623 research outputs found

    Jerarquía del precedente judicial en las fuentes formales del derecho en la administración pública en Colombia

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    A fin de establecer a través del análisis de diferentes conceptos cómo el problema de administrar justicia o de emitir actos administrativos se torna en una actividad compleja, se verá cómo en ambos escenarios es necesario identificar primero cuál es la fuente que respalda sus actuaciones, lo que da pie a identificar las fuentes del derecho. Se tiene entonces que las fuentes del derecho en su aplicabilidad, en cuanto a preferenciales e ilustrativas, se dividen en dos tipos: fuentes formales y fuentes materiales. Las fuentes materiales del derecho se entienden como aquellas circunstancias inherentes a la naturaleza humana que influyen de alguna manera en la formación jurídica de la sociedad, pues aspectos como los cambios políticos del momento, el régimen gubernamental que impere, el aspecto económico y las creencias sociales, necesariamente enfocan en uno u otro sentido el ordenamiento jurídico (Peña, 2011, pp. 91-111), y dependiendo de este tipo de situaciones, muy particulares de cada conglomerado, se otorga mayor o menor estima a valores que posteriormente, al positivarse en el ordenamiento, desembocan en principios y normas rectoras a partir de las cuales se desarrolla el sistema jurídico normativo. Por otro lado, referente a las fuentes formales del derecho, se habla inicialmente de que la ley es por excelencia su fuente principal, sin embargo, conforme se han constitucionalizado los Estados, la carta política ha cobrado un papel protagónico, tanto así que incluso ha subsumido la legislación. Ello da pie entonces a considerar la necesidad de otros elementos para desarrollar de mejor manera el sistema de fuentes, y es allí donde se ha permitido a la jurisprudencia hacer carrera como fuente principal del derecho, para lo cual se ha recorrido un arduo camino en el que se ha reconocido su validez de manera paulatina, entendiéndose en diferentes momentos de la historia como criterio auxiliar o como precedente vinculante para la adopción de decisiones judiciales, y se ha reconocido también que no toda decisión de un tribunal de cierre constituye precedente ni tampoco lo es toda providencia completa (López, 2009, pp. 3-28). En vista de que ambos escenarios donde se bifurcan las fuentes del derecho son bastante extensos, es preciso centrarse en el área que enmarca el problema jurídico que se ha delimitado en acápites anteriores, y por ende desde ahora se dirá que la ubicación del tema que nos convoca se centra en las fuentes formales del derecho, pues, además de la Constitución y la ley, también la jurisprudencia es fuente basilar del derecho

    CITES : felinos salvajes : (convenio sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de fauna y flora silvestres) /

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    CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora = Conveni sobre el Comerç Internacional d'Espècies Amenaçades de Fauna i Flora Silvestre.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Design and Implementation of a Prototype with a Standardized Interface for Transducers in Ambient Assisted Living

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    Solutions in the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) do not generally use standards to implement a communication interface between sensors and actuators. This makes these applications isolated solutions because it is so difficult to integrate them into new or existing systems. The objective of this research was to design and implement a prototype with a standardized interface for sensors and actuators to facilitate the integration of different solutions in the field of AAL. Our work is based on the roadmap defined by AALIANCE, using motes with TinyOS telosb, 6LoWPAN, sensors, and the IEEE 21451 standard protocol. This prototype allows one to upgrade sensors to a smart status for easy integration with new applications and already existing ones. The prototype has been evaluated for autonomy and performance. As a use case, the prototype has been tested in a serious game previously designed for people with mobility problems, and its advantages and disadvantages have been analysed.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-363

    Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 en la población mayor de 15 años

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    Introducción La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) es una enfermedad que suele aparecer tempranamente, lo cual implica que los pacientes convivan con ella durante muchos años. Del adecuado control clínico que se logre dependerán los resultados. Como se trata de una condición con potenciales complicaciones serias, es imperativo tener claridad sobre su diagnóstico, su tratamiento y su seguimiento, para minimizar su impacto en la morbilidad, la calidad de vida y la mortalidad. El diagnóstico es relativamente claro en niños y adolescentes, pero, a medida que se avanza en edad, se debe diferenciar entre la presencia de diabetes tipo 1 y la de tipo 2, pues el enfoque terapéutico es diferente y la falta de reconocimiento oportuno puede ocasionar un mal manejo. Por otra parte, es necesario que se genere un consenso para establecer la forma como estos pacientes deben ser evaluados periódicamente, lo cual no solo debe poner de manifiesto el intervalo en el que debe hacerse, sino también, el equipo humano que debe participar en dicho seguimiento

    Indoor Position System based on BitCloud Stack for Ambient Living and Smart Buildings

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    Nowadays there is a research on ambient living and smart building applications to make people life more confortable. This kind of applications, in general, requires the position where a person is in a building to act according it and to any physical parameters that are measured from the person, to determine, for instance, if the air condition has to be switched on or off, the room temperature has to be put up or down or the music has to be changed from classical to pop, or vice versa. This paper presents an indoor position solution based on BitCloud Stack, a full-featured, second generation embedded software stack from Atmel.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Upgrading of Traditional Electric Meter Into Wireless Electric Meter Using ZigBee Technology

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    Since the electric generating, distributing and marketing has been possible; the Electric Meter was introduced and developed along the years, but never like this time. The digital technology, the wireless communication, and the computer systems have dramatically changed the Electric meter generation from Traditional Meter to Automatic Meter and now to Smart Meter. Their differences lie in how to collect and process information, and the amount of information they can provide. Even so the traditional meter reading has been long used, and it is still one of the most common ways for meter reading. This method, however, has their disadvantages which are the result of human basis reading method that uses. If the reading problem is solved by adding a simple circuit, which makes it automatic it will be still useful method of reading. In this paper it is described a prototype for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system that uses a Traditional meter, ZigBee modules, and Mesh network. As result the system gives, full capability of automatic meter even some features of smart meter too. This experiment has an important result for developing country like Ethiopia, which almost 99% its meters are the Traditional meter

    A standard-based Body Sensor Network system proposal

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    Body Area Networks are a solution to remote monitoring in order to acquire vital signals of patients. Actual sensors provide its own interface which makes more difficult to integrate them in a system. Using standardized protocols and interfaces increases the usability and the integration of different sensors, to achieve this goal the IEEE 1451 standard has been defined. This paper presents a proposal of a telemedicine system, with an open implementation of the IEEE 1451 standard, to be used in several different situations.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    ESTELLE: A Method to Analyze Automatically the Performance of Telecontrol Protocols in SCADA Systems

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    This paper presents the use of ESTELLE, a formal description technique, as a method to calculate automatically the performance of telecontrol protocols in SCADAsystems. Some specific primitives are added to the ESTELLE description language in order to achieve that goal. As an example, we analyze the performance of a telecontrol protocol. The results from this method are compared to performance measurements obtained from analytical and simulated solutionsMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000-111

    Open and Flexible Embedded System Applied to Positioning and Telecontrol

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    This paper presents the development and testing of an open and flexible embedded system applied to positioning and telecontrol (OFESAPO) for outdoor applications. The system is composed of a control center (CC) and a set of remote terminal units (RTUs); the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-5 series has been chosen for communication among them. This is a standard protocol of real-time telecontrol applications. The CC is a personal computer, and the RTUs are based on open hardware and software. The RTU hardware is an embedded system, i.e., a system-on-chip-type design using fieldprogrammable gate array that has been programmed with the open-core LEON running Linux operating system. For prototyping, the GR-XC3S-1500 board has been used. As there is no open source code available for the IEC standard protocols, an open source code has also been implemented. Hence, both the hardware and the software are open source in OFESAPO. Several tests have been made to show the system’s limitations and the suitability for real-time applications. A prototype has also been tested in a real environment, where the real position of two moving RTUs was shown by a CC using Google Map.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363