1,086 research outputs found

    Kılıçkaya (Yusufeli, Artvin, Turkey) faunasına katkılar

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    This study was carried out between 2016 and 2017 (spring, summer and autumn months) in order to determine the fauna of Kılıckaya village and its surroundings in the Yusufeli district in the northeast of Artvin province in the Eastern Black Sea Region. Kılıçkaya and the surrounding area; A total of 114 animal species were identified including 18 mammals, 25 birds, 2 reptiles, 2 amphibians and 67 invertebrates. No endemic fauna species were found in Kılıçkaya and its environs. The threat categories of 47 taxa were evaluated according to the IUCN threat category. The distributions of the identified species by IUCN threat category are 1 NT, 14 VU, 32 LC. 36 species observed in the study area are subject to Bern Convention.Bu çalışma, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde yer alan Artvin ilinin kuzeydoğusundaki Yusufeli ilçe sınırları içinde bulunan Kılıckaya köyü ve çevresinin faunasını belirlemek amacıyla 2016-2017 yılları (ilkbahar, yaz ve sonbahar ayları) arasında yapılmıştır. Kılıçkaya ve çevresinde; 18 Memeli, 25 Kuş, 2 Sürüngen, 2 Amfibi ve 67 Omurgasız (Böcek) olmak üzere toplam 114 hayvan türü tespit edilmiştir. Kılıçkaya ve çevresinde endemik fauna türü bulunamamıştır. IUCN tehlike kategorilerine göre 47 taksonun tehlike durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Tespit edilen türlerden tehlike kategorilerine göre dağılımı 1 NT, 14 VU, 32 LC şeklindedir. Çalışma alanında gözlemlenen 36 tür Bern sözleşmesine tabidir

    Heybeliada üzerine bir anlatı denemesi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 1-Adalarİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) Istanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    How modern is it? Ruchome obrazy Ameryki we wczesnym kinie niemieckim

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    Publikacja została sfinansowana ze środków Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki w ramach projektu nr 12H 11 0004 8

    Do Fraudulent Companies Employ Different Linguistic Features in Their Annual Reports? An Empirical Study Using Logistic Regression and Random Forest Methodologies

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    The use of textual analysis to uncover fraudulent actions in 10-K filings is widespread. The previous studies have looked at the Management Disclosure and Analysis (MD&A) section of annual reports to predict illicit behaviour by analysing the tone of executives, with the majority of those studies dating back 10 years or more. The primary goal of this research is to find patterns in linguistic features of entire annual reports of convicted public businesses, which were found using the Corporate Prosecution Registry database, and compare them to non-fraudulent equivalents in the same industry. The algorithms of logistic regression and random forest are implemented to discover important factors and make accurate predictions. The accuracy rate, ROC-AUC value, and 10-fold cross-validation tools are performed to validate the success of each method. The results of the logistic regression revealed that corrupt organisations utilise a more negative, uncertain, and litigious tone. Furthermore, these businesses employ more words with a high lexical diversity and minimal complexity. Based on the Random Forest machine learning technique, the litigious variable is the most important variable in the prediction of untruthful corporations. Moreover, each of the validation methods demonstrates that the Random Forest methodology outperforms logistic regression.nhhma

    Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi kültür hazinesini korumaya çalışıyor:Kitaba patalojik tedavi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 111-Kütüphanelerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Bilinmeyen yönleriyle Şevket Süreyya Aydemir:Yaşamı, görüşleri, eserleri

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 476-Şevket Süreyya Aydemir. Not: Kitap İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi Kütüphane Koleksiyonunda mevcuttur

    Batanay (Ercümend)

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Müzisyenlerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    A cross layer multi hop network architecture for wireless Ad Hoc networks

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    In this paper, a novel decentralized cross-layer multi-hop cooperative network architecture is presented. Our architecture involves the design of a simple yet efficient cooperative flooding scheme,two decentralized opportunistic cooperative forwarding mechanisms as well as the design of Routing Enabled Cooperative Medium Access Control (RECOMAC) protocol that spans and incorporates the physical, medium access control (MAC) and routing layers for improving the performance of multihop communication. The proposed architecture exploits randomized coding at the physical layer to realize cooperative diversity. Randomized coding alleviates relay selection and actuation mechanisms,and therefore reduces the coordination among the relays. The coded packets are forwarded via opportunistically formed cooperative sets within a region, without communication among the relays and without establishing a prior route. In our architecture, routing layer functionality is submerged into the MAC layer to provide seamless cooperative communication while the messaging overhead to set up routes, select and actuate relays is minimized. RECOMAC is shown to provide dramatic performance improvements, such as eight times higher throughput and ten times lower end-to-end delay as well as reduced overhead, as compared to networks based on well-known IEEE 802.11 and Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocols

    The evolutıon of musıc educatıon ın Turkey

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     Abstract: Modern Turkey, now referred as the Republic of Turkey, which was founded on October 29, 1923, was constructed upon the heritage of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1923). The founder of the republic, often referred to as "the father of all Turks," Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), adapted an agressive program of social and cultural change following the establishment of the government. He achieved these reforms by using European countries as models which was called "Westernization" or "Modernization." During this period, new military technology and an educational system was adopted from France. Although the Westernization movement in the Ottoman Empire began during the late 1800s with the intention of catching up on European nations (which surpassed the Ottomans in the areas of technology and education), Atatürk developed the movement further in the early 1900s. He created an efficient modern state which merged liberal and secular thoughts and blended Islamic values with Western liberalism. Regarding Turkish music education, the first music teacher training school, Mûsıkî Muallim Mektebi (Music Teacher Training School), was opened in 1924 in Ankara, the capital city of the Republic of Turkey. In the present day, there are twenty-four music teacher training schools in Turkey and approximately 1,100 students are enrolled at these institutions. Keywords: Music teacher education in Turkey. Music teacher training schools in Turkey. Westernization in education in Turkey.   A evolução da educação musical na Turquia Resumo: A Turquia moderna, chamada atualmente de República da Turquia, foi fundada em 29 de outubro de 1923, e construída segundo a tradição do Império Otomano (1299-1923). O fundador da república, frequentemente chamado de "pai de todos os turcos", Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), instaurou um programa agressivo de mudanças sociais e culturais logo após o início do seu governo. Ele desenvolveu estas reformas seguindo o modelo de países europeus, no que chamou de ocidentalização ou modernização. Durante este período, uma nova tecnologia militar e um sistema educacional francês foram adotados. A ocidentalização do Império Otomano começou no final do século XIX com a intenção de equiparar a República da Turquia às nações europeias (que ultrapassaram os otomanos nas áreas de tecnologia e educação), mas Atatürk intensificou ainda mais este movimento no início do século XX. Ele criou assim um eficiente estado moderno numa fusão com ideias liberais e laicas, combinando valores islâmicos com o liberalismo ocidental. Em relação à educação musical turca, a primeira escola de treinamento de professores de música, Mûsıkî Muallim Mektebi, foi inaugurada em 1924 em Ankara, a capital da república da Turquia. Nos dias de hoje existem 24 destas escolas na Turquia e com aproximadamente 1100 alunos matriculados. Palavras-chave: Formação de professores de música na Turquia. Escolas de treinamento de professores de música na Turquia. Ocidentalização da educação na Turquia.  La evolución de la educación musical en Turquía Resumen: La Turquía moderna, llamada actualmente República de Turquía, fue fundada en 29 de octubre de 1923, e construida según la tradición del Imperio Otomano (1299-1923). El fundador de la república, constantemente llamado "padre de todos los turcos", Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), ha introducido un programa agresivo de cambios sociales y culturales luego del inicio de su gobierno. El desarrolló estas reformas siguiendo el modelo de países europeos, que llamó de occidentalización o modernización. Durante este período, una nueva tecnología militar y un sistema educacional francés fueran adoptados. La occidentalización del Imperio Otomano empezó en fines del siglo XIX con la intención de equiparar la Republica de Turquía a las naciones europeas (que ultrapasaron los otomanos en las áreas de tecnología y educación), pero Atatürk intensificó aún más este movimiento en inicio del siglo XX. El creó así un eficiente estado moderno en una fusión con ideas liberales y laicas, combinando valores islámicos com el liberalismo occidental. En relación a la educación musical turca, la primera escuela de entrenamiento de maestros de música, Mûsikî Muallim Mektebi, fue inaugurada en 1924 en Ankara, la capital de la República de Turquía. Actualmente existen 24 de estas escuelas en Turquía y con aproximadamente 1100 alumnos matriculados.  Palabras clave: Formación de profesores de música en Turquía. Escuelas de formación de profesores de música en Turquía. Occidentalización de la educación en Turquía.  

    RECOMAC: a cross-layer cooperative network protocol for wireless ad hoc networks

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    A novel decentralized cross-layer multi-hop cooperative protocol, namely, Routing Enabled Cooperative Medium Access Control (RECOMAC) is proposed for wireless ad hoc networks. The protocol architecture makes use of cooperative forwarding methods, in which coded packets are forwarded via opportunistically formed cooperative sets within a region, as RECOMAC spans the physical, medium access control (MAC) and routing layers. Randomized coding is exploited at the physical layer to realize cooperative transmissions, and cooperative forwarding is implemented for routing functionality, which is submerged into the MAC layer, while the overhead for MAC and route set up is minimized. RECOMAC is shown to provide dramatic performance improvements of eight times higher throughput and one tenth of end-to-end delay than that of the conventional architecture in practical wireless mesh networks