186 research outputs found

    Research of possibility of producing of Ice cream through substituting milk protein with condensed protein (FPC) of silver carp

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    Fish is a valuable nutritional source witch use of it in daily meal has a beneficial role on nutritional needs supply and also causes mental and physical health especially in people who have protein and food deficiencies. Unfortunately, per capita consumption of sea foods in Iran is 5.5Kg which is very lower than world standards (18 kg). So, study on fish ice cream formulation, by use of fish protein concentrate (FPC) instead of milk protein, had done to make variation in sea foods products and also increase per capita consumption of these kinds of foods. FPC has very high protein concentration and a lot of necessary amino acids like lysine and methionine. Also its protein is very digestible with highly biological value and it's PER in compare with casein PER is high. At first fish protein concentrate type A produced from silver carp in three steps by the extraction with isopropyl alcohol solvent and heat. Microbiological and physicochemical specifications of produced FPC by rules of FDA and FAO were accepted. Finally according to panel test results, substitution of 30 percent of milk with FPC in comparison with 50%, 70% FPC substitution prepared (P<0/05). Also microbiological and physicochemical specifications of product were tested and results in compare with national standards of Iran were accepted

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A 165 rescues steroids, inflammation and follicle arrest in High Androstenedione cows

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    A population of cows with excess androstenedione (A4; High A4) in follicular fluid, with follicular arrest, granulosa cell dysfunction, and a 17% reduction in calving rate was previously identified. We hypothesized that excess A4 in the ovarian microenvironment caused the follicular arrest in High A4 cows and that vascular endothelial growth factor A would rescue the High A4 phenotype. In trial 1, prior to culture, High A4 ovarian cortex (n=9) had greater numbers of early stage follicles (primordial) and fewer later-stage follicles compared to controls (n=11). Culture for 7 days did not relieve this follicular arrest; instead, High A4 ovarian cortex had increased indicators of inflammation, anti-Mullerian hormone, and A4 secretion compared to controls. In trial 2, we tested if vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) angiogenic (165) and antiangiogenic (VEGFA165b) isoforms could rescue the High A4 phenotype. High A4 (n=5) and control (n=5) ovarian cortex was cultured with (1) PBS, (2) VEGFA165 (50 ng/mL), (3) VEGFA165b (50 ng/mL), or (4) VEGFA165+VEGFA165b (50 ng/mL each) for 7 days. Follicular progression increased with VEGFA165 in High A4 cows with greater early primary, primary, and secondary follicles than controls. Similar to trial 1, High A4 ovarian cortex secreted greater concentrations of A4 and other steroids and had greater indicators of inflammation compared to controls. However, VEGFA165 rescued steroidogenesis, oxidative stress, and fibrosis. Both VEGFA isoforms reduced specific pro-inflammatory cytokines in High A4 cows to control levels. Thus, VEGFA165 may be a potential therapeutic to restore the ovarian steroidogenic microenvironment to promote folliculogenesis

    Increased circulating ANG II and TNF-α represents important risk factors in obese Saudi adults with hypertension irrespective of diabetic status and BMI

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    Central adiposity is a significant determinant of obesity-related hypertension risk, which may arise due to the pathogenic inflammatory nature of the abdominal fat depot. However, the influence of pro-inflammatory adipokines on blood pressure in the obese hypertensive phenotype has not been well established in Saudi subjects. As such, our study investigated whether inflammatory factors may represent useful biomarkers to delineate hypertension risk in a Saudi cohort with and without hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2). Subjects were subdivided into four groups: healthy lean controls (age: 47.9±5.1 yr; BMI: 22.9±2.1 Kg/m2), non-hypertensive obese (age: 46.1±5.0 yr; BMI: 33.7±4.2 Kg/m2), hypertensive obese (age: 48.6±6.1 yr; BMI: 36.5±7.7 Kg/m2) and hypertensive obese with DMT2 (age: 50.8±6.0 yr; BMI: 35.3±6.7 Kg/m2). Anthropometric data were collected from all subjects and fasting blood samples were utilized for biochemical analysis. Serum angiotensin II (ANG II) levels were elevated in hypertensive obese (p<0.05) and hypertensive obese with DMT2 (p<0.001) compared with normotensive controls. Systolic blood pressure was positively associated with BMI (p<0.001), glucose (p<0.001), insulin (p<0.05), HOMA-IR (p<0.001), leptin (p<0.01), TNF-α (p<0.001) and ANG II (p<0.05). Associations between ANG II and TNF-α with systolic blood pressure remained significant after controlling for BMI. Additionally CRP (p<0.05), leptin (p<0.001) and leptin/adiponectin ratio (p<0.001) were also significantly associated with the hypertension phenotype. In conclusion our data suggests that circulating pro-inflammatory adipokines, particularly ANG II and, TNF-α, represent important factors associated with a hypertension phenotype and may directly contribute to predicting and exacerbating hypertension risk

    Effects of a multi-strain probiotic supplement for 12 weeks in circulating endotoxin levels and cardiometabolic profiles of medication naïve T2DM patients: a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: The present randomized clinical trial characterized the beneficial effects of a multi-strain probiotics supplementation on improving circulating endotoxin levels (primary endpoint) and other cardiometabolic biomarkers (secondary endpoint) in patients with T2DM. Methods: A total of 78 adult Saudi T2DM patients (naïve and without co-morbidities) participated in this clinical trial and were randomized to receive twice daily placebo or probiotics [(2.5 × 109 cfu/g) containing the following bacterial strains: Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, Bifidobacterium lactis W52, Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, Lactobacillus brevis W63, Lactobacillus casei W56, Lactobacillus salivarius W24, Lactococcus lactis W19 and Lactococcus lactis W58 (Ecologic®Barrier)] in a double-blind manner for 12 weeks. Anthropometrics and cardiometabolic profiles were obtained at baseline and after 12/13 weeks of treatment. Results: After 12/13 weeks of intervention and using intention-to-treat analysis, no difference was noted in endotoxin levels between groups [Placebo − 9.5% vs. Probiotics − 52.2%; (CI − 0.05 to 0.36; p = 0.15)]. Compared with the placebo group however, participants in the probiotics groups had a significant but modest improvement in WHR [Placebo 0.0% vs. Probiotics 1.11%; (CI − 0.12 to − 0.01; p = 0.02)] as well as a clinically significant improvement in HOMA-IR [Placebo − 12.2% vs. Probiotics − 60.4%; (CI − 0.34 to − 0.01; p = 0.04)]. Conclusion: Using a multi-strain probiotic supplement daily for 12/13 weeks significantly improved HOMA-IR and modestly reduced abdominal adiposity among medication naïve T2DM patients

    Does morbid obesity influence perioperative outcomes after video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer? Analysis of the Italian VATS group registry

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    Objectives: Obesity in Europe, and worldwide, has been an increasing epidemic during the past decades. Moreover, obesity has important implications regarding technical issues and the risks associated with surgical interventions. Nevertheless, there is a lack of evidence assessing the influence of obesity on video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy results. Our study aimed to assess the impact of morbid obesity on perioperative clinical and oncological outcomes after VATS lobectomy using a prospectively maintained nationwide registry. Methods: The Italian VATS lobectomy Registry was used to collect all consecutive cases from 55 Institutions. Explored outcome parameters were conversion to thoracotomy rates, complication rates, intra-operative blood loss, surgical time, hospital postoperative length of stay, chest tube duration, number of harvested lymph-node, and surgical margin positivity. Results: From 2016 to 2019, a total of 4412 patients were collected. 74 patients present morbid obesity (1.7%). Multivariable-adjusted analysis showed that morbid obesity was associated with a higher rate of complications (32.8% vs 20.3%), but it was not associated with a higher rate of conversion, and surgical margin positivity rates. Moreover, morbid obesity patients benefit from an equivalent surgical time, lymph-node retrieval, intraoperative blood loss, hospital postoperative length of stay, and chest tube duration than non-morbid obese patients. The most frequent postoperative complications in morbidly obese patients were pulmonary-related (35%). Conclusion: Our results showed that VATS lobectomy could be safely and satisfactorily conducted even in morbidly obese patients, without an increase in conversion rate, blood loss, surgical time, hospital postoperative length of stay, and chest tube duration. Moreover, short-term oncological outcomes were preserved

    C3 Peptide Promotes Axonal Regeneration and Functional Motor Recovery after Peripheral Nerve Injury

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    Peripheral nerve injuries are frequently seen in trauma patients and due to delayed nerve repair, lifelong disabilities often follow this type of injury. Innovative therapies are needed to facilitate and expedite peripheral nerve regeneration. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a 1-time topical application of a 26-amino-acid fragment (C3156-181), derived from the Clostridium botulinum C3-exoenzyme, on peripheral nerve regeneration in 2 models of nerve injury and repair in adult rats. After sciatic nerve crush, different dosages of C3156-181 dissolved in buffer or reference solutions (nerve growth factor or C3bot-wild-type protein) or vehicle-only were injected through an epineurial opening into the lesion sites. After 10-mm nerve autotransplantation, either 8.0 nmol/kg C3156-181 or vehicle were injected into the proximal and distal suture sites. For a period of 3 to 10 postoperative weeks, C3156-181-treated animals showed a faster motor recovery than control animals. After crush injury, axonal outgrowth and elongation were activated and consequently resulted in faster motor recovery. The nerve autotransplantation model further elucidated that C3156-181 treatment accounts for better axonal elongation into motor targets and reduced axonal sprouting, which are followed by enhanced axonal maturation and better axonal functionality. The effects of C3156-181 are likely caused by a nonenzymatic down-regulation of active RhoA. Our results indicate the potential of C3156-181 as a therapeutic agent for the topical treatment of peripheral nerve repair sites

    Novi analitički pristup sa smanjenom potrošnjom organskih otapala u spektrofotometrijskoj analizi temeljenoj na prijenosu naboja: Primjena u analizi nekih antihipertenziva

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    The present study describes the development of a novel analytical approach that can reduce by 50-fold the consumption of organic solvents in the charge transfer (CT)-based spectrophotometric analysis. The proposed approach employed 96-microwell assay plates for carrying out the reaction. The CT reaction between the electron-donating analyte and electron-accepting reagent was performed in microwells (200-µL of organic solvent) and the color signals were measured with a microwell-plate reader. Optimum conditions for the proposed approach were established for two antihypertensive drugs, namely ramipril (RML) and lisinopril (LSL) as model compounds for the electron-donating analytes, and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) as a -electron acceptor. Under the optimum conditions, Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of 6–100 and 6–60 g mL1 for RML and LSL, respectively. The limits of detection were 0.97 and 1.10 g mL1 for RML and LSL, respectively. The precision of the methods was satisfactory; the values of relative standard deviations did not exceed 1.1 %. The proposed approach was successfully applied to the analysis of pharmaceutical dosage forms with good accuracy and precision. The results were comparable with those of the reported methods. The approach described herein is of great practical value in pharmaceutical analysis because it reduces the exposure of analysts to the toxic effects of organic solvents, lowers the analysis cost by 50-fold, and it has a high throughput property. Although the approach was validated for RML and LSL, the same methodology could be used for any electron-donating analyte for which a CT-reaction can be performed.U radu je opisan razvoj novog analitičkog pristupa koji 50 puta smanjuje potrošnju organskih otapala u spektrofotometrijskoj analizi na bazi prijenosa naboja (CT). Predložena metoda koristi ploče s 96 jažica za izvođenje analize. CT reakcije između elektron-donora i elektron-akceptora izvodi se u jažicama s 200-µL organskog otapala. Promjene boje mjere se pomoću posebnog mikročitača za ploče s jažicama. Određeni su optimalni uvjeti za dva antihipertenzivna lijeka, ramipril (RML) i lizinopril (LSL) koji su upotrebljeni kao modelni spojevi za elektron-donorske analite, i 2,3-diklor-5,6-dicijano-1,4-benzokinon (DDQ) kao -elektronski akceptor. U optimalnim uvjetima Beerov zakon je vrijedio u koncentracijskom području 6–100 i 6–60 g mL1 za RML, odnosno LSL. Granice detekcije bile su 0,97 i 1,1 g mL1 za RML, odnosno LSL. Preciznost metode bila je zadovoljavajuća, a relativna standardna devijacija bila je manja od 1,1 %. Predložena metoda uspješno je primijenjena za analizu doziranih farmaceutskih pripravaka koji sadrže ispitivane lijekove, uz dobru točnost i preciznost. Rezultati predložene metode usporedivi su s rezultatima poznatih metoda. Postupak opisan u ovom radu vrlo je praktičan: analitičari su manje izloženi toksičnim učincima organskih otapala, troškovi analize smanjeni su 50 puta, a također ju odlikuje visoka propusnost. Iako je postupak validiran za RML i LSL, ista metoda može se upotrijebiti za elektron-donirajući analit koji ulazi u CT reakciju

    Attenuation of Age-Related Metabolic Dysfunction in Mice With a Targeted Disruption of the Cβ Subunit of Protein Kinase A

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    The cyclic adenosine monophosphate–dependent protein kinase A (PKA) pathway helps regulate both cell growth and division, and triglyceride storage and metabolism in response to nutrient status. Studies in yeast show that disruption of this pathway promotes longevity in a manner similar to caloric restriction. Because PKA is highly conserved, it can be studied in mammalian systems. This report describes the metabolic phenotype of mice lacking the PKA catalytic subunit Cβ. We confirmed that Cβ has high levels of expression in the brain but also showed moderate levels in liver. Cβ-null animals had reduced basal PKA activity while appearing overtly normal when fed standard rodent chow. However, the absence of Cβ protected mice from diet-induced obesity, steatosis, dyslipoproteinemia, and insulin resistance, without any differences in caloric intake or locomotor activity. These findings have relevant pharmacological implications because aging in mammals is characterized by metabolic decline associated with obesity, altered body fat distribution, and insulin resistance