1,337 research outputs found

    Slepton production in polarized hadron collisions

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    We calculate cross sections and asymmetries for slepton pair production through neutral and charged electroweak currents in polarized hadron collisions for general slepton masses and including mixing of the left- and right-handed interaction eigenstates relevant for third generation sleptons. Our analytical results confirm and extend a previous calculation. Numerically, we show that measurements of the longitudinal single-spin asymmetry at the existing polarized pp collider RHIC and at possible polarization upgrades of the Tevatron or the LHC would allow for a determination of the tau slepton mixing angle and/or the associated supersymmetry breaking parameters Lambda for gauge mediation and A0 for minimal supergravity. Furthermore, the Standard Model background from tau pair production can be clearly distinguished due to the opposite sign of the associated asymmetry.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures; Tevatron/LHC polarization and tau identification discussed, typos correcte

    Squark and Gaugino Hadroproduction and Decays in Non-Minimal Flavour Violating Supersymmetry

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    We present an extensive analysis of squark and gaugino hadroproduction and decays in non-minimal flavour violating supersymmetry. We employ the so-called super-CKM basis to define the possible misalignment of quark and squark rotations, and we use generalized (possibly complex) charges to define the mutual couplings of (s)quarks and gauge bosons/gauginos. The cross sections for all squark-(anti-)squark/gaugino pair and squark-gaugino associated production processes as well as their decay widths are then given in compact analytic form. For four different constrained supersymmetry breaking models with non-minimal flavour violation in the second/third generation squark sector only, we establish the parameter space regions allowed/favoured by low-energy, electroweak precision, and cosmological constraints and display the chirality and flavour decomposition of all up- and down-type squark mass eigenstates. Finally, we compute numerically the dependence of a representative sample of production cross sections at the LHC on the off-diagonal mass matrix elements in the experimentally allowed/favoured ranges.Comment: 35 pages, 29 (partly colour) figures. Some typos corrected, wording of several paragraphs improved, version accepted by Nucl. Phys.

    Transverse-Momentum Resummation for Slepton-Pair Production at the LHC

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    We perform a first precision calculation of the transverse-momentum (q_T) distribution of slepton pair and slepton-sneutrino associated production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We implement soft-gluon resummation at the next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) level and consistently match the obtained result to the pure fixed-order perturbative result at leading order (LO) in the QCD coupling constant, i.e. O(alpha_s). We give numerical predictions for stau_1 stau_1^* and stau_1 sneutrino_tau^* + stau_1^* sneutrino_tau production, also implementing recent parameterizations of non-perturbative effects. The results show a relevant contribution of resummation both in the small and intermediate q_T-regions and little dependence on unphysical scales and non-perturbative contributions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The antifield Koszul-Tate complex of reducible Noether identities

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    A generic degenerate Lagrangian system of even and odd fields is examined in algebraic terms of the Grassmann-graded variational bicomplex. Its Euler-Lagrange operator obeys Noether identities which need not be independent, but satisfy first-stage Noether identities, and so on. We show that, if a certain necessary and sufficient condition holds, one can associate to a degenerate Lagrangian system the exact Koszul-Tate complex with the boundary operator whose nilpotency condition restarts all its Noether and higher-stage Noether identities. This complex provides a sufficient analysis of the degeneracy of a Lagrangian system for the purpose of its BV quantization.Comment: 23 page

    Cornering pseudoscalar-mediated dark matter with the LHC and cosmology

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    Models in which dark matter particles communicate with the visible sector through a pseudoscalar mediator are well-motivated both from a theoretical and from a phenomenological standpoint. With direct detection bounds being typically subleading in such scenarios, the main constraints stem either from collider searches for dark matter, or from indirect detection experiments. However., LHC searches for the mediator particles themselves can not only compete with — or even supersede — the reach of direct collider dark matter probes, but they can also test scenarios in which traditional monojet searches become irrelevant, especially when the mediator cannot decay on-shell into dark matter particles or its decay is suppressed. In this work we perform a detailed analysis of a pseudoscalar-mediated dark matter simplified model, taking into account a large set of collider constraints and concentrating on the parameter space regions favoured by cos-mological and astrophysical data. We find that mediator masses above 100-200 GeV are essentially excluded by LHC searches in the case of large couplings to the top quark, while forthcoming collider and astrophysical measurements will further constrain the available parameter space

    The kinetic MC modelling of reversible pattern formation in initial stages of thin metallic film growth on crystalline substrates

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    The results of kinetic MC simulations of the reversible pattern formation during the adsorption of mobile metal atoms on crystalline substrates are discussed. Pattern formation, simulated for submonolayer metal coverage, is characterized in terms of the joint correlation functions for a spatial distribution of adsorbed atoms. A wide range of situations, from the almost irreversible to strongly reversible regimes, is simulated. We demonstrate that the patterns obtained are defined by a key dimensionless parameter: the ratio of the mutual attraction energy between atoms to the substrate temperature. Our ab initio calculations for the nearest Ag-Ag adsorbate atom interaction on an MgO substrate give an attraction energy as large as 1.6 eV, close to that in a free molecule. This is in contrast to the small Ag adhesion and migration energies (0.23 and 0.05 eV, respectively) on a defect-free MgO substrate. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    First principles simulations of 2D Cu superlattices on the MgO(001) surface

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    First principles slab simulations of copper 2D superlattices of different densities on the perfect MgO(0 0 1) surface are performed using the DFT method as implemented into the CRYSTAL98 computer code. In order to clarify the nature of interfacial bonding, we consider regular 1/4, 1/2 and I monolayer (ML) coverages and compare results of our calculations with various experimental and theoretical data. Our general conclusion is that the physical adhesion associated with a Cu polarization and charge redistribution gives the predominant contribution to the bonding of the regular Cu 2D layer on the MgO(0 0 1) surface. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Top-philic Vector-Like Portal to Scalar Dark Matter

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    We investigate the phenomenology of scalar singlet dark matter candidates that couple dominantly to the Standard Model via a Yukawa interaction with the top quark and a colored vector-like fermion. We estimate the viability of this vector-like portal scenario with respect to the most recent bounds from dark matter direct and indirect detection, as well as to dark matter and vector-like mediator searches at colliders. Moreover, we take QCD radiative corrections into account in all our theoretical calculations. This work complements analyses related both to models featuring a scalar singlet coupled through a vector-like portal to light quarks, and to scenarios in which the dark matter is a Majorana singlet coupled to the Standard Model through scalar colored particles (akin to simplified models inspired by supersymmetry). Our study puts especially forward the complementarity of different search strategies from different contexts, and we show that current experiments allow for testing dark matter masses ranging up to 700 GeV and mediator masses ranging up to 6 TeV.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures; version accepted by PR

    Graded Differential Geometry of Graded Matrix Algebras

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    We study the graded derivation-based noncommutative differential geometry of the Z2Z_2-graded algebra M(n∣m){\bf M}(n| m) of complex (n+m)×(n+m)(n+m)\times(n+m)-matrices with the ``usual block matrix grading'' (for n≠mn\neq m). Beside the (infinite-dimensional) algebra of graded forms the graded Cartan calculus, graded symplectic structure, graded vector bundles, graded connections and curvature are introduced and investigated. In particular we prove the universality of the graded derivation-based first-order differential calculus and show, that M(n∣m){\bf M}(n|m) is a ``noncommutative graded manifold'' in a stricter sense: There is a natural body map and the cohomologies of M(n∣m){\bf M}(n|m) and its body coincide (as in the case of ordinary graded manifolds).Comment: 21 pages, LATE

    Towards a public analysis database for LHC new physics searches using MadAnalysis 5

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    We present the implementation, in the MadAnalysis 5 framework, of several ATLAS and CMS searches for supersymmetry in data recorded during the first run of the LHC. We provide extensive details on the validation of our implementations and propose to create a public analysis database within this framework.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, 5 recast codes; version accepted by EPJC (Dec 22, 2014) including a new section with guidelines for the experimental collaborations as well as for potential contributors to the PAD; complementary information can be found at http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/PhysicsAnalysisDatabas
