813 research outputs found

    Ramanujan sums for signal processing of low frequency noise

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    An aperiodic (low frequency) spectrum may originate from the error term in the mean value of an arithmetical function such as M\"obius function or Mangoldt function, which are coding sequences for prime numbers. In the discrete Fourier transform the analyzing wave is periodic and not well suited to represent the low frequency regime. In place we introduce a new signal processing tool based on the Ramanujan sums c_q(n), well adapted to the analysis of arithmetical sequences with many resonances p/q. The sums are quasi-periodic versus the time n of the resonance and aperiodic versus the order q of the resonance. New results arise from the use of this Ramanujan-Fourier transform (RFT) in the context of arithmetical and experimental signalsComment: 11 pages in IOP style, 14 figures, 2 tables, 16 reference

    On the Form Factor for the Unitary Group

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    We study the combinatorics of the contributions to the form factor of the group U(N) in the large NN limit. This relates to questions about semiclassical contributions to the form factor of quantum systems described by the unitary ensemble.Comment: 35 page

    Symbolic dynamics for the NN-centre problem at negative energies

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    We consider the planar NN-centre problem, with homogeneous potentials of degree -\a<0, \a \in [1,2). We prove the existence of infinitely many collisions-free periodic solutions with negative and small energy, for any distribution of the centres inside a compact set. The proof is based upon topological, variational and geometric arguments. The existence result allows to characterize the associated dynamical system with a symbolic dynamics, where the symbols are the partitions of the NN centres in two non-empty sets

    Double exponential stability of quasi-periodic motion in Hamiltonian systems

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    We prove that generically, both in a topological and measure-theoretical sense, an invariant Lagrangian Diophantine torus of a Hamiltonian system is doubly exponentially stable in the sense that nearby solutions remain close to the torus for an interval of time which is doubly exponentially large with respect to the inverse of the distance to the torus. We also prove that for an arbitrary small perturbation of a generic integrable Hamiltonian system, there is a set of almost full positive Lebesgue measure of KAM tori which are doubly exponentially stable. Our results hold true for real-analytic but more generally for Gevrey smooth systems

    Riemannian theory of Hamiltonian chaos and Lyapunov exponents

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    This paper deals with the problem of analytically computing the largest Lyapunov exponent for many degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems. This aim is succesfully reached within a theoretical framework that makes use of a geometrization of newtonian dynamics in the language of Riemannian geometry. A new point of view about the origin of chaos in these systems is obtained independently of homoclinic intersections. Chaos is here related to curvature fluctuations of the manifolds whose geodesics are natural motions and is described by means of Jacobi equation for geodesic spread. Under general conditions ane effective stability equation is derived; an analytic formula for the growth-rate of its solutions is worked out and applied to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam beta model and to a chain of coupled rotators. An excellent agreement is found the theoretical prediction and the values of the Lyapunov exponent obtained by numerical simulations for both models.Comment: RevTex, 40 pages, 8 PostScript figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. E (scheduled for November 1996

    Beyond the periodic orbit theory

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    The global constraints on chaotic dynamics induced by the analyticity of smooth flows are used to dispense with individual periodic orbits and derive infinite families of exact sum rules for several simple dynamical systems. The associated Fredholm determinants are of particularly simple polynomial form. The theory developed suggests an alternative to the conventional periodic orbit theory approach to determining eigenspectra of transfer operators.Comment: 29 pages Latex2

    Exactly solvable model of quantum diffusion

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    We study the transport property of diffusion in a finite translationally invariant quantum subsystem described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian with a single energy band and interacting with its environment by a coupling in terms of correlation functions which are delta-correlated in space and time. For weak coupling, the time evolution of the subsystem density matrix is ruled by a quantum master equation of Lindblad type. Thanks to the invariance under spatial translations, we can apply the Bloch theorem to the subsystem density matrix and exactly diagonalize the time evolution superoperator to obtain the complete spectrum of its eigenvalues, which fully describe the relaxation to equilibrium. Above a critical coupling which is inversely proportional to the size of the subsystem, the spectrum at given wavenumber contains an isolated eigenvalue describing diffusion. The other eigenvalues rule the decay of the populations and quantum coherences with decay rates which are proportional to the intensity of the environmental noise. On the other hand, an analytical expression is obtained for the dispersion relation of diffusion. The diffusion coefficient is proportional to the square of the width of the energy band and inversely proportional to the intensity of the environmental noise because diffusion results from the perturbation of quantum tunneling by the environmental fluctuations in this model. Diffusion disappears below the critical coupling.Comment: Submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    Role of Central Nervous System Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptors in Enteric Glucose Sensing

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    OBJECTIVE—Ingested glucose is detected by specialized sensors in the enteric/hepatoportal vein, which send neural signals to the brain, which in turn regulates key peripheral tissues. Hence, impairment in the control of enteric-neural glucose sensing could contribute to disordered glucose homeostasis. The aim of this study was to determine the cells in the brain targeted by the activation of the enteric glucose-sensing system