295 research outputs found

    Dynamical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory of Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates at Finite Temperature

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    We present a method utilizing the continuity equation for the condensate density to make predictions of the precessional frequency of single off-axis vortices and of vortex arrays in Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature. We also present an orthogonalized Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) formalism. We solve the continuity equation for the condensate density self-consistently with the orthogonalized HFB equations, and find stationary solutions in the frame rotating at this frequency. As an example of the utility of this formalism we obtain time-independent solutions for quasi-two-dimensional rotating systems in the co-rotating frame. We compare these results with time-dependent predictions where we simulate stirring of the condensate.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Nonlinear physics of the ionosphere and LOIS/LOFAR

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    The ionosphere is the only large-scale plasma laboratory without walls that we have direct access to. From results obtained in systematic, repeatable experiments in this natural laboratory, where we can vary the stimulus and observe its response in a controlled, repeatable manner, we can draw conclusions on similar physical processes occurring naturally in the Earth's plasma environment as well as in parts of the plasma universe that are not easily accessible to direct probing. Of particular interest is electromagnetic turbulence excited in the ionosphere by beams of particles (photons, electrons) and its manifestation in terms of secondary radiation (electrostatic and electromagnetic waves), structure formation (solitons, cavitons, alfveons, striations), and the associated exchange of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum. We present a new diagnostic technique, based on vector radio allowing the utilization of EM angular momentum (vorticity), to study plasma turbulence remotely.Comment: Six pages, two figures. To appear in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Tools in the orbit space approach to the study of invariant functions: rational parametrization of strata

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    Functions which are equivariant or invariant under the transformations of a compact linear group GG acting in an euclidean space n\real^n, can profitably be studied as functions defined in the orbit space of the group. The orbit space is the union of a finite set of strata, which are semialgebraic manifolds formed by the GG-orbits with the same orbit-type. In this paper we provide a simple recipe to obtain rational parametrizations of the strata. Our results can be easily exploited, in many physical contexts where the study of equivariant or invariant functions is important, for instance in the determination of patterns of spontaneous symmetry breaking, in the analysis of phase spaces and structural phase transitions (Landau theory), in equivariant bifurcation theory, in crystal field theory and in most areas where use is made of symmetry adapted functions. A physically significant example of utilization of the recipe is given, related to spontaneous polarization in chiral biaxial liquid crystals, where the advantages with respect to previous heuristic approaches are shown.Comment: Figures generated through texdraw package; revised version appearing in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Noether symmetries for two-dimensional charged particle motion

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    We find the Noether point symmetries for non-relativistic two-dimensional charged particle motion. These symmetries are composed of a quasi-invariance transformation, a time-dependent rotation and a time-dependent spatial translation. The associated electromagnetic field satisfy a system of first-order linear partial differential equations. This system is solved exactly, yielding three classes of electromagnetic fields compatible with Noether point symmetries. The corresponding Noether invariants are derived and interpreted

    Symmetry, singularities and integrability in complex dynamics III: approximate symmetries and invariants

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    The different natures of approximate symmetries and their corresponding first integrals/invariants are delineated in the contexts of both Lie symmetries of ordinary differential equations and Noether symmetries of the Action Integral. Particular note is taken of the effect of taking higher orders of the perturbation parameter. Approximate symmetries of approximate first integrals/invariants and the problems of calculating them using the Lie method are considered

    Utilization of photon orbital angular momentum in the low-frequency radio domain

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    We show numerically that vector antenna arrays can generate radio beams which exhibit spin and orbital angular momentum characteristics similar to those of helical Laguerre-Gauss laser beams in paraxial optics. For low frequencies (< 1 GHz), digital techniques can be used to coherently measure the instantaneous, local field vectors and to manipulate them in software. This opens up for new types of experiments that go beyond those currently possible to perform in optics, for information-rich radio physics applications such as radio astronomy, and for novel wireless communication concepts.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Changed title, identical to the paper published in PR

    On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number

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    Known results on the generalized Davenport constant related to zero-sum sequences over a finite abelian group are extended to the generalized Noether number related to the rings of polynomial invariants of an arbitrary finite group. An improved general upper bound is given on the degrees of polynomial invariants of a non-cyclic finite group which cut out the zero vector.Comment: 14 page

    On the classical central charge

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    In the canonical formulation of a classical field theory, symmetry properties are encoded in the Poisson bracket algebra, which may have a central term. Starting from this well understood canonical structure, we derive the related Lagrangian form of the central term.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX, no figures; introduction improved, a few references adde

    From Lagrangian to Quantum Mechanics with Symmetries

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    We present an old and regretfully forgotten method by Jacobi which allows one to find many Lagrangians of simple classical models and also of nonconservative systems. We underline that the knowledge of Lie symmetries generates Jacobi last multipliers and each of the latter yields a Lagrangian. Then it is shown that Noether's theorem can identify among those Lagrangians the physical Lagrangian(s) that will successfully lead to quantization. The preservation of the Noether symmetries as Lie symmetries of the corresponding Schr\"odinger equation is the key that takes classical mechanics into quantum mechanics. Some examples are presented.Comment: To appear in: Proceedings of Symmetries in Science XV, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2012

    Conserved Quantities in f(R)f(R) Gravity via Noether Symmetry

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    This paper is devoted to investigate f(R)f(R) gravity using Noether symmetry approach. For this purpose, we consider Friedmann Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe and spherically symmetric spacetimes. The Noether symmetry generators are evaluated for some specific choice of f(R)f(R) models in the presence of gauge term. Further, we calculate the corresponding conserved quantities in each case. Moreover, the importance and stability criteria of these models are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Chin. Phys. Let