330 research outputs found

    Validez del dispositivo inercial WIMU PRO para el registro de la frecuencia cardiaca en un test de campo

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    Introduction. Technological advances have contributed to improve physiological and kinematical data collection in training sessions and competition matches. Inertial devices as WIMU PROTM (RealTrack Systems, Almeria, Spain) composed by different sensors (four accelerometers, two gyroscopes, a magnetometer, a GNSS chip to global tracking through satellite triangulation, a UWB chip to indoor sports tracking, Ant+ and Bluetooth receivers, among others) is used in different sports situations. It is important to know the validity and precision of measurement data because it is used in real game contexts. Objective. Evaluate inertial unit WIMU PROTM validity to collect heart rate (HR) data in relation to validated device Polar Team 2®. Participants. 15 under-16 football players participated voluntarily in this research (age: 15,40 ± 0,50 years, height: 169,26 ± 0,08 cm, weight: 62,00 ± 12,32 kg). Procedure. Football players performed RSA test (adapted from Bangsbo 2008) composed of 7 sprints of 30 meters with 20 seconds active recovery between sprints, which simulated the real demands of football matches. Results. It was found and very strong correlation between WIMU PROTM and Polar Team 2® data (r2=.958, p<.001). Conclusions. WIMU PROTMinertial device is valid to register heart rate data in football.Los avances tecnológicos han contribuido a la mejora de la colección de datos fisiológicos y cinemáticos con relación a la competición y los entrenamientos. Dispositivos inerciales tales como WIMUPROTM (RealTrack Systems, Almería, España) compuesto por diferentes sensores (cuatro acelerómetros, dos giróscopos, un magnetómetro, un chip GNSS para posicionamiento global mediante satélite, un chip UWB para posicionamiento por radiofrecuencia de onda corta en deportes indoor, receptor de Ant+ y Bluetooth, entre otros)se utilizan dentro de una variedad de situaciones deportivas.  Es importante conocer la validez y precisión del dato de dichas mediciones ya que se utilizan en contextos reales del juego. Objetivo. Evaluar la validez del dispositivo inercial WIMU PROTM para registrar la variable frecuencia cardiaca (FC) en relación con un dispositivo validado como es Polar Team 2®.Participantes. 15 jugadores de fútbol de categoría cadete participaron voluntariamente en este estudio(edad:15,40 ± 0,50 años, altura:169,26 ± 0,08 cm, peso:62,00 ± 12,32 kg). Procedimiento. Los individuos que componen la muestra llevaron a cabo el test RSA (adaptado de Bangsbo 2008) el cual consta de 7 sprints de 30 metros con una recuperación activa entre ellos de 20 segundos, el cual simula las exigencias reales de competición en fútbol. Resultados.Se encontró una correlación muy alta entre los datos obtenidos por el registro del dispositivo WIMU PROTM y los realizados por el dispositivo Polar Team 2® (r2=.958, p<.001). Conclusiones. El dispositivo inercial WIMU PROTMes válido para registrar la variable de intensidad de actividad física frecuencia cardiaca en fútbol

    Spatio-temporal variability of the zooplankton community in the SW Mediterranean 1992–2020: Linkages with environmental drivers

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    Variability in the spatial and temporal distribution of the mesozooplankton abundance in the N Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean) was assessed intermittently from 2010 to 2020, and compared with 1992–2000 historical time series data. Total abundance of mesozooplankton was significantly higher in the coast than in the shelf and slope waters. There were significant differences in mesozooplankton abundance between 1992–2000 and 2010–2020 at the three zones. Copepods dominated the mesozooplankton during winter and spring, but cladocerans and doliolids also became important components of the community in summer and autumn. We found significant increases between the first and the second decadal periods in the abundance of copepods, appendicularians, holoplanktonic gastropods and siphonophores in the shelf. However, in the coast, copepod nauplii, doliolids, gastropods and siphonophores increased, while euphausiids abundance decreased significantly. These trends contrast with the ongoing decline of the sardine stocks in European waters. Increasing temperature and decreasing predation pressure are suggested to be the main drivers of mesozooplankton variability.Versión del editor3,26

    Spatio-temporal variability of the zooplankton community in the SW Mediterranean 1992–2020: Linkages with environmental drivers

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    Variability in the spatial and temporal distribution of the mesozooplankton abundance in the N Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean) was assessed intermittently from 2010 to 2020, and compared with 1992-2000 historical time series data. Total abundance of mesozooplankton was significantly higher in the coast than in the shelf and slope waters. There were significant differences in mesozooplankton abundance between 1992-2000 and 2010-2020 at the three zones. Copepods dominated the mesozooplankton during winter and spring, but cladocerans and doliolids also became important components of the community in summer and autumn. We found significant increases between the first and the second decadal periods in the abundance of copepods, appendicularians, holoplanktonic gastropods and siphonophores in the shelf. However, in the coast, copepod nauplii, doliolids, gastropods and siphonophores increased, while euphausiids abundance decreased significantly. These trends contrast with the ongoing decline of the sardine stocks in European waters. Increasing temperature and decreasing predation pressure are suggested to be the main drivers of mesozooplankton variability.Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment; Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, CSIC); Andalusian Government (Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía) and EU (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

    Sigma-lognormal modeling of speech

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    Human movement studies and analyses have been fundamental in many scientific domains, ranging from neuroscience to education, pattern recognition to robotics, health care to sports, and beyond. Previous speech motor models were proposed to understand how speech movement is produced and how the resulting speech varies when some parameters are changed. However, the inverse approach, in which the muscular response parameters and the subject’s age are derived from real continuous speech, is not possible with such models. Instead, in the handwriting field, the kinematic theory of rapid human movements and its associated Sigma-lognormal model have been applied successfully to obtain the muscular response parameters. This work presents a speech kinematics-based model that can be used to study, analyze, and reconstruct complex speech kinematics in a simplified manner. A method based on the kinematic theory of rapid human movements and its associated Sigma-lognormal model are applied to describe and to parameterize the asymptotic impulse response of the neuromuscular networks involved in speech as a response to a neuromotor command. The method used to carry out transformations from formants to a movement observation is also presented. Experiments carried out with the (English) VTR-TIMIT database and the (German) Saarbrucken Voice Database, including people of different ages, with and without laryngeal pathologies, corroborate the link between the extracted parameters and aging, on the one hand, and the proportion between the first and second formants required in applying the kinematic theory of rapid human movements, on the other. The results should drive innovative developments in the modeling and understanding of speech kinematics

    Coordinación de relés de sobrecorriente usando el método de optimización de puntos interiores

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    Este artículo presenta una metodología matemática de optimización (puntos interiores) para solucionar el problema de coordinación de relés de sobrecorriente direccional de tiempo inverso en sistemas de potencia, cuando se usan como única protección y cuando hacen parte de un esquema de protección combinado con relés de distancia

    Characterization of the plankton community composition in Málaga Bay (NW Alboran Sea) by means of integrative taxonomy.

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    The Alboran Sea is highly dynamic from a hydrographical point of view. Depending on the strength of the currents and the direction of the wind the surface coastal water masses can be either of Atlantic or Mediterranean origin. This variability affects both the phytoplankton and zooplankton components of the community inhabiting the Bay of Málaga. In addition, fish larvae distribution varies with the diel cycle, affecting zooplankton distribution in shallow waters. In order to provide a first insight into the variability of the planktonic community composition in the area during a 24 hour cycle, we applied an integrative approach combining morphological and molecular tools

    Análisis del estrés y las exigencias cinemáticas y fisiológicas de los bomberos durante la jornada laboral

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    The work of firefighters is considered one of the professions with greater physical demands and predisposition to suffer stress, due to the hazardous working conditions and the responsibility with human lives. The aims of the present study were to: (i) describe the kinematical, physiological and stress demands of firefighters, and (ii) compare these demands in relation to the experience years. Eight firefighters from the fire department of Cartagena participated voluntarily, dividing them into two groups: (1) experienced: >12 years (n=4); (2) novels: <7 years (n=4). The registered variables were total acceleration (AcelT), heart rate average (HRavg) and sympathetic-parasympathetic ratio (R-S|Ps). The results shown differences between activities, finding the highest values in sport and exits. In the between-groups comparison, differences in AcelT and HRavg in sport (p<.05), being higher in experienced group; and differences in R-S|Ps in practice and exits with urgency (p<.05), being higher in novels group. In conclusion, the firefighters with less experience suffer greater stress during workday. Therefore, it is necessary the incorporation of qualified staff to design specific training and coping strategies before the resolution of conflicts adapted to the real situation.El trabajo de los bomberos es considerado como una de las profesiones con mayor exigencia física y predisposición a padecer estrés, debido a las exigentes condiciones de trabajo y la responsabilidad sobre vidas humanas. Los objetivos de la presente investigación fueron: (i) describir las exigencias cinemáticas, fisiológicas y de estrés en bomberos, y (ii) comparar estas exigencias en función de los años de experiencia. Ocho bomberos del parque del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena participaron voluntariamente, siendo divididos en dos grupos en función de la experiencia: (1) experimentados: >12 años (n=4); (2) noveles: <7 años (n=4). Se registraron las variables aceleración total (AcelT), frecuencia cardíaca media (FCmedia) y ratio simpático-parasimpático (R-S|Ps). Los resultados mostraron diferencias entre actividades, encontrando los mayores valores en deporte y salidas. En el análisis inter-grupos, se encontraron diferencias en las variables AcelT y FCmedia en deporte, siendo mayor en los bomberos experimentados (p<.05); y en la variable R-S|Ps en Práctica y Salida con urgencia (p<.05), siendo mayor en los noveles. En conclusión, los bomberos con menos experiencia sufren un mayor estrés durante la jornada laboral. Por tanto, es necesario la incorporación de personal cualificado para diseñar una planificación específica del entrenamiento y de las estrategias de afrontamiento ante la resolución de conflictos adaptadas a la situación real

    Shifts in the protist community associated with an anticyclonic gyre in the Alboran Sea (Mediterranean Sea)

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    The diversity of protists was researched in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean Sea) by means of high-throughput sequencing technologies based on the amplification of the V9 region of 18S rRNA. Samples were collected at different depths in seven stations following an environmental gradient from a coastal upwelling zone to the core of an oligotrophic anticyclonic gyre (AG). Sampling was performed during summer, when the water column was stratified. The superphyla Alveolata, Stramenopila and Rhizaria accounted for 84% of the total operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The most diverse groups were Dinophyceae (21% of OTUs), Marine Alveolates-II (MALV-II; 20%), Ciliophora (9%) and MALV-I (6%). In terms of read abundance, the predominant groups were Dinophyceae (29%), Bacillariophyta (14%), MALV-II (11%) and Ciliophora (11%). Samples were clustered into three groups according to the sampling depth and position. The shallow community in coastal stations presented distinguishable patterns of diatoms and ciliates compared with AG stations. These results indicate that there was a strong horizontal coupling between phytoplankton and ciliate communities. Abundance of Radiolaria and Syndiniales increased with depth. Our analyses demonstrate that the stratification disruption produced by the AG caused shifts in the trophic ecology of the plankton assemblages inducing a transition from bottom-up to top-down control.Versión del editor3,40