3,257 research outputs found

    Lifetimes of Shockley electrons and holes at the Cu(111) surface

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    A theoretical many-body analysis is presented of the electron-electron inelastic lifetimes of Shockley electrons and holes at the (111) surface of Cu. For a description of the decay of Shockley states both below and above the Fermi level, single-particle wave functions have been obtained by solving the Schr\"odinger equation with the use of an approximate one-dimensional pseudopotential fitted to reproduce the correct bulk energy bands and surface-state dispersion. A comparison with previous calculations and experiment indicates that inelastic lifetimes are very sensitive to the actual shape of the surface-state single-particle orbitals beyond the Γˉ\bar\Gamma (k=0{\bf k}_\parallel=0) point, which controls the coupling between the Shockley electrons and holes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Subduction Duration and Slab Dip

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    The dip angles of slabs are among the clearest characteristics of subduction zones, but the factors that control them remain obscure. Here, slab dip angles and subduction parameters, including subduction duration, the nature of the overriding plate, slab age, and convergence rate, are determined for 153 transects along subduction zones for the present day. We present a comprehensive tabulation of subduction duration based on isotopic ages of arc initiation and stratigraphic, structural, plate tectonic and seismic indicators of subduction initiation. We present two ages for subduction zones, a long‐term age and a reinitiation age. Using cross correlation and multivariate regression, we find that (1) subduction duration is the primary parameter controlling slab dips with slabs tending to have shallower dips at subduction zones that have been in existence longer; (2) the long‐term age of subduction duration better explains variation of shallow dip than reinitiation age; (3) overriding plate nature could influence shallow dip angle, where slabs below continents tend to have shallower dips; (4) slab age contributes to slab dip, with younger slabs having steeper shallow dips; and (5) the relations between slab dip and subduction parameters are depth dependent, where the ability of subduction duration and overriding plate nature to explain observed variation decreases with depth. The analysis emphasizes the importance of subduction history and the long‐term regional state of a subduction zone in determining slab dip and is consistent with mechanical models of subduction

    Many-body Effects in Angle-resolved Photoemission: Quasiparticle Energy and Lifetime of a Mo(110) Surface State

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    In a high-resolution photoemission study of a Mo(110) surface state various contributions to the measured width and energy of the quasiparticle peak are investigated. Electron-phonon coupling, electron-electron interactions and scattering from defects are all identified mechanisms responsible for the finite lifetime of a valence photo-hole. The electron-phonon induced mass enhancement and rapid change of the photo-hole lifetime near the Fermi level are observed for the first time.Comment: RevTEX, 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Role of bulk and surface phonons in the decay of metal surface states

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical investigation of the electron-phonon contribution to the lifetime broadening of the surface states on Cu(111) and Ag(111), in comparison with high-resolution photoemission results. The calculations, including electron and phonon states of the bulk and the surface, resolve the relative importance of the Rayleigh mode, being dominant for the lifetime at small hole binding energies. Including the electron-electron interaction, the theoretical results are in excellent agreement with the measured binding energy and temperature dependent lifetime broadening.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Transplantation of Skeletal Muscle-Derived Sca-1⁺/PW1⁺/Pax7⁻ Interstitial Cells (PICs) Improves Cardiac Function and Attenuates Remodeling in Mice Subjected to Myocardial Infarction

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    We have previously shown that skeletal muscle-derived Sca-1⁺/PW1⁺/Pax7⁻ interstitial cells (PICs) are multi-potent and enhance endogenous repair and regeneration. Here, we investigated the regenerative potential of PICs following intramyocardial transplantation in mice subjected to an acute myocardial infarction (MI). MI was induced through the ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery in 8-week old male C57BL/6 mice. 5 × 10⁵ eGFP-labelled PICs (MI + PICs; n = 7) or PBS (MI-PBS; n = 7) were injected intramyocardially into the border zone. Sham mice (n = 8) were not subjected to MI, or the transplantation of PICs or PBS. BrdU was administered via osmotic mini-pump for 14 days. Echocardiography was performed prior to surgery (baseline), and 1-, 3- and 6-weeks post-MI and PICs transplantation. Mice were sacrificed at 6 weeks post-MI + PICs transplantation, and heart sections were analysed for fibrosis, hypertrophy, engraftment, proliferation, and differentiation of PICs. A significant (\u1d631 < 0.05) improvement in ejection fraction (EF) and fractional shortening was observed in the MI-PICs group, compared to MI + PBS group at 6-weeks post MI + PICs transplantation. Infarct size/fibrosis of the left ventricle significantly (\u1d631 < 0.05) decreased in the MI-PICs group (14.0 ± 2.5%), compared to the MI-PBS group (32.8 ± 2.2%). Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the border zone significantly (\u1d631 < 0.05) decreased in the MI-PICs group compared to the MI-PBS group (330.0 ± 28.5 µM2 vs. 543.5 ± 26.6 µm2), as did cardiomyocyte apoptosis (0.6 ± 0.9% MI-PICs vs. 2.8 ± 0.8% MI-PBS). The number of BrdU+ cardiomyocytes was significantly (\u1d631 < 0.05) increased in the infarct/border zone of the MI-PICs group (7.0 ± 3.3%), compared to the MI-PBS group (1.7 ± 0.5%). The proliferation index (total BrdU+ cells) was significantly increased in the MI-PICs group compared to the MI-PBS group (27.0 ± 3.4% vs. 7.6 ± 1.0%). PICs expressed and secreted pro-survival and reparative growth factors, supporting a paracrine effect of PICs during recovery/remodeling. Skeletal muscle-derived PICs show significant reparative potential, attenuating cardiac remodelling following transplantation into the infarcted myocardium. PICs can be easily sourced from skeletal muscle and therefore show promise as a potential cell candidate for supporting the reparative and regenerative effects of cell therapie

    Persistence of anticancer activity in berry extracts after simulated gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation

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    Fruit and vegetable consumption is associated at the population level with a protective effect against colorectal cancer. Phenolic compounds, especially abundant in berries, are of interest due to their putative anticancer activity. After consumption, however, phenolic compounds are subject to digestive conditions within the gastrointestinal tract that alter their structures and potentially their function. However, the majority of phenolic compounds are not efficiently absorbed in the small intestine and a substantial portion pass into the colon. We characterized berry extracts (raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants) produced by in vitro-simulated upper intestinal tract digestion and subsequent fecal fermentation. These extracts and selected individual colonic metabolites were then evaluated for their putative anticancer activities using in vitro models of colorectal cancer, representing the key stages of initiation, promotion and invasion. Over a physiologically-relevant dose range (0–50 µg/ml gallic acid equivalents), the digested and fermented extracts demonstrated significant anti-genotoxic, anti-mutagenic and anti-invasive activity on colonocytes. This work indicates that phenolic compounds from berries undergo considerable structural modifications during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract but their breakdown products and metabolites retain biological activity and can modulate cellular processes associated with colon cancer

    Transplantation of Skeletal Muscle-Derived Sca-1(+)/PW1(+)/Pax7(-) Interstitial Cells (PICs) Improves Cardiac Function and Attenuates Remodeling in Mice Subjected to Myocardial Infarction

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    We have previously shown that skeletal muscle-derived Sca-1+/PW1+/Pax7&minus; interstitial cells (PICs) are multi-potent and enhance endogenous repair and regeneration. Here, we investigated the regenerative potential of PICs following intramyocardial transplantation in mice subjected to an acute myocardial infarction (MI). MI was induced through the ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery in 8-week old male C57BL/6 mice. 5 &times; 105 eGFP-labelled PICs (MI + PICs; n = 7) or PBS (MI-PBS; n = 7) were injected intramyocardially into the border zone. Sham mice (n = 8) were not subjected to MI, or the transplantation of PICs or PBS. BrdU was administered via osmotic mini-pump for 14 days. Echocardiography was performed prior to surgery (baseline), and 1-, 3- and 6-weeks post-MI and PICs transplantation. Mice were sacrificed at 6 weeks post-MI + PICs transplantation, and heart sections were analysed for fibrosis, hypertrophy, engraftment, proliferation, and differentiation of PICs. A significant (p &lt; 0.05) improvement in ejection fraction (EF) and fractional shortening was observed in the MI-PICs group, compared to MI + PBS group at 6-weeks post MI + PICs transplantation. Infarct size/fibrosis of the left ventricle significantly (p &lt; 0.05) decreased in the MI-PICs group (14.0 &plusmn; 2.5%), compared to the MI-PBS group (32.8 &plusmn; 2.2%). Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the border zone significantly (p &lt; 0.05) decreased in the MI-PICs group compared to the MI-PBS group (330.0 &plusmn; 28.5 &micro;M2 vs. 543.5 &plusmn; 26.6 &micro;m2), as did cardiomyocyte apoptosis (0.6 &plusmn; 0.9% MI-PICs vs. 2.8 &plusmn; 0.8% MI-PBS). The number of BrdU+ cardiomyocytes was significantly (p &lt; 0.05) increased in the infarct/border zone of the MI-PICs group (7.0 &plusmn; 3.3%), compared to the MI-PBS group (1.7 &plusmn; 0.5%). The proliferation index (total BrdU+ cells) was significantly increased in the MI-PICs group compared to the MI-PBS group (27.0 &plusmn; 3.4% vs. 7.6 &plusmn; 1.0%). PICs expressed and secreted pro-survival and reparative growth factors, supporting a paracrine effect of PICs during recovery/remodeling. Skeletal muscle-derived PICs show significant reparative potential, attenuating cardiac remodelling following transplantation into the infarcted myocardium. PICs can be easily sourced from skeletal muscle and therefore show promise as a potential cell candidate for supporting the reparative and regenerative effects of cell therapies

    Reading Videogames as (authorless) Literature

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    This article presents the outcomes of research, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in England and informed by work in the fields of new literacy research, gaming studies and the socio-cultural framing of education, for which the videogame L.A. Noire (Rockstar Games, 2011) was studied within the orthodox framing of the English Literature curriculum at A Level (pre-University) and Undergraduate (degree level). There is a plethora of published research into the kinds of literacy practices evident in videogame play, virtual world engagement and related forms of digital reading and writing (Gee, 2003; Juul, 2005; Merchant, Gillen, Marsh and Davies, 2012; Apperley and Walsh, 2012; Bazalgette and Buckingham, 2012) as well as the implications of such for home / school learning (Dowdall, 2006; Jenkins, 2006; Potter, 2012) and for teachers’ own digital lives (Graham, 2012). Such studies have tended to focus on younger children and this research is also distinct from such work in the field in its exploration of the potential for certain kinds of videogame to be understood as 'digital transformations' of conventional ‘schooled’ literature. The outcomes of this project raise implications of such a conception for a further implementation of a ‘reframed’ literacy (Marsh, 2007) within the contemporary curriculum of a traditional and conservative ‘subject’. A mixed methods approach was adopted. Firstly, students contributing to a gamplay blog requiring them to discuss their in-game experience through the ‘language game’ of English Literature, culminating in answering a question constructed with the idioms of the subject’s set text ‘final examination’. Secondly, students taught their teachers to play L.A. Noire, with free choice over the context for this collaboration. Thirdly, participants returned to traditional roles in order to work through a set of study materials provided, designed to reproduce the conventions of the ‘study guide’ for literature education. Interviews were conducted after each phase and the outcomes informed a redrafting of the study materials which are now available online for teachers – this being the ‘practical’ outcome of the research (Berger and McDougall, 2012). In the act of inserting the study of L.A. Noire into the English Literature curriculum as currently framed, this research moves, through a practical ‘implementation’ beyond longstanding debates around narratology and ludology (Frasca, 2003; Juul, 2005) in the field of game studies (Leaning, 2012) through a direct connection to new literacy studies and raises epistemological questions about ‘subject identity’, informed by Bernstein (1996) and Bourdieu (1986) and the implications for digital transformations of texts for both ideas about cultural value in schooled literacy (Kendall and McDougall, 2011) and the politics of ‘expertise’ in pedagogic relations (Ranciere, 2009, Bennett, Kendall and McDougall, 2012a)