22 research outputs found

    Short-term and long-term benefits as determinants of the training behaviour of companies

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    "This paper adopts an economic perspective for an investigation of the correlation between cost-benefit aspects and company decisions regarding training. A differentiation is drawn between the basic decision about whether a company should provide its own training and the stipulation of the number of trainees. The basis of the data used is information on the cost-benefit aspects of training from a survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in 2001, the information being supplied by companies which provide training and companies which do not provide training. It becomes apparent that cost-benefit aspects are highly significant in both phases of the company training decision. Possible starting points for vocational education and training policy primarily emerge from encouraging additional companies to provide training rather than from increasing the number of training places at companies already providing training, however. In overall terms, longer-term benefits appear to be accorded more importance than short-term cost aspects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Additional Information Kurzfassung (deutsch) Executive summary (English)Ausbildungsverhalten - Determinanten, Betrieb, Ausbildungsbetrieb, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, Ausbildungskosten, betriebliche Berufsausbildung - Nutzen, betriebliche Berufsausbildung, Bildungsökonomie, Bildungsinvestitionen, Bildungsertrag, Personalpolitik

    Cost and Benefit of Apprenticeship Training: A Comparison of Germany and Switzerland

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    For the first time it has been made possible to merge a German and a Swiss firm-level data set that include detailed information about costs and benefits of apprenticeship training. Previous analyses based only on aggregate data showed that the net costs of training apprentices are substantial in Germany, whereas apprenticeship training is on average profitable during the training period for firms in Switzerland, even though the two training systems are rather similar. This paper analyzes the reasons for these differences with matching methods. We simulate the impact of changes in certain parameters such as wages, apprenticeship system-related factors and allocation of tasks to apprentices on the cost-benefit ratio using the counterfactual values of the other country. The results show that most of the difference in the net costs of training between the two countries can be explained by a higher share of productive tasks allocated to apprentices in Switzerland and the differences in relative wages.apprenticeship training, cost and benefit analysis

    Transition to company-based vocational training in Germany by young people from a migrant background – the influence of region of origin and generation status

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    Purpose: For young people with a migrant background in Germany transition from school to company-based vocational training is much more difficult than for non-migrants. This remains true, when data is controlled for the lower performance of young migrants in general education. In this paper we investigate if and how far the chances of transition to company-based vocational training and the acquisition of different school leaving certificates depend from the migration generation and the region of origin of young migrants. The question is, if disadvantages of young migrants diminish with a longer stay of their family in Germany and if this is also the case for the different groups of regions of origin (Southern Europe, East Europe, Turkey, other Middle East and North Africa, Other regions). Methods: We conduct multivariate analyses on the basis of data from the German Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Our analyses relate to young people who left a general education school after Year 9 in the summer of 2011 or Year 10 in the summer of 2012. Our database comprises information provided by a total of 5,952 school leavers. Results: For all four origin groups worse chances in comparison to non-migrants were detected. But there are differences in the disadvantages of opportunity between the various groups. They acquire more often lower school qualifications than their counterparts not from a migrant background and also have worse chances than the latter of successfully progressing to company-based vocational education and training. This applies even if other important influencing factors such as social origin are taken into account. Young people from a Turkish or Arab background have the lowest chances in general education and vocational training. As generation status rises disadvantages diminish for all origin groups, but with different magnitudes. A clear upwards-directed integration can be observed solely for the East European origin group. Conclusion: The results of our analyses signalise a clear need for action on the part of German policy makers and German society to reduce the educational disadvantages suffered by young migrants and to develop an effective support mechanism. Integration is rarely achieved in the short term. It is a long-term task which frequently extends over several generations

    Transition to company-based vocational training in Germany by young people from a migrant background - the influence of region of origin and generation status

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    Purpose: For young people with a migrant background in Germany transition from school to company-based vocational training is much more difficult than for non-migrants. This remains true, when data is controlled for the lower performance of young migrants in general education. In this paper we investigate if and how far the chances of transition to company-based vocational training and the acquisition of different school leaving certificates depend from the migration generation and the region of origin of young migrants. The question is, if disadvantages of young migrants diminish with a longer stay of their family in Germany and if this is also the case for the different groups of regions of origin (Southern Europe, East Europe, Turkey, other Middle East and North Africa, Other regions). Methods: We conduct multivariate analyses on the basis of data from the German Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Our analyses relate to young people who left a general education school after Year 9 in the summer of 2011 or Year 10 in the summer of 2012. Our database comprises information provided by a total of 5,952 school leavers. Results: For all four origin groups worse chances in comparison to non-migrants were detected. But there are differences in the disadvantages of opportunity between the various groups. They acquire more often lower school qualifications than their counterparts not from a migrant background and also have worse chances than the latter of successfully progressing to company-based vocational education and training. This applies even if other important influencing factors such as social origin are taken into account. Young people from a Turkish or Arab background have the lowest chances in general education and vocational training. As generation status rises disadvantages diminish for all origin groups, but with different magnitudes. A clear upwards-directed integration can be observed solely for the East European origin group. Conclusion: The results of our analyses signalise a clear need for action on the part of German policy makers and German society to reduce the educational disadvantages suffered by young migrants and to develop an effective support mechanism. Integration is rarely achieved in the short term. It is a long-term task which frequently extends over several generations. (DIPF/Orig.

    Exklusion und Segmentation in der beruflichen Bildung im längerfristigen Vergleich

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    Exclusion and Segmentation in the German Dual Apprenticeship System in a Long-Term ComparisonThis article examines the extent to which there is empirical evidence to support theses in the research literature that the expansion of general education and higher degrees has influenced the development and reinforcement of exclusion and segmentation in the German dual system of vocational education and training within the past 50 years. No evidence for the increased exclusion of young people with a low educational attainment level is found. However, among other factors, the expansion of education could have increased the occupational segmentation in terms of educational background of school graduates

    Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und Studium: Wirkt die soziale Herkunft unterschiedlich bei Männern und Frauen?

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    Transition from School to Vocational Education and University: Does Social Class have Different Effects for Men and Women?In this paper we analyse the question whether social class affects the transition from school to vocational education and university differently for men and for women. The starting point is the fact that the German system of vocational education and training and the occupational system are both dominated by gender aspects. For women, the number of relevant occupations is rather limited, and the occupational preferences for men and women differ a lot. We argue that the social recognition of certain vocations is different for men and women and that this difference not only affects the transition from school to vocational education and training but also the acquirement of certificates at secondary schools, which are of central importance for the admission to vocational education and training. Using data from the BIBB transition survey 2011, we estimate separated regression models for men and women to analyse the influence of social class for different aspects of transition to vocational education and training. The results provide evidence that the influence of social class is gender-related

    Beschäftigungsentwicklung und Dynamik des betrieblichen Ausbildungsangebotes : eine Analyse für den Zeitraum 1999 bis 2008

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    "Since the mid-1990s of the last century, changes in the German apprenticeship system have mainly been discussed under the light of too low participation and training rates of companies. Statistical analysis of relevant questions mostly relies on means derived from cross-sectional data such as the training rate of companies. However, this approach only gives information about companies' training provision at a certain point in time and tells little about the dynamics of company participation in training. Even with overall training rates remaining constant, large shifts in the training participation of certain groups of companies and in the composition of the overall population of training companies may occur. Over time, economic dynamics should also lead to changes in training behaviour. Taking this into account the paper analyses the turnover of apprenticeship places over time. The question is addressed, in which way the supply of training places is influenced by relevant factors mainly concerning changes in companies' human capital. The paper finally assesses the relative importance of policy instruments and unobserved variables compared to economic dynamics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Ausbildungsplatzangebot - Determinanten, betriebliche Berufsausbildung, Ausbildungsinvestitionen, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, Ausbildungsbereitschaft, Beschäftigtenstruktur

    Neuere Veröffentlichungen

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    Kooperation der Lernorte im dualen System der Berufsbildung. Bericht über eine Auswertung von Modellversuchen

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    "Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse der projektübergreifenden Auswertung von insgesamt 59 Modellversuchen dar, die zum Zeitpunkt der Auswertung (1998) noch liefen oder wenige Jahre zuvor abgeschlossen worden waren. Er bezieht Modellversuche ein, in denen \u27 Lernortkooperation\u27 Hauptanliegen ist, aber auch viele Modellversuche mit dieser Thematik als Begleitaspekt ... Modellversuche zur Lernortkooperation sind als \u27BLK-Modellversuche\u27 (in beruflichen Schulen), als \u27Wirtschafts-Modellversuche\u27 (in Ausbildungsbetrieben u. a. Ausbildungsstätten der Wirtschaft) sowie als \u27Modellversuchs-Zwillinge\u27 (abgestimmte Kooperationsprojekte gleichzeitig in Berufsschulen und Betrieben) durchgeführt worden. [Nach diesen Formen ist der Bericht auch gegliedert].... Aus systemtischen Gründen ("duales System") müssen die Kooperation der Lernorte sowohl aus der Perspektive der Berufsschule als auch aus der des Betriebes betrachtet und die Modellversuchs-Ergebnisse beider Lernorte zusammengeführt werden. Diese Zusammenschau ... wird im vorliegenden Auswertungsbericht erstmals geleistet." Zusätzlich wird ein Bericht über den Stand der Erkenntnisse zur Lernortkooperation gegeben und am Schluss des Berichtes stehen Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Kooperationspraxis und der Modellversuchspraxis. (DIPF/Orig./Bi.