314 research outputs found

    Efavirenz-induced urolithiasis

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    We describe the first case of efavirenz-induced urolithiasis in a 47-year-old HIV-positive patient. Urinary obstruction led to pyelonephritis and septic shock, requiring emergency ureteral catheterisation. The subsequent clinical course was favourable, allowing the patient's discharge on day5. A 7mm, radio-translucent, non-crystalline, beige stone was extracted during catheterisation. Stone analysis by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry revealed a stone composed of efavirenz (EFV) metabolites M4, M5, M8 (as described by Mutlib et al. in 1999) and approximately 50% of unspecified proteins. EFV is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor introduced to European markets in 1999. It is principally metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4 and 2B6. Of the dose, 14-34% is excreted in the urine, 1% as unchanged drug. The patient had been taking 600mg EFV per day for 3years. As EFV-induced urolithiasis has not been reported so far, we would like to draw the attention of the medical community to this potentially severe complicatio

    De novo undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma arising from a renal allograft: A case report

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    To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma arising from a renal graft. Transplantectomy was performed in a 47-year old woman presenting to the emergency room because of general weakness. Preoperative workup revealed a 5.5 cm malignant mass of the graft which was not present on routine ultrasound performed 12 months earlier. Following transplantectomy, local recurrence developed despite complete tumor resection and interruption of immunosuppression. Despite radiation therapy, the outcome was ultimately fatal. Genetic analysis revealed that the tumor had arisen from donor tissue. Annual ultrasound surveillance might not be enough effective to screen for these rare high grade neoplasms

    Post-traumatic stress disorder in parturients delivering by caesarean section and the implication of anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study.

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs in 1-7% of women following childbirth. While having a caesarean section (C-section) is known to be a significant risk factor for postpartum PTSD, it is currently unknown whether coexisting anaesthesia-related factors are also associated to the disorder. The aim of this study was to assess anaesthesia-linked factors in the development of acute postpartum PTSD. We performed a prospective cohort study on women having a C-section in a tertiary hospital in Switzerland. Patients were followed up six weeks postpartum. Patient and procedure characteristics, past morbidity or traumatic events, psychosocial status and stressful perinatal events were measured. Outcome was divided into two categories: full PTSD disease and PTSD profile. This was based on the number of DSM-IV criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV) present. The PTSD Checklist Scale and the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale were used for measurement. Of the 280 patients included, 217 (77.5%) answered the questionnaires and 175 (62.5%) answered to an additional phone interview. Twenty (9.2%) had a PTSD profile and six (2.7%) a PTSD. When a full predictive model of risk factors for PTSD profile was built using logistic regression, maternal prepartum and intrapartum complications, anaesthetic complications and dissociative experiences during C-section were found to be the significant predictors for PTSD profile. This is the first study to show in parturients having a C-section that an anaesthesia complication is an independent risk factor for postpartum PTSD and PTSD profile development, in addition to known perinatal and maternal risk factors

    Enhancement of tissue lesion depth by dual wavelength irradiation with the Nd-YAG/KTP laser: Perspectives for laser prostatectomy

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    The Nd-YAG/KTP laser coagulates and vaporizes prostate tissue. The objective of this study was to investigate the combined effects of both wavelengths and to determine the irradiation parameters allowing the largest lesion volume. Chicken breast tissue was irradiated ex vivo. Consecutive 1064 and 532 nm Nd-YAG/KTP laser irradiations were performed for different combinations (30 W/10 W, 20 W/20 W, 10 W/30 W) with variable total fluence (1200 J, 2400 J, 3600 J) and compared to isofluent single wavelengths at 40 W irradiation. The depths, diameters and volumes of the total lesion as well as the vaporization effects of the 532 nm wavelength on normal and on priorly coagulated tissue were analysed. Maximum total lesion depths (p< 0.001) were found under combined Nd-YAG/KTP (20 W/20 W) irradiation conditions. Ablation efficacy of the 532 nm wavelength was reduced after prior 1064 nm irradiation, but crater depths were increased. Dual wavelength irradiation with the Nd-YAG/KTP laser induces a specific denaturation process. This may represent a new approach to increase the depth of coagulation necrosis, and thus the treated volume, thereby improving long-term result

    50 years experience with Dupuytren's contracture in the Erlangen University Hospital – A retrospective analysis of 2919 operated hands from 1956 to 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dupuytren's disease (DD) is a hand disorder mainly among the northern population. In contrast it is rare in the mediterranean population. Therefore typical habits and dietetic influences have been discussed as well as genetic predisposition. Still, since the first description by Dupuytren in 1834 only little is known about the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease. Some hints were found for a higher prevalence among people with diabetes, alcohol abuse or smoking. Also, intensive manual work or hand injuries have been discussed to have an influence on DD. To our knowledge this is the largest retrospectively evaluated series of symptomatic patients published to date. The study includes patients from the last 50 years. It was performed to show possible correlations between DD and typical risk factors such as diabetes, alcohol consumption, and smoking.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analysed all patient records with DD documented between 1956 and 2006 in the Surgical University Hospital in Erlangen. Data acquisition was conducted by reviewing the medical records from 1956 to 2006 including data from all patients who were surgically treated because of DD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We reviewed 2579 male and 340 female surgically treated patients with DD. More than 80% of the patients were between 40 and 70 years old. In 28.9% only the right hand was effected by DD, in 25.3% only the left hand and in 45.8% both hands. In 10.3% of all Patients suffered from Diabetes mellitus. Statistical analysis revealed no significant correlation between diabetes, alcoholism or smoking on the degree of DD in our patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Most data are consistent with previously published results from smaller, comparable retrospective studies with regard to right- or left handedness. We could not confirm a statistically significant correlation of DD with diabetes mellitus, severe alcohol consumption, heavy smoking or epilepsy and the stage of the disease as described in other studies. However, in the whole cohort of our operated patients during the last 50 years the prevalence of the above mentioned risk factors is slightly higher than in the normal population.</p

    Prognostic value of radical cystoprostatectomy in men with bladder cancer infiltrating prostate versus co-existing prostate cancer: a research study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the following study is to evaluate the advancement of incidentally diagnosed prostate cancer in specimen after cystoprostatectomies caused by muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Secondly we assessed the survival in patients after radical cystoprostatectomy whose postoperative specimen was characterized by the presence of co-existing prostate cancer or prostate infiltration by urothelial bladder cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between 1993 and 2009 a total of 320 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer underwent cystoprostatectomy. The first analyzed group consisted of 52 patients with bladder cancer infiltrating prostate, while the second group consisted of 21 patients with co-existing prostate cancer. In all patients cancer specific survival and progression were analyzed. Average follow up was 75.2 months (range: 0 - 181).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cancer-specific survival was significantly shorter in group I (p = 0.03). Neoplastic progression in patients from group I was observed in 42.2% of patients, while in patients from group II in 23.6% of patients (p = 0.04). No statistical difference was observed in the percentage of positive lymph nodes between the groups (p = 0.22). The median Gleason score in patients with co-existing prostate cancer was equal to 5. The stage of prostate cancer pT<sub>2</sub>/pT<sub>3 </sub>was equal to 20 (96%)/1 (4%) patients. 12 (57%) prostate cancers were clinically insignificant. Biochemical recurrence occurred in 2 (9%) patients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p indent="1">1. Incidentally diagnosed prostate cancer in specimen after cystoprostatectomies is frequently clinically insignificant and characterized by low progression.</p> <p indent="1">2. Patients with bladder cancer infiltrating prostate are characterized by higher percentage of progression and death in comparison with patients with co-existing prostate cancer.</p

    The relationship between U.S. east coast sea level and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: A review

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    Scientific and societal interest in the relationship between the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and U.S. East Coast sea level has intensified over the past decade, largely due to (1) projected, and potentially ongoing, enhancement of sea level rise associated with AMOC weakening and (2) the potential for observations of U.S. East Coast sea level to inform reconstructions of North Atlantic circulation and climate. These implications have inspired a wealth of model‐ and observation‐based analyses. Here, we review this research, finding consistent support in numerical models for an antiphase relationship between AMOC strength and dynamic sea level. However, simulations exhibit substantial along‐coast and intermodel differences in the amplitude of AMOC‐associated dynamic sea level variability. Observational analyses focusing on shorter (generally less than decadal) timescales show robust relationships between some components of the North Atlantic large‐scale circulation and coastal sea level variability, but the causal relationships between different observational metrics, AMOC, and sea level are often unclear. We highlight the importance of existing and future research seeking to understand relationships between AMOC and its component currents, the role of ageostrophic processes near the coast, and the interplay of local and remote forcing. Such research will help reconcile the results of different numerical simulations with each other and with observations, inform the physical origins of covariability, and reveal the sensitivity of scaling relationships to forcing, timescale, and model representation. This information will, in turn, provide a more complete characterization of uncertainty in relevant relationships, leading to more robust reconstructions and projections