212 research outputs found

    To join or not to join?–A framework for the evaluation of enterprise blockchain consortia

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    Within the past years, enterprise blockchain solutions were frequently developed within different industry consortia. In most cases, this resulted in isolated solutions competing against each other due to similar approaches and goals. Today, decision makers do not necessarily need to establish entirely new blockchain consortia, as established ones already exist, and participation is a considerable way to avoid unreasonable efforts. In this paper, we apply an iterative literature review to identify different factors relevant for practitioners, who face the challenge of joining an existing enterprise blockchain consortium. In a second step, we discuss these factors utilizing supply chain management as a role model. As a main finding, we propose an evaluation framework for the purpose of enterprise blockchain consortium analysis. Additionally, we provide several questions relevant for practitioners during their evaluation stages. With our evaluation framework we contribute to blockchain research, where - despite its high relevance - the topic of consortium evaluation has so far been neglected. We also contribute to research in the field of technology evaluation by proposing and merging five different evaluation dimensions

    Integrating blockchain technology in supply chain management – a process model with evidence from current implementation projects

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    In this paper, process models for the integration of information technologies in supply chains are evaluated and utilized for the development of a blockchain-specific model. Case studies are conducted to validate the model based on several implementation projects with the purpose to refine the model’s phases and through focus group interviews and workshops. Even though most of the studied projects demonstrate a clear added value of their blockchain solutions, only few of them make it to the step of running a productive system and integrate the solution in their business processes. The outcome of this paper delivers a practice-oriented process model for integrating blockchain solutions in supply chains. It meets all developed requirements and is validated by interdisciplinary experts that consider a variety of use cases and supply chain application areas


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    İşgücünün niteliğinden kaynaklanan işsizlik sorunu ciddi bir problem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İşgücü piyasasının ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak nitelikli işgücünün eğitilmesi ile bu sorunun bir nebze giderileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda işsizlerin nitelikli birer birey olabilmesi için çeşitli eğitim programları düzenlenmektedir

    Evaluation of (De-)Centralized IT technologies in the fields of Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    In the course of the digital transformation, organizations are not only facing increasing volatility of the markets, but also increasing customer requirements and thus an increasing complexity in production and logistics systems. Therefore, production plants need to become more flexible by transforming conventional production systems to Cyber-physical Production Systems (CPPS). CPPS allow organizations to dynamically react to fluctuations in demand and markets and to introduce new product lines quickly and effectively. The challenge in implementing CPPS is to handle and store relevant data streams between Cyber-physical objects in a secure but transparent way. As CPPS involve a high level of decentralization, the data storage can either be combined with centralized IT-solutions like a Cloud or utilize decentralized IT-technologies like Edge Computing or Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) like Blockchains. The paper addresses the suitability of centralized and decentralized technologies in terms of dealing with data streams in the fields of CPPS. For this purpose, based on a paper exploration, appropriate evaluation criteria are derived, followed by a comparison of exemplary centralized and decentralized technologies. The outcome is a qualitative evaluation of the supplement of each technology regarding its suitability of dealing with data streams

    O papel do conhecimento tácito na adesão às normas sociais

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    This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion on adherence to social norms. It considers insights from multiple research traditions in an effort to explain how individual learning and action are connected to social norms. One strand of philosophical tradition holds that non-representational learning and skillful coping carried out unconsciously are underestimated by both scientific and philosophical traditions. The present research combines this tradition with the literature on the evolution of social norms and suggests that experienced individuals in a society adhere to social norms better than novice agents do. We explain this phenomenon by unconscious and non-representational cognitive processes. This framework is then used to investigate population-level outcomes of individual learning.Keywords: adherence to norms, expertise, skillful coping.Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para a discussão em curso sobre a adesão às normas sociais. Ele cosnidera insights de múltiplas tradições de pesquisa em um esforço para explicar como a aprendizagem e a ação individuais estão conectadas às normas sociais. Uma vertente da tradição filosófica sustenta que a aprendizagem não representacional e o enfrentamento hábil inconscientemente são subestimados pelas tradições científicas e filosóficas. A presente pesquisa combina esta tradição com a literatura sobre a evolução das normas sociais e sugere que os indivíduos experientes em uma sociedade adiram às normas sociais melhor do que os agentes novatos. Explicamos este fenômeno por processos cognitivos inconscientes e não representativos. Este quadro é então utilizado para investigar resultados de nível individual da aprendizagem individual.Palavras-chave: aderência às normas, perícia, habilidades de enfrentamento

    Surface Faulting and Ground Deformation: Considerations on Their Lower Detectable Limit and on FDHA for Nuclear Installations

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    We performed a review of a representative data set on coseismic surface deformation, derived from both interferometric synthetic aperture radar imaging and from a traditional field survey of surface faulting. This analysis indicates a minimum threshold value of Mw 5.4\u20135.5 for earthquake-induced ground deformation and faulting, with an inherently lower limit of detection that makes it hard to recognize surface deformation caused by Mw < 4.5\u20135.0 events. Significant exceptions are represented by shallow (i.e., less than circa 5 km) events that occur in volcano-tectonic settings, where surface deformation and dislocation are also clearly detectable for Mw circa 4.0. Furthermore, a statistically significant regression between the areal extent of surface deformation and maximum slip at surface is proposed. This correlation is discussed in relation to fault displacement hazard analysis for nuclear power plants. In particular, the deformation area is used to find a potential solution for the second and third criterion for defining a capable fault