12 research outputs found

    Robust acoustic source localization based on modal beamforming and time–frequency processing using circular microphone arrays

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    Uniform circular array processing has been shown to be a very useful tool for broadband acoustic source localization over 360°. Specifically, beamforming methods based on circular harmonics have attracted a lot of research attention in the last several years, as modal array signal processing is a very active research topic. On the other hand, due to the sparsity properties of speech, source localization methods in the time–frequency (T–F) domain have also demonstrated their capability to locate several simultaneous sources with high accuracy. In this paper, a localization framework based on circular harmonics beamforming and T–F processing that provides accurate localization performance under very adverse acoustic conditions is presented. Modal processing and sparsity-based localization are jointly addressed to estimate the direction-of-arrival of multiple concurrent speech sources. Experiments in real and simulated environments with different microphone setups are discussed, showing the validity of the proposed approach and comparing its performance with other state-of-the-art methods.The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation supported this work under Project No. TEC2009-14414-C03-01

    The AMI Meeting Corpus

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    To support multi-disciplinary research in the AMI (Augmented Multi-party Interaction) project, a 100 hour corpus of meetings is being collected. This corpus is being recorded in several instrumented rooms equipped with a variety of microphones, video cameras, electronic pens, presentation slide capture and white-board capture devices. As well as real meetings, the corpus contains a significant proportion of scenario-driven meetings, which have been designed to elicit a rich range of realistic behaviors. To facilitate research, the raw data are being annotated at a number of levels including speech transcriptions, dialogue acts and summaries. The corpus is being distributed using a web server designed to allow convenient browsing and download of multimedia content and associated annotations. This article first overviews AMI research themes, then discusses corpus design, as well as data collection, annotation and distribution

    Visions for a walking and cycling focussed urban transport system

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    Walking and cycling can make a considerable contribution to sustainable transport goals, building healthier and more sustainable communities and contributing to traffic and pollution reduction. There have been many national and local initiatives to promote walking and cycling, but without a long term vision and consistent strategy it is difficult to see how a significant change may be achieved. This paper presents three alternative visions for the role of walking and cycling in urban areas for the year 2030: each vision illustrates a ‘desirable’ walking- and cycling-oriented transport system against a different ‘exogenous social background’. These visions have been developed through a process of expert discussion and review and are intended to provide a stimulus for debate on the potential for and desirability of such alternative futures. Each is based on the UK and represents a substantial change to the current situation: in particular, each of the visions presents a view of a society where walking and cycling are considerably more important than is currently the case and where these modes cater for a much higher proportion of urban transport needs than at present. The visions show pictures of urban environments where dependence on motor vehicles has been reduced, in two of the visions to very low levels. The methodological approach for devising visions is informed by work on ‘utopian thinking’: a key concept underlying this approach is one of viewing the future in social constructivist terms (i.e. the future is what ‘we’, as a society, make it) rather than considering the future as something that can be ‘scientifically’ predicted by the extrapolation of current trends