190 research outputs found

    Among B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, MALT lymphomas express a unique antibody repertoire with frequent rheumatoid factor reactivity

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    We analyzed the structure of antigen receptors of a comprehensive panel of mature B non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (B-NHLs) by comparing, at the amino acid level, their immunoglobulin (Ig)VH-CDR3s with CDR3 sequences present in GenBank. Follicular lymphomas, diffuse large B cell lymphomas, Burkitt's lymphomas, and myelomas expressed a CDR3 repertoire comparable to that of normal B cells. Mantle cell lymphomas and B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias (B-CLLs) expressed clearly restricted albeit different CDR3 repertoires. Lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALTs) were unique as 8 out of 45 (18%) of gastric- and 13 out of 32 (41%) of salivary gland-MALT lymphomas expressed B cell antigen receptors with strong CDR3 homology to rheumatoid factors (RFs). Of note, the RF-CDR3 homology without exception included N-region–encoded residues in the hypermutated IgVH genes, indicating that they were stringently selected for reactivity with auto-IgG. By in vitro binding studies with 10 MALT lymphoma–derived antibodies, we showed that seven of these cases, of which four with RF-CDR3 homology, indeed possessed strong RF reactivity. Of one MALT lymphoma, functional proof for selection of subclones with high RF affinity was obtained. Interestingly, RF-CDR3 homology and t(11;18) appeared to be mutually exclusive features and RF-CDR3 homology was not encountered in any of the 19 pulmonary MALT lymphomas studied

    Repertoire Analysis of B-Cells Located in Striated Ducts of Salivary Glands of Patients With Sjogren's Syndrome

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    A major complication of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is development of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) B-cell lymphoma, particularly in salivary glands. These lymphomas express FcRL4 and are characteristically associated with lymphoepithelial lesions. Neoplastic B-cells may be derived from non-neoplastic glandular intraductal B-cells, also virtually all expressing FcRL4. A characteristic feature of MALT lymphomas is the production of rheumatoid factors (RFs), which are largely encoded by stereotypic immunoglobulin variable heavy chain (IGHV) sequences. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a relationship between the intraductal and periductal B-cells and whether the intraductal B-cells are selected for RF. RNA was extracted from laser-microdissected infiltrated ductal areas and periductal infiltrates from frozen parotid gland tissue sections of 5 pSS patients. PCR amplified IGHV transcripts were cloned into pCR™4-TOPO vector and subsequently sequenced. Microdissected ducts yielded 96 unique IGHV sequences derived from intraductal B-cells, while 119 unique IGHV sequences were obtained from periductal infiltrates. No major difference in VH-gene usage was observed between intraductal and periductal B-cells. Nearly all (>90%) IGHV sequences derived from both intraductal and periductal B-cells were mutated. Clonal expansions as defined by shared VDJ rearrangements were also present among both intraductal and periductal B-cells: in total 32 clones were found, from which 12 were located within ducts, 15 in periductal areas, and five clones shared members in both areas. We observed 12 IGHV rearrangements encoding for RF sequences from which two were derived from intraductal B-cells and 10 from periductal B-cells. Nine RF sequences were part of a clone. Together these findings indicate that intraductal and periductal B-cells are closely related to each other. Intraductal B-cells are most likely derived from periductal B-cells. We did not obtain evidence that RF-specific B-cells are enriched within the striated ducts. We speculate that in principle any activated B-cell can enter the striated ducts from the periductal infiltrate, irrespective of its antigenic specificity. Within the ducts, these B-cells may receive additional activation and proliferation signals, to further expand at these sites and by acquisition of driver-mutations develop toward lymphoma

    Acquisition of N-Glycosylation Sites in Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Genes During Local Expansion in Parotid Salivary Glands of Primary Sjogren Patients

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    Previous studies revealed high incidence of acquired N-glycosylation sites acquired N-glycosylation sites in RNA transcripts encoding immunoglobulin heavy variable region (IGHV) 3 genes from parotid glands of primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) patients. In this study, next generation sequencing was used to study the extent of ac-Nglycs among clonally expanded cells from all IGVH families in the salivary glands of pSS patients. RNA was isolated from parotid gland biopsies of five pSS patients and five non-pSS sicca controls. IGHV sequences covering all functional IGHV genes were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed. Each biopsy recovered 1,800-4,000 unique IGHV sequences. No difference in IGHV gene usage was observed between pSS and non-pSS sequences. Clonally related sequences with more than 0.3% of the total number of sequences per patient were referred to as dominant clone. Overall, 70 dominant clones were found in pSS biopsies, compared to 15 in non-pSS. No difference in percentage mutation in dominant clone-derived IGHV sequences was seen between pSS and non-pSS. In pSS, no evidence for antigen-driven selection in dominant clones was found. We observed a significantly higher amount of ac-Nglycs among pSS dominant clone-derived sequences compared to non-pSS. Ac-Nglycs were, however, not restricted to dominant clones or IGHV gene. Most ac-Nglycs were detected in the framework 3 region. No stereotypic rheumatoid factor rearrangements were found in dominant clones. Lineage tree analysis showed in four pSS patients, but not in non-pSS, the presence of the germline sequence from a dominant clone. Presence of germline sequence and mutated IGHV sequences in the same dominant clone provide evidence that this clone originated from a naive B-cell recruited into the parotid gland to expand and differentiate locally into plasma cells. The increased presence of ac-Nglycs in IGHV sequences, due to somatic hypermutation, might provide B-cells an escape mechanism to survive during immune response. We speculate that glycosylation of the B-cell receptor makes the cell sensitive to environmental lectin signals to contribute to aberrant B-cell selection in pSS parotid glands

    Salivary Gland Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue-Type Lymphoma From Sjogren's Syndrome Patients in the Majority Express Rheumatoid Factors Affinity-Selected for IgG

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    Objective: Patients with Sjӧgren's syndrome (SS) have an increased risk of developing malignant B cell lymphomas, particularly mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)–type lymphomas. We have previously shown that a predominant proportion of patients with SS-associated salivary gland MALT lymphoma express somatically hypermutated IgM with strong amino acid sequence homology with stereotypic rheumatoid factors (RFs). The present study was undertaken in a larger cohort of patients with SS-associated MALT lymphoma to more firmly assess the frequency of RF reactivity and the significance of somatic IGV-region mutations for RF reactivity. Methods: B cell antigen receptors (BCRs) of 16 patients with SS-associated salivary gland MALT lymphoma were analyzed. Soluble recombinant IgM was produced of 12 MALT lymphoma samples, including 1 MALT lymphoma sample that expressed an IgM antibody fitting in a novel IGHV3-30–encoded stereotypic IGHV subset. For 4 of the 12 IgM antibodies from MALT lymphoma samples, the somatically mutated IGHV and IGKV gene sequences were reverted to germline configurations. Their RF activity and binding affinity were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and surface plasmon resonance, respectively. Results: Nine (75%) of the 12 IgM antibodies identified in patients with SS-associated salivary gland MALT lymphoma displayed strong monoreactive RF activity. Reversion of the IGHV and IGKV mutations to germline configuration resulted in RF affinities for IgG that were significantly lower for 3 of the 4 somatically mutated IgM antibodies. In stereotypic IGHV3-7/IGKV3-15–encoded RFs, a recurrent replacement mutation in the IGKV3-15–third complementarity-determining region was found to play a pivotal role in the affinity for IgG-Fc. Conclusion: A majority of patients with SS-associated salivary gland MALT lymphoma express somatically mutated BCRs that are selected for monoreactive, high-affinity binding of IgG-Fc. These data underscore the notion that soluble IgG, most likely in immune complexes in inflamed tissues, is the principal autoantigen in the pathogenesis of a variety of B cell lymphomas, particularly SS-associated MALT lymphomas

    Single-Molecule Analysis Reveals the Kinetics and Physiological Relevance of MutL-ssDNA Binding

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    DNA binding by MutL homologs (MLH/PMS) during mismatch repair (MMR) has been considered based on biochemical and genetic studies. Bulk studies with MutL and its yeast homologs Mlh1-Pms1 have suggested an integral role for a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding activity during MMR. We have developed single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) and a single-molecule DNA flow-extension assays to examine MutL interaction with ssDNA in real time. The smFRET assay allowed us to observe MutL-ssDNA association and dissociation. We determined that MutL-ssDNA binding required ATP and was the greatest at ionic strength below 25 mM (KD = 29 nM) while it dramatically decreases above 100 mM (KD>2 µM). Single-molecule DNA flow-extension analysis suggests that multiple MutL proteins may bind ssDNA at low ionic strength but this activity does not enhance stability at elevated ionic strengths. These studies are consistent with the conclusion that a stable MutL-ssDNA interaction is unlikely to occur at physiological salt eliminating a number of MMR models. However, the activity may infer some related dynamic DNA transaction process during MMR

    Mutations in the SLC2A9 Gene Cause Hyperuricosuria and Hyperuricemia in the Dog

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    Allantoin is the end product of purine catabolism in all mammals except humans, great apes, and one breed of dog, the Dalmatian. Humans and Dalmatian dogs produce uric acid during purine degradation, which leads to elevated levels of uric acid in blood and urine and can result in significant diseases in both species. The defect in Dalmatians results from inefficient transport of uric acid in both the liver and renal proximal tubules. Hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia (huu) is a simple autosomal recessive trait for which all Dalmatian dogs are homozygous. Therefore, in order to map the locus, an interbreed backcross was used. Linkage mapping localized the huu trait to CFA03, which excluded the obvious urate transporter 1 gene, SLC22A12. Positional cloning placed the locus in a minimal interval of 2.5 Mb with a LOD score of 17.45. A critical interval of 333 kb containing only four genes was homozygous in all Dalmatians. Sequence and expression analyses of the SLC2A9 gene indicated three possible mutations, a missense mutation (G616T;C188F) and two promoter mutations that together appear to reduce the expression levels of one of the isoforms. The missense mutation is associated with hyperuricosuria in the Dalmatian, while the promoter SNPs occur in other unaffected breeds of dog. Verification of the causative nature of these changes was obtained when hyperuricosuric dogs from several other breeds were found to possess the same combination of mutations as found in the Dalmatian. The Dalmatian dog model of hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia underscores the importance of SLC2A9 for uric acid transport in mammals

    Epithelial-immune cell interplay in primary Sjogren syndrome salivary gland pathogenesis

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    In primary Sjogren syndrome (pSS), the function of the salivary glands is often considerably reduced. Multiple innate immune pathways are likely dysregulated in the salivary gland epithelium in pSS, including the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway, the inflammasome and interferon signalling. The ductal cells of the salivary gland in pSS are characteristically surrounded by a CD4(+) T cell-rich and B cell-rich infiltrate, implying a degree of communication between epithelial cells and immune cells. B cell infiltrates within the ducts can initiate the development of lymphoepithelial lesions, including basal ductal cell hyperplasia. Vice versa, the epithelium provides chronic activation signals to the glandular B cell fraction. This continuous stimulation might ultimately drive the development of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. This Review discusses changes in the cells of the salivary gland epithelium in pSS (including acinar, ductal and progenitor cells), and the proposed interplay of these cells with environmental stimuli and the immune system. Current therapeutic options are insufficient to address both lymphocytic infiltration and salivary gland dysfunction. Successful rescue of salivary gland function in pSS will probably demand a multimodal therapeutic approach and an appreciation of the complicity of the salivary gland epithelium in the development of pSS. Salivary gland dysfunction is an important characteristic of primary Sjogren syndrome (pSS). In this Review, the authors discuss various epithelial abnormalities in pSS and the mechanisms by which epithelial cell-immune cell interactions contribute to disease development and progression

    Rhinitis in the geriatric population

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    The current geriatric population in the United States accounts for approximately 12% of the total population and is projected to reach nearly 20% (71.5 million people) by 2030[1]. With this expansion of the number of older adults, physicians will face the common complaint of rhinitis with increasing frequency. Nasal symptoms pose a significant burden on the health of older people and require attention to improve quality of life. Several mechanisms likely underlie the pathogenesis of rhinitis in these patients, including inflammatory conditions and the influence of aging on nasal physiology, with the potential for interaction between the two. Various treatments have been proposed to manage this condition; however, more work is needed to enhance our understanding of the pathophysiology of the various forms of geriatric rhinitis and to develop more effective therapies for this important patient population

    Continental-scale bias-corrected climate and hydrological projections for Australia

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    The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has developed a national hydrological projections (NHP) service for Australia. The NHP aimed to provide nationally consistent hydrological projections across jurisdictional boundaries to support planning of water-dependent industries. NHP is complementary to those previously produced by federal and state governments, universities, and other organisations for limited geographical domains. The projections comprise an ensemble of application-ready bias-corrected climate model data, derived hydrological projections at daily temporal and 0.05° × 0.05° spatial resolution for the period 1960–2099, and two emission scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP8.5). The spatial resolution of the projections matches that of gridded historical reference data used to perform the bias correction and the Bureau of Meteorology's operational gridded hydrological model. Three bias correction techniques were applied to four CMIP5 global climate models (GCMs), and one method was applied to a regional climate model (RCM) forced by the same four GCMs, resulting in a 16-member ensemble of bias-corrected GCM data for each emission scenario. The bias correction was applied to fields of precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, downwelling shortwave radiation, and surface winds. These variables are required inputs to the Bureau of Meteorology's landscape water balance hydrological model (AWRA-L), which was forced using the bias-corrected GCM and RCM data to produce a 16-member ensemble of hydrological output. The hydrological output variables include root zone soil moisture (moisture in the top 1 m soil layer), potential evapotranspiration, and runoff. Here we present an overview of the production of the hydrological projections, including GCM selection, bias correction methods and their evaluation, technical aspects of their implementation, and examples of analysis performed to construct the NHP service. The data are publicly available on the National Computing Infrastructure (https://doi.org/10.25914/6130680dc5a51, Bureau of Meteorology, 2021), and a user interface is accessible at https://awo.bom.gov.au/products/projection/ (last access: 24 November 2023).</p