18 research outputs found

    Towards large scale automated cage monitoring - Diurnal rhythm and impact of interventions on in-cage activity of C57BL/6J mice recorded 24/7 with a non-disrupting capacitive-based technique.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Automated recording of laboratory animal\u27s home cage behavior is receiving increasing attention since such non-intruding surveillance will aid in the unbiased understanding of animal cage behavior potentially improving animal experimental reproducibility. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Here we investigate activity of group held female C57BL/6J mice (mus musculus) housed in standard Individually Ventilated Cages across three test-sites: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Rome, Italy), The Jackson Laboratory (JAX, Bar Harbor, USA) and Karolinska Insititutet (KI, Stockholm, Sweden). Additionally, comparison of female and male C57BL/6J mice was done at KI. Activity was recorded using a capacitive-based sensor placed non-intrusively on the cage rack under the home cage collecting activity data every 250 msec, 24/7. The data collection was analyzed using non-parametric analysis of variance for longitudinal data comparing sites, weekdays and sex. RESULTS: The system detected an increase in activity preceding and peaking around lights-on followed by a decrease to a rest pattern. At lights off, activity increased substantially displaying a distinct temporal variation across this period. We also documented impact on mouse activity that standard animal handling procedures have, e.g. cage-changes, and show that such procedures are stressors impacting in-cage activity. These key observations replicated across the three test-sites, however, it is also clear that, apparently minor local environmental differences generate significant behavioral variances between the sites and within sites across weeks. Comparison of gender revealed differences in activity in the response to cage-change lasting for days in male but not female mice; and apparently also impacting the response to other events such as lights-on in males. Females but not males showed a larger tendency for week-to-week variance in activity possibly reflecting estrous cycling. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that home cage monitoring is scalable and run in real time, providing complementary information for animal welfare measures, experimental design and phenotype characterization

    Transcriptome dynamics of CD4⁺ T cells during malaria maps gradual transit from effector to memory

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    The dynamics of CD4⁺ T cell memory development remain to be examined at genome scale. In malaria-endemic regions, antimalarial chemoprevention protects long after its cessation and associates with effects on CD4⁺ T cells. We applied single-cell RNA sequencing and computational modelling to track memory development during Plasmodium infection and treatment. In the absence of central memory precursors, two trajectories developed as T helper 1 (T_H1) and follicular helper T (T_(FH)) transcriptomes contracted and partially coalesced over three weeks. Progeny of single clones populated T_H1 and T_(FH) trajectories, and fate-mapping suggested that there was minimal lineage plasticity. Relationships between T_(FH) and central memory were revealed, with antimalarials modulating these responses and boosting T_H1 recall. Finally, single-cell epigenomics confirmed that heterogeneity among effectors was partially reset in memory. Thus, the effector-to-memory transition in CD4⁺ T cells is gradual during malaria and is modulated by antiparasitic drugs. Graphical user interfaces are presented for examining gene-expression dynamics and gene–gene correlations (http://haquelab.mdhs.unimelb.edu.au/cd4_memory/)

    Transcriptome dynamics of CD4⁺ T cells during malaria maps gradual transit from effector to memory

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    The dynamics of CD4⁺ T cell memory development remain to be examined at genome scale. In malaria-endemic regions, antimalarial chemoprevention protects long after its cessation and associates with effects on CD4⁺ T cells. We applied single-cell RNA sequencing and computational modelling to track memory development during Plasmodium infection and treatment. In the absence of central memory precursors, two trajectories developed as T helper 1 (T_H1) and follicular helper T (T_(FH)) transcriptomes contracted and partially coalesced over three weeks. Progeny of single clones populated T_H1 and T_(FH) trajectories, and fate-mapping suggested that there was minimal lineage plasticity. Relationships between T_(FH) and central memory were revealed, with antimalarials modulating these responses and boosting T_H1 recall. Finally, single-cell epigenomics confirmed that heterogeneity among effectors was partially reset in memory. Thus, the effector-to-memory transition in CD4⁺ T cells is gradual during malaria and is modulated by antiparasitic drugs. Graphical user interfaces are presented for examining gene-expression dynamics and gene–gene correlations (http://haquelab.mdhs.unimelb.edu.au/cd4_memory/)

    Sports activities, body weight and smoking in relation to low-back pain : a population-based case-referent study

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    Gingival recessions represent the most visible periodontal disease. The prevalence of gingival recessions is high. The root surface is literally exposed to negative influences such as erosion, abrasion, discoloration and decay. Moreover, gingival recessions can affect the quality of life by increased thermal sensitivity and reduced dento-gingival aesthetics. The aetiology of gingival recessions is complex and considered to be multifactorial. In order to prevent the development of gingival recessions during and after orthodontic treatment, several factors should be taken into account, among which maintenance of optimal oral hygiene and respect for the 'biological envelope' are decisive. Once gingival recessions have developed, orthodontic therapy can play a positive role in their treatment. Publisher: Abstract available from the publisher. du

    Towards large scale automated cage monitoring - Diurnal rhythm and impact of interventions on in-cage activity of C57BL/6J mice recorded 24/7 with a non-disrupting capacitive-based technique.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Automated recording of laboratory animal's home cage behavior is receiving increasing attention since such non-intruding surveillance will aid in the unbiased understanding of animal cage behavior potentially improving animal experimental reproducibility. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Here we investigate activity of group held female C57BL/6J mice (mus musculus) housed in standard Individually Ventilated Cages across three test-sites: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Rome, Italy), The Jackson Laboratory (JAX, Bar Harbor, USA) and Karolinska Insititutet (KI, Stockholm, Sweden). Additionally, comparison of female and male C57BL/6J mice was done at KI. Activity was recorded using a capacitive-based sensor placed non-intrusively on the cage rack under the home cage collecting activity data every 250 msec, 24/7. The data collection was analyzed using non-parametric analysis of variance for longitudinal data comparing sites, weekdays and sex. RESULTS:The system detected an increase in activity preceding and peaking around lights-on followed by a decrease to a rest pattern. At lights off, activity increased substantially displaying a distinct temporal variation across this period. We also documented impact on mouse activity that standard animal handling procedures have, e.g. cage-changes, and show that such procedures are stressors impacting in-cage activity. These key observations replicated across the three test-sites, however, it is also clear that, apparently minor local environmental differences generate significant behavioral variances between the sites and within sites across weeks. Comparison of gender revealed differences in activity in the response to cage-change lasting for days in male but not female mice; and apparently also impacting the response to other events such as lights-on in males. Females but not males showed a larger tendency for week-to-week variance in activity possibly reflecting estrous cycling. CONCLUSIONS:These data demonstrate that home cage monitoring is scalable and run in real time, providing complementary information for animal welfare measures, experimental design and phenotype characterization

    A multicentre study on spontaneous in-cage activity and micro-environmental conditions of IVC housed C57BL/6J mice during consecutive cycles of bi-weekly cage-change.

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    Mice respond to a cage change (CC) with altered activity, disrupted sleep and increased anxiety. A bi-weekly cage change is, therefore, preferred over a shorter CC interval and is currently the prevailing routine for Individually ventilated cages (IVCs). However, the build-up of ammonia (NH3) during this period is a potential threat to the animal health and the literature holds conflicting reports leaving this issue unresolved. We have therefor examined longitudinally in-cage activity, animal health and the build-up of ammonia across the cage floor with female and male C57BL/6 mice housed four per IVC changed every other week. We used a multicentre design with a standardised husbandry enabling us to tease-out features that replicated across sites from those that were site-specific. CC induce a marked increase in activity, especially during daytime (~50%) when the animals rest. A reduction in density from four to two mice did not alter this response. This burst was followed by a gradual decrease till the next cage change. Female but not male mice preferred to have the latrine in the front of the cage. Male mice allocate more of the activity to the latrine free part of the cage floor already the day after a CC. A behaviour that progressed through the CC cycle but was not impacted by the type of bedding used. Reducing housing density to two mice abolished this behaviour. Female mice used the entire cage floor the first week while during the second week activity in the latrine area decreased. Measurement of NH3 ppm across the cage floor revealed x3 higher values for the latrine area compared with the opposite area. NH3 ppm increases from 0-1 ppm to reach ≤25 ppm in the latrine free area and 50-100 ppm in the latrine area at the end of a cycle. As expected in-cage bacterial load covaried with in-cage NH3 ppm. Histopathological analysis revealed no changes to the upper airways covarying with recorded NH3 ppm or bacterial load. We conclude that housing of four (or equivalent biomass) C57BL/6J mice for 10 weeks under the described conditions does not cause any overt discomfort to the animals

    Quantification of host-mediated parasite clearance during blood-stage Plasmodium infection and anti-malarial drug treatment in mice

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    A major mechanism of host-mediated control of blood-stage Plasmodium infection is thought to be removal of parasitized red blood cells (pRBCs) from circulation by the spleen or phagocytic system. The rate of parasite removal is thought to be further increased by anti-malarial drug treatment, contributing to the effectiveness of drug therapy. It is difficult to directly compare pRBC removal rates in the presence and absence of treatment, since in the absence of treatment the removal rate of parasites is obscured by the extent of ongoing parasite proliferation. Here, we transfused a single generation of fluorescently-labelled Plasmodium berghei pRBCs into mice, and monitored both their disappearance from circulation, and their replication to produce the next generation of pRBCs. In conjunction with a new mathematical model, we directly estimated host removal of pRBCs during ongoing infection, and after drug treatment. In untreated mice, pRBCs were removed from circulation with a half-life of 15.1 h. Treatment with various doses of mefloquine/artesunate did not alter the pRBC removal rate, despite blocking parasite replication effectively. An exception was high dose artesunate, which doubled the rate of pRBC removal (half-life of 9.1 h). Phagocyte depletion using clodronate liposomes approximately halved the pRBC removal rate during untreated infection, indicating a role for phagocytes in clearance. We next assessed the importance of pRBC clearance for the decrease in the parasite multiplication rate after high dose artesunate treatment. High dose artesunate decreased parasite replication ∼46-fold compared with saline controls, with inhibition of replication contributing 23-fold of this, and increased pRBC clearance contributing only a further 2.0-fold. Thus, in our in vivo systems, drugs acted primarily by inhibiting parasite replication, with drug-induced increases in pRBC clearance making only minor contributions to overall drug effect

    Plasmodium-specific antibodies block in vivo parasite growth without clearing infected red blood cells.

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    Plasmodium parasites invade and multiply inside red blood cells (RBC). Through a cycle of maturation, asexual replication, rupture and release of multiple infective merozoites, parasitised RBC (pRBC) can reach very high numbers in vivo, a process that correlates with disease severity in humans and experimental animals. Thus, controlling pRBC numbers can prevent or ameliorate malaria. In endemic regions, circulating parasite-specific antibodies associate with immunity to high parasitemia. Although in vitro assays reveal that protective antibodies could control pRBC via multiple mechanisms, in vivo assessment of antibody function remains challenging. Here, we employed two mouse models of antibody-mediated immunity to malaria, P. yoelii 17XNL and P. chabaudi chabaudi AS infection, to study infection-induced, parasite-specific antibody function in vivo. By tracking a single generation of pRBC, we tested the hypothesis that parasite-specific antibodies accelerate pRBC clearance. Though strongly protective against homologous re-challenge, parasite-specific IgG did not alter the rate of pRBC clearance, even in the presence of ongoing, systemic inflammation. Instead, antibodies prevented parasites progressing from one generation of RBC to the next. In vivo depletion studies using clodronate liposomes or cobra venom factor, suggested that optimal antibody function required splenic macrophages and dendritic cells, but not complement C3/C5-mediated killing. Finally, parasite-specific IgG bound poorly to the surface of pRBC, yet strongly to structures likely exposed by the rupture of mature schizonts. Thus, in our models of humoral immunity to malaria, infection-induced antibodies did not accelerate pRBC clearance, and instead co-operated with splenic phagocytes to block subsequent generations of pRBC