561 research outputs found

    Signal recovery from partial fractional fourier domain information and pulse shape design using iterative projections

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Signal design and recovery problems come up in a wide variety of applications in signal processing. In this thesis, we first investigate the problem of pulse shape design for use in communication settings with matched filtering where the rate of communication, intersymbol interference, and bandwidth of the signal constitute conflicting themes. In order to design pulse shapes that satisfy certain criteria such as bit rate, spectral characteristics, and worst case degradation due to intersymbol interference, we benefit from the wellknown Projections Onto Convex Sets. Secondly, we investigate the problem of signal recovery from partial information in fractional Fourier domains. Fractional Fourier transform is a mathematical generalization of the ordinary Fourier transform, the latter being a special case of the first. Here, we assume that low resolution or partial information in different fractional Fourier transform domains is available in different intervals. These information intervals define convex sets and can be combined within the Projections Onto Convex Sets framework. We present generic scenarios and simulation examples in order to illustrate the use of the method.Güven, H EmreM.S

    p-brane Solitons in Maximal Supergravities

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    In this paper, we give a construction of pp-brane solitons in all maximal supergravity theories in 4D114\le D \le 11 dimensions that are obtainable from D=11D=11 supergravity by dimensional reduction. We first obtain the full bosonic Lagrangians for all these theories in a formalism adapted to the pp-brane soliton construction. The solutions that we consider involve one dilaton field and one antisymmetric tensor field strength, which are in general linear combinations of the basic fields of the supergravity theories. We also study the supersymmetry properties of the solutions by calculating the eigenvalues of the Bogomol'nyi matrices, which are derived from the commutators of the supercharges. We give an exhaustive list of the supersymmetric pp-brane solutions using field strengths of all degrees n=4,3,2,1n=4,3,2,1, and the non-supersymmetric solutions for n=4,3,2n=4,3,2. As well as studying elementary and solitonic solutions, we also discuss dyonic solutions in D=6D=6 and D=4D=4. In particular, we find that the Bogomol'nyi matrices for the supersymmetric massless dyonic solutions have indefinite signature.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, no figure

    Simultaneous use of Individual and Joint Regularization Terms in Compressive Sensing: Joint Reconstruction of Multi-Channel Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisitions

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    Purpose: A time-efficient strategy to acquire high-quality multi-contrast images is to reconstruct undersampled data with joint regularization terms that leverage common information across contrasts. However, these terms can cause leakage of uncommon features among contrasts, compromising diagnostic utility. The goal of this study is to develop a compressive sensing method for multi-channel multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that optimally utilizes shared information while preventing feature leakage. Theory: Joint regularization terms group sparsity and colour total variation are used to exploit common features across images while individual sparsity and total variation are also used to prevent leakage of distinct features across contrasts. The multi-channel multi-contrast reconstruction problem is solved via a fast algorithm based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. Methods: The proposed method is compared against using only individual and only joint regularization terms in reconstruction. Comparisons were performed on single-channel simulated and multi-channel in-vivo datasets in terms of reconstruction quality and neuroradiologist reader scores. Results: The proposed method demonstrates rapid convergence and improved image quality for both simulated and in-vivo datasets. Furthermore, while reconstructions that solely use joint regularization terms are prone to leakage-of-features, the proposed method reliably avoids leakage via simultaneous use of joint and individual terms. Conclusion: The proposed compressive sensing method performs fast reconstruction of multi-channel multi-contrast MRI data with improved image quality. It offers reliability against feature leakage in joint reconstructions, thereby holding great promise for clinical use.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Submitted for possible publicatio

    An augmented lagrangian method for sparse SAR imaging

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    In this paper, we present a solution to the constrained l1-norm minimization problem for sparse SAR imaging. The technique we present relies on recent advances in the solution of optimization problems, based on Augmented Lagrangian Methods (ALMs), namely the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. Here, we present an application of C-SALSA (an ALM for constrained optimization problems) to SAR imaging, and introduce a new weighting scheme to improve the sparsity of the reconstructions. We then compare the performances of several techniques to understand the effectiveness of ALMs in the context of SAR imaging

    On the nature of compact stars determined by gravitational waves, radio-astronomy, x-ray emission and nuclear physics

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    We investigate the question of the nature of compact stars, considering they may be neutron stars or hybrid stars containing a quark core, within the present constraints given by gravitational waves, radio-astronomy, X-ray emissions from millisecond pulsars and nuclear physics. A Bayesian framework is used to combine together all these constraints and to predict tidal deformabilities and radii for a 1.4~M_\odot compact star. We find that present gravitation wave and radio-astronomy data favors asy-stiff EoS compatible with nuclear physics and that GW170817 waveform is best described for binary hybrid stars. In addition, this data favors stiff quark matter, independently of the nuclear EoS. Combining this result with constraints from X-ray observation supports the existence of canonical 1.41.4~M_\odot mass hybrid star, with a radius predicted to be R1.4=12.02(8)R_{1.4}=12.02(8)~km.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Kaluza-Klein electrically charged black branes in M-theory

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    We present a class of Kaluza-Klein electrically charged black p-brane solutions of ten-dimensional, type IIA superstring theory. Uplifting to eleven dimensions these solutions are studied in the context of M-theory. They can be interpreted either as a p+1 extended object trapped around the eleventh dimension along which momentum is flowing or as a boost of the following backgrounds: the Schwarzschild black (p+1)-brane or the product of the (10-p)-dimensional Euclidean Schwarzschild manifold with the (p+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 16 pages, uses latex and epsf macro, figures include

    An augmented Lagrangian method for autofocused compressed SAR imaging

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    We present an autofocus algorithm for Compressed SAR Imaging. The technique estimates and corrects for 1-D phase errors in the phase history domain, based on prior knowledge that the reflectivity field is sparse, as in the case of strong scatterers against a weakly-scattering background. The algorithm relies on the Sparsity Driven Autofocus (SDA) method and Augmented Lagrangian Methods (ALM), particularly Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM). In particular, we propose an ADMM-based algorithm that we call Autofocusing Iteratively Re-Weighted Augmented Lagrangian Method (AIRWALM) to solve a constrained formulation of the sparsity driven autofocus problem with an ℓp-norm, p ≤ 1 cost function. We then compare the performance of the proposed algorithm's performance to Phase Gradient Autofocus (PGA) and SDA [2] in terms of autofocusing capability, phase error correction, and computation time

    Instanton Moduli and Brane Creation

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    We obtain new intersecting 5-brane, string and pp-wave solutions in the heterotic string on a torus and on a K3 manifold. In the former case the 5-brane is supported by Yang-Mills instantons, and in the latter case both the 5-brane and the string are supported by the instantons. The instanton moduli are parameterised by the sizes and locations of the instantons. We exhibit two kinds of phase transition in which, for suitable choices of the instanton moduli, a 5-brane and/or a string can be created. One kind of phase transition occurs when the size of an instanton vanishes, while the other occurs when a pair of Yang-Mills instantons coalesce. We also study the associated five-dimensional black holes and the implications of these phase transitions for the black-hole entropy. Specifically, we find that the entropy of the three-charge black holes is zero when the instantons are separated and of non-zero scale size, but becomes non-zero (which can be counted miscrospically) after either of the phase transitions.Comment: 18 pages, Late

    Vertical versus Diagonal Dimensional Reduction for p-branes

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    In addition to the double-dimensional reduction procedure that employs world-volume Killing symmetries of pp-brane supergravity solutions and acts diagonally on a plot of pp versus spacetime dimension DD, there exists a second procedure of ``vertical'' reduction. This reduces the transverse-space dimension via an integral that superposes solutions to the underlying Laplace equation. We show that vertical reduction is also closely related to the recently-introduced notion of intersecting pp-branes. We illustrate this with examples, and also construct a new D=11D=11 solution describing four intersecting membranes, which preserves 1/161/16 of the supersymmetry. Given the two reduction schemes plus duality transformations at special points of the scalar modulus space, one may relate most of the pp-brane solutions of relevance to superstring theory. We argue that the maximum classifying duality symmetry for this purpose is the Weyl group of the corresponding Cremmer-Julia supergravity symmetry Er(+r)E_{r(+r)}. We also discuss a separate class of duality-invariant pp-branes with p=D3p=D-3.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, no figures. References adde

    Self-consistent local-equilibrium model for density profile and distribution of dissipative currents in a Hall bar under strong magnetic fields

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    Recent spatially resolved measurements of the electrostatic-potential variation across a Hall bar in strong magnetic fields, which revealed a clear correlation between current-carrying strips and incompressible strips expected near the edges of the Hall bar, cannot be understood on the basis of existing equilibrium theories. To explain these experiments, we generalize the Thomas-Fermi--Poisson approach for the self-consistent calculation of electrostatic potential and electron density in {\em total} thermal equilibrium to a {\em local equilibrium} theory that allows to treat finite gradients of the electrochemical potential as driving forces of currents in the presence of dissipation. A conventional conductivity model with small values of the longitudinal conductivity for integer values of the (local) Landau-level filling factor shows that, in apparent agreement with experiment, the current density is localized near incompressible strips, whose location and width in turn depend on the applied current.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure