaphorins and integrins that brings to oncogenesis

    Critical periods of adaptation to oncogenic environmental factors at the stages of ontogenesis

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    The study of fluctuations in the incidence of neoplasms in children give us a possibility to identify critical periods of adaptation to oncogenic environmental factors at the stages of ontogenesis. This provides additional opportunities for the development of prevention measures of childhood malignant neoplasms


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    В статье проводится исследование подшипников разной степени износа с помощью метода прямого спектра. Для исследования используется узкополосный спектральный анализатор. Опыт проводится с целью определения влияния вида износа подшипников на частотные характеристики виброакустического сигнала, с помощью чего предположительно возможно прогнозирование выхода из строя подшипника

    Связь солнечной активности и дыма с гемобластозами детского возраста

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    The study of the role of environmental factors in the occurrence of human neoplasms is an important task of medical ecology. An indicator of carcinogenic environmental impacts is childhood tumors due to the predominantly prenatal genesis of tumors at this age. In the structure of childhood oncological morbidity, hemoblastosis predominate. The link between the incidence of childhood leukemia and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the protective role of sun exposure in relation to the risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) and the absence of such in Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children have been established. There is evidence of the connection between childhood hemoblastosis and smoke of various origins. The aim of the study was to evaluate the link between solar activity and smoke with hemoblastosis in the Russian children. We used official data on the incidence of childhood hemoblastosis in Russia in 1997-2020 and data on solar activity from the site of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The generated dynamic series was subjected to correlation and regression analysis in 11 consecutive iterations with a time delay (lag) from 0 to 10 years in relation to the year of registration of neoplasms. An increase in the incidence of leukemia and a decrease in the incidence of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the children’s population of Russia have been established. The incidence of NHL in children did not reveal a significant trend. A general pattern was revealed in the form of the connection between childhood leukemia and lymphomas and solar activity, most pronounced in 1997-2008. The increase in the childhood leukemia incidence, taking into account the literature data of the role of exhaust gases in its genesis, can be associated with a threefold increase in the number of cars in Russia during the study period. The reasons for the decrease in the incidence of Hodgkin’s lymphoma require further study. To reduce the risk of hemoblastosis in children, it is advisable to introduce food products into the diet to stimulate autophagy, and transfer factor.Изучение роли факторов внешней среды в возникновении новообразований человека является важной задачей медицинской экологии. Индикатором канцерогенных экологических воздействий являются неоплазии у детей в связи с преимущественно пренатальным генезом опухолей в этой возрастной группе. В структуре детской онкологической заболеваемости преобладают гемобластозы. Установлена связь заболеваемости детей лейкозом с воздействием ультрафиолетового излучения, защитная роль пребывания на Солнце в отношении риска неходжкинских лимфом (НХЛ) и отсутствие таковой при лимфоме Ходжкина у детей. Существуют свидетельства связи гемобластозов детского возраста с дымом различного происхождения. Цель исследования - оценить связь солнечной активности и дыма с гемобластозами в детской популяции России. Использованы официальные данные о заболеваемости гемобластозами детей в России в 1997-2020 гг. и сведения об активности Солнца сайта Королевской обсерватории Бельгии. Сформированные динамические ряды подвергнуты корреляционно-регрессионному анализу в 11 последовательных итерациях с временной задержкой (лагом) от 0 до 10 лет по отношению к году регистрации новообразований. Установлен рост заболеваемости лейкозом и снижение частоты лимфомы Ходжкина в детской популяции России. Заболеваемость детей НХЛ значимого тренда не обнаружила. Выявлена общая закономерность в виде связи лейкоза и лимфом детского возраста с активностью Солнца, наиболее выраженная в период с 1997 по 2008 г. Рост заболеваемости детей лейкозом, с учетом литературных данных о роли выхлопных газов в его генезе, может быть связан с трехкратным увеличением числа автомобилей в России в исследуемый период. Причины снижения частоты лимфомы Ходжкина требуют дальнейшего изучения. Для уменьшения риска возникновения гемобластозов у детей целесообразно введение в рацион пищевых продуктов для стимуляции аутофагии, и трансфер фактора