4,305 research outputs found

    Placer Minerals of the Russian Arctic Shelf

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    On the estimate of the sigma^(I = 1)_(KN)(0)-term value from the energy level shift of kaonic hydrogen in the ground state

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    Using the experimental data on the energy level shift of kaonic hydrogen in the ground state (the DEAR Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 212302 (2005)) and the theoretical value of the energy level shift, calculated within the phenomenological quantum field theoretic approach to the description of strong low-energy anti-K N and anti-K NN interactions developed at Stefan Meyer Institut fuer subatomare Physik in Vienna, we estimate the value of the sigma^(I = 1)_(KN)(0)-term of low-energy anti-K N scattering. We get sigma^(I = 1)_(KN)(0) = (433 +/- 85) MeV. This testifies the absence of strange quarks in the proton structure.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    XIAP upregulates expression of HIF target genes by targeting HIF1 alpha for Lys(63)-linked polyubiquitination

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    The cellular response to hypoxia is characterised by a switch in the transcriptional program, mediated predominantly by the hypoxia inducible factor family of transcription factors (HIF). Regulation of HIF1 is primarily controlled by post-translational modification of the HIF1α subunit, which can alter its stability and/or activity. This study identifies an unanticipated role for the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) protein as a regulator of Lys63-linked polyubiquitination of HIF1α. Lys63-linked ubiquitination of HIF1α by XIAP is dependent on the activity of E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ubc13. We find that XIAP and Ubc13 dependent Lys63-linked polyubiquitination promotes HIF1α nuclear retention leading to an increase in the expression of HIF1 responsive genes. Inhibition of the Lys63-linked polyubiquitination pathway leads to reduced levels of nuclear HIF1α, promoter occupancy, HIF-dependent gene expression and cell viability. Our data reveals an additional and significant level of control of the HIF1 by XIAP, with important implications in understanding the role of HIF1 and XIAP in human disease

    Group analysis and exact solutions of a class of variable coefficient nonlinear telegraph equations

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    A complete group classification of a class of variable coefficient (1+1)-dimensional telegraph equations f(x)utt=(H(u)ux)x+K(u)uxf(x)u_{tt}=(H(u)u_x)_x+K(u)u_x, is given, by using a compatibility method and additional equivalence transformations. A number of new interesting nonlinear invariant models which have non-trivial invariance algebras are obtained. Furthermore, the possible additional equivalence transformations between equations from the class under consideration are investigated. Exact solutions of special forms of these equations are also constructed via classical Lie method and generalized conditional transformations. Local conservation laws with characteristics of order 0 of the class under consideration are classified with respect to the group of equivalence transformations.Comment: 23 page

    Supernova Ia: a Converging Delayed Detonation Wave

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    A model of a carbon-oxygen (C--O) presupernova core with an initial mass 1.33 M_\odot, an initial carbon mass fraction 0.27, and with an average mass growth-rate 5 x 10^{-7} M_\odot/yr due to accretion in a binary system was evolved from initial central density 10^9 g/cm^3, and temperature 2.05 x 10^8 K through convective core formation and its subsequent expansion to the carbon runaway at the center. The only thermonuclear reaction contained in the equations of evolution and runaway was the carbon burning reaction 12C + 12C with an energy release corresponding to the full transition of carbon and oxygen (with the same rate as carbon) into 56Ni. As a parameter we take \alpha_c - a ratio of a mixing length to the size of the convective zone. In spite of the crude assumptions, we obtained a pattern of the runaway acceptable for the supernova theory with the strong dependence of its duration on \alpha_c. In the variants with large enough values of \alpha_c=4.0 x 10^{-3} and 3.0 x 10^{-3} the fuel combustion occurred from the very beginning as a prompt detonation. In the range of 2.0 x 10^{-3} >= \alpha_c >= 3.0 x 10^{-4} the burning started as a deflagration with excitation of stellar pulsations with growing amplitude. Eventually, the detonation set in, which was activated near the surface layers of the presupernova (with m about 1.33 M_\odot) and penetrated into the star down to the deflagration front. Excitation of model pulsations and formation of a detonation front are described in detail for the variant with \alpha_c=1.0 x 10^{-3}.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Astronomy Letter

    Using of high-speed mills for biomass disintegration

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    ArticleThe need for mechanical disintegration of biomass is very current topic with regard to the requirements of an agrarian sector, beside the importance of a material’s moisture content reduction to be used in further applications. The drawbacks of commonly applied devices are the limited use of moist biomass and high energy consumption for disintegration. In collaboration with LAVARIS company, there were tested two high-speed mills LAV 400/1R with single rotor (used for a first milling) and LAV 300/2R with double rotors (used for a second milling), which were primarily designed for crushing of concrete, rubber and construction waste. The goal of the new technical solution was a disintegration of biomass on example of pine sawdust and miscanthus together with examination of simultaneous drying in order to achieve a desired fraction (particle size) and moisture content of biomass material. Experimental tests on highspeed mills have shown the following results: in case of pine sawdust about 98% of output particle size after passing through the first and second milling was smaller than 1.5 mm, and smaller than 1 mm for miscanthus (sieve analysis method was used for determination), i.e. significant reduction was achieved comparing to initial particle size. Moisture content of the materials after disintegration (first and second) decreased from 37.08% to 8.55% for pine sawdust and from 24.43% to 7.19% for miscanthus. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the mechanical disintegration of biomass by high-speed mills has a great potential to become an effective part of raw materials’ pre-treatment technology, not only in agriculture, but also in production of different types of biofuels


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    Formation of innovative economic model and effective regional policy necessitates the justification of methodological foundations of modern region`s management system. The purpose of the article is improving the components of the methodology of organizational and institutional development of the regional administration system that will promote the introduction of innovative management of socio-economic processes in regions. This article explores the structural differentiation, functional subsystems and process control systems to regional development, the necessity of reorienting its essence — content elements. Established that the underestimation of competence, creative and cultural aspects in modern system of innovation management is the most important reason for low level of professionalism and effective implementation of management functions. It is grounded most important components of innovation management in the region, institutional, cultural, cognitive, competence which use for modern development, make and implement strategic decisions on which can improve procedural and resource subsystem. Scientific novelty author has proposed a fundamentally new system — integration model of Regional Development. Its use will facilitate the formation of complex of integrated totality, which forms the system that has synergistic properties and able to provide the strategic development of the region. Practical significance has strategic integration of all subsystems of Innovation Management and proposed by the author organizational and institutional approach to ensure the future development of the region. The consistent use of these key components of the proposed model can provide science-based approach to innovation development of the strategic management of the economy of the region in conditions of modernization, introduction the effective regional policy.Формування інноваційної моделі економіки та ефективної регіональної політики зумовлює необхідність обґрунтування методологічних основ сучасного розвитку системи менеджменту регіонів. Мета статті — удосконалення складових методології організаційно-інституційного розвитку системи регіонального управління, що сприятиме запровадженню в регіонах інноваційного менеджменту соціально-економічних процесів. Досліджено розмежування структурної, функціональної і процесної підсистем системи управління регіональним розвитком, доведена необхідність переорієнтації її сутнісно-змістовних елементів. Установлено, що недооцінка компетентнісних, творчих і культурних аспектів у сучасній системі інноваційного менеджменту є найважливішою причиною слабкого рівня професіоналізму та ефективного здійснення управлінських функцій. Обґрунтовано найважливіші складові інноваційного менеджменту регіону: інституційна, культурна, когнітивна, компетентнісна, які покликані формувати сучасний розвиток, ухвалювати і реалізовувати стратегічні рішення, на основі яких отримають удосконалення ресурсна і процедурна підсистеми. Наукову новизну має запропонована принципово нова системно-інтеграційна модель органів управління розвитком регіону. Її застосування сприятиме формуванню складної інтегрованої сукупності, яка утворює систему, що володіє синергетичними властивостями і здатна забезпечити стратегічний розвиток регіону, Практичне значення має стратегічна інтеграція всіх підсистем інноваційного менеджменту та запропонований організаційно-інституціональний підхід для забезпечення перспективного розвитку регіону. Послідовне використання основних складових запропонованої моделі здатне забезпечити науково обґрунтований підхід до інноваційного розвитку системи стратегічного управління економікою регіону в умовах модернізації, впровадженню ефективної регіональної політики

    Results of investigation of muon fluxes of superhigh energy cosmic rays with X-ray emulsion chambers

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    The overall data from the investigation of the cosmic ray muon flux in the range of zenith angles (0-90) deg within the energy range (3.5 to 5.0) TeV is presented. The exposure of large X-ray emulsion chambers underground was 1200 tons. year. The data were processe using the method which was applied in the experiment Pamir and differred from the earlier applied one. The obtained value of a slope power index of the differential energy spectrum of the global muon flux is =3.7 that corresponds to the slope of the pion generation differential spectrum, gamma sub PI = 2.75 + or - .04. The analysis of the muon zenith-angular distribution showed that the contribution of rapid generation muons in the total muon flux agree the best with the value .2% and less with .7% at a 90% reliability level