46 research outputs found

    Yenidoğandan adolesana COVID-19 pandemisinde çocuklarda kardiyak tutulum şekilleri

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    Introduction: Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected people of all ages all across the world, with children accounting for 1.7 percent of cases. Despite the fact that over 90% of children with COVID-19 had asymptomatic, mild, or moderate disease, new worries about hyperinflammatory states or Kawasaki-like disease have surfaced. Materials and Methods: We would like to present 17 patients with different patterns of myocardial involvement. They were selected from our database of 214 patients (19 newborns) hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment in our pediatrics clinic from March 2020 to October 2020. Selection criteria involved cardiac involvement in terms of positive laboratory findings (elevated troponin I) electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings. Results: Cardiac involvement was detected in only 17 (7.9%) of the 214 hospitalized patients. Patients were grouped into three categories according to their hospitalization units which were neonatal intensive care, pediatric intensive care and pediatric inpatient clinic. Most of our patients (88.2%) had elevated troponin I levels whereas 12 patients (70.5%) had abnormal electrocardiograms and echocardiographic exams. Fourteen (82.3%) of patients with high troponin I levels had also abnormal electrocardiograms whereas 13 (76.4%) of them had abnormal echocardiographic exams. Conclusion: Although we did not observe cardiac involvement in most of the patients (92.1%) hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment in our pediatrics clinic, subjects with involvement had quite diverse patterns ranging from only troponin I elevation to the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children needing arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy.Giriş: COVID-19 çocuklarda hafif seyirli bir hastalık olmakla beraber, Kawasaki benzeri hastalık ya da hiperinflamatuar durumlar ile kendini gösterebilmektedir. Biz çalışmamızda COVID-19 pandemisinde çocuklarda kardiyak tutulum sıklığı ve şekillerini ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Mart 2020 ile Ekim 2020 arasında SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonu nedeni ile pediatri kliniğimizde tedavi gören 214 hastamızdan değişik şekillerde kardiyak tutulum gözlediğimiz 17 hastayı sunmak istiyoruz. Hastaların seçilme kriterleri laboratuar (artmış troponin I), elektrokardiyografik ve ekokardiyografik bulgulara dayanmaktadır. Hastalar tedavi gördükleri birimler olan pediatri servisi, yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi ve çocuk yoğun bakım ünitesi olarak üç ayrı gruba ayrılmışlardır. Bulgular: Kardiyak tutulum 214 hastanın %7,9’unda gözlenmiş olup bunların %88.2’sinde troponin I yüksekliği, %70,5’inde anormal elektrokardiyografi bulguları ve yine %70,5’inde anormal elektrokardiyografi bulguları saptadık. Troponin I yüksekliği saptanan hastaların %82.3’ünde beraberinde anormal elektrokardiyografi bulguları saptanırken, yine bu hastaların %76.4’ünde anormal ekokardiyografi bulguları saptadık. Yedi hasta çoklu sistem inflamatuar sendromu olarak değerlendirildi. Sonuç: SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonu tedavisi alan hastalarımızın büyük bir kısmında kardiyak tutulum tespit etmedik. Tutulum saptadığımız hastalarda ise tutulum şekli oldukça değişkenlik göstermekte idi. Lakin bu yelpazenin bir ucunda sadece troponin I yüksekliği olan hastalarımız var iken diğer ucunda ekstrakorporeal membran oksijenizasyonu tedavisine ihtiyaç duyan sol ventrikül sistolik fonksiyon bozukluğu olan hastalarımız mevcuttu

    Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of MCM3 in ThinPrep Samples of Patients with Cervical Preinvasive Cancer

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    Triage methods for cervical cancer detection show moderate accuracy and present considerable false-negative and false-positive result rates. A complementary diagnostic parameter could help improve the accuracy of identifying patients who need treatment. A pilot study was performed using a targeted proteomics approach with opportunistic ThinPrep samples obtained from women collected at the hospital’s outpatient clinic to determine the concentration levels of minichromosome maintenance-3 (MCM3) and envoplakin (EVPL) proteins. Forty samples with ‘negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy’ (NILM), 21 samples with ‘atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance’ (ASC-US), and 33 samples with ‘low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion and worse’ (≥LSIL) were analyzed, using cytology and the patients’ histology reports. Highly accurate concordance was obtained for gold-standard-confirmed samples, demonstrating that the MCM3/EVPL ratio can discriminate between non-dysplastic and dysplastic samples. On that account, we propose that MCM3 and EVPL are promising candidate protein biomarkers for population-based cervical cancer screening.</p

    Molecular markers for cervical cancer screening

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    This review gives an overview of current screening practices for cervical cancer. In the introduction, we will cover approaches of population screening focusing on high-risk Human Papilloma Virus (hrHPV) and the need for a better triage assay. We will further assess the impact of current vaccination programs on screening. Subsequently, the review will cover various technological aspects of nucleic acid- and protein-based biomarker assays. We will then detail different molecular markers in view of their use in triage assays, emphasizing epigenetic and protein markers. Finally, we will place this in the context of cost-effectiveness considerations in view of their implementation in high- as well as in low- to middle-income countries. Introduction: Cervical cancer remains a significant healthcare problem, notably in low- to middle-income countries. While a negative test for hrHPV has a predictive value of more than 99.5%, its positive predictive value is less than 10% for CIN2+ stages. This makes the use of a so-called triage test indispensable for population-based screening to avoid referring women, that are ultimately at low risk of developing cervical cancer, to a gynecologist. This review will give an overview of tests that are based on epigenetic marker panels and protein markers. Areas covered: There is a medical need for molecular markers with a better predictive value to discriminate hrHPV-positive women that are at risk of developing cervical cancer from those that are not. Areas covered are epigenetic and protein markers as well as health economic considerations in view of the fact that most cases of cervical cancer arise in low-to-middle-income countries. Expert opinion: While there are biomarker assays based on changes at the nucleic acid (DNA methylation patterns, miRNAs) and at the protein level, they are not widely used in population screening. Combining nucleic acid-based and protein-based tests could improve the overall specificity for discriminating CIN2+ lesions that carry a low risk of progressing to cervical cancer within the screening interval from those that carry an elevated risk. The challenge is to reduce unnecessary referrals without an undesired increase in false-negative diagnoses resulting in cases of cervical cancer that could have been prevented. A further challenge is to develop tests for low-and middle-income countries, which is critical to reduce the worldwide burden of cervical cancer

    Proteomic alterations in early stage cervical cancer

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    Laser capture microdissection (LCM) allows the capture of cell types or well-defined structures in tissue. We compared in a semi-quantitative way the proteomes from an equivalent of 8,000 tumor cells from patients with squamous cell cervical cancer (SCC, n = 22) with healthy epithelial and stromal cells obtained from normal cervical tissue (n = 13). Proteins were enzymatically digested into peptides which were measured by high-resolution mass spectrometry and analyzed by “all-or-nothing” analysis, Bonferroni, and Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. By comparing LCM cell type preparations, 31 proteins were exclusively found in early stage cervical cancer (n = 11) when compared with healthy epithelium and stroma, based on criteria that address specificity in a restrictive “all-or-nothing” way. By Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, 30 proteins were significantly up-regulated between early stage cervical cancer and healthy control, including six members of the MCM protein family. MCM proteins are involved in DNA repair and expected to be participating in the early stage of cancer. After a less stringent Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing, we found that the abundances of 319 proteins were significantly different between early stage cervical cancer and healthy controls. Four proteins were confirmed in digests of whole tissue lysates by Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM). Ingenuity Pathway Analysis using correction for multiple testing by permutation resulted in two networks that were differentially regulated in early stage cervical cancer compared with healthy tissue. From these networks, we learned that specific tumor mechanisms become effective during the early stage of cervical cancer

    Elevated levels of protein AMBP in cerebrospinal fluid of women with preeclampsia compared to normotensive pregnant women

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    Purpose: To investigate the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteome of patients with preeclampsia (PE) and normotensive pregnant women, in order to provide a better understanding of brain involvement in PE. Experimental design: Ninety-eight CSF samples (43 women with PE and 55 normotensive controls) were analyzed by LC-MS/MS proteome profiling. CSF was obtained during the spinal puncture before caesarean delivery. Results: Eight proteins were higher abundant and 17 proteins were lower abundant in patients with PE. The most significantly differentially abundant protein was protein AMBP (alpha-1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor). This finding was validated by performing an ELISA experiment (p = 0.002). Conclusions and clinical relevance: The current study showed a clear difference between the protein profiles of CSF from patients with PE and normotensive pregnant women. Protein AMBP is a precursor of a heme-binding protein that counteracts the damaging effects of free hemoglobin, which may be related to the presence of free hemoglobin in CSF. Protein levels showed correlations with clinical symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum. To our knowledge, this is the first LC-MS/MS proteome profiling study on a unique set of CSF samples from (severe) preeclamptic patients and normotensive pregnant women

    Proteomic alterations in early stage cervical cancer

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    Laser capture microdissection (LCM) allows the capture of cell types or welldefined structures in tissue. We compared in a semi-quantitative way the proteomes from an equivalent of 8,000 tumor cells from patients with squamous cell cervical cancer (SCC, n = 22) with healthy epithelial and stromal cells obtained from normal cervical tissue (n = 13). Proteins were enzymatically digested into peptides which were measured by high-resolution mass spectrometry and analyzed by "all-ornothing" analysis, Bonferroni, and Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. By comparing LCM cell type preparations, 31 proteins were exclusively found in early stage cervical cancer (n = 11) when compared with healthy epithelium and stroma, based on criteria that address specificity in a restrictive "all-or-nothing" way. By Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, 30 proteins were significantly up-regulated between early stage cervical cancer and healthy control, including six members of the MCM protein family. MCM proteins are involved in DNA repair and expected to be participating in the early stage of cancer. After a less stringent Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing, we found that the abundances of 319 proteins were significantly different between early stage cervical cancer and healthy controls. Four proteins were confirmed in digests of whole tissue lysates by Parallel Reaction

    Comparison of Targeted Mass Spectrometry Techniques With an Immunoassay:A Case Study For HSP90α

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to better understand factors governing the variability and sensitivity in SRM and PRM, compared to immunoassay. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A 2D-LC-MS/MS-based SRM and PRM assay was developed for quantitative measurements of HSP90α in serum. Forty-three control sera were compared by SRM, PRM and ELISA following the manufacturer's instructions. Serum samples were trypsin-digested and fractionated by SCX chromatography prior to SRM and PRM measurements. Analytical parameters such as linearity, LOD, LOQ, repeatability and reproducibility of the SRM, PRM and ELISA were determined. RESULTS: PRM data obtained by high-resolution mass spectrometry correlated better with ELISA measurements than SRM data measured on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. While all three methods (SRM, PRM, ELISA) were able to quantify HSP90α in serum at the ng/mL level, the use of PRM on a high-resolution mass spectrometer reduced variation and showed comparable sensitivity to immunoassay. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Using fractionation, it is possible to measure ng/mL levels of HSP90α in a reproducible, selective and sensitive way using PRM in serum. This opens up the possibility to use PRM in a multiplexed way as an attractive alternative for immunoassays without the use of antibodies or comparable binders. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Cerebrospinal Fluid of Preeclamptic and Normotensive Pregnant Women Compared to Nonpregnant Women Analyzed with Mass Spectrometry

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific multiorgan disorder in which impaired placental functioning and excessive oxidative stress play an important role. We previously showed distinct differences between cerebrospinal fluid proteins in patients with preeclampsia and normotensive pregnant women. An additional group of nonpregnant women was included to study the presence of pregnancy-related proteins in normotensive and preeclamptic pregnancies and whether pregnancy-related proteins were associated with preeclampsia. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were tryptically digested and subsequently measured with a nano-LC-tribrid Orbitrap mass spectrometry system. Proteins were identified by shotgun proteomic analysis based on a data-dependent acquisition method. Proteins identified in preeclampsia, normotensive pregnant controls, and nonpregnant groups were compared to the Progenesis method according to the criteria as previously described and with a secondary analysis using a Scaffold method including Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. For preeclampsia, the Progenesis and the Scaffold method together identified 15 (eight proteins for both analyses with one overlap) proteins that were significantly different compared to normotensive control pregnancies. Three of these 15 proteins, which were elevated in cerebrospinal fluid of preeclamptic women, were described to be pregnancy proteins with a calcium-binding function. Using two analysis methods (Progenesis and Scaffold), four out of 15 differential proteins were associated with pregnancy, as described in the literature. Three out of the four pregnancy-related proteins were elevated in preeclampsia. Furthermore, the contribution of elevated (n = 4/15) and downregulated (n = 2/15) calcium-binding proteins in preeclampsia is remarkably high (40%) and needs to be elucidated further

    Quantification of Calcyclin and Heat Shock Protein 90 in Sera from Women with and without Preeclampsia by Mass Spectrometry

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    Purpose: The objective of present study is to determine serum levels and placental distribution of two interacting proteins calcyclin and heat shock protein 90 in preeclampsia. Experimental design: Maternal serum levels of calcyclin and heat shock protein 90 are compared throughout pregnancy from the first trimester till term among women with preeclampsia (n = 43) and age-matched normotensive pregnant controls (n = 46). A serum-based 2D LC-MS assay using Parallel Reaction Monitoring is applied to quantify both calcyclin and heat shock protein 90. Results: Serum levels of calcyclin are significantly lower in patients with preeclampsia in the second trimester of pregnancy as compared to controls (p < 0.05). Serum levels of heat shock protein 90 are significantly higher in patients with preeclampsia in the third trimester as compared to controls (p < 0.001). Conclusion and clinical relevance: Both interacting proteins calcyclin and heat shock protein 90 are notably changed in preeclamptic patients compared to controls. Calcyclin is already decreased before the onset of preeclampsia in the second trimester and HSP90 is strongly increased in the third trimester. This suggests that these proteins may play a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and ought to be investigated in large cohort studies as molecular biomarkers