831 research outputs found

    Oxygen diffusion and reactivity at low temperature on bare amorphous olivine-type silicate

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    The mobility of O atoms at very low temperatures is not generally taken into account, despite O diffusion would add to a series of processes leading to the observed rich molecular diversity in space. We present a study of the mobility and reactivity of O atoms on an amorphous silicate surface. Our results are in the form of RAIRS and temperature-programmed desorption spectra of O2 and O3 produced via two pathways: O + O and O2 + O, investigated in a submonolayer regime and in the range of temperature between 6.5 and 30 K. All the experiments show that ozone is formed efficiently on silicate at any surface temperature between 6.5 and 30 K. The derived upper limit for the activation barriers of O + O and O2 + O reactions is 150 K/kb. Ozone formation at low temperatures indicates that fast diffusion of O atoms is at play even at 6.5 K. Through a series of rate equations included in our model, we also address the reaction mechanisms and show that neither the Eley Rideal nor the Hot atom mechanisms alone can explain the experimental values. The rate of diffusion of O atoms, based on modeling results, is much higher than the one generally expected, and the diffusive process proceeds via the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism enhanced by tunnelling. In fact, quantum effects turn out to be a key factor that cannot be neglected in our simulations. Astrophysically, efficient O3 formation on interstellar dust grains would imply the presence of huge reservoirs of oxygen atoms. Since O3 is a reservoir of elementary oxygen, and also of OH via its hydrogenation, it could explain the observed concomitance of CO2 and H2O in the ices.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Planning and design support tools for walkability: a guide for urban analysts

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    We present a survey of operational methods for walkability analysis and evaluation, which we hold to show promise as decision-support tools for sustainability-oriented planning and urban design. An initial overview of the literature revealed a subdivision of walkability studies into three main lines of research: transport and land use, urban health, and livable cities. A further selection of articles from the Scopus and Web of Science databases focused on scientific papers that deal with walkability evaluation methods and their suitability as planning and decision-support tools. This led to the definition of a taxonomy to systematize and compare the methods with regard to factors of walkability, scale of analysis, attention on profiling, aggregation methods, spatialization and sources of data used for calibration and validation. The proposed systematization aspires to offer to non-specialist but competent urban analysts a guide and an orienteering, to help them integrate walkability analysis and evaluation into their research and practice

    Structural pattern and functional correlations of the long bone diaphyses intracortical vascular system: investigation carried out with China ink perfusion and multiplanar analysis in the rabbit femur.

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    The intracortical vessel system of the rabbit femur has been studied after perfusion of the vascular tree with a water solution of dye (China ink) with multiplanar analysis. This method utilizes the full depth of field of the microscope objectives focusing different planes of the thick cortex. The microscopic observation even if restricted to a limited volume of cortex allowed to differentiate true 3-D nodes (54.5%) from the superimposition of vessels lying on different planes. The network model with elongated meshes preferentially oriented along the longitudinal axis of the diaphysis in his static configuration is not very different from the vascular anatomy depicted in the 2-D traditional models; however, the semi-quantitative morphometric analysis applied to the former supported the notion of a multidirectional microvascular network allowing change of flow according to the functional requirements. Other peculiar aspects not previously reported were cutting cone loops, blind-end and short-radius-bent vessels, and button-holes figures. The network design and node distribution were consistent with the straight trajectory of the secondary remodeling, with the proximal-to-distal and distal-to-proximal advancement directions of the cutting cones and with two main modes of node formation, namely bifurcation of the cutting cone and interception with pre-existing canals. The general organization of the network and its uninterrupted transformation during bone modeling and remodeling suggested a substantial plasticity of the intracortical vascular system capable to adapt itself to the changeable haemodynamic conditions

    Shell-supported footbridges

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    Architects and engineers have been always attracted by concrete shell structures due to their high efficiency and plastic shapes. In this paper the possibility to use concrete shells to support footbridges is explored. Starting from Musmeci's fundamental research andwork in shell bridge design, the use of numerical formfinding methods is analysed. The form-finding of a shellsupported footbridge shaped following Musmeci's work is first introduced. Coupling Musmeci's and Nervi's experiences, an easy construction method using a stay-inplace ferrocement formwork is proposed. Moreover, the advantage of inserting holes in the shell through topology optimization to remove less exploited concrete has been considered. Curved shell-supported footbridges have been also studied, and the possibility of supporting the deck with the shell top edge, that is along a single curve only, has been investigated. The form-finding of curved shell-supported footbridges has been performed using a Particle-Spring System and Thrust Network Analysis. Finally, the form-finding of curved shell-supported footbridges subjected to both vertical and horizontal forces (i.e. earthquake action) has been implemented

    Molecular Hydrogen Formation on Low Temperature Surfaces in Temperature Programmed Desorption Experiments

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    The study of the formation of molecular hydrogen on low temperature surfaces is of interest both because it allows to explore elementary steps in the heterogeneous catalysis of a simple molecule and because of the applications in astrochemistry. Here we report results of experiments of molecular hydrogen formation on amorphous silicate surfaces using temperature-programmed desorption (TPD). In these experiments beams of H and D atoms are irradiated on the surface of an amorphous silicate sample. The desorption rate of HD molecules is monitored using a mass spectrometer during a subsequent TPD run. The results are analyzed using rate equations and the activation energies of the processes leading to molecular hydrogen formation are obtained from the TPD data. We show that a model based on a single isotope provides the correct results for the activation energies for diffusion and desorption of H atoms. These results can thus be used to evaluate the formation rate of H_2 on dust grains under the actual conditions present in interstellar clouds.Comment: 30 pages, 1 table, 6 figures. Published versio

    Walkability and street intersections in rural-urban fringes: a decision aiding evaluation procedure

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    We propose a decision-aiding evaluation procedure (i) for classifying road crossings based on their impact on walkability and, subsequently, (ii) for prioritising street improvements, in urban-rural fringe areas. In the peripheral urban-rural fringes, pedestrian mobility is usually less developed and people generally depend more on cars for their everyday chores. Partly this is inevitable given the structural features and supply of services and activities in such areas, but part is due to a frequent neglect of pedestrian mobility in planning and urban design. Measures to improve this state of affairs can include the design of more pedestrian-friendly environments offering to potential users a greater level of security, comfort and convenience when walking to their designated destinations. Our evaluation procedure combines a walkability assessment methodology with the ELECTRE TRI rating procedure, in order to assist planners and decision makers in designing physical streets to enhance the continuity, safety and quality of pedestrian paths. Improving the walking accessibility in the fringe areas of towns is a way to reduce the physical and perceptual distance which separates these contexts from the rest of the city, thus leading to a progressive integration of urban functions

    High resolution spectroscopy of the extended narrow-line region of IC 5063 and NGC 7212

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    We studied the properties of the gas of the extended narrow line region (ENLR) of two Seyfert 2 galaxies: IC 5063 and NGC 7212. We analysed high resolution spectra to investigate how the main properties of this region depend on the gas velocity. We divided the emission lines in velocity bins and we calculated several line ratios. Diagnostic diagrams and SUMA composite models (photo-ionization + shocks), show that in both galaxies there might be evidence of shocks significantly contributing in the gas ionization at high |V|, even though photo-ionization from the active nucleus remains the main ionization mechanism. In IC 5063 the ionization parameter depends on V and its trend might be explained assuming an hollow bi-conical shape for the ENLR, with one of the edges aligned with the galaxy disk. On the other hand, NGC 7212 does not show any kind of dependence. The models show that solar O/H relative abundances reproduce the observed spectra in all the analysed regions. They also revealed an high fragmentation of the gas clouds, suggesting that the complex kinematics observed in these two objects might be caused by interaction between the ISM and high velocity components, such as jets.Comment: 29 pages, 32 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Novel 2-amino-isoflavones exhibit aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist or antagonist activity in a species/cell-specific context

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates the induction of a variety of xenobiotic metabolism genes. Activation of the AhR occurs through binding to a group of structurally diverse compounds, most notably dioxins, which are exogenous ligands. Isoflavones are part of a family which include some well characterised endogenous AhR ligands. This paper analysed a novel family of these compounds, based on the structure of 2-amino-isoflavone. Initially two luciferase-based cell models, mouse H1L6.1c2 and human HG2L6.1c3, were used to identify whether the compounds had AhR agonistic and/or antagonistic properties. This analysis showed that some of the compounds were weak agonists in mouse and antagonists in human. Further analysis of two of the compounds, Chr-13 and Chr-19, was conducted using quantitative real-time PCR in rat H4IIE and human MCF-7 cells. The results indicated that Chr-13 was an agonist in rat but an antagonist in human cells. Chr-19 was shown to be an agonist in rat but more interestingly, a partial agonist in human. Luciferase induction results not only revealed that subtle differences in the structure of the compound could produce species-specific differences in response but also dictated the ability of the compound to be an AhR agonist or antagonist. Substituted 2-amino-isoflavones represent a novel group of AhR ligands that must differentially interact with the AhR ligand binding domain to produce their species-specific agonist or antagonist activity and future ligand binding analysis and docking studies with these compounds may provide insights into the differential mechanisms of action of structurally similar compounds

    Curved footbridges supported by a shell obtained through thrust network analysis

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    After Maillart's concrete curved arch bridges were built before the Second World War, in the second half of the past century and this century, many curved bridges have been built with both steel and concrete. Conversely, since the construction of Musmeci's shell supported bridge in Potenza, few shell bridges have been constructed. This paper explains how to design a curved footbridge supported by an anticlastic shell by shaping the shell via a thrust network analysis (TNA). By taking advantage of the peculiar properties of anticlastic membranes, the unconventional method of shaping a shell by a TNA is illustrated. The shell top edge that supports the deck has an assigned layout, which is provided by the road curved layout. The form of the bottom edge is obtained by the form-finding procedure as a thrust line, by applying the thrust network analysis (TNA) in a non-standard manner, shaping the shell by applying the boundary conditions and allowing relaxation. The influence of the boundary conditions on the bridge shape obtained as an envelope of thrust lines is investigated. A finite element analysis was performed. The results indicate that the obtained shell form is effective in transferring deck loads to foundations via compressive stresses and taking advantage of concrete mechanical properties