2,988 research outputs found

    Les comèdies animades ens ensenyen televisió

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    Les comèdies nord-americanes animades de gran audiència i emeses en prime time, les més conegudes serien els Simpsons o Family Guy, es caracteritzen per la utilització de diferents gèneres, l'ús de textos d'altres productes culturals i l'autoreferència. La tesi doctoral de Beatriz Gòmez ha analitzat cinc d'aquestes sèries per arribar a la conclusió que aquestes no opten per buscar l'originalitat sinó que comenten satíricament altres productes culturals, esdevenint, d'aquesta manera, analistes de televisió i fins i tot un producte pedagògic.Las comedias norteamericanas animadas de gran audiencia y emitidas en prime time, las más conocidas serían los Simpsons o Family Guy, se caracterizan por la utilización de diferentes géneros, el uso de textos de otros productos culturales y la autorreferencia. La tesis doctoral de Beatriz Gómez ha analizado cinco de estas series para llegar a la conclusión de que estas no optan por buscar la originalidad sino que comentan satíricamente otros productos culturales, convirtiéndose, de esta manera, en analistas de televisión e incluso un producto pedagógico.The prime time American animated comedy, the best known would be the Simpsons or Family Guy, are characterized by the use of different genres, referencing texts from other cultural products and self-reference. Beatriz Gomez's doctoral dissertation has analyzed five of this series to reach the conclusion that they do not choose to seek originality but to commented satirically other cultural products, becoming in this way, television analysts and even an educational product

    Determining kinetic constants and transport efficiencies at membrane interfaces to optimize the removal/recovery of Cu(II) through lulk liquid membranes containing benzoylacetone as carrier

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    The removal, separation, and enrichment of heavy metals in aqueous solutions has become a prime concern over the last few decades because of both their adverse effects on the ecosystem and living organisms and their valuable resource character. This paper describes a study to optimize the simultaneous removal/ recovery of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions by bulk liquid membranes, through a facilitated countertransport mechanism using benzoylacetone as a mobile carrier and hydrochloric acid as a stripping agent (protons as counter ions), by analyzing the effect of different operational variables (carrier concentration in membrane phase, stripping agent concentration in product phase, stirring rate, and membrane phase volume) on the removal/recovery kinetics constants and on the transport efficiencies through the feed/membrane and membrane/product interfaces.We would like to thank Mr. A. Guzmán and Mr. J.A. López for manufacturing the experimental cell

    The image of the journalist and the tabloidization in television fiction. The case of prime time animated comedies

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    La frecuente introducción de segmentos informativos ficticios en las comedias animadas de prime time ofrece una seria reflexión crítica sobre el actual estado del periodismo televisivo. Como textos paródicos, las noticias del Canal 6 (Los Simpson), del Canal 84 (El rey de la colina), del Canal 4 (South Park), del Canal 5 (Padre de familia) y del Canal 3 (American Dad) reproducen con exactitud los elementos formales del informativo, mientras que su contenido sufre una notable transformación y es exagerado en aras de señalar una tendencia mediática: la transferencia de los códigos de la prensa sensacionalista al universo televisivo.The frequent introduction of fictitious news segments in prime time animated comedies offers a serious critical reflection on the current state of television journalism. As parodic texts, news of Channel 6 (The Simpsons), Channel 84 (The King of the Hill), Channel 4 (South Park), Channel 5 (Family Guy) and Channel 3 (American Dad) accurately reproduce the formal elements of television news, while its content undergoes a remarkable transformation and it is exaggerated in order to underline a media trend: the transfer of tabloid press codes to television universe

    Television “en abyme”. U.S. Prime Time Televisión as a Mirror of Itself

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la figura de la “obra dentro de la obra” en el contexto televisivo, es decir, “el programa dentro del programa”. Tras una búsqueda exhaustiva en los 65 años de programación de prime time estadounidense, el estudio contempla 63 producciones de ficción que insertan en su relato otras producciones televisivas. Estas producciones son abordadas desde el análisis textual, realizado a partir del marco planteado por Dällenbach y Genette, con el que se intenta identificar las principales características y dinámicas narrativas de esta figura en la televisión. El análisis revela que, en la mayoría de los casos, los programas dentro de los programas reflexionan sobre la televisión de forma general (metatelevisión). Sin embargo, también es posible encontrar verdaderas muestras de mise en abyme, es decir, programas de segundo nivel que se vuelven sobre sí mismos y funcionan como reflejo del programa en el que están insertos. El artículo concluye que la introducción de relatos de segundo nivel en las producciones televisivas es una expresión del estado de madurez que ha alcanzado el medio, un estado que le permite dirigir la reflexión, así como las risas, hacia sí mismo.The main aim of this paper is to analyze the figure of the “play within the play” in the television context, in other words, “the program within the program”. After an exhaustive search of the 65 years of U.S. prime time network television schedule, the study includes 63 fictional productions that insert into his account another television production. These productions are approached through a textual analysis, with the help of the theoretical frame provided by Dällenbach and Genette, with which it tries to identify the main characteristics and dynamic narratives of this figure on television. The analysis reveals that, in most cases, the programs within the programs reflect on television in a general manner (metatelevisión). However, it is possible to find real samples of mise en abyme, that is, second-level programs that turn on themselves and work as a reflection of the program in which they are embedded. The paper concludes that the insertion of second-level stories in television productions is an expression of the maturity state reached by the medium, a state that allows it to direct reflection and laughter to itself

    Comparison of microcrystalline and ultrananocrystalline boron doped diamond anodes: Influence on perfluorooctanoic acid electrolysis

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    This work aims to study the effect of the distinctive chemical and structural surface features of boron doped diamond (BDD) anodes on their electrochemical performance for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) degradation. Commercial BDD anodes were compared: (i) a microcrystalline (MCD) coating on silicon; and (ii) an ultrananocrystalline (UNCD) coating on niobium. MCD gave rise to the complete PFOA (0.24 mmol L−1) degradation in 4 h, at any applied current density in the range 1–5 mA cm−2. On the contrary, only 21% PFOA removal was achieved when using UNCD at 5 mA cm−2 under comparable experimental conditions. Similarly, the total organic carbon (TOC) was reduced by 89% using MCD, whereas only 13% TOC decrease was obtained by UNCD. In order to explain the dissimilar electrochemical activities, the morphological and chemical characterization of the electrode materials was developed by means of FESEM microscopy, XPS and Raman spectroscopy. The UNCD anode surface showed characteristic ultrananocrystalline grain size (2–25 nm), higher boron doping and greater content of H-terminated carbon, whereas the MCD anode was less conductive but contained higher sp3 carbon on the anode surface. Overall, the MCD electrode features allowed more efficient PFOA electrolysis than the UNCD anode. As a result of their distinctive performance, the energy needed for the maximum PFOA degradation (after 4 h) using MCD anode was only 1.4 kWh m−3, while the estimated energy consumption for the UNCD anode would be 37-fold higher. It is concluded that the use of the MCD anode involves considerable energy costs savings.Financial support from the projects CTM2013-44081-R, CTM2016-75509-R and to the Spanish Excellence Network E3TECH (CTQ2015-71650-RDT) (MINECO, SPAIN-FEDER 2014–2020) is gratefully acknowledged. B. Gomez also thanks the FPI research scholarship (BES-2014-071045). Dr. J. Carrillo-Abad is gratefully acknowledged for performing the cyclic voltammograms included in supplementary data

    Friends or just fans? Parasocial relationships in online television fiction communities

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    This paper explores parasocial phenomena on social media pages related to Spanish television fiction by analysing the development of parasociality through relationships established between users and characters and the characteristics of this type of online community. The sample consisted of 4,762 spontaneous comments posted on social media pages (1,598 on Facebook and 3,164 on Twitter) linked to television series. Comments published between 1 January 2018 and 31 May 2020 were compiled the day after the premiere of each fiction. Our findings confirm those of previous researchs on the similarity between parasocial relationships with fictional characters and relationships in real life. This study also substantiates that women's comments show a greater tendency to draw associations between parasocial relationships and daily life. We also find a link between programme longevity and audience success on the one hand, and the intensity of parasocial relationships with the characters on the other. The relationships among community members reveal a degree of narcissism, prompting more self-disclosure than interaction with the rest of the users. Therefore, such relationships are closer to consociality (Kozinets, 2015) than parasociality, although significant differences concerning gender identity are also found in this context.Este artículo explora los fenómenos parasociales que se producen en las redes sociales dedicadas a la ficción televisiva española, con el objetivo de analizar tanto las relaciones entre los usuarios y los personajes como las características de este tipo de comunidades y la evolución de ambas manifestaciones de la parasocialidad. La muestra de análisis está integrada por 4.762 comentarios espontáneos en las webs dedicadas a los programas (1.598 en Facebook y 3.164 de Twitter), publicados entre el 1 de enero de 2018 y el 31 de mayo de 2020 y recogidos al día siguiente del estreno de cada ficción. El trabajo confirma los resultados de las investigaciones precedentes sobre la semejanza de las relaciones parasociales con los personajes y las relaciones reales, así como la mayor tendencia de los comentarios femeninos a extrapolar las relaciones parasociales a su vida cotidiana. El análisis también evidencia la relación entre, por un lado, la longevidad de los programas y el éxito de audiencia y, por otro lado, la intensidad de las relaciones parasociales con los personajes. Las relaciones entre los miembros de la comunidad revelan un cierto narcisismo, que los induce más a mostrarse (self-disclosure) que a interactuar con el resto de los usuarios. Se sitúan, por consiguiente, más próximos a la consocialidad (Kozinets, 2015) que a la parasocialidad, aunque también en este punto se aprecian diferencias significativas en relación con la identidad de género

    The participation of university students in assessment: An international perspective of students and teachers in higher education

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    As expressed by Boud (2007) “the great innovation in assessment in the 1960s was the introduction of ideas from educational measurement. This was important then as it made assessment thinking more systematic and introduced terminology, such as reliability and validity. It also introduced new techniques such as multiple-choice tests. In the 1970s, the distinction between formative and summative assessment was introduced. In the 1980s, the value of self and peer assessment was accepted. In the 1990s, the consequences of assessment for student learning were recognized. Just because an assessment activity satisfies some technical measurement requirements doesn’t mean that it has a worthwhile impact on what students learn and how they go about approaching their learning.

    Misogyny and the construction of toxic masculinity in the Spanish Manosphere (Burbuja.info)

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    The anonymity of the Manosphere has provided a fertile breeding ground for the spread of misogyny through increased hate speech on the Internet. In recent years, this virtual space composed mostly of men, has been the subject of numerous studies aimed at identifying the discursive mechanisms of identity constructions that underlie the denigration of women. This paper takes the findings from international research on the subject to address a phenomenon still little explored in Spain through the analysis of misogynistic comments on Burbuja.info. Economic forum. The analysis sample comprises 4,281 messages that include the lexeme "woman" posted over 2.5 years, 761 of which contain expressions that ridicule, disparage, or insult women. Thematic analysis demonstrates the repetition of misogynistic topics and tropes common in the most radical Reddit and 4chan subforums, such as hypergamy, objectification, and the constant disparagement of the world of women, not to mention criticism of feminism, left-wing political parties, and legislation on gender violence. The results obtained show that the "male identity crisis" is narratively constructed in the messages on Burbuja.info using the motif of sacrifice -the cornerstone of a monotypic story in which the purpose of the hero-man-victim's journey is to punish the villain-woman. Furthermore, we also found that there are different configurations of identity related to attitudes toward women; these match up with the four most prominent masculinist subcultures identified in the leading literature on the subject: Men Rights activists (MRA), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), Pickup Artists (PUA), and Involuntary Celibates (Incels).El incremento de los discursos de odio en internet encuentra en la anonimia de la Manosfera el terreno abonado donde diseminar la misoginia. En los últimos años, este espacio virtual integrado en su mayor parte por hombres, está siendo objeto de numerosos estudios dirigidos a identificar los mecanismos discursivos de las construcciones identitarias que subyacen a la denostación de las mujeres. Este trabajo asume los resultados obtenidos en las investigaciones internacio-nales sobre el tema con la finalidad de afrontar un fenómeno todavía muy poco explorado en España, a través del análi-sis de los comentarios misóginos de Burbuja.info, foro de economía. La muestra de análisis comprende los 4.281 mensa-jes que incluyen el lexema "mujer" publicados a lo largo de dos años y medio, en 761 de los cuales figuran expresiones que ridiculizan, minusvaloran o injurian a las mujeres. El análisis temático evidencia la reiteración de los tópicos y de los tropos de la misoginia habituales en los subforos de Reddit y 4chan más radicales, como la hipergamia, la cosificación y la constante minusvaloración del universo femenino, a los que cabe añadir la crítica al feminismo, a los partidos políticos de izquierda y a la legislación sobre violencia de género. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la "crisis de la identidad masculina" se construye narrativamente en los mensajes de Burbuja.info mediante el motivo del sacrificio, piedra angular de un relato monotípico en el que el viaje del héroe-hombre-víctima tiene como finalidad castigar al villa-no-mujer. Se constata asimismo la existencia de diferentes configuraciones identitarias derivadas de la actitud hacia las mujeres, asimilables a las cuatro subculturas masculinistas más relevantes identificadas en la bibliografía de referencia sobre el tema: Men Rights Activists (MRA); Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW); Pick up Artists (PUA) e Involuntary Celibates (Incels)