17 research outputs found
Alternativnà metody zobrazenà pankreatických ostrůvků.
Transplantace pankreatickĂ˝ch ostrĹŻvkĹŻ (PIs) pĹ™edstavuje alternativnĂ metodu lĂ©ÄŤby diabetu 1. typu. MonitorovánĂ transplantovanĂ˝ch PIs pomocĂ vhodnĂ© zobrazovacĂ metody mĹŻĹľe pĹ™ispÄ›t k zlepšenĂ vĂ˝sledkĹŻ transplantace. V pĹ™edkládanĂ© disertaÄŤnĂ práci jsme testovali novĂ© zpĹŻsoby zobrazenĂ PIs pomocĂ magnetickĂ© rezonance (MR) a optickĂ©ho zobrazovánĂ, konkrĂ©tnÄ› MR metodu zaloĹľenou na pĹ™enosu saturace magnetizace pĹ™es chemickou vĂ˝mÄ›nu (Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer - CEST), fluorovou (19 F) MR a optickĂ© zobrazovánĂ. FrekvenÄŤnÄ› selektivnĂ CEST metoda byla pouĹľita pro zobrazovánĂ PIs znaÄŤenĂ˝ch pomocĂ dvou CEST kontrastĹŻ. Na MR obrazech jsme detekovali pouze slabĂ˝ signál ze znaÄŤenĂ˝ch ostrĹŻvkĹŻ, kterĂ© byly navĂc poškozenĂ©. Tyto vĂ˝sledky ukazujĂ, Ĺľe tento typ kontrastĹŻ nenĂ vhodnĂ˝ pro znaÄŤenĂ a zobrazovánĂ pankreatickĂ˝ch ostrĹŻvkĹŻ. V druhĂ©m experimentu jsme monitorovali geneticky modifikovanĂ© bioluminiscenÄŤnĂ ostrĹŻvky transplantovanĂ© do arteficiálnĂch skeletĹŻ implantovanĂ˝ch do podkoĹľĂ, kterĂ© pĹ™edstavujĂ alternativnĂ transplantaÄŤnĂ mĂsto. MultimodálnĂm zobrazovánĂm (MR a bioluminiscence) jsme urÄŤili optimálnĂ ÄŤasovánĂ transplantaÄŤnĂch krokĹŻ. OstrĹŻvky transplantovanĂ© diabetickĂ˝m potkanĹŻm podle optimalizovanĂ©ho protokolu byly dostateÄŤnÄ› prokrvenĂ© a funkÄŤnĂ. Vyvinuli jsme takĂ© novĂ˝ trimodálnĂ zobrazovacĂ model...Transplantation of pancreatic islets (PIs) represents an alternative treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Post-transplant monitoring of islets by a reliable imaging method may contribute to the improvement of the transplantation outcome. In this thesis, novel visualization approaches for PIs were tested using magnetic resonance (MR) and optical imaging on phantoms and experimental animals, including Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MR, fluorine (19 F) MR, bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging. MR imaging based on frequency-selective method CEST was performed on islets labeled with Eu-/Yb-based chelates. Labeled islets possessed low MR signal in phantoms, what would have been unsatisfactory for in vivo applications. Moreover, viability and function of labeled islets was impaired reflecting limited applicability of these agents for islet labeling and visualization. Genetically modified bioluminescent islets showed suitable properties for longitudinal tracking of their post-transplant fate at an artificial transplant site - subcutaneously implanted polymeric scaffolds. Using multimodal imaging (MR and bioluminescence), the optimal timing for transplantation of islets into the scaffolds was assessed in diabetic rats. Islets transplanted into scaffolds using the optimized timing scheme...Ăšstav biofyziky a informatiky 1. LF UKInstitute of Biophysics and Informatics First Faculty of Medicine Charles University1. lĂ©kaĹ™ská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin
Alternative methods for visualization of pancreatic islets.
Transplantation of pancreatic islets (PIs) represents an alternative treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Post-transplant monitoring of islets by a reliable imaging method may contribute to the improvement of the transplantation outcome. In this thesis, novel visualization approaches for PIs were tested using magnetic resonance (MR) and optical imaging on phantoms and experimental animals, including Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MR, fluorine (19 F) MR, bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging. MR imaging based on frequency-selective method CEST was performed on islets labeled with Eu-/Yb-based chelates. Labeled islets possessed low MR signal in phantoms, what would have been unsatisfactory for in vivo applications. Moreover, viability and function of labeled islets was impaired reflecting limited applicability of these agents for islet labeling and visualization. Genetically modified bioluminescent islets showed suitable properties for longitudinal tracking of their post-transplant fate at an artificial transplant site - subcutaneously implanted polymeric scaffolds. Using multimodal imaging (MR and bioluminescence), the optimal timing for transplantation of islets into the scaffolds was assessed in diabetic rats. Islets transplanted into scaffolds using the optimized timing scheme..
Alternative methods for visualization of pancreatic islets.
Transplantation of pancreatic islets (PIs) represents an alternative treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Post-transplant monitoring of islets by a reliable imaging method may contribute to the improvement of the transplantation outcome. In this thesis, novel visualization approaches for PIs were tested using magnetic resonance (MR) and optical imaging on phantoms and experimental animals, including Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MR, fluorine (19 F) MR, bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging. MR imaging based on frequency-selective method CEST was performed on islets labeled with Eu-/Yb-based chelates. Labeled islets possessed low MR signal in phantoms, what would have been unsatisfactory for in vivo applications. Moreover, viability and function of labeled islets was impaired reflecting limited applicability of these agents for islet labeling and visualization. Genetically modified bioluminescent islets showed suitable properties for longitudinal tracking of their post-transplant fate at an artificial transplant site - subcutaneously implanted polymeric scaffolds. Using multimodal imaging (MR and bioluminescence), the optimal timing for transplantation of islets into the scaffolds was assessed in diabetic rats. Islets transplanted into scaffolds using the optimized timing scheme..
Alternative methods for visualization of pancreatic islets.
Transplantation of pancreatic islets (PIs) represents an alternative treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Post-transplant monitoring of islets by a reliable imaging method may contribute to the improvement of the transplantation outcome. In this thesis, novel visualization approaches for PIs were tested using magnetic resonance (MR) and optical imaging on phantoms and experimental animals, including Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MR, fluorine (19 F) MR, bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging. MR imaging based on frequency-selective method CEST was performed on islets labeled with Eu-/Yb-based chelates. Labeled islets possessed low MR signal in phantoms, what would have been unsatisfactory for in vivo applications. Moreover, viability and function of labeled islets was impaired reflecting limited applicability of these agents for islet labeling and visualization. Genetically modified bioluminescent islets showed suitable properties for longitudinal tracking of their post-transplant fate at an artificial transplant site - subcutaneously implanted polymeric scaffolds. Using multimodal imaging (MR and bioluminescence), the optimal timing for transplantation of islets into the scaffolds was assessed in diabetic rats. Islets transplanted into scaffolds using the optimized timing scheme..
Fluorine polymer probes for magnetic resonance imaging: quo vadis?
Over the last few years, the development and relevance of F-19 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for use in clinical practice has emerged. MRI using fluorinated probes enables the achievement of a specific signal with high contrast in MRI images. However, to ensure sufficient sensitivity of F-19 MRI, fluorine probes with a high content of chemically equivalent fluorine atoms are required. The majority of F-19 MRI agents are perfluorocarbon emulsions, which have a broad range of applications in molecular imaging, although the content of fluorine atoms in these molecules is limited. In this review, we focus mainly on polymer probes that allow higher fluorine content and represent versatile platforms with properties tailorable to a plethora of biomedical in vivo applications. We discuss the chemical development, up to the first imaging applications, of these promising fluorine probes, including injectable polymers that form depots that are intended for possible use in cancer therapy