234 research outputs found

    Pseudo-trisections of four-manifolds with boundary

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    We introduce the concept of pseudo-trisections of smooth oriented compact 4-manifolds with boundary. The main feature of pseudo-trisections is that they have lower complexity than relative trisections for given 4-manifolds. We prove existence and uniqueness of pseudo-trisections, and further establish a one-to-one correspondence between pseudo-trisections and their diagrammatic representations. We next introduce the concept of pseudo-bridge trisections of neatly embedded surfaces in smooth oriented compact 4-manifolds. We develop a diagrammatic theory of pseudo-bridge trisections and provide examples of computations of invariants of neatly embedded surfaces in 4-manifolds using said diagrams.Comment: 38 pages, 30 figure

    Phase II Trial of Preoperative Chemotherapy with Docetaxel, Cisplatin and S-1 for T4 Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer

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    The standard treatment for T4 locally advanced gastric cancer is gastrectomy with D2 lymph node dissection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 for 12 months; however, prognostic outcome in Stage IIIb has been insufficient. It is expected that survival is improved by preoperative treatment with a triplet regimen of docetaxel, cisplatin and S-1 (divided DCS therapy). A multicenter Phase II study has been conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of two courses of preoperative chemotherapy followed by gastrectomy. Fifty-five patients are required for this study. The primary endpoint of the study is pathological response rate of primary lesions. Secondary endpoints are overall survival, disease-free survival, R0 resection rate and adverse events

    Engaging activities for teaching linear algebra

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    This paper discusses several linear algebra activities designed to help enhance students' skills in collaborating, exploring mathematics, and linking together abstract and visual ways of approaching mathematics. Most of these activities are short, accessible, engaging, and easy to incorporate into any classroom. In addition, we discuss some questions instructors can ask themselves to design novel and engaging activities when constrained to teaching from a particular curriculum.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in PRIMUS. See https://github.com/sfushidahardy/SSEA-Linear-Algebra-22/blob/main/README.md for supplementary materia


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    取得学位 : 博士(医学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1050号, 学位授与年月日:平成4年3月25日,学位授与年:199


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    金沢大学附属病院a)臨床検体をもちいた胃癌組織におけるCOX-2の発現切除胃癌80例をもちい、抗COX-2モノクローナル抗体にて免疫組織学的に検討したところ、72.5%の胃癌原発巣にCOX-2の発現を認めたが非癌部の粘膜上皮にはその発現を認めなかった。ただし、COX-2発現の有無と臨床病理学的因子との相関は認めなかった。b)COX-2阻害剤による血管新生抑制効果受精鶏卵の漿尿膜上にCOX-2阻害剤を吸着させたディスクをのせ孵卵したのち、その血管新生抑制効果を検討した。COX-2阻害剤としてNSAIDsの1つであるIndomethacinおよび特異的阻害剤JTE-522をもちいたところ、血管新生を濃度依存性に抑制したが、本来血管新生抑制剤であるTNP-470に比べ、高濃度の条件を必要とした。c)胃癌培養細胞株におけるCOX-2の発現とCOX-2阻害剤による増殖抑制効果ウェスタンブロット法にてCOX-2の発現を検討し、高発現株としてMKN45、低発現株としてMKN28を同定した。これら2株をもちい、IndomethacinおよびJTE-522による増殖抑制効果を検討した。in vitroとしてMTT assay法をもちいたところ、IndomethacinおよびJTE-522は濃度依存性に増殖を抑制したが、その抑制効果は高発現株であるMKN45において顕著であった。また、in vivoとしてヌードマウスの皮下に両細胞株を移植した後、COX-2阻害剤を投与したところ、Indomethacinでは高発現株であるMKN45のみ増殖を抑制したが、JTE-522では増殖抑制効果は明らかでなかった。以上より、胃癌においてCOX-2は高率に発現しているものの、臨床病理学的にはその働きは明らかでなかった。わずかながら血管新生に関与している可能性があるが、特異的阻害剤では増殖抑制効果は少なく、Indomethacinによる効果はCOX-2を阻害する以外のメカニズムが関与しているものと考えられた。研究課題/領域番号:11770691, 研究期間(年度):1999-2000出典:「胃癌におけるCOX-2発現の意義とCOX-2阻害剤による転移抑制に関する研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号11770691(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) ( https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-11770691/)を加工して作

    Is Doppler ultrasound useful for evaluating gestational trophoblastic disease?

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    Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive method for evaluating vascularization and is widely used in clinical practice. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia includes a group of highly vascularized malignancies derived from placental cells. This review summarizes data found in the literature regarding the applications of Doppler ultrasound in managing patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. The PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane and LILACS databases were searched for articles published in English until 2014 using the following keywords: “Gestational trophoblastic disease AND Ultrasonography, Doppler.” Twenty-eight articles met the inclusion criteria and were separated into the 4 following groups according to the aim of the study. (1) Doppler ultrasound does not seem to be capable of differentiating partial from complete moles, but it might be useful when evaluating pregnancies in which a complete mole coexists with a normal fetus. (2) There is controversy in the role of uterine artery Doppler velocimetry in the prediction of development of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. (3) Doppler ultrasound is a useful tool in the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia because abnormal myometrial vascularization and lower uterine artery Doppler indices seem to be correlated with invasive disease. (4) Lower uterine artery Doppler indices in the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia are associated with methotrexate resistance and might play a role in prognosis. CONCLUSION: Several studies support the importance of Doppler ultrasound in the management of patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, particularly the role of Doppler velocimetry in the prediction of trophoblastic neoplasia and the chemoresistance of trophoblastic tumors. Doppler findings should be used as ancillary tools, along with human chorionic gonadotropin assessment, in the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia


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    (1)臨床例における腹膜転移(再発)の早期診断腹膜播種が確定している症例において血清IV型コラーゲン値は全例高値であったが、腹膜再発や再燃の過程において画像診断や臨床症状、既存の血清腫瘍マーカーと比較し、早期診断に有用かどうかを検討した。現在、腹膜転移を有する13症例を追跡しているが、いずれの症例においても症状の進行とともに血清IV型コラーゲン値は上昇している。また、画像診断や臨床症状、腫瘍マーカーの上昇が明確でない腹膜再発高危険症群のなかに血清IV型コラーゲン値の上昇してきた症例が5例存在しており、うち3例は腹腔鏡検査において腹膜再発と診断された。残り2例はcut off値付近を推移しており経過観察中である。(2)胃癌細胞株における検討胃癌におけるアンギオテンシン1型受容体についての検討In vitroにおいてヒト胃癌細胞株5株中4株にアンギオテンシン1型受容体(AT1)が発現しており、アンギオテンシンIIの添加によりその増殖率は亢進した。また、この増殖率亢進はAT1の拮抗剤であるcandesartanにより抑制された。このAT1を介した増殖率亢進の機序は、ERKのリン酸化に伴う増殖シグナルおよびNF-kBの活性化に伴うsurvivinの誘導による抗アポトーシス効果であることを証明した。ヌードマウスに高度腹膜転移株OCUM-2MD3を1x107個腹腔内投与したところ、移植4週目には癌性腹水を伴う腹膜播種が形成されたが、組織学的には腫瘍の線維化はそれほど顕著ではなかった。そこで、AT1を介した臓器の線維化についての検討は断念し、AT1を介した腫瘍増殖に対する分子標的治療の可能性についてin vivoで検討した。移植1週間後からcandesartan 10mg/kgを連日経口投与した群はコントロール群と比較し、有意に生存率の延長を認めた。以上より、胃癌腹膜転移の早期診断に血清IV型コラーゲン値測定が有用である可能性が示された。また、胃癌の増殖および線維化にはAT1を介する経路が存在し、その拮抗剤であるcandesartan(ブロプレス:降圧剤)をもちいた分子標的治療の可能性が示された。Evaluation of the serum type IV collagen for early diagnosis of peritoneal metastases (recurrence)The purpose of this study is to determine whether the type IV collagen, which is marker of hepatic fibrosis, could be useful biomarker for peritoneal metastasis. Type IV collagen was measured in 112 patients who were diagnosed wit gastric cancer : early cancer 55 (Group A), advanced cancer 43 (Group B), patients with peritoneal metastasis 27 (Group C). And they were compared with conventional biomarker (CEA, CA19-9, CAl25). The median type IV collagen levels in Group C was significantly higher than Group A and B (p<0.0001). In the clinical course of 13 patients with peritoneal metastasis, all of the serum type IV collagen levels were increasing according to their tumor progression. Furthermore, 3 of 5 patients, who were in the high risk group for peritoneal recurrence, were found peritoneal recurrence by laparoscopy without clinical, radiological, biochemical symptoms. These findings sugge st that the serum type IV collagen is a useful marker for early diagnosis of peritoneal metastasis with gastric cancer.4Angiotensin II activates MAP kinase and NF-kB through angiotensin II type I receptor in gastric cancer cellsFour of 5 gastric cancer cell lines were found angiotensis II type 1 (AT1) receptor expression using western blot analysis. Angiotensin II stimulated growth of AT1 positive gastric cancer cell and this proliferative response was inhibited by candesartan, a specific AT1 receptor antagonist. Angiotensin II plays a role in the growth of AT1 positive gastric cancer cells through MAP kinase activation by ERK1/2 phosphorylation and surviving induction as antiapoptotic molecule by NF-kB activation.One of the AT1 receptor expressing cell lines, OCUM2MD3, which had a very high peritoneal metastatic potential, was used as in vivo experiment. OCUM2MD3 made peritoneal metastasis including massive ascites and metastatic nodules 4weeks after intraperitoneal injection of 1×107 cells in nude mice. To elucidate whether over-expression of AT1 correlate to tumor progression, AT1 receptor antagonist, candesartan, has been treated everyday from 1 week after tumor injection. The candesartan group showed a significant longer survival than control group. These finding suggest that AT1 activation correlates tumor progression and its receptor antagonist may be a candidate for the molecule targeting therapy.研究課題/領域番号:17591383, 研究期間(年度):2005-2006出典:「胃癌腹膜転移における診断法の開発とアンギオテンシン系を介した線維化機構とその制御」研究成果報告書 課題番号17591383 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作