611 research outputs found

    Incorporation of Latino Police Officers into the Milwaukee Police Department: How a Group of Latino Police Officers Shed the Blue Shield for a Latino Identity

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    ABSTRACT INCORPORTATION OF LATINO POLICE OFFICERS INTO THE MILWAUKEE POLICE DEPARTMENT: HOW A GROUPS OF LATINO POLICE OFFICERS SHED THE “BLUE SHIELD” FOR A LATINO IDENTITY by Antonio G Guajardo Jr. The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 2015 Under the Supervision of Professor Joe Rodriguez This study examines the issue of ethnic identity and its importance to the Latino police officers in the MPD. The study also explores the relationship between these officers and Milwaukee’s Latino communities, analyzing historical incidents of activism within these communities meant to pressure the Department into hiring Latino officers. It also examines the officers’ experiences and views regarding the importance of their ethnic identities and their identities as professional law enforcers. The study also historically analyzes the organizations formed by the Latinos officers, the National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA) and their effect on the police subculture within the MPD. The study reveals that identity was an important factor in their professional experiences for the Latino Peace Officers Association interviewed. Further, the organizations they formed, the National Latino Peace Officers Association, had an impact on the influence of the police subculture. The NLPOA helped Latino officers pull away from the police subculture, shedding the “Blue Shield,” moving to identifying with the Latino community

    Lasso Estimation of an Interval-Valued Multiple Regression Model

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    A multiple interval-valued linear regression model considering all the cross-relationships between the mids and spreads of the intervals has been introduced recently. A least-squares estimation of the regression parameters has been carried out by transforming a quadratic optimization problem with inequality constraints into a linear complementary problem and using Lemke's algorithm to solve it. Due to the irrelevance of certain cross-relationships, an alternative estimation process, the LASSO (Least Absolut Shrinkage and Selection Operator), is developed. A comparative study showing the differences between the proposed estimators is provided

    Análisis de la estructura del sector agua en Nuevo León y sus relaciones intersectoriales

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    This study traces the effect of water supply on output, employment and labor income in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. For this purpose, an input-output model with emphasis on the water sector is constructed. Firstly, water is isolated from electricity and gas as these utilities are recorded as a single sector. Secondly, water is disaggregated into four categories: drinking water, aquifers, sewage and treated wastewater. The results suggest that the water sector, particularly the provision of drinking water, has significant knock-on effects on the rest of the economy, which currently are sub estimated due to the lack of desegregation.

    Impacto de la apertura comercial de México y de su integración en bloques comerciales en el mercado mundial del limón

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    This paper studies the liberalization of the Mexican lemon market in a world perspective using a spatial equilibrium model with endogenous prices. Several scenarios were designed related to the lemon market involving the countries that integrate NAFTA, and MEUFTA, and the removal of commercial barriers related to this fruit. The potential impact of eliminating tariffs on commercial flows, prices, and welfare are estimated. The results suggest that Mexico will benefit from NAFTA, and MEUFTA, as well as, the removal of commercial barriers in the world lemon market.

    Capacidad predictiva de la P.A.A. en el rendimiento universitario para los alumnos de primer ano de la Universidad de Talca

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    136 p.La Prueba de Aptitud Académica (P.A.A.) ha sido objeto de múltiples cuestionamientos acerca de su efectividad como instrumento de medición, en este contexto quisimos preguntarnos en que grado esta prueba seria capaz de predecir el rendimiento académico de los postulantes a la educación superior. En nuestro estudio se quiso analizar econométricamente la capacidad predictiva de dicha prueba. Para ello utilizamos como metodología de trabajo, el modelo de Regresión Múltiple. Se escogió como muestra a los alumnos que ingresaron vía P.A.A. a la Universidad de Talca entre los anos 1993 a 1997, considerando solo el primer ano académico para las carreras que poseían ingresos continuos durante el periodo en estudio. Para el análisis de regresión se definió como variable dependiente o explicada, el rendimiento académico medido a través de una formula basada en el concepto de Puntaje de Prioridad que actualmente utiliza la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad de Chile. Las variables independientes o explicativas estarán dadas por las pruebas obligatorias que componen la P.A.A y las Notas de Enseñanza Media. En primera instancia, observamos que no existía correlación entre las variables y no fue posible explicar el comportamiento del rendimiento académico a través de las variables independientes. Para ratificar nuestros resultados, se selecciono una nueva muestra que incluyera no solo el primer ano sino tres anos académicos, de manera de descartar la posible aleatoriedad del comportamiento del rendimiento en primer nivel. Sin embargo, nuevamente se obtuvieron los mismos resultados

    Collective oscillations of a Fermi gas in the unitarity limit: Temperature effects and the role of pair correlations

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    We present detailed measurements of the frequency and damping of three different collective modes in an ultracold trapped Fermi gas of 6^6Li atoms with resonantly tuned interactions. The measurements are carried out over a wide range of temperatures. We focus on the unitarity limit, where the scattering length is much greater than all other relevant length scales. The results are compared to theoretical calculations that take into account Pauli blocking and pair correlations in the normal state above the critical temperature for superfluidity. We show that these two effects nearly compensate each other and the behavior of the gas is close to the one of a classical gas.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Predictors of professional help-seeking for emotional problems in Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Australia : findings from the Building a New Life in Australia Database

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    ackground: Refugees are particularly vulnerable to poor mental health outcomes due to exposure to pre migration trauma and post migration stressors. Research has demonstrated evidence to suggest that the professional help-seeking among refugee groups is low or problematic. This study seeks to examine help-seeking for emotional problems in two large samples of Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Australia. Methods: This study uses data from two waves of the Building a New Life in Australia, the longitudinal study of Humanitarian migrants. The data was collected face-To-face between 2013 and 2016, among humanitarian migrants. All participants held a permanent protection visa and had arrived in Australia or been granted their visa between period of May to December 2013. The study sample included 1288 participants born in Iraq and Afghanistan (aged 15 and over). In the Wave 3 interview (2015-2016) participants reported on professional help received to deal with emotional problems. Results: Approximately 36 and 37% of the Iraqi and Afghan groups respectively, reported seeking help for emotional problems. Within the Iraqi group, associations between mental health status, namely general psychological distress and PTSD and help-seeking were found but this was not present in the Afghan group, where age seemed to play a role in help-seeking. Frequency of help received was low with approximately 47% of the Iraqi and 57% of the Afghan groups reporting having received help 5 times or less in the last 12 months. Conclusions: Findings from this study provide clear directions on areas where culturally tailored mental health promotion programs should target in these two refugee communities. Further, the differences in help-seeking behaviour of these communities should be noted by both clinicians and policy makers as efforts to provide culturally responsive mental health services