3,079 research outputs found

    Active Mass Under Pressure

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    After a historical introduction to Poisson's equation for Newtonian gravity, its analog for static gravitational fields in Einstein's theory is reviewed. It appears that the pressure contribution to the active mass density in Einstein's theory might also be noticeable at the Newtonian level. A form of its surprising appearance, first noticed by Richard Chase Tolman, was discussed half a century ago in the Hamburg Relativity Seminar and is resolved here.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Mn local moments prevent superconductivity in iron-pnictides Ba(Fe 1-x Mn x)2As2

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    75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments were performed on Ba(Fe1-xMnx)2As2 (xMn = 2.5%, 5% and 12%) single crystals. The Fe layer magnetic susceptibility far from Mn atoms is probed by the75As NMR line shift and is found similar to that of BaFe2As2, implying that Mn does not induce charge doping. A satellite line associated with the Mn nearest neighbours (n.n.) of 75As displays a Curie-Weiss shift which demonstrates that Mn carries a local magnetic moment. This is confirmed by the main line broadening typical of a RKKY-like Mn-induced staggered spin polarization. The Mn moment is due to the localization of the additional Mn hole. These findings explain why Mn does not induce superconductivity in the pnictides contrary to other dopants such as Co, Ni, Ru or K.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Yet another way to measure γ\gamma

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    We show that the CKM phase 2β+γ2 \beta+\gamma can be extracted from measurement of the time dependent rates in the decays Bˉ0D()±M\bar{B}^0 \to D^{(*)\pm} M^\mp and B0D()±MB^0 \to D^{(*)\pm} M^\mp, where M=a0M=a_0, π(1300)\pi(1300), b1b_1, a2a_2, π2\pi_2, ρ3\rho_3. These channels have a large asymmetry between decays of Bˉ0\bar{B}^0 and B0B^0 into the same final state. Even though the branching ratios are small, their sensitivity to γ\gamma can be competitive with decays into D()D^{(*)} and (π,ρ,a1)(\pi,\rho,a_1).Comment: 5 pages, some clarifications and references adde

    Complete list of Darboux Integrable Chains of the form t1x=tx+d(t,t1)t_{1x}=t_x+d(t,t_1)

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    We study differential-difference equation of the form ddxt(n+1,x)=f(t(n,x),t(n+1,x),ddxt(n,x)) \frac{d}{dx}t(n+1,x)=f(t(n,x),t(n+1,x),\frac{d}{dx}t(n,x)) with unknown t(n,x)t(n,x) depending on continuous and discrete variables xx and nn. Equation of such kind is called Darboux integrable, if there exist two functions FF and II of a finite number of arguments xx, {t(n±k,x)}k=\{t(n\pm k,x)\}_{k=-\infty}^\infty, dkdxkt(n,x)k=1{\frac{d^k}{dx^k}t(n,x)}_{k=1}^\infty, such that DxF=0D_xF=0 and DI=IDI=I, where DxD_x is the operator of total differentiation with respect to xx, and DD is the shift operator: Dp(n)=p(n+1)Dp(n)=p(n+1). Reformulation of Darboux integrability in terms of finiteness of two characteristic Lie algebras gives an effective tool for classification of integrable equations. The complete list of Darboux integrable equations is given in the case when the function ff is of the special form f(u,v,w)=w+g(u,v)f(u,v,w)=w+g(u,v)

    Black holes and information theory

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    During the past three decades investigators have unveiled a number of deep connections between physical information and black holes whose consequences for ordinary systems go beyond what has been deduced purely from the axioms of information theory. After a self-contained introduction to black hole thermodynamics, we review from its vantage point topics such as the information conundrum that emerges from the ability of incipient black holes to radiate, the various entropy bounds for non-black hole systems (holographic bound, universal entropy bound, etc) which are most easily derived from black hole thermodynamics, Bousso's covariant entropy bound, the holographic principle of particle physics, and the subject of channel capacity of quantum communication channels.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Contemporary Physic

    On the Geometry of Surface Stress

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    We present a fully general derivation of the Laplace--Young formula and discuss the interplay between the intrinsic surface geometry and the extrinsic one ensuing from the immersion of the surface in the ordinary euclidean three-dimensional space. We prove that the (reversible) work done in a general surface deformation can be expressed in terms of the surface stress tensor and the variation of the intrinsic surface metric

    Benchmark calculations for elastic fermion-dimer scattering

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    We present continuum and lattice calculations for elastic scattering between a fermion and a bound dimer in the shallow binding limit. For the continuum calculation we use the Skorniakov-Ter-Martirosian (STM) integral equation to determine the scattering length and effective range parameter to high precision. For the lattice calculation we use the finite-volume method of L\"uscher. We take into account topological finite-volume corrections to the dimer binding energy which depend on the momentum of the dimer. After subtracting these effects, we find from the lattice calculation kappa a_fd = 1.174(9) and kappa r_fd = -0.029(13). These results agree well with the continuum values kappa a_fd = 1.17907(1) and kappa r_fd = -0.0383(3) obtained from the STM equation. We discuss applications to cold atomic Fermi gases, deuteron-neutron scattering in the spin-quartet channel, and lattice calculations of scattering for nuclei and hadronic molecules at finite volume.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    The Measure Problem in Cosmology

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    The Hamiltonian structure of general relativity provides a natural canonical measure on the space of all classical universes, i.e., the multiverse. We review this construction and show how one can visualize the measure in terms of a "magnetic flux" of solutions through phase space. Previous studies identified a divergence in the measure, which we observe to be due to the dilatation invariance of flat FRW universes. We show that the divergence is removed if we identify universes which are so flat they cannot be observationally distinguished. The resulting measure is independent of time and of the choice of coordinates on the space of fields. We further show that, for some quantities of interest, the measure is very insensitive to the details of how the identification is made. One such quantity is the probability of inflation in simple scalar field models. We find that, according to our implementation of the canonical measure, the probability for N e-folds of inflation in single-field, slow-roll models is suppressed by of order exp(-3N) and we discuss the implications of this result.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Revised version with clarifying remarks on meaning of adopted measure, extra references and minor typographical correction

    Crossover from commensurate to incommensurate antiferromagnetism in stoichiometric NaFeAs revealed by single-crystal 23Na,75As-NMR experiments

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    We report results of 23Na and 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on a self-flux grown high-quality single crystal of stoichiometric NaFeAs. The NMR spectra revealed a tetragonal to twinned-orthorhombic structural phase transition at T_O = 57 K and an antiferromagnetic (AF) transition at T_AF = 45 K. The divergent behavior of nuclear relaxation rate near T_AF shows significant anisotropy, indicating that the critical slowing down of stripe-type AF fluctuations are strongly anisotropic in spin space. The NMR spectra at low enough temperatures consist of sharp peaks showing a commensurate stripe AF order with a small moment \sim 0.3 muB. However, the spectra just below T_AF exhibits highly asymmetric broadening pointing to an incommensurate modulation. The commensurate-incommensurate crossover in NaFeAs shows a certain similarity to the behavior of SrFe2As2 under high pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revised version to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Digitization of LAr calorimeter for CSC simulations

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    This note describes the digitization of the LAr signals, which is the step creating RDO from Geant4 Hits, as used during the production of the CSC simulated samples with athena release 12