567 research outputs found

    La Seguridad Digital y su Importancia en la Formación del Profesorado. Análisis del Comportamiento Online de estudiantes en el contexto checo y polaco

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    Internet use has skyrocketed in recent years, leading to risky behaviour such as online aggression. The aim of this study was to analyse the risks in the online environment of Czech and Polish students, with a special focus on online aggression. A quantitative approach was employed using an online survey. A total of 13657 students from the Czech Republic and Poland, aged 7-17 years (M = 13.75; SD = 3.85), participated in the study. The results revealed the apps most used by children (mostly YouTube, Facebook and Instagram) and online safety issues such as user theft, sexting and cyber-aggression. Finally, the implications of this work are discussed, highlighting the richness of the data obtained in relation to risk behaviours on the Internet during the Covid-19 pandemic.El uso de Internet se ha disparado en los últimos años, lo que ha dado lugar a comportamientos de riesgo como las agresiones en línea. El objetivo de este estudio era analizar los riesgos en el entorno online de los estudiantes checos y polacos, con especial atención a la agresión online. Se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo mediante una encuesta en línea. Participaron en el estudio un total de 13657 estudiantes de la República Checa y Polonia, con edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 17 años (M = 13,75; SD = 3,85). Los resultados revelaron las aplicaciones más utilizadas por los niños (principalmente YouTube, Facebook e Instagram) y los problemas de seguridad en línea, como el robo de usuarios, el sexting y las ciberagresiones. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones de este trabajo, destacando la riqueza de los datos obtenidos en relación con los comportamientos de riesgo en Internet durante la pandemia de Covid-19.Czech Republic-Poland Programme (CZ.11.4.120/0.0/0.0/17_028/0001654

    The generational digital gap within dual vocational education and training teachers

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    In our current society, Digital Competence is an essential and basic competence for teachers. The students need trained teachers who know how to use Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and develop them into pedagogy. However, some of them do not know how. This phenomena is called “The generational digital divide”, which occurs when teachers do not have sufficient digital or technological skills or do not adapt to them. This article aims to determine whether the age of teachers has an influence on their knowledge about Information and Communication Technologies. The objective is to detect if there really exists a digital gap between generations, specifically in Dual Vocational Education Training, a kind of education which has been growing in the recent years. To do so, a study with a quantitative and descriptive method has been carried out, with the participation of 1.568 teachers of this training modality in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The data were extracted by means of a questionnaire to measure the level of digital teaching competence in Dual Vocational Education and Training schools. The results showed that the level of digital competence shown was medium to low across all dimensions. With regard to the age factor, only the problem-solving dimension was found to be age-dependent.This study has been financed by the "Study and analysis of technological resources and innovation in teacher training in the field of Higher Education and its applicability to the development of the Santander Region (Colombia)", in the Framework Cooperation Agreement for the strengthening of research and education, signed between the Corporacion Escuela Tecnologica del Oriente, the Secretariat of Education of Santander and the AREA (HUM/672) Research Group of the University of Granada. Code: ISPRS-2017-7202. Period: 2017 to 2021

    Gender and Digital Teaching Competence in Dual Vocational Education and Training

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    In recent decades, technological advances have been revolutionizing all areas of society, including the teaching resources and methodologies used in the world of education. Teachers are in the process of adapting to develop the digital skills they need for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), a process that must be permanent and in which there are still knowledge gaps undermining its application. This study aims to determine whether this lack of digital skills is influenced by the gender of teachers, for example, whether there is a gender gap in ICT application in teaching, specifically Dual Vocational Education and Training, which is a teaching area that has been growing exponentially in recent years. A descriptive quantitative method has been used for this study with a sample of 1568 teachers of Dual Vocational Education and Training from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, with data collected through a questionnaire. The results show that while the level of knowledge of ICT resources is medium among this group and is therefore improvable, there are no significant gender differences between teachers with respect to the application of e-skills by teaching professionals, despite the existence in other contexts of a large digital gender gap in new technology professionals

    Sobre las hojas de la especie Sorgo. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

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    En la presente investigación se determinó y cualificó los metabolitos presentes en los extractos foliares etéreo y etanólico de Passiflora foetida L, e indicar el efecto de la aplicación de éstos sobre las hojas de la especie sorgo, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo y experimental bajo un diseño estadístico completamente al azar, con cinco (5) tratamientos incluyendo el testigo y cuatro (4) repeticiones; para cada extracto se escogieron dos (2) cantidades representadas en 4 ppm y 7 ppm. El trabajo fitoquímico se realizó mediante una marcha fitoquímica preliminar, que indicó la presencia de algunos grupos químicos: fenoles, taninos, flavonoides, triterpenoides, glicósidos cianogénicos, cumarinas y alcaloides. Los extractos fueron aplicados solo una vez, cuatro días después de la siembra; la variable observada fue el número de hojas; para este parámetro se tomó lectura tres días después de la aplicación. Los resultados indicaron que las diferentes dosis no incidieron en el número de hojas (3dda), es decir, no hubo diferencia significativa entre los diferentes tratamientos

    Sharing images or videos of minors online: Validation of the Sharenting Evaluation Scale (SES)

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    Sharenting is a current phenomenon of online communication, which is related to the sharing of images of the youngest members of the family (often minors) by parents or relatives, mainly on social networks. However, this constitutes a series of consequences that compromise privacy and may put the child at risk. The aim of this work was to validate the Sharenting Evaluation Scale (SES), designed to assess the degree of sharenting in the adult population, in order to catalogue the type of practice performed through ranges. A rigorous process of design and validation of the scale was carried out on a sample of 146 Spanish adults. Different strategies were used, such as expert judgement, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability analysis using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. After that, the scale was composed of 17 items configured in three factors: implications, social behaviour, and self-control. Finally, the scale showed good psychometric properties, providing a unique and reliable instrument to assess the degree of sharenting performed by an adult.Project E-Safety: Risky behaviour in online environment for students and teachers of the Ministry of Education of Czech Republic (PRCH-IP-organizace_0014/2021I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada (Reference: 4439)

    La trascendencia de la Realidad Aumentada en la motivación estudiantil. Una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis

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    La llegada de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) al sistema educativo ha propiciado que numerosos recursos novedosos y de gran interés didáctico lleguen a las aulas. Este es el caso de la Realidad Aumentada, tecnología que se ha popularizado por su capacidad para combinar elementos virtuales y reales al mismo tiempo. El presente trabajo ha pretendido indagar en la literatura científica para comprobar si la aplicación de Realidad Aumentada en las aulas promueve una mejora motivacional en el estudiantado de las diversas etapas educativas. Para ello, se recurrió a la metodología correspondiente a las revisiones sistemáticas y meta-análisis propuestas por la declaración PRISMA tomando como fuente de datos las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science. Un total de nueve de metodología cuasi experimental fueron analizados en torno a la medición de la variable motivación. Los resultados dilucidaron un diagnóstico favorable a los grupos de carácter experimental, por lo que se pudo inferir que la experimentación en el aula con Realidad Aumentada motiva al estudiantado de distintas etapas educativas. No obstante, se plantea la necesidad de realizar mayor número de experiencias con Realidad Aumentada en las aulas para poder establecer un dictamen en torno a un cuerpo más sólido de trabajos científicos.//The arrival of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the education system has meant that many new resources of great didactic interest have reached the classroom. This is the case of Augmented Reality, a technology that has become popular due to its ability to combine virtual and real elements at the same time. This work has attempted to investigate the scientific literature to see if the application of Augmented Reality in the classroom promotes a motivational improvement in the student body of the various educational stages. For this purpose, the methodology corresponding to the systematic reviews and meta-analysis proposed by the PRISMA declaration was used, taking as data source the databases Scopus and Web of Science. A total of nine quasi-experimental methodologies were analysed around the measurement of the motivation variable. The results elucidated a favourable diagnosis to the experimental groups, so it could be inferred that experimentation in the classroom with Augmented Reality motivates the student body of different educational stages. Nevertheless, it is necessary to carry out a greater number of experiences with Augmented Reality in the classrooms in order to be able to establish an opinion around a more solid body of scientific work

    Mobile Learning in Pre-Service Teacher Education: Perceived Usefulness of AR Technology in Primary Education

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    Mobile learning is a resource that can enhance the teaching-learning process of students and improve the training of future teachers. Specifically, augmented reality (AR) technology allows for immersive and experiential learning without the need to leave the classroom. The purposes of this paper were to apply AR technology in the training of future Primary Education teachers and to analyze the perceived usefulness of AR in the classroom by future teachers. A quantitative approach was used based on a design with a control group and two experimental groups with a post-test using a sample of 171 second-year students studying an education degree. The results showed that experimentation with AR promoted a slight increase in student motivation. However, no significant differences were found between the control group and the experimental groups. Finally, the findings allowed us to establish that the implementation of resources such as AR does not differ in the opinion of future teachers about the inclination to implement AR in the classroom

    Learning analytics in higher education: a review of impact scientific literature

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    Las analíticas de aprendizaje pueden definirse como una serie de técnicas para recopilar, analizar y otorgar datos procesables y generados por parte de los estudiantes con el objetivo de elaborar estrategias adecuadas para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje, el rendimiento de los alumnos o el de la propia institución. Este tipo de técnicas son especialmente útiles para establecer patrones de acción que guíen y orienten el proceso educativo en educación superior. Bajo estas premisas, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la producción científica de mayor impacto sobre el empleo de analíticas de aprendizaje en educación superior. Para ello se ha seguido una metodología cuantitativa atendiendo diez variables: año de publicación, publicaciones periódicas, autores, instituciones, países, tipo de documento, formato de publicación, área de publicación, idioma y artículos más citados. Los resultados proyectan una tendencia de investigación que se encuentra totalmente en auge, especialmente por la mayor producción científica ocurrida en los últimos años (2015-2018) destacando países como Australia, Estados Unidos y Reino Unido. Las publicaciones, en su gran mayoría, proceden de conferencias y se encuentran publicadas en inglés. Destacan las áreas de conocimiento de Ciencias Computacionales y Ciencias Sociales.Learning analytics can be defined as a series of techniques for collecting, analyzing and granting processable data generated by students. Their objective is to develop appropriate strategies to improve the learning processes, the performance of the students or that of the institution itself. These types of techniques are especially useful to establish patterns of action that guide and guide the educational process in higher education. Under these premises, the present research aims to analyze the scientific production with the greatest impact on the use of learning analytics in higher education. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology has been followed, based on ten variables: year of publication, periodicals, authors, institutions, countries, type of document, publication format, publication area, language and most cited articles. The results project a research trend that is fully on the rise, especially due to the greater scientific production that has occurred in recent years (2015- 2018), highlighting countries such as Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom. The publications, in their great majority, come from conferences and are published in English. The knowledge areas of Computational Sciences and Social Sciences stand out.Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through the Aid of the University Teaching Staff Training Program FPU14/0462

    ¿Contratar más suplentes puede ser una herramienta para mejorar la racionalidad de la prescripción?

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    ObjetivoEl objetivo del presente estudio es determinar si hay asociación entre el gasto en suplencias y el gasto en medicamentos en los equipos de atención primaria (EAP).DiseñoEstudio observacional, transversal.EmplazamientoUn área de salud de Madrid (Área 2), en el año 2000.ParticipantesLos 21 EAP del Área, considerado cada uno como un individuo de estudio.Mediciones principalesEn cada EAP se midieron las siguientes variables: a) cumplimiento o no del presupuesto en suplencias; b) cumplimiento o no del presupuesto del gasto en medicamentos; c) proporción de ausencias de profesionales en los que ha habido suplente; d) indicador de ajuste a las recomendaciones del área sobre el uso racional de medicamentos (URM); e) gasto público en medicamentos por habitante (ponderado), y f) incremento del gasto público en medicamentos por habitante ponderado con respecto al año anterior.ResultadosLa asociación entre el cumplimiento presupuestario en suplentes y en medicamentos no fue estadísticamente significativa. La asociación entre el porcentaje de suplencias (esfuerzo en la absorción de ausencias sin suplente) y las variables de esfuerzo en la contención del gasto en medicamentos (ajuste URM, gasto/habitante e incremento gasto/habitante) se presentan en la tabla 1. En la ecuación de regression lineal del porcentaje de suplencias (variable dependiente, expresada en porcentaje) con el incremento gasto/habitante (variable independiente, expresada en pacientes/habitante), el coeficiente de la variable independiente, b=3.563, no resultó estadísticamente significativo (p>0,05).DiscusiónNo se ha encontrado ningún trabajo, similar al presente, que estudie la asociación entre el esfuerzo en suplencias y el esfuerzo en URM. En el presente trabajo no se ha encontrado una asociación clara entre gasto en suplentes y gasto en farmacia. A efectos prácticos, no parece que un incremento del gasto en suplentes, para mejorar la motivación, vaya a suponer una contención del gasto en farmacia por una mayor implicación (sin prejuicio de que el incremento de gasto en suplentes sea deseable por otros motivos, opinión ésta que, por cierto, sostienen los autores). Dado que la hipótesis de la que parte este estudio parece razonable a priori, podrían realizarse nuevos estudios sobre el tema en los que se determine la motivación del profesional en el aspecto gestor de prescribir y el grado de satisfacción del profesional ante la suplencia de un compañero, utilizando muestras mayores.ConclusiónNo se ha encontrado asociación entre los cumplimientos presupuestarios de suplencias y farmacia. Se ha encontrado una dudosa asociación entre el esfuerzo en suplencias y en farmacia.AgradecimientosA la Gerencia de Atención Primaria del Área 2 por autorizar y colaborar en el estudio que hemos realizado, especialmente a los departamentos de personal, farmacia y secretaría

    The impact of term fake news on the scientific community. Scientific performance and mapping in web of science

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    Nowadays, multiple phenomena have promoted an impact on society, constituting in some cases, not only a contribution of benefits but also of risks. Among them, the fake news phenomenon is considered one of the most burning phenomena today due to the risk it poses to society. In view of this situation, the research community has carried out numerous studies that seek to address this issue from a multidisciplinary perspective. Based on this, the objective of this work was to analyze the productivity and, therefore, the impact of this topic in the research community. To this end, this work advocated a scientometric-type methodology, through scientometric laws, impact indicators, and scientific evolution of 640 publications of the web of science (WOS). The results showed the impact of the fake news discipline today, which is considered an emerging issue that is of interest to many knowledge disciplines around the world. Likewise, the results showed that the publications not only have a focus on analyzing the veracity or not of the news, but that it begins to vertebrate a new line of an investigation directed to the informational education and towards the prevention of the consumption of this type of news through the internet.Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain (Project reference: FPU17/05952