22,946 research outputs found

    Dark-matter dynamical friction versus gravitational-wave emission in the evolution of compact-star binaries

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    The measured orbital period decay of compact-star binaries, with characteristic orbital periods 0.1\sim 0.1~days, is explained with very high precision by the gravitational wave (GW) emission of an inspiraling binary in vacuum. However, the binary gravitational binding energy is also affected by an usually neglected phenomenon, namely the dark matter dynamical friction (DMDF) produced by the interaction of the binary components with their respective DM gravitational wakes. The entity of this effect depends on the orbital period and on the local value of the DM density, hence on the position of the binary in the Galaxy. We evaluate the DMDF produced by three different DM profiles: the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), the non-singular-isothermal-sphere (NSIS) and the Ruffini-Arg\"uelles-Rueda (RAR) profile based on self-gravitating keV fermions. We first show that indeed, due to their Galactic position, the GW emission dominates over the DMDF in the NS-NS, NS-WD and WD-WD binaries for which measurements of the orbital decay exist. Then, we evaluate the conditions under which the effect of DMDF on the binary evolution becomes comparable to, or overcomes, the one of the GW emission. We find that, for instance for 1.31.3--0.20.2 MM_\odot NS-WD, 1.31.3--1.31.3~MM_\odot NS-NS, and 0.250.25--0.500.50~MM_\odot WD-WD, located at 0.1~kpc, this occurs at orbital periods around 20--30 days in a NFW profile while, in a RAR profile, it occurs at about 100 days. For closer distances to the Galactic center, the DMDF effect increases and the above critical orbital periods become interestingly shorter. Finally, we also analyze the system parameters for which DMDF leads to an orbital widening instead of orbital decay. All the above imply that a direct/indirect observational verification of this effect in compact-star binaries might put strong constraints on the nature of DM and its Galactic distribution.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, 201

    Interpreting the time variable RM observed in the core region of the TeV blazar Mrk 421

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    In this work we interpret and discuss the time variable rotation measure (RM) found, for the first time over a 1-yr period, in the core region of a blazar. These results are based on a one-year, multi-frequency (15, 24, and 43 GHz) Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) monitoring of the TeV blazar Markarian 421 (Mrk 421). We investigate the Faraday screen properties and its location with respect to the jet emitting region. Given that the 43 GHz radio core flux density and the RM time evolution suggest a similar trend, we explore the possible connection between the RM and the accretion rate. Among the various scenarios that we explore, the jet sheath is the most promising candidate for being the main source of Faraday rotation. During the one-year observing period the RM trend shows two sign reversals, which may be qualitatively interpreted within the context of the magnetic tower models. We invoke the presence of two nested helical magnetic fields in the relativistic jet with opposite helicities, whose relative contribution produce the observed RM values. The inner helical field has the poloidal component (BpB_{\rm p}) oriented in the observer's direction and produces a positive RM, while the outer helical field, with BpB_{\rm p} in the opposite direction, produces a negative RM. We assume that the external helical field dominates the contribution to the observed RM, while the internal helical field dominates when a jet perturbation arises during the second observing epoch. Being the intrinsic polarization angle parallel to the jet axis, a pitch angle of the helical magnetic field ϕ70\phi\gtrsim 70^\circ is required. Additional scenarios are also considered to explain the observed RM sign reversals.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Published on MNRA

    First clear evidence of quantum chaos in the bound states of an atomic nucleus

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    We study the spectral fluctuations of the 208^{208}Pb nucleus using the complete experimental spectrum of 151 states up to excitation energies of 6.206.20 MeV recently identified at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium at Garching, Germany. For natural parity states the results are very close to the predictions of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) for the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution. A quantitative estimate of the agreement is given by the Brody parameter ω\omega, which takes the value ω=0\omega=0 for regular systems and ω1\omega \simeq 1 for chaotic systems. We obtain ω=0.85±0.02\omega=0.85 \pm 0.02 which is, to our knowledge, the closest value to chaos ever observed in experimental bound states of nuclei. By contrast, the results for unnatural parity states are far from RMT behavior. We interpret these results as a consequence of the strength of the residual interaction in 208^{208}Pb, which, according to experimental data, is much stronger for natural than for unnatural parity states. In addition our results show that chaotic and non-chaotic nuclear states coexist in the same energy region of the spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Thermal van der Waals Interaction between Graphene Layers

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    The van de Waals interaction between two graphene sheets is studied at finite temperatures. Graphene's thermal length (ξT=v/kBT)(\xi_T = \hbar v / k_B T) controls the force versus distance (z)(z) as a crossover from the zero temperature results for zξTz\ll \xi_T, to a linear-in-temperature, universal regime for zξTz\gg \xi_T. The large separation regime is shown to be a consequence of the classical behavior of graphene's plasmons at finite temperature. Retardation effects are largely irrelevant, both in the zero and finite temperature regimes. Thermal effects should be noticeable in the van de Waals interaction already for distances of tens of nanometers at room temperature.Comment: enlarged version, 9 pages, 4 figures, updated reference