213 research outputs found

    The self-dual gauge fields and the domain wall fermion zero modes

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    A new type of gauge fixing of the Coulomb gauge domain wall fermion system that reduces the fluctuation of the effective running coupling and the effective mass of arbitrary momentum direction including the region outside the cylinder cut region is proposed and tested in the 163×32×1616^3\times 32\times 16 gauge configurations of RBC/UKQCD collaboration. The running coupling at the lowest momentum point does not show infrared suppression and compatible with the experimental data extracted from the JLab collaboration. The source of the fluctuation of the effective mass near momentum p=p=0.6GeV region is expected to be due to the domain wall fermion zero modes.Comment: 12 pages 2 figures, extended arguments and references adde

    Renormalization Group Analysis of \rho-Meson Properties at Finite Density

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    We calculate the density dependence of the ρ\rho-meson mass and coupling constant(gρNNg_{\rho NN}) for ρ\rho-nucleon-nucleon vertex at one loop using the lagrangian where the ρ\rho-meson is included as a dynamical gauge boson of a hidden local symmetry. From the condition that thermodynamic potential should not depend on the arbitrary energy scale, renormalization scale, one can construct a renormalization group equation for the thermodynamic potential and argue that the various renormalization group coefficients are functions of the density or temperature. We calculate the β\beta-function for ρ\rho-nucleon-nucleon coupling constant (gρNNg_{\rho NN}) and γ\gamma-function for ρ\rho-meson mass (γmρ\gamma_{m_\rho}). We found that the ρ\rho-meson mass and the coupling constant for gρNNg_{\rho NN} drop as density increases in the low energy limit.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, revised versio

    Class-Discriminative Weighted Distortion Measure for VQ-based Speaker Identification

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    We consider the distortion measure in vector quantization based speaker identification system. The model of a speaker is a codebook generated from the set of feature vectors from the speakers voice sample. The matching is performed by evaluating the distortions between the unknown speech sample and the models in the speaker database. In this paper, we introduce a weighted distortion measure that takes into account the correlations between the known models in the database. Larger weights are assigned to vectors that have high discriminating power between the speakers and vice versa

    Chiral and deconfinement transition from correlation functions: SU(2) vs. SU(3)

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    We study a gauge invariant order parameter for deconfinement and the chiral condensate in SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the vicinity of the deconfinement phase transition using the Landau gauge quark and gluon propagators. We determine the gluon propagator from lattice calculations and the quark propagator from its Dyson-Schwinger equation, using the gluon propagator as input. The critical temperature and a deconfinement order parameter are extracted from the gluon propagator and from the dependency of the quark propagator on the temporal boundary conditions. The chiral transition is determined using the quark condensate as order parameter. We investigate whether and how a difference in the chiral and deconfinement transition between SU(2) and SU(3) is manifest.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. For clarification one paragraph and two references added in the introduction and two sentences at the end of the first and last paragraph of the summary. Appeared in EPJ

    Introduction to the functional RG and applications to gauge theories

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    These lectures contain an introduction to modern renormalization group (RG) methods as well as functional RG approaches to gauge theories. In the first lecture, the functional renormalization group is introduced with a focus on the flow equation for the effective average action. The second lecture is devoted to a discussion of flow equations and symmetries in general, and flow equations and gauge symmetries in particular. The third lecture deals with the flow equation in the background formalism which is particularly convenient for analytical computations of truncated flows. The fourth lecture concentrates on the transition from microscopic to macroscopic degrees of freedom; even though this is discussed here in the language and the context of QCD, the developed formalism is much more general and will be useful also for other systems.Comment: 60 pages, 14 figures, Lectures held at the 2006 ECT* School "Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theory Approaches to Many-Body Systems", Trento, Ital

    Detection of the pancreas-specific gene in the peripheral blood of patients with pancreatic carcinoma

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    The prognosis of patients with pancreatic carcinoma remains very poor. To improve the therapeutic results, the early detection of this cancer is needed. The present study was performed to detect the pancreas-specific gene, chymotrypsinogen, in the peripheral blood from patients with pancreatic carcinoma by using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in order to evaluate the clinical significance of this gene. Ten patients with pancreatic carcinoma, two with acute pancreatitis, three with chronic pancreatitis and ten control subjects were examined for the presence of chymotrypsinogen using RT-PCR techniques in the peripheral blood. To confirm that the chymotrypsinogen gene was expressed in a pancreas-specific manner, the expression of chymotrypsinogen in various types of human adult tissue was evaluated by RT-PCR. The specific band of the chymotrypsinogen gene was detected in the pancreas. Serial dilution studies demonstrated the chymotrypsinogen gene to be detected at a concentration of one pancreatic cell per 106 peripheral blood cells. Seven out of the ten (70%) patients with pancreatic carcinoma were found to be positive based on the RT-PCR findings. In contrast, no pancreas-specific gene was detected in the peripheral blood of any patients with acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis or the control subjects. Our observations show that the detection of the pancreatic specific gene, chymotrypsinogen, is therefore useful as a genetic diagnostic marker in pancreatic carcinoma. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Over-expression of lysophosphatidic acid receptor-2 in human invasive ductal carcinoma

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    INTRODUCTION: Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive phospholipid with diverse effects on various cells. It interacts with at least three G-protein-coupled transmembrane receptors, namely LPA1, LPA2 and LPA3, whose expression in various tumours has not been fully characterized. In the present study we characterized the expression profile of LPA receptors in human breast cancer tissue and assessed the possible roles of each receptor. METHODS: The relative expression levels of each receptor's mRNA against β-actin mRNA was examined in surgically resected invasive ductal carcinomas and normal gland tissue using real-time RT-PCR. LPA2 expression was also examined immunohistochemically using a rat anti-LPA2 monoclonal antibody. RESULTS: In 25 cases normal and cancer tissue contained LPA1 mRNA at similar levels, whereas the expression level of LPA2 mRNA was significantly increased in cancer tissue as compared with its normal counterpart (3479.0 ± 426.6 versus 1287.3 ± 466.8; P < 0.05). LPA3 was weakly expressed in both cancer and normal gland tissue. In 48 (57%) out of 84 cases, enhanced expression of LPA2 protein was confirmed in carcinoma cells as compared with normal mammary epithelium by immunohistochemistry. Over-expression of LPA2 was detected in 17 (45%) out of 38 premenopausal women, as compared with 31 (67%) out of 46 postmenopausal women, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that upregulation of LPA2 may play a role in carcinogenesis, particularly in postmenopausal breast cancer