412 research outputs found

    Harmonic Superspace, Minimal Unitary Representations and Quasiconformal Groups

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    We show that there is a remarkable connection between the harmonic superspace (HSS) formulation of N=2, d=4 supersymmetric quaternionic Kaehler sigma models that couple to N=2 supergravity and the minimal unitary representations of their isometry groups. In particular, for N=2 sigma models with quaternionic symmetric target spaces of the form G/HXSU(2) we establish a one-to-one mapping between the Killing potentials that generate the isometry group G under Poisson brackets in the HSS formulation and the generators of the minimal unitary representation of G obtained by quantization of its geometric realization as a quasiconformal group. Quasiconformal extensions of U-duality groups of four dimensional N=2, d=4 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGT) had been proposed as spectrum generating symmetry groups earlier. We discuss some of the implications of our results, in particular, for the BPS black hole spectra of 4d, N=2 MESGTs.Comment: 20 pages; Latex file: references added; minor cosmetic change

    Gauging the Full R-Symmetry Group in Five-dimensional, N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein/tensor Supergravity

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    We show that certain five dimensional, N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein supergravity theories admit the gauging of the full R-symmetry group, SU(2)_R, of the underlying N=2 Poincare superalgebra. This generalizes the previously studied Abelian gaugings of U(1)_R subgroup of SU(2)_R and completes the construction of the most general vector and tensor field coupled five dimensional N=2 supergravity theories with gauge interactions. The gauging of SU(2)_R turns out to be possible only in special cases, and leads to a new type of scalar potential. For a large class of these theories the potential does not have any critical points.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages ; section two is split in two and the discussion of the critical points is moved into the new section. Version to appear in Physical Review

    Generalized spacetimes defined by cubic forms and the minimal unitary realizations of their quasiconformal groups

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    We study the symmetries of generalized spacetimes and corresponding phase spaces defined by Jordan algebras of degree three. The generic Jordan family of formally real Jordan algebras of degree three describe extensions of the Minkowskian spacetimes by an extra "dilatonic" coordinate, whose rotation, Lorentz and conformal groups are SO(d-1), SO(d-1,1) XSO(1,1) and SO(d,2)XSO(2,1), respectively. The generalized spacetimes described by simple Jordan algebras of degree three correspond to extensions of Minkowskian spacetimes in the critical dimensions (d=3,4,6,10) by a dilatonic and extra (2,4,8,16) commuting spinorial coordinates, respectively. The Freudenthal triple systems defined over these Jordan algebras describe conformally covariant phase spaces. Following hep-th/0008063, we give a unified geometric realization of the quasiconformal groups that act on their conformal phase spaces extended by an extra "cocycle" coordinate. For the generic Jordan family the quasiconformal groups are SO(d+2,4), whose minimal unitary realizations are given. The minimal unitary representations of the quasiconformal groups F_4(4), E_6(2), E_7(-5) and E_8(-24) of the simple Jordan family were given in our earlier work hep-th/0409272.Comment: A typo in equation (37) corrected and missing titles of some references added. Version to be published in JHEP. 38 pages, latex fil

    Spectrum Generating Conformal and Quasiconformal U-Duality Groups, Supergravity and Spherical Vectors

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    After reviewing the algebraic structures that underlie the geometries of N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGT) in five and four dimensions with symmetric scalar manifolds, we give a unified realization of their three dimensional U-duality groups as spectrum generating quasiconformal groups. They are F_{4(4)}, E_{6(2)}, E_{7(-5)}, E_{8(-24)} and SO(n+2,4). Our formulation is covariant with respect to U-duality symmetry groups of corresponding five dimensional supergravity theories, which are SL(3,R), SL(3,C), SU*(6), E_{6(6)} and SO(n-1,1)X SO(1,1), respectively. We determine the spherical vectors of quasiconformal realizations of all these groups twisted by a unitary character. We also give their quadratic Casimir operators and determine their values. Our work lays the algebraic groundwork for constructing the unitary representations of these groups induced by their geometric quasiconformal actions, which include the quaternionic discrete series. For rank 2 cases, SU(2,1) and G_{2(2)}, corresponding to simple N=2 supergravity in four and five dimensions, this program was carried out in arXiv:0707.1669. We also discuss the corresponding algebraic structures underlying symmetries of matter coupled N=4 and N>4 supergravity theories. They lead to quasiconformal realizations of split real forms of U-duality groups as a straightforward extension of the quaternionic real forms.Comment: Section 4 is split with the addition of a subsection on quadratic Casimir operators; references added; typos corrected. Latex file; 53 page

    Lectures on Spectrum Generating Symmetries and U-duality in Supergravity, Extremal Black Holes, Quantum Attractors and Harmonic Superspace

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    We review the underlying algebraic structures of supergravity theories with symmetric scalar manifolds in five and four dimensions, orbits of their extremal black hole solutions and the spectrum generating extensions of their U-duality groups. For 5D, N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGT) defined by Euclidean Jordan algebras, J, the spectrum generating symmetry groups are the conformal groups Conf(J) of J which are isomorphic to their U-duality groups in four dimensions. Similarly, the spectrum generating symmetry groups of 4D, N=2 MESGTs are the quasiconformal groups QConf(J) associated with J that are isomorphic to their U-duality groups in three dimensions. We then review the work on spectrum generating symmetries of spherically symmetric stationary 4D BPS black holes, based on the equivalence of their attractor equations and the equations for geodesic motion of a fiducial particle on the target spaces of corresponding 3D supergravity theories obtained by timelike reduction. We also discuss the connection between harmonic superspace formulation of 4D, N=2 sigma models coupled to supergravity and the minimal unitary representations of their isometry groups obtained by quantizing their quasiconformal realizations. We discuss the relevance of this connection to spectrum generating symmetries and conclude with a brief summary of more recent results.Comment: 55 pages; Latex fil


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    We review the construction of extended ( N=2 and N=4 ) superconformal algebras over triple systems and the gauged WZW models invariant under them. The N=2 superconformal algebras (SCA) realized over Freudenthal triple systems (FTS) admit extension to ``maximal'' N=4 SCA's with SU(2)XSU(2)XU(1) symmetry. A detailed study of the construction and classification of N=2 and N=4 SCA's over Freudenthal triple systems is given. We conclude with a study and classification of gauged WZW models with N=4 superconformal symmetry.Comment: Invited talk presented at the Gursey Memorial Conference I in Istanbul, Turkiye (June 6-10, 1994). To appear in the proceedings of the conference. (21 pages. Latex document.

    Triple Products and Yang-Baxter Equation (II): Orthogonal and Symplectic Ternary Systems

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    We generalize the result of the preceeding paper and solve the Yang-Baxter equation in terms of triple systems called orthogonal and symplectic ternary systems. In this way, we found several other new solutions.Comment: 38 page

    Quaternion Octonion Reformulation of Quantum Chromodynamics

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    We have made an attempt to develop the quaternionic formulation of Yang - Mill's field equations and octonion reformulation of quantum chromo dynamics (QCD). Starting with the Lagrangian density, we have discussed the field equations of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge fields for both cases of global and local gauge symmetries. It has been shown that the three quaternion units explain the structure of Yang- Mill's field while the seven octonion units provide the consistent structure of SU(3)_{C} gauge symmetry of quantum chromo dynamics

    Topological wave functions and heat equations

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    It is generally known that the holomorphic anomaly equations in topological string theory reflect the quantum mechanical nature of the topological string partition function. We present two new results which make this assertion more precise: (i) we give a new, purely holomorphic version of the holomorphic anomaly equations, clarifying their relation to the heat equation satisfied by the Jacobi theta series; (ii) in cases where the moduli space is a Hermitian symmetric tube domain G/KG/K, we show that the general solution of the anomaly equations is a matrix element \IP{\Psi | g | \Omega} of the Schr\"odinger-Weil representation of a Heisenberg extension of GG, between an arbitrary state Ψ\bra{\Psi} and a particular vacuum state Ω\ket{\Omega}. Based on these results, we speculate on the existence of a one-parameter generalization of the usual topological amplitude, which in symmetric cases transforms in the smallest unitary representation of the duality group GG' in three dimensions, and on its relations to hypermultiplet couplings, nonabelian Donaldson-Thomas theory and black hole degeneracies.Comment: 50 pages; v2: small typos fixed, references added; v3: cosmetic changes, published version; v4: typos fixed, small clarification adde

    Orbifolds and Flows from Gauged Supergravity

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    We examine orbifolds of the IIB string via gauged supergravity. For the gravity duals of the A_{n-1} quiver gauge theories, we extract the massless degrees of freedom and assemble them into multiplets of N=4 gauged supergravity in five dimensions. We examine the embedding of the gauge group into the isometry group of the scalar manifold, as well as the symmetries of the scalar potential. From this we find that there is a large SU(1,n) symmetry group which relates different RG flows in the dual quiver gauge theory. We find that this symmetry implies an extension of the usual duality between ten-dimensional IIB solutions which involves exchanging geometric moduli with background fluxes.Comment: 37 pages, harvma