195 research outputs found

    Quantitative demonstration of the superiority of circularly polarized light in fog environments

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    The polarization behavior of light transmitted through scattering media is studied quantitatively. A division of focal plane (DOFP) imaging polarimeter modified with a wideband quarter-wave plate (QWP) is used to evaluate the linear and circular depolarization signals. This system allows the measurement of the linear and circular co-polarization and cross-polarization channels simultaneously. The experiments are carried out at CEREMA’s 30 m fog chamber under controlled fog density conditions. The polarization memory effect with circularly polarized light is demonstrated to be superior in forward transmission compared to the same phenomena with linearly polarized light when imaging inside a scattering medium. This paves the way for its use in imaging through scattering media for hazard detection in different applications.Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2020FI_B1 00185, 2020FI_B2 00068); European Social Fund; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) (PID2020-119484RB-I00).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    El minidiccionario como estrategia metacognitiva a través del uso del aula tic para la enseñanza del sustrato náhuatl de 10 grado, del instituto Rigoberto López Pérez, Managua, Nicaragua

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    El sustrato náhuatl en Nicaragua forma parte de su identidad, por ello, debe estar presente ampliamente en la formación estudiantil, como parte de la herencia lingüística y cultural de los pueblos aborígenes que se asentaron en el país. En los MUP (Macro Unidad Pedagógica) del MINED (Ministerio de Educación de la República de Nicaragua) orientan la enseñanza de la lengua náhuatl en los discentes de 10mo grado como parte del rescate cultural e idiomático de la historia nicaragüense. Actualmente, estos términos están cayendo en desuso debido a la transculturización por los medios de masas, la influencia tecnológica, sumado la fuerte influencia del español estándar. Asimismo, en el presente artículo se demuestran diferentes estudios léxicos que expresan la importancia de reforzar el rescate del sustrato náhuatl, igualmente es necesario la búsqueda de diferentes estrategias que coadyuven al aprendizaje de los vocablos nahuas, como es el minidiccionario que promueve de forma creativa, lúdica y amena el gusto y aprendizaje de estos términos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo promover el minidiccionario como estrategia metacognitiva a través del uso del aula TIC para la enseñanza del sustrato náhuatl, a partir de una secuencia didáctica, en los estudiantes de 10mo grado del Instituto Rigoberto López Pérez, en el año 2022. Por lo tanto, es fundamental enseñar este contenido con estrategias variadas, flexibles, tecnológicas y creativas para que los estudiantes aprendan de manera sustancial, significativa y contextualizada los nahuatlismos

    Analysis of the performance of a polarized LiDAR imager in fog

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    This paper focuses on exploring ways to improve the performance of LiDAR imagers through fog. One of the known weaknesses of LiDAR technology is the lack of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions, such as the presence of fog, which hampers the future development of LiDAR in several markets. Within this paper, a LiDAR unit is designed and constructed to be able to apply temporal and polarimetric discrimination for detecting the number of signal photons received with detailed control of its temporal and spatial distribution under co-polarized and cross-polarized configurations. The system is evaluated using different experiments in a macro-scale fog chamber under controlled fog conditions. Using the complete digitization of the acquired signals, we analyze the natural light media response, to see that due to its characteristics it could be directly filtered out. Moreover, we confirm that there exists a polarization memory effect, which, by using a polarimetric cross-configuration detector, allows improvement of object detection in point clouds. These results are useful for applications related to computer vision, in fields like autonomous vehicles or outdoor surveillance where many variable types of environmental conditions may be present.Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2021FI_B2 00068, 2021FI_B2 00077); DSTL (DSTLX1000145661); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PDC2021-121038-I00, PID2020-119484RB-I00).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Efficacy and Safety of New B Cell-Targeted Biologic Agent for the Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: B cells are central to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We aimed to analyze the efficacy and safety of new B cell-targeted drug therapies for SLE. Methods: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and reference lists of relevant articles published from inception to 2022 were selected from PubMed, Scopus andWeb of Science databases. Random effects meta-analyses were performed to estimate an overall effect size for the risk of adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs) with belimumab and tabalumab treatment. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic and meta-regression. Funnel asymmetry was evaluated using Egger’s test. Results: This study included 13 RCTs, of which three showed high risk of bias. Egger’s test showed no asymmetry. The risk of SAEs and AEs was lower in the treatment group with belimumab treatment. The risk of AEs for tabalumab treatment was lower in the treatment group and lower for SAEs. Conclusion: Belimumab and tabalumab therapies are effective and safe in the treatment of SLE, although tabalumab does not show sufficient statistical power. Advances in understanding the underlying mechanisms of SLE will be directed towards correlating clinical manifestations with specific pathogenic pathways and the development of precision medicine

    Diagnóstico del Deterioro de la Vía que del Municipio del Líbano Tolima Conduce a la Vereda de Santa Teresa entre los kilómetros 5 y 6

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    Evaluar alternativas de solución al deterioro de la vía que comunica el centro poblado del Líbano Tolima y las veredas de la Trinidad, San Fernando, Tierradentro y Santa Teresa, en el tramo comprendido entre los kilómetros 5 y 6, durante la temporada invernal.El Líbano es un municipio ubicado al norte del departamento del Tolima, el cual presenta un atraso evidente en el mantenimiento de la malla vial rural, lo cual genera sobre costos en la producción agrícola de la región, por las dificultades de transporte de los productos al centro poblado. Motivo por el cual se llevo a cabo esta investigación con el fin de plantear una solución ‘Tipo’ para mejorar las condiciones de la vía, específicamente la que conduce del municipio del Líbano Tolima a la vereda de Santa Teresa, tomando como tramo de estudio el comprendido entre el k5 y k6, entre tanto, se hizo evidente que con el fin de llegar a una solución optima y de calidad, se planea un sistema constructivo de Placa Huella, de acuerdo a los lineamientos del INVIAS y del Departamento Nacional de Planeación del Gobierno Nacional para vias de tercer orden.Líbano is a municipality located in the north of the department of Tolima, which presents an evident delay in the maintenance of the rural road network, which generates extra costs in the agricultural production of the region, due to the difficulties of transporting the products to the population center. Reason why this research was carried out in order to propose a solution "Type" to improve the conditions of the road, specifically the one that leads from the municipality of Lebanon Tolima to the village of Santa Teresa, taking as a study section between the k5 and k6, meanwhile, it became clear that in order to reach an optimal solution and quality, it plans a constructive system of Footprint Plate, according to the guidelines of INVIAS and the National Department of Planning of the National Government for third order roads

    Diagnóstico del Deterioro de la Vía que del Municipio del Líbano Tolima Conduce a la Vereda de Santa Teresa entre los kilómetros 5 y 6

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    Evaluar alternativas de solución al deterioro de la vía que comunica el centro poblado del Líbano Tolima y las veredas de la Trinidad, San Fernando, Tierradentro y Santa Teresa, en el tramo comprendido entre los kilómetros 5 y 6, durante la temporada invernal.El Líbano es un municipio ubicado al norte del departamento del Tolima, el cual presenta un atraso evidente en el mantenimiento de la malla vial rural, lo cual genera sobre costos en la producción agrícola de la región, por las dificultades de transporte de los productos al centro poblado. Motivo por el cual se llevo a cabo esta investigación con el fin de plantear una solución ‘Tipo’ para mejorar las condiciones de la vía, específicamente la que conduce del municipio del Líbano Tolima a la vereda de Santa Teresa, tomando como tramo de estudio el comprendido entre el k5 y k6, entre tanto, se hizo evidente que con el fin de llegar a una solución optima y de calidad, se planea un sistema constructivo de Placa Huella, de acuerdo a los lineamientos del INVIAS y del Departamento Nacional de Planeación del Gobierno Nacional para vias de tercer orden.Líbano is a municipality located in the north of the department of Tolima, which presents an evident delay in the maintenance of the rural road network, which generates extra costs in the agricultural production of the region, due to the difficulties of transporting the products to the population center. Reason why this research was carried out in order to propose a solution "Type" to improve the conditions of the road, specifically the one that leads from the municipality of Lebanon Tolima to the village of Santa Teresa, taking as a study section between the k5 and k6, meanwhile, it became clear that in order to reach an optimal solution and quality, it plans a constructive system of Footprint Plate, according to the guidelines of INVIAS and the National Department of Planning of the National Government for third order roads

    Página web del grupo bilingüe de la Facultad de Educación para la enseñanza de las ciencias: elaboración, explotación y juicio crítico de los estudiantes de cara a la internacionalización de la docencia

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    Elaboración de una página web con material didáctico de Ciencias para el grupo bilingüe de Educación, que además sirve para ofrecer información para estudiantes que pudieran estar interesados en formar parte del grupo, incluyendo estudiantes extranjeros

    A tribute to Marie Tharp: Mapping the seafloor of back-arc basins, mid-ocean ridges, continental margins and plate boundaries

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    European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May 2020Marie Tharp (1920-2006) was a pioneer of modern oceanography. She was an American geologist and oceanographic cartographer who, together with his husband Bruce Heezen, generated the first bathymetric map of the Atlantic Ocean floor. Tharp's work revealed the detailed topography and geological landscape of the seafloor. Her work revealed the presence of a continuous rift valley along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis, causing a paradigm in earth sciences that led to the acceptance of plate tectonics and continental drift theories. Piecing maps together in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Marie and his partner Bruce Heezen discovered the 75.000 km underwater ridge bounding around the globe. By this finding, they laid the conclusion from geophysical data that the seafloor spreads from mid-ocean ridges and that continents are in motion with respect to one another¿a revolutionary geological theory at that time. Many years later, satellite images demonstrate that Tharp¿s maps were accurate. In this contribution, we focus on detailed bathymetric maps collected from year 1992 to today, which include bathymetric maps from diverse parts of the world. For instance, we will show a) Back-arc basins (i.e. the Bransfield Basin, Antarctica; and the North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific); b) Mid-ocean ridges and fracture zones (i.e. the MAR at the South of Azores, the MAR at the Oceanographer-Hayes, and the St. Paul Fracture Zone at the Equator), and c) Active tectonic structures from the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea, located at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary (Gibraltar Arc). Regarding this last area, we will characterize the seafloor expression of the fault systems, as well as the subsurface structure of the faults in the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea. This zone is characterized by a moderate seismicity, mainly reverse and strike-slip focal mechanisms; although large historical (AD1755, AD1829) and instrumental earthquakes or large/great magnitude also occurred, such as the earthquakes of 1969, 1994, 2004 and 2016. In addition, the Gulf of Cadiz-Alboran Sea area is compartmentalized in different crustal domains, bounded by active strike-slip fault systems. We adopted a multi-scale approach, including morphological analysis of shipboard multibeam bathymetry, near-bottom bathymetry obtained with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) at a resolution of 1-2 m, and medium to deep penetration multi-channel seismic (MCS) data. Finally, we will also show a couple of videos from recent marine cruises in the Gibraltar Arc (SHAKE-2015 and INSIGHT-2018), both using state-of-the-art high-resolution marine technologie

    Plyometric training effect on neuromuscular control and lower limb flexibility in the Cosdecol men's soccer team

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    Introducción: A nivel mundial, el fútbol es el deporte más practicado, que evidencia un mayor índice de lesiones, especialmente, de miembros inferiores, debido a que la velocidad, la potencia, los saltos y los cambios de dirección durante el juego, obligan a absorber cargas, teniendo una relación directa con los déficit en el control neuromuscular; dicha alteración ha sido identificada como factor de riesgo de lesiones para las extremidades, que es modificable mediante el entrenamiento y puede mejorar el rendimiento deportivo. Objetivo general: Determinar el efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico en el control neuromuscular y la flexibilidad de la extremidad inferior, en futbolistas de un club deportivo de fútbol. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, ensayo clínico con diseño correlacional de tipo longitudinal prospectivo. Se desarrolló un protocolo de intervención de 6 semanas de duración, donde se incluyeron 14 jugadores de fútbol, se implementó un cuestionario diligenciado por cada participante y se efectuó una batería de pruebas físicas antes y después del protocolo. Al finalizar, se realizó el análisis estadístico, con el paquete estadístico SPSS V21. Resultados: Se encontró una edad promedio de 18,29±1,86 años; respecto a los antecedentes de lesión, se encontró lesión ligamentosa (42.9%), lesión muscular (21,4%), lesión ósea (14,3%), lesión tendinosa (7,1%) y el 14,3%, no reportó antecedentes. Con relación a la flexibilidad evaluada con test de Bleck y Ely, posterior a la intervención de 6 semanas, todos los deportistas mostraron cambios importantes en la elongación de los flexores y extensores de rodilla. Respecto al control neuromuscular evaluado con el SEBT, se evidenciaron cambios importantes en las distancias alcanzadas, predominantemente, en las direcciones posteromedial, medial y posterolateral. En el test de salto, se identificó cambios importantes en el comparativo antes y después. Conclusión: Tras la aplicación de un entrenamiento pliométrico, adicional al convencional, se pueden evidenciar cambios positivos en la flexibilidad de miembros inferiores, específicamente, en la musculatura, que interviene en la flexión y la extensión de rodilla. Igualmente, al conocer las implicaciones neuromusculares para la realización de la actividad deportiva, se resalta la importancia de la inclusión del entrenamiento pliométrico, porque logra la activación adecuada y pertinente de todos los componentes neuromusculares, disminuyendo alteraciones en miembros inferiores, que predisponen a sufrir alguna lesión en dicho segmento.Introduction: Globally, football is the most practiced sport that evidences a higher rate of injuries, especially of the lower limbs, due to the fact that speed, power, jumps and changes of direction during the game force to absorb burdens, with a direct relationship with deficits in neuromuscular control; this alteration has been identified as a risk factor for injuries to the extremities, which can be modified through training and improving sports performance. Objective: Determine the effect of plyometric training on neuromuscular control and lower extremity flexibility in football players of a football club. Methods: Quantitative study, clinical trial with correlational design of longitudinal prospective type. A 6-week intervention protocol was developed, including 14 football players, a questionnaire filled out by each participant was implemented and a battery of physical tests was performed before and after the protocol. At the end, the statistical analysis was carried out with the statistical package SPSS V21. Outgrowth: Was found an average age of 18.29±1.86 years, with respect to the antecedents of injury, was found ligamentous injury (42.9%), muscle injury (21.4%), bone injury (14.3%), tendon injury (7.1%) and 14.3% reported no history. In relation to the flexibility evaluated with Bleck and Ely tests, after the 6-week intervention, all the sportsmen showed important changes in the elongation of the knee flexors and extensors. Respect to the neuromuscular control evaluated with the SEBT, important changes in the distances reached were evidenced, predominantly in the posteromedial, medial and posterolateral directions. The jump test identified important changes in the comparison before and after. Conclusion: After applying the plyometric training protocol, positive changes in the elongation of knee flexors can be evidenced mainly. It is also clearly beneficial for sports performance and injury prevention, as it achieves optimal activation of all the neuromuscular components of the lower limb involved in the technical gesture.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Compressional tectonic inversion of the Algero-Balearic basin: Latemost Miocene to present oblique convergence at the Palomares margin (Western Mediterranean)

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    Interpretation of new multichannel seismic reflection profiles indicates that the Palomares margin was formed by crustal-scale extension and coeval magmatic accretion during middle to late Miocene opening of the Algero-Balearic basin. The margin formed at the transition between thinned continental crust intruded by arc volcanism and back-arc oceanic crust. Deformation produced during the later positive inversion of the margin offshore and onshore is partitioned between ~N50°E striking reverse faults and associated folds like the Sierra Cabrera and Abubacer anticlines and N10–20°E sinistral strike-slip faults like Palomares and Terreros faults. Parametric subbottom profiles and multibeam bathymetry offshore, structural analysis, available GPS geodetic displacement data, and earthquake focal mechanisms jointly indicate that tectonic inversion of the Palomares margin is currently active. The Palomares margin shows a structural pattern comparable to the north Maghrebian margins where Africa-Eurasia plate convergence is accommodated by NE-SW reverse faults, NNW-SSE sinistral faults, and WNW-ESE dextral ones. Contractive structures at this margin contribute to the general inversion of the Western Mediterranean since ~7 Ma, coeval to inversion at the Algerian margin. Shortening at the Alboran ridge and Al-Idrisi faults occurred later, since 5 Ma, indicating a westward propagation of the compressional inversion of the Western Mediterranean