1,036 research outputs found

    Punitive populism and far right in the Iberian space

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    Resumen: La entrada de formaciones de extrema derecha populista en las instituciones de España y Portugal supone un cambio cualitativo de sus sistemas políticos. Una cuestión relevante es el uso electoralista de la estrategia del populismo punitivo, una herramienta ya utilizada de manera extensiva por otras formaciones más veteranas dentro de esa familia ideológica. La cuestión que aborda este texto es en qué grado han utilizado esta estrategia y si han realizado alguna modulación particular de la misma dentro de sus manifiestos electorales vigentes durante los comicios de entrada en las cámaras parlamentarias de cada uno de los países ibéricos.Abstract: The entry of extreme right-wing populist formations into the institutions of Spain and Portugal represents a qualitative change in their political systems. One relevant issue is the electoral use of the strategy of punitive populism, a tool already used extensively by other more veteran formations within this ideological family in Europe. The question addressed in this text is to what extent they have used this strategy, and whether they have made any particular modulation of it in their electoral manifestos in force during the elections for entry into the parliamentary chambers of each of the Iberian countries

    Smartphones on the air track. Examples and difficulties

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    In this paper we describe a classical experiment with an air track in which smartphones are used as experimental devices to obtain physical data. The proposed experiment allows users to easily observe and measure relationships between physical magnitudes, conservation of momentum in collisions and friction effects on movement by utilizing the users’ own mobile devices

    Mejoramiento de la confiabilidad en sistemas de distribución mediante reconfiguración de alimentadores primarios

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    La reconfiguración de alimentadores primarios es una herramienta utilizada en el planeamiento y la operación de los sistemas de distribución enfocado principalmente a la reducción de pérdidas técnicas. En este artículo, se muestra la relación entre la topología del sistema y su confiabilidad por lo que se plantea un nuevo modelo de optimización para la minimización de que busca minimizar los índices de confiabilidad. El modelo propuesto considera la confiabilidad y las restricciones técnicas tales como la cargabilidad de las líneas y la regulación de tensión caso para el cual se obtienen buenos resultados mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo evolutivo.Distribution feeder reconfiguration is an efficient tool used on planning and operation of electrical distribution systems for reducing technical losses. This article shows the relationship between system configuration and reliability; consequently it is presented a new optimization model which minimizes reliability indices. This model takes of account reliability but also technical restrictions such as maximum load flow and voltage regulation, the model shows good results using an evolutionary algorithms

    Analysis of uncertainty in a middle-cost device for 3D measurements in BIM perspective

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    Medium-cost devices equipped with sensors are being developed to get 3D measurements. Some allow for generating geometric models and point clouds. Nevertheless, the accuracy of these measurements should be evaluated, taking into account the requirements of the Building Information Model (BIM). This paper analyzes the uncertainty in outdoor/indoor three-dimensional coordinate measures and point clouds (using Spherical Accuracy Standard (SAS) methods) for Eyes Map, a medium-cost tablet manufactured by e-Capture Research & Development Company, Mérida, Spain. To achieve it, in outdoor tests, by means of this device, the coordinates of targets were measured from 1 to 6 m and cloud points were obtained. Subsequently, these were compared to the coordinates of the same targets measured by a Total Station. The Euclidean average distance error was 0.005–0.027 m for measurements by Photogrammetry and 0.013–0.021 m for the point clouds. All of them satisfy the tolerance for point cloud acquisition (0.051 m) according to the BIM Guide for 3D Imaging (General Services Administration); similar results are obtained in the indoor tests, with values of 0.022 m. In this paper, we establish the optimal distances for the observations in both, Photogrammetry and 3D Photomodeling modes (outdoor) and point out some working conditions to avoid in indoor environments. Finally, the authors discuss some recommendations for improving the performance and working methods of the device.peerReviewe

    Determinantes de la Tasa de Cambio Nominal: Verificación Empírica del Modelo de Precios Rígidos en la Economía Colombiana, 1995:I–2006:I

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    En este artículo se exponen en primera instancia, las características relevantes de los diversos modelos que se han desarrollado a través de la historia con el objetivo de explicar el comportamiento que presenta la tasa de cambio nominal, y en segundo lugar, se realiza la aplicación empírica del modelo de precios rígidos de determinación de la tasa de cambio para la economía colombiana mediante la técnica econométrica de cointegración. De la aplicación econométrica se destaca que las variables relevantes en el modelo de precios rígidos forman una relación estable de largo plazo, y que los signos de las elasticidades estimadas son conformes a lo planteado por el modelo.First at all, this paper shows the relevant characteristics of different models that are been created throughout the history in order to explain the nominal exchange rate’s behavior. Second, it is done an econometric exercise of the sticky–price nominal exchange rate model on the Colombian economic, through the cointegration technique. From the empirical exercise is found that the relevant variables implied in the sticky–price nominal exchange rate model form a stable long term relationship and the estimated elasticities’ sing confirm the model

    The Use of Social Networks as a Communication Tool between Teachers and Students: A Literature Review

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    Social networks have drastically changed communication between people, constituting a means of everyday use by which information is created and shared in a simple, instantaneous way with the rest of the world. Although social networks were not initially created for academic purposes, they are gradually being used as a means of communication between teachers and students, making them an extremely important element in the teachinglearning process by offering new possibilities for communication and interaction as well as creating new learning spaces. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of social networks as a communication tool between teachers and students through a thorough bibliographical review. To do this, a systematic review of scientific documents containing data on teacher-student communication through social networks was carried out, resulting in a total of 96 documents published between 2006 and 2016 indexed in different internationally consulted databases. From the analyzed documents were extracted the educational levels in which research on teacherstudent communication in social networks were carried out; the most addressed social networks in the study of teacher-student interaction through social networks; the research areas that have been developed and the main results

    Teacher credibility: a literature review

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    En los últimos años la credibilidad docente ha sido considerada como una de las variables más significativas en la comunicación profesor-alumno, constituyendo un elemento fundamental en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Las investigaciones realizadas sobre la credibilidad docente se han centrado fundamentalmente en analizar las variables que afectan a ésta y su impacto en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Así, el objetivo del presente estudio consistió en establecer el estado de la cuestión acerca de la credibilidad docente a través de una revisión de la literatura existente, estableciendo las variables que la afectan y determinando su impacto en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus, PyscINFO y ERIC, seleccionándose para la revisión un total de 64 artículos científicos, publicados entre 1980 y 2018, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. En relación con las variables que afectan a la credibilidad de los docentes, se identificaron 8 categorías mientras que, con respecto al impacto de la credibilidad docente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se identificaron 5 categorías, incluyéndose en cada una de ellas las principales aportaciones de los estudios incluidos en el análisis. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se destaca la influencia de los comportamientos de los profesores tanto en las evaluaciones de los estudiantes sobre los mismos como en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, por lo que se señala la necesidad de que los profesores tengan conductas positivas para ser percibidos por los estudiantes como personas creíbles y, por lo tanto, para que afecte positivamente al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.In recent years instructor credibility has been considered one of the most significant variables in the teacher-student communication, constituting a fundamental element in the teaching-learning process. Research on instructor credibility has mainly focused on analyzing the variables that affect instructor credibility and their impact on the teaching-learning process. Thus, the purpose of this study was to establish the state of the art of teacher credibility through a review of the existing literature, establishing the variables that affect it and determining its impact on the teaching-learning process. A bibliographic search was carried out in Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO and ERIC databases, selecting for the review a total of 64 scientific articles, published between 1980 and 2018, that fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. After the analysis of the studies included in the review, in relation to the variables that affect teacher credibility, 8 categories were identified while, with regard to the impact of teacher credibility on the teaching-learning processes, 5 categories were identified, including in each of them the main contributions of the studies included in the analysis. Based on the obtained results, the influence of teachers’ behaviors on students’ evaluations and on the teaching-learning process is highlighted, which indicates the need for teachers to have positive behaviors to be perceived by students as credible people and, therefore, to positively affect the teaching-learning process

    Arthroscopic stabilisation of an acute acromioclavicular dislocation grade III in a patient with ectopic insertion of the pectoralis minor: technical considerations

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    The different approaches used in arthroscopic stabilisation of the acromioclavicular joint are well known. However, and despite a great incidence of ectopic pectoralis minor insertion, an alternative choice for the use of arthroscopic portal has not being sufficiently described. Here, we describe a case of acute acromioclavicular dislocation grade III. The arthroscopic stabilisation was achieved using the TightRope (Arthrex, Naples, USA) implant. Through this technique, the approach to the articular portion of the coracoid process can be made intra-articularly or from the subacromial space. We accessed intra-articularly, by opening the rotator interval to reach the coracoid process from the joint cavity. After opening the rotator interval, an ectopic insertion of the pectoralis minor was observed. The choice of approach of the coracoid process from the subacromial space would have complicated the intervention, making it necessary to sever the ectopic tendon to complete the technique, lengthening the surgical time and increasing the chance of complications. For this reason, the use of a standard posterior portal providing intra-articular arthroscopic access through the rotator interval is recommended since the aforementioned anatomical variation is not infrequent. Level of evidence Therapeutic studies—investigating the results of treatment, Level V

    Diseño estático de un convertidor DC/DC reductor-elevador bidireccional

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    Se presenta el diseño estático de un convertidor reductor-elevador bidireccional con tres conmutadores y conexión en cascada. La principal aplicación del convertidor es la administración de baterías en sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpida, controlando el flujo de energía y regulando la tensiónde alimentación DC durante los diferentes modos de operación de la batería como fuente y sumidero