11 research outputs found

    Buchdeckelbeschlag aus einem Grab in Nitra-Šindolka

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    U prilogu se autor bavi nalazima iz groba djeteta bjelobrdske kulture otkrivenog na nalazištu Nitra-Šindolka. Među predmetima koji predstavljaju dio ogrlice, nalazio se okov korica knjige u obliku križa koji je, na temelju popratnih nalaza, datiran u razdoblje između 955.-1030. godine.Der Autor setzt sich im Beitrag mit den Funden aus einem Kindergrab der Bijelo-Brdo-Kultur, das in Nitra-Šindolka gefunden wurde, auseinander. Unter den Gegenständen, die eine Halskette bilden, befand sich ein kreuzförmiger Buchdeckelbeschlag, der anhand von Begleitfunden in die Zeit um 955-1030 datiert wird

    Maternal Genetic Composition of a Medieval Population from a Hungarian-Slavic Contact Zone in Central Europe.

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    The genetic composition of the medieval populations of Central Europe has been poorly investigated to date. In particular, the region of modern-day Slovakia is a blank spot in archaeogenetic research. This paper reports the study of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in ancient samples from the 9th-12th centuries originating from the cemeteries discovered in Nitra-Sindolka and Cakajovce, located in western Slovakia (Central Europe). This geographical region is interesting to study because its medieval multi-ethnic population lived in the so-called contact zone of the territory of the Great Moravian and later Hungarian state formations. We described 16 different mtDNA haplotypes in 19 individuals, which belong to the most widespread European mtDNA haplogroups: H, J, T, U and R0. Using comparative statistical and population genetic analyses, we showed the differentiation of the European gene pool in the medieval period. We also demonstrated the heterogeneous genetic characteristics of the investigated population and its affinity to the populations of modern Europe

    Sensitivity analysis of key formulations of topology optimization on an example of cantilever bending beam

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    Topology optimization is a modern method for optimizing the material distribution in a given space, automatically searching for the ideal design of the product. The method aims to maximize the design performance of the system regarding given conditions. In engineering practice, a given space is first described using the finite element method and, subsequently, density-based method with solid isotropic material with penalty. Then, the final shape is found using a gradient-based method, such as the optimality criteria algorithm. However, obtaining the ideal shape is highly dependent on the correct setting of numerical parameters. This paper focuses on the sensitivity analysis of key formulations of topology optimization using the implementation of mathematical programming techniques in MATLAB software. For the purposes of the study, sensitivity analysis of a simple spatial task-cantilever bending-is performed. This paper aims to present the formulations of the optimization problem-in this case, minimization of compliance. It should be noted that this paper does not present any new mathematical formulas but rather provides an introduction into the mathematical theory (including filtering methods and calculating large-size problems using the symmetry of matrices) as well as a step-by step guideline for the minimization of compliance within the density-based topology optimization and search for an optimal shape. The results can be used for complex commercial applications produced by traditional manufacturing processes or by additive manufacturing methods.Web of Science134art. no. 71

    Maternal Genetic Composition of a Medieval Population from a Hungarian-Slavic Contact Zone in Central Europe.

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    The genetic composition of the medieval populations of Central Europe has been poorly investigated to date. In particular, the region of modern-day Slovakia is a blank spot in archaeogenetic research. This paper reports the study of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in ancient samples from the 9th-12th centuries originating from the cemeteries discovered in Nitra-Šindolka and Čakajovce, located in western Slovakia (Central Europe). This geographical region is interesting to study because its medieval multi-ethnic population lived in the so-called contact zone of the territory of the Great Moravian and later Hungarian state formations. We described 16 different mtDNA haplotypes in 19 individuals, which belong to the most widespread European mtDNA haplogroups: H, J, T, U and R0. Using comparative statistical and population genetic analyses, we showed the differentiation of the European gene pool in the medieval period. We also demonstrated the heterogeneous genetic characteristics of the investigated population and its affinity to the populations of modern Europe

    PCA of the investigated medieval and modern-day populations.

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    <p>The PCA is based on mtDNA haplogroup frequencies of the medieval population from Slovakia and 33 modern-day populations from Eurasia, and represents PC1 and PC2. For the frequencies and the list of abbreviations see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0151206#pone.0151206.s011" target="_blank">S8 Table</a>.</p

    Levelplot of the linearized Slatkin population differentiation (F<sub>ST</sub>) values and significant p values.

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    <p>(A) Levelplot of the linearized Slatkin F<sub>ST</sub> values of the European medieval populations. (B) significant p values (< 0.05) are indicated in green. The exact F<sub>ST</sub> and p values and population information can be found in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0151206#pone.0151206.s009" target="_blank">S6 Table</a>.</p

    PCA and hierarchical clustering of medieval populations.

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    <p>PCA (A) and hierarchical clustering (B) based on mtDNA haplogroup frequencies of 12 medieval populations show a clustering of medieval populations from Slovakia (SVK-medieval), Lombards from Hungary (HUN-Lombards) and a medieval population from Poland (POL-medieval). The medieval populations and the Vikings of North Europe are clustered together, as are the medieval populations from South Europe. The index of abbreviations is in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0151206#pone.0151206.s010" target="_blank">S7 Table</a>.</p