21 research outputs found

    Probing the interaction between solid benzene and water using vacuum ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy

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    We present results of a combined vacuum ultravioloet (VUV) and infrared (IR) photoabsorption study of amorphous benzene:water mixtures and layers to investigate the benzene-water interaction in the solid phase. UV spectra of 1:1, 1:10 and 1:100 benzene:water mixtures at 24 K reveal a concentration dependent shift in the energies of the 1B2u, 1B1u and 1E1u electronic states of benzene. All the electronic bands blueshift from pure amorphous benzene towards gas phase energies with increasing water concentration. IR results reveal a strong dOH-π benzene-water interaction via the dangling OH stretch of water with the delocalised π system of the benzene molecule. Although this interaction influences the electronic states of benzene with the benzenewater interaction causing a redshift in the electronic states from that of the free benzene molecule, the benzene-benzene interaction has a more significant effect on the electronic states of benzene. VUV spectra of benzene and water layers show evidence of non-wetting between benzene and water, characterised by Rayleigh scattering tails at wavelengths greater than 220 nm. Our results also show evidence of benzene-water interaction at the benzene-water interface affecting both the benzene and the water electronic states. Annealing the mixtures and layers of benzene and water show that benzene remains trapped within in/under water ice until water desorption near 160 K. These first systematic studies of binary amorphous mixtures in the VUV, supported with complementary IR studies, provide a deeper insight into the influence of intermolecular interactions on intramolecular electronic states with significant implications for our understanding of photochemical processes in more realistic astrochemical environments

    COVID-19-Impfung senkt das Risiko für Infektion, schwere Krankheitsverläufe und Tod

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    Im Mai 2021 kam es in einem Alten- und Pflegeheim in der Oberpfalz zu einem SARS-CoV-2-Aus-bruch mit einer hohen Anzahl von Impfdurchbrüchen, woraufhin serologische Untersuchungen und epidemiologische Daten der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner und dem Pflegepersonal ausgewertet wurden. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, das Risiko von Hospitalisierung und Tod bei Geimpften im Vergleich zu Ungeimpften darzustellen.Peer Reviewe

    Eleven strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions

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    Across disciplines, researchers increasingly recognize that open science and reproducible research practices may accelerate scientific progress by allowing others to reuse research outputs and by promoting rigorous research that is more likely to yield trustworthy results. While initiatives, training programs, and funder policies encourage researchers to adopt reproducible research and open science practices, these practices are uncommon inmanyfields. Researchers need training to integrate these practicesinto their daily work. We organized a virtual brainstorming event, in collaboration with the German Reproducibility Network, to discuss strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions. Here, weoutline eleven strategies, concentrated in three areas:(1)offering training, (2)adapting research assessment criteria and program requirements, and (3) building communities. We provide a brief overview of each strategy, offer tips for implementation,and provide links to resources. Our goal is toencourage members of the research community to think creatively about the many ways they can contribute and collaborate to build communities,and make reproducible research and open sciencetraining the norm. Researchers may act in their roles as scientists, supervisors, mentors, instructors, and members of curriculum, hiring or evaluation committees. Institutionalleadership and research administration andsupport staff can accelerate progress by implementing change across their institution

    Eleven strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions

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    Across disciplines, researchers increasingly recognize that open science and reproducible research practices may accelerate scientific progress by allowing others to reuse research outputs and by promoting rigorous research that is more likely to yield trustworthy results. While initiatives, training programs, and funder policies encourage researchers to adopt reproducible research and open science practices, these practices are uncommon inmanyfields. Researchers need training to integrate these practicesinto their daily work. We organized a virtual brainstorming event, in collaboration with the German Reproducibility Network, to discuss strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions. Here, weoutline eleven strategies, concentrated in three areas:(1)offering training, (2)adapting research assessment criteria and program requirements, and (3) building communities. We provide a brief overview of each strategy, offer tips for implementation,and provide links to resources. Our goal is toencourage members of the research community to think creatively about the many ways they can contribute and collaborate to build communities,and make reproducible research and open sciencetraining the norm. Researchers may act in their roles as scientists, supervisors, mentors, instructors, and members of curriculum, hiring or evaluation committees. Institutionalleadership and research administration andsupport staff can accelerate progress by implementing change across their institution

    The role of Gpi-anchored axonal glycoproteins in neural development and neurological disorders

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    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    Neutron Total Scattering Investigation of the Dissolution Mechanism of Trehalose in Alkali/Urea Aqueous Solution

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    The atomic picture of cellulose dissolution in alkali/urea aqueous solution is still not clear. To reveal it, we use trehalose as the model molecule and total scattering as the main tool. Three kinds of alkali solution, i.e., LiOH, NaOH and KOH are compared. The most probable all-atom structures of the solution are thus obtained. The hydration shell of trehalose has a layered structure. The smaller alkali ions can penetrate into the glucose rings around oxygen atoms to form the first hydration layer. The larger urea molecules interact with hydroxide groups to form complexations. Then, the electronegative complexation can form the second hydration layer around alkali ions via electrostatic interaction. Therefore, the solubility of alkali aqueous solution for cellulose decreases with the alkali cation radius, i.e., LiOH > NaOH > KOH. Our findings are helpful for designing better green solvents for cellulose

    Functional impact of the head domain variants of DES (Desmin) on filament assembly

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    Voß S, Walhorn V, Holler S, et al. Functional impact of the head domain variants of DES (Desmin) on filament assembly. Genes & Diseases. 2024: 101238