800 research outputs found

    The Interaction between Urban and Rural Areas: An Updated Paradigmatic, Methodological and Bibliographic Review

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    The relationships and interactions between rural and urban spaces have long been of interest in the territorial sciences. However, the approaches taken to these questions have evolved in line with the changing characteristics of the two types of territories, reflecting new relationships and structures. From these premises, we update the concept of rural–urban interaction by means of an extensive bibliographic review, which, among other results, highlights: (1) the profound change that has taken place in recent years in rural–urban interaction through processes such as de-agrarianisation, the tertiarisation of the economy and improvements in transport and communication infrastructures; (2) the resulting obsolescence of earlier typologies and procedures focused on discrimination between rural and urban environments, rather than on the interaction between them; (3) the difficulty of establishing valid, widely applicable typologies, given the profound differences in terms of (a) the scale and content of the statistics available in each country and (b) the territorial background in terms of economic functions and the characteristics, ancient and modern, of human settlement; (4) the predominance of an urban-centric approach, to the detriment of more traditional rural functions, such as agriculture, the importance of which is diluted by its low relative weight in terms of employed population and contribution to GDP. Consideration of these findings leads us to propose a new approach to the question of rural–urban interaction, reflecting the multifunctionality of rural spaces, and we identify useful areas for future researchPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Los espacios naturales protegidos como categoría en la ordenación del territorio. El caso de la comunidad autónoma andaluza

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    The issues of Andalusia protected areas over their land management are analysed from these viewpoints: origin; relation with the elements of Andalusia territory; contribution to land planning and rural and environmental planning; the new prospect opened by new law 42/2007. The outcome of this analysis make evident that protected areas have as main function to protect natural elements of environment and to provide environmental services to people at the regional scale, with a strong ability in communal urban planning, but their management neglects rural planning aimed to affected communities.Se analiza la incidencia de la declaración de espacios naturales protegidos en la ordenación del territorio de la comunidad autónoma andaluza según las siguientes líneas: 1.-Origen; 2.-La relación con elementos del territorio andaluz; 3.-Aportaciones de su gestión a la ordenación del territorio y a las políticas sectoriales correspondientes a medio ambiente y desarrollo rural; 4.-Las perspectivas que abre el cambio de legislación introducido por la Ley 42/2007. Los resultados de este análisis ponen de manifiesto que la lógica de la función de los espacios naturales protegidos en Andalucía responde a una escala de comunidad autónoma en cuanto a objetivos de planificación sectorial enfocada a la conservación de los factores bióticos y abióticos y al suministro de bienes ambientales y a una escala municipal respecto a la planificación urbana pero desatiende de facto objetivos de planificación sectorial destinada al desarrollo rural de escala municipal-supramunicipal.Des effets de la déclaration des espaces naturels protégés sont analyses dès ces lignes: leur origine; leur relation avec les éléments du territoire andalous, les apportassions de leur aménagement a l'aménagement du territoire et aux politiques de développement rural et de développement durable; les perspectives ouverts par la nouvelle loi 42/2007. Les résultats de c'analyse exposent que la fonction des espaces naturels protégés en Andalusia a une logique d'échèle régional quant a objectives de conservation des éléments biotiques et abiotiques et de fournissement des services environnementaux et communal a l'égard de la planification urbaine, mais délaisse les objectives de développement rural d'échèle communal et supra communal

    Los retos de la gestión del paisaje en la montaña mediterránea: relación entre tamaño, rentabilidad de la explotación y paisaje

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    This paper remarks about the contribution of Geography to the development of European Agreement of Landscape, according to the following basis: 1. Comparing the scopes of Regional Geography and applied landscapes studies, understood as issues of different social requests. 2. Referring this comparing to mediterranean mountain areas as a territory where the landscape traces of an obsolete farming system become in one main dynamic agent. This generates several conflicts in the urban planning. 3. Gathering any «good skills» or proposals that show the efficacy of Regional Geography as a tool for the accomplishment of European Agreement of Landscape.Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre la aportación de la Geografía al desarrollo del «Convenio Europeo del Paisaje» basada en las siguientes premisas: 1. Contraposición entre la «perspectiva unificada de la Geografía» y la desarrollada por los estudios aplicados de paisaje (estudios de impacto ambiental y ordenación del territorio), interpretadas como resultado de diferentes demandas sociales y centrando el análisis en los conceptos de identidad y diversidad. 2. Aplicación de esta contraposición a la montaña mediterránea litoral, un territorio en el que las huellas paisajísticas de un sistema productivo obsoleto se convierten en uno de los principales factores de dinamización económica del mismo, generándose una serie de conflictos en la gestión y ordenación del territorio. 3. Recoger algunas «buenas prácticas» o iniciativas que muestran la viabilidad de la perspectiva unificada de la Geografía como instrumento para el cumplimiento del Convenio europeo del paisaje.Cet article fait des reflexions sur l’apportation de la Geographie au developpement de la « Convention europeenne du paysage », selons les suivants prémisses: 1. O pposer les perspectives de la Geographie Regional et des études applies du paysage (amenagement du territoire) entendues comme la consequence des differents demandes sociaux. 2. Applier ces differents perspectives a la montaigne mediterraneenne, un territoire ou des traces de un systeme agraire obsolete sont une des facteurs de dinamisation economique, ce en provocant des conflits au amenagement du territoire. 3. Rassembles quelques « beaux pratiques » que montrent l’efficace de la Geographie Regional comme instrument pour l’accomplissement de la « Convention europeenne du paysage »

    An opportunity for learning: week under observation

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    Presentamos la experiencia de un trabajo interdisciplinar que los alumnos de magisterio de primero de grado han desarrollado en centros educativos de infantil y primaria. Desde el módulo “Sociedad, familia y escuela” han tenido que acudir a un centro escolar durante una semana completa con el fin de tener un primer contacto con la escuela en el rol de maestro y realizar una observación participante sobre diferentes aspectos sociales, educativos y curriculares que afectan a los alumnos. A esta iniciativa, se han unido profesores de otros departamentosWe present the experience of an interdisciplinary work developed by teacher training students of first grade in indergartens and primary schools. Within the module “Society, family and school” they had to attend a school center during a whole week with the aim of having a first contact with the school from the role of teacher. Also, they had to carry out an active observation about the different social, educational and curricular aspects which affect the students. Teachers of other departments have joined this initiative

    The observation week: An interdisciplinary activity

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    Este trabajo presenta una investigación longitudinal que iniciamos hace dos años con el comienzo de la implantación de los Grados de Maestro en la Universidad de Sevilla y que retomamos en este curso. En el curso 2010-11, los alumnos de primero realizaron una semana completa de observación participante en los centros educativos como trabajo interdisciplinar. Dicha actividad se diseñó desde el módulo “Sociedad, familia y escuela”, con el fin de tener un primer contacto con los centros escolares desde el rol de maestro, y realizar una observación sobre diferentes aspectos sociales, educativos y curriculares que afectan a los escolares. A esta iniciativa se han unido profesores de otros departamentos. Exponemos en qué ha consistido la actividad y la evaluación que de la misma realizaron en su momento docentes y alumnos, así como la valoración de dicha inmersión pasados dos años, después de haber realizado las Prácticas Externas que contempla el curriculum de tercer curso del Grado. La evaluación de la semana de observación, en los dos momentos, aporta resultados muy positivos y creemos que contribuye a evitar la parcelación disciplinar del curriculum de Magisterio, propicia la creación de un clima y cultura colaborativos, favorece el contacto directo con la diversidad social de los centros, favorece que el alumno novel se sitúe en el rol de maestro, conecta conocimientos teóricos con la práctica e incluso, ayuda a que los alumnos se planteen el sentido vocacional de los estudios y de su elección profesional.This paper presents a longitudinal study that began two years ago with the beginning of the implementation of the Teacher Degrees in the University of Seville. During the course 2010/2011, first year students carried out a full week of participant observation in educational centres as interdisciplinary work. This activity was designed from the subject “Society, Family and School” with a double objective: to provide the students with a first contact with the school assuming the role of the teacher, and give them the opportunity to observe different social, educational and curricular aspects which affect the school students. Teachers from other departments joined this initiative. We show what the activity consisted of and the assessment carried out by students and teachers both immediately after and two years later after the external practices included in the curriculum in the third course of the degree. The assessment of the observation week in the two moments provides very positive results, and we believe that the experience contributes to avoid the disciplinary fragmentation in the curriculum, promotes a collaborative atmosphere and culture, favours the direct contact with the social diversity in the school centres, enables novel students to assume the role of the teacher, connects theoretical knowledge with practice, and even helps students to consider the vocational meaning of this career and their professional choice. In January 2011 the students carried out several workshops based on the travelling exhibition “Passages. Travels through hyperspace”, a selection of works belonging to the Thyssen- Bornemisza Art Contemporary collection (T-B A21) at LABoral centre (Centre of Art and Industrial Design in Gijón). The experience had a great acceptance among the participants involved

    An Approach to the Key Soil Physical Properties for Assessing Soil Compaction Due to Livestock Grazing in Mediterranean Mountain Areas.

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    The selection of key soil physical properties (SPPs) for studying the impact of livestock treading is an unexplored research topic, especially in studies that analyze the influence of livestock management on the degradation process. The objective of this work was to demonstrate that the key SPPs for studying the impact of livestock treading depend on the objectives of the research and the environmental characteristics of the study site. This work used discriminant analysis to establish the most significant SPPs among the following: bulk density (BD), total porosity (P), field capacity (FC), infiltration capacity (IC), and aggregate stability (AS). Results showed that (1) IC and BD are the key properties for identifying the areas affected (bare patch) and unaffected (vegetated patch) by livestock treading, (2) none of the SPPs are significant under increasing stocking rates, and (3) BD is the key property for analyzing livestock impact with increasing stocking rate, using soil calcium carbonate content, slope exposure, and grass cover. We concluded that the relationship between physical soil degradation and stocking rate is not linear because it depends on environmental factors; therefore, to establish the key SPPs, it is necessary to take this fact into account.The APC was partial funding by University of Málaga

    Cannabis, an emerging aeroallergen in southeastern Spain (Region of Murcia)

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    The evolution of the behaviour of the Cannabis taxon in the Region of Murcia, Spain, has been analysed (in the cities of Cartagena, 1993–2020; Murcia, 2010–2020; and Lorca, 2010–2020). An attempt has been made to establish the origin of Cannabis pollen in this region to determine whether it is transported locally or from long distances based on air mass origins. Cannabis is an herbaceous, normally dioecious and anemophilous plant, which produces large quantities of pollen grains. It has been widely used for fibre (hemp), bird food (hempseed), essential oils and narcotics. The origin of Cannabis pollen grains has been established by calculating back trajectories at the altitudes of: 750, 1500 and 2500 m above mean sea level (m amsl); 350, 500 and 650 m amsl; and 10, 100 and 250 m amsl, using the HYSPLIT model. Considering this data, 29 days of Cannabis pollen potentially originating in Africa were identified in Cartagena, 19 days in Murcia and 15 days in Lorca. Of the remaining days, the air mass back trajectories showed local or regional pollen origins. These were 83 days in Cartagena, 61 days in Murcia and 57 days in Lorca. The presence of Cannabis in the bioaerosol of the Region of Murcia is irregular, and it is considered a minority pollen type. However, from 2017 to 2020, concentrations increased, with a positive and significant trend of 90% in the Annual Pollen Integral. The pollen season can be defined between June and August. This increase in the concentration of Cannabis pollen grains during this period coincides with an increase in local transport, suggesting the possibility of increased Cannabis cultivation in the study area

    Using Vegetation Indices and a UAV Imaging Platform to Quantify the Density of Vegetation Ground Cover in Olive Groves (Olea Europaea L.) in Southern Spain.

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    In olive groves, vegetation ground cover (VGC) plays an important ecological role. The EU Common Agricultural Policy, through cross-compliance, acknowledges the importance of this factor, but, to determine the real impact of VGC, it must first be quantified. Accordingly, in the present study, eleven vegetation indices (VIs) were applied to quantify the density of VGC in olive groves (Olea europaea L.), according to high spatial resolution (10–12 cm) multispectral images obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The fieldwork was conducted in early spring, in a Mediterranean mountain olive grove in southern Spain presenting various VGC densities. A five-step method was applied: (1) generate image mosaics using UAV technology; (2) apply the VIs; (3) quantify VGC density by means of sampling plots (ground-truth); (4) calculate the mean reflectance of the spectral bands and of the VIs in each sampling plot; and (5) quantify VGC density according to the VIs. The most sensitive index was IRVI, which accounted for 82% (p < 0.001) of the variability of VGC density. The capability of the VIs to di erentiate VGC densities increased in line with the cover interval range. RVI most accurately distinguished VGC densities > 80% in a cover interval range of 10% (p < 0.001), while IRVI was most accurate for VGC densities < 30% in a cover interval range of 15% (p < 0.01). IRVI, NRVI, NDVI, GNDVI and SAVI di erentiated the complete series of VGC densities when the cover interval range was 30% (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05)

    Contribución al conocimiento de las arañas (Arachnida: Araneae) en Sonora, Noroeste de México

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    We provide information on 11 new records of spiders collected in Sonora, Northwestern Mexico. The new records belong to the families of Deinopidae: Deinopis sp.; Filistatidae: Filistatinella sp. and Filistatoides sp.; Mimetidae: Mimetus sp.; Oecobiidae: Oecobius maculatus Simon, 1870; Oonopidae: Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1982; Oxyopidae: Hamataliwa helia (Chamberlin, 1929) and Peucetia viridans (Blackwall, 1858); Plectreuridae: Kibramoa sp.; Prodidomidae: Zimiris doriae Simon, 1882; Trachelidae: Trachelas pacificus Chamberlin &amp; Ivie, 1935. The families Deinopidae, Mimetidae, and Prodidomidae are recorded for the first time in Sonora, while O. maculatus is recorded for the first time in Mexico. The number of species known from Sonora increases to 212 spiders.Se documentan 11 nuevos registros de arañas recolectadas en Sonora, Noroeste de México. Los nuevos registros pertenecen a las familias Deinopidae: Deinopis sp.; Filistatidae: Filistatinella sp. y Filistatoides sp.; Mimetidae: Mimetus sp.; Oecobiidae: Oecobius maculatus Simon, 1870; Oonopidae: Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1982; Oxyopidae: Hamataliwa helia (Chamberlin, 1929) y Peucetia viridans (Blackwall, 1858); Plectreuridae: Kibramoa sp.; Prodidomidae: Zimiris doriae Simon, 1882; Trachelidae: Trachelas pacificus Chamberlin &amp; Ivie, 1935. Destaca que los registros de las familias Deinopidae, Mimetidae y Prodidomidae son los primeros para la entidad. Además, entre las especies reportadas, O. maculatus se añade por primera vez a la lista de especies conocidas del país. Con la información anterior se incrementa a 212 especies de arañas conocidas para Sonora