630 research outputs found

    Current-density functional theory of time-dependent linear response in quantal fluids: recent progress

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    Vignale and Kohn have recently formulated a local density approximation to the time-dependent linear response of an inhomogeneous electron system in terms of a vector potential for exchange and correlation. The vector potential depends on the induced current density through spectral kernels to be evaluated on the homogeneous electron-gas. After a brief review of their theory, the case of inhomogeneous Bose superfluids is considered, with main focus on dynamic Kohn-Sham equations for the condensate in the linear response regime and on quantal generalized hydrodynamic equations in the weak inhomogeneity limit. We also present the results of calculations of the exchange-correlation spectra in both electron and superfluid boson systems.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Postscript fil

    Time-dependent density functional theory beyond the adiabatic local density approximation

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    In the current density functional theory of linear and nonlinear time-dependent phenomena, the treatment of exchange and correlation beyond the level of the adiabatic local density approximation is shown to lead to the appearance of viscoelastic stresses in the electron fluid. Complex and frequency-dependent viscosity/elasticity coefficients are microscopically derived and expressed in terms of properties of the homogeneous electron gas. As a first consequence of this formalism, we provide an explicit formula for the linewidths of collective excitations in electronic systems.Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Non-destructive depth reconstruction of Al-Al2_2Cu layer structure with nanometer resolution using extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography

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    Non-destructive cross-sectional characterization of materials systems with a resolution in the nanometer range and the ability to allow for time-resolved in-situ studies is of great importance in material science. Here, we present such a measurements method, extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography (XCT). The method is non-destructive during sample preparation as well as during the measurement, which is distinguished by a negligible thermal load as compared to electron microscopy methods. Laser-generated radiation in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft x-ray range is used for characterization. The measurement principle is interferometric and the signal evaluation is performed via an iterative Fourier analysis. The method is demonstrated on the metallic material system Al-Al2_2Cu and compared to electron and atomic force microscopy measurements. We also present advanced reconstruction methods for XCT which even allow for the determination of the roughness of outer and inner interfaces.Comment: First two authors contributed equally to this work and are ordered alphabetically. 14 page

    Plasmon Lifetime in K: A Case Study of Correlated Electrons in Solids Amenable to Ab Initio Theory

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    On the basis of a new ab initio, all-electron response scheme, formulated within time-dependent density-functional theory, we solve the puzzle posed by the anomalous dispersion of the plasmon linewidth in K. The key damping mechanism is shown to be decay into particle-hole pairs involving empty states of d-symmetry. While the effect of many-particle correlations is small, the correlations built into the "final-state" -d-bands play an important, and novel, role ---which is related to the phase-space complexity associated with these flat bands. Our case study of plasmon lifetime in K illustrates the importance of ab initio paradigms for the study of excitations in correlated-electron systems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, for html browsing see http://web.utk.edu/~weik
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