13 research outputs found

    Benefit analysis: An application of the contingent valuation method (CVM) in Köyceğiz - Dalyan watershed

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    Fayda-maliyet analizlerinde kullanılmak üzere çevresel mal ve hizmetlerin yarattığı faydanın ölçülmesi için farklı yaklaşımlar geliştirilmiştir. Sunulan bu çalışmanın amacı, bu yaklaşımları incelemek ve bu yaklaşımlardan biri olan “Senaryo Destekli Değerlendirme” (SDD) Yöntemini kullanarak, Köyceğiz Dalyan bölgesinde uygulamaktır. Her iki yerleşim merkezinde bulunan atıksu arıtma tesislerinin işletmeye alınması ile birlikte yeraltı ve yüzey suyu kalitesinin bozulmamasının halkın gözündeki ekonomik değerinin belirlenmesi için SDD yöntemi seçilmiştir. Yöntemin ilk  adımı olan anket çalışması,  2002 yılında bölgede toplam 800 kişiyle görüşülerek tamamlanmıştır. Elde edilen anketler, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) istatistik programına girilerek, analiz edilmiş ve halkın ortalama ödeme isteği hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca arıtma tesisinin işletilmesinin sağladığı fayda hesaplanarak, fayda maliyet analizi yapılmış ve sonuçları da  değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fayda analizi, değerlendirme teknikleri, senaryo destekli değerlendirme yöntemi, ödeme isteği, Köyceğiz-Dalyan, su havzası.  There is both great interest and septicism in attempts to put monetary values on environmental goods and services. The interest in valuation techniques arises in part from concern that efforts to protect and improve the environment be cost effective. The valuation task is to determine how much better or worse off individuals are (would be) as a result of a change in environmental quality. The main objective of this study is to examine these approaches in detail and evaluation of the analysis results of the application of  Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) in Köyceğiz – Dalyan Watershed. A survey was conducted to evaluate the benefit to households from reduced sewage pollution of surface and groundwater quality due to the operation of the wastewater treatment plants in Köyçeğiz – Dalyan Area. Being the only practical means of estimating the environmental benefits, CVM was applied to area in June 2002. 800 households in total were participated to questionnaire, which is a major step of the method.The questionnaires were analyzed in the  SPSS program and mean WTP (Willingness to pay) was estimated by using two different models: parametric and non-parametric. In addition, the benefit cost analysis of the operation of the WWTP was estimated and the results were summarized.    Keywords: Benefit analysis, valuation techniques, contingent valuation method, willingness to pay, watershed

    Model support system for rural non-point sources and local implementation

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    Kırsal havzalarda sürdürülebilir kalkınma için yayılı kaynak modellerinin bir araç olarak kullanılabilmesi gerekmektedir ve çalışmada buna yönelik bir modelleme destek sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Sistemin Türkiye özelinde uygulanabilmesine rehberlik edici bir örnek çalışma Köyceğiz-Dalyan havzasında yapılmıştır. Uygulamada, kırsal kesime özel, gelişkin bir modelleme destek sistemi kurmak için gerekli sistematik yaklaşım, uygulama güçlükleri ve bunların telafi yöntemleri üzerinde yoğunlaşılmıştır. Türkiye’de kırsal alanlardaki yayılı kaynakların modellenmesi için, projelerin baştan sona yönetimine dair hem yöneticilerin ve hem de araştırıcıların faydalanabileceği kapsamlı bir dokümantasyon oluşturulmuştur. Öte yandan, Türkiye’de nadiren uygulanmış HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN), modelleme sürecinde kullanılarak bir hidrolojik model zemini de geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kırsal yayılı kaynak kirliliği, HSPF, havza modelleme, hidroloji, toprak analizleri, meteoroloji. This study deals with developing a model support system for non-point source modeling, which is a vital tool for sustainable management of rural basins. Guidance on developing this system is provided via a case study over Köyceğiz-Dalyan Watershed, in Turkey. The case study defines; the systematic approach to establish this system, possible general and local difficulties during application, and workarounds for these problems. Decision-makers, researchers and modelers in Turkey may use this fully documented information to form, propose, initiate, manage, and finalize similar projects on rural area non-point source modeling. HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN), which is a sound hydrological model with very rare applications in Turkey, was implemented to develop the core model for prospective use within a much comprehensive watershed model. Although the quantified modeling outputs of this study should be considered as preliminary, they also act as a reliable and timesaving initial step towards a much broader evaluation of the non-point sources in this rural watershed. Given that developing an integrated approach for watershed management is quite a fertile and a rather young concept, this study will nevertheless guide the non-point source modeling process as a tool for the possible implementation of holistic environmental management plans in Turkey.Keywords: Rural non-point source pollution, HSPF, watershed modeling, hydrology, soils analysis, meteorology

    A decision support system proposal for interbasin water transfer in Turkey

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    Mevcut su kaynaklarının endüstriyel, tarımsal ve kentsel su ihtiyacını karşılayamaması, su kaynaklarının restorasyonu, kuraklık, mevcut su temin sisteminin performansının ve esnekliğinin artırılması, enerji üretimi vb. gerekçeler ile Türkiye dahil birçok ülkede su transfer projeleri hayata geçirilmiştir. Havza içerisinde diğer doğal kaynaklarla birlikte bir bütünü oluşturan su kaynaklarının yapay yollarla bir bölgeden bir başka bölgeye transfer edilmesi, dikkatli bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi ve analiz edilmesi gereken çevresel, sosyal ve ekonomik sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Su kaynaklarının planlanması ve yönetiminde mevcut kurumsal yapı nedeniyle ciddi sıkıntılar yaşayan Türkiye’nin havzalar arası su transferi ile ilgili, karar vericilere yardımcı olabilecek, bilimsel verilerle desteklenmiş bir “karar destek sistemine” ivedilikle ihtiyacı vardır. Bu nedenle su ihtiyacının karşılanması için başka bir havzadan su transfer edilmesi seçeneğinin bilimsel verilerin ışığında irdelenebilmesi amacıyla bu çalışmada; güvenilir, basit ve Türkiye’nin mevcut kısıtlı veri birikimine uygun, konuyu sadece çevresel boyutu ile alan bir karar destek sistemi önerilmiştir. Önerilen karar destek sistemi, bir örnek olmak üzere Büyük Melen Su Transfer Projesi için uygulanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Havzalar arası su transferi, çevresel ve sosyoekonomik etkiler, karar destek sistemi.Achieving sustainable management of water resources is a conscious social decision that provides long-term durability of a watershed regarding ecological and economical means. The limited capacity of the world's water resources as an important natural capital (NC) cannot meet the growing demands of the socio-economic system (SES) without setting a strategy of sustainable management. One of the simplest solutions of the problem that is applied in many countries is water transfer from a rich water resource to another. Interbasin transfer of water can simply be described as the transfer of water artificially from one basin to another through a pipeline or a canal. Interbasin water transfers are a common component of many regional water systems. It has been in use for a long time all over the world. At present, a great number of various water transfer systems operate or are under construction for urban drinking water supply, irrigation, industry and environmental rehabilitation. Although it is clear enough that an underlying premise to this decision is the recognition of the interdependence between NC and SES that directly or indirectly influences the ecosystem, this important link is not taken into consideration in Turkey during decision making process with the goal of developing a long-term integrated plan for sustainable management of both watersheds. In this study, a reliable and simple decision support system was developed to help decision makers about interbasin water transfer. The first stage of the support system is the investigation of alternatives water resources. Reuse of urban waste water, desalination, rainwater harvesting and water demand management should be evaluated as a water resources and then transfer decision should be made. This subject is the main topic of water resources management that it was not evaluated within the context of this study. In the second stage the transfer decision is evaluated in details. After this stage it is possible to produce knowledge for decision makers about interbasin transfer is possible or not, and if it is, what would be the amount of water transferred, types of transfer (permanent transfer, contingent transfer). The decision support system was developed following three basic principles: First, the area of delivery must face a substantial deficit in meeting present or projected future water demands after consideration is given to alternative water supply sources and all reasonable measures for reducing water demand. Second, it will be provided that there will not be any substantially degradation of environmental quality in the donor basin. There will not be any destruction in habitat of living organisms that is under protected and economically valuable. Third, transfer will be possible, when the future development of the donor basin must not be substantially constrained by water scarcity. However consideration to transfer that constraints future development of donor basin may be appropriate if the receiving basin compensates the donor basin productivity losses. It is aimed that the support system should be appropriate to Turkey?s condition and must be reliable, simple and admitting of rapid assessment. Furthermore, the developed decision support system was implemented to Büyük Melen Water Transfer Project (Water transfer from Büyük Melen River to Istanbul) as an example. As a result of developed decision support system, to prevent degradation of ecosystem quality in the downstream of the diversion point of Büyük Melen River flow rate should be 18 m3/s at least. It is planned that the amount of the transferred water will be 8.50 m3/s at the first stage. For this reason the amount of transferred water must be 3.40 m3/s and 4.84 m3/s in July and October respectively, and this result indicates that water must not be transferred in August and September from the river. In the last stage of the projects the amount of transferred water should be as follows to prevent degradation of aquatic ecosystem: 34.74 m3/s in May, 13.40 m3/s in June, 3.40 m3/s in July, 4.84 m3/s in October transferred and no transfer in August and September. In this condition the average flow rate of transfer is 32 m3/s. It is planned that the amount of the transferred water will be 37.50 m3/s at the last stage. This planned flow rate is bigger than flow rate which is calculated with the developed support system. As a result Büyük Melen River ecosystem will be affected if the proposed action plan is not considered. Keywords: Interbasin water transfer, ecosystem quality, decision support system


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    This paper examines the administrative and legal structure of the wastewater sector in Turkey, identifying its shortcomings and their causes, and suggests solutions. The study begins by outlining the existing administrative and legal structure, then focusing on the areas where difficulties are faced and seeking solutions to them. Those administrative and legal facets which have produced improvements and/or function effectively have been analysed so as to provide examples for other areas. When examining the sector it was observed that problems common to every area are the failure to adequately define powers and responsibilities, the lack of coordination between sectoral organisations, and the fact that attention is generally concentrated on routine matters of secondary importance. The fact that numerous organisations share powers in the same ar ea causes confusion. Plurality also creates difficulties where enforcement is concerned. The existence of more than one set of regulations relating to the same area gives rise to loopholes. At the same time, unrealistic, and hence unenforceable standards undermine the effectiveness of sanctions. it has been concluded that a single organisation should be invested with the legal powers to lay down the principles of water management, that environmental courts should be set up to enforce legislation by means of sanctions; and that for this purpose existing legislation should be reexamined and revised as necessary and/or brought up to date