1,102 research outputs found

    Artefacts of The People of Neydal Region

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    Artefacts are the essential things to human day today life. This list of commodities includes all the materials which can be used by human beings. The natural habits and cultures of the ancient people can be easily understood through this artefacts, from the materials used by construction department to build the living habitats of the people who lived during sangam period, the vehicles used to travel, the web tools used for business, the wooden furniture and sharpened chisel like tools used for security, the vechicles used for commercial purposes and so and so. This study aims to clarify the cultural habits and social values that are expressed through the ancient peoples used  Artefacts such as clothing, jewels and household items by both men and women

    The Use of Suspended Sediment Rating Curves In Malaysia Some Preliminary Considerations

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    The suspended sediment rating curve technique is the most common method of estimating river suspended sediment loads in Malaysia. Thus, despite its crudeness, adherence to the correct Procedure of this technique is very imp0rtant. Three of the most common incorrect procedures in the suspended sediment rating curve technique were studied and compCl1ed to the results obtained from using correct procedures. Results of analysis showed that incorrect practices of this technique underestimate the annual suspended sediment load by more than 50 %. A correction factor to compensate for the use of non-continuous discharge data is also derived in this stud


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    Indian banks are trying to make your life easier. Not just bill payment, you can make investments, shop or buy tickets and plan a holiday at your fingertips. In fact, sources from ICICI Bank tell us, "Our Internet banking base has been growing at an exponential pace over the last few years. Currently around 78 percent of the bank's customer base is registered for Internet banking." To get started, all you need is a computer with a modem or other dial-up device, a checking account with a bank that offers online service and the patience to complete about a one-page application- which can usually be done online

    Prevalence and correlates of hunger among private aided secondary school children in Bangalore

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    Background: Literacy is an indispensable minimum condition for development of India, but it is far from sufficient. The Gross Enrolment Ratio of class I to X is 94.4 per cent and the dropout rate is 52.8%. There are many reasons for school dropouts, Hunger plays a major role. Hence the present report focus on the prevalence and factors associated with hunger among private aided secondary school children in Bangalore. Methods: This study involved secondary analysis of data from the PhD research project i.e. Effectiveness of Adolescent Health Education Programme on Health among adolescents, which was conducted from 2010 to 2015 at Bangalore, Karnataka, India to estimate the prevalence of  self-reported hunger within the last 30 days among primary and secondary school age group.Results: Total of 204 students data were analysed. The overall prevalence of self reported hunger was 14.7%.  Results revealed that age, dietary pattern and use of soap for hand washing had significant association with hunger.  Conclusion: Hunger among school children is an crucial public health issue in India, which in turn affect the literacy rate, productivity and overall growth of the nation. It is high time for the government and other stake holders to take necessary steps to eradicate hunger from world.Â

    Cultural Diversity among the Employees and its Effect in Organizational Climate

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    Cultural diversity is a group of diverse individuals from different cultures or societies. The study is conducted to explore how manage workforce diversity and its consequences to the company’s existence as well as examine how companies’ deal with challenges that comes with employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. The study describe diversity challenges that can affect the working climate and conflict between the employees through the diversity .The result shows that cultural diversity plays an effective role in some companies however inadequate mentoring and guidance could cause a company low productivity. For this reason there is must be regular improvement in ways to effectively manage a cultural diverse in workforce as the world keeps advancing

    Financial Investment Pattern and Preference of College Professors at Trichy City

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    Financial Investments are the commitments that are made by individuals with any financial and non-financial instruments for gaining a better and profitable return in future for a particular objective. The financial and non-financial investment instruments act as a medium or a driving tool for investment decisions of individuals. From the available investment avenues one must select the appropriate one that he feels safer or good to invest. The person who is going to make investments should be aware of all knowledge about investments and should be aware of how it is going to fulfil his objective. The person who is investing should be known of all the investment avenues available for making investments. Such avenues are employee provident fund, public provident fund, mutual funds, insurance, bank deposits, real estate, gold, stock market. This study is about to analyse the investment pattern of college professors and their attitude towards investment avenues. It also aims to identify the reason behind making investment and to find their objective for making investment. It helps to find the behaviour of individuals while making investments. Further this study helps to find the relationship of various demographic factors of the respondents and factors associated while making investment decisions. Such factors include time period of their investment, investment avenues, risk factors, returns etc

    A Deep CNN Framework for UAV Intrusion Detection in Intelligent Systems

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    Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV) s are dealing with several safety and protection issues including internal hardware/software and potential attacks. In addition, detecting UAV anomalies will be a crucial responsibility to defend against hostile enemies and prevent accidents. In this research, we present a UAV and an Automatic Dependent (AD) system using surveillance and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to analyze data from their detectors in real-time. Proposed Improved Region based Convolutional Neural Network (IRCNN) model used to generate and acquire the characteristics of untreated sensor information and characteristics to facilitate AD. The proposed model creating an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) & UAV sensors dataset using cyber security simulation system and Active Learning (AL) identifies aggressions based on the least probable interrogation method. This proposed model enables the identification to efficiently improve the occurrences of unexplained aggressions discovered of IRCNN at reduced labeling cost. A thorough trial showed that IRCNN-AL is effective at detecting unknown threats with frequency improvements of between 9% and 30% on comparison approaches. The AL methodology presented with as few as 1% of a labeled unexpected aggressions

    In vitro antifungal screening of some medicinal plants against Macrophomina phaseolina

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    The medicinal plants present enormous reservoir of potential microbial compounds that could be useful alternative to synthetic microbicides and are being used to develop drugs. In the present study of five selected medicinal plants the leaf powder extracts were tested against Macrophomina phaseolina by disc diffusion method. It was found that ethanol extract strongly effective against Macrophomina phaseolina, is a causal agent for charcoal rot of sunflower fungal pathogen. &nbsp