54 research outputs found

    Expression of the CD6 T lymphocyte differentiation antigen in normal human brain

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    Antigens shared by the immune and central nervous systems (CNS) have been described repeatedly. The present study reports the expression of the CD6 lymphocyte differentiation antigen in normal human brain evidenced by immunohistochemistry and Northern blot analysis. A panel of various anti-CD6 monoclonal antibodies (mabs) tested on serial cryostat sections identified CD6-positive cells randomly scattered in parenchyma of all examined brain areas. Northern blot analysis with a highly sensitive cRNA probe revealed a 3.1 kb CD6-specific mRNA in various brain regions, especially in basalganglia and cortex cerebellum. Staining with mabs raised against different hematopoietic cell types, as well as hybridization with probes specific for the Ăź- and y-T cell receptor (TCR) chains support the notion that CD6 is expressed by original brain cells. The nature of the CD6-positive cell type and possible functions of shared antigens in immune and nervous systems are discusse


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    The peculiar tropism of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for T helper lymphocytes can be explained by a specific interaction between the virus and the CD4 molecule on these cells (1, 2). The tropism for T lymphocytes, however, can hardly account for the early brain infection observed in some AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) patients (3, 4). Since CD4 is also expressed on virus-susceptible non-T cell lines we wondered whether an additional expression site of CD4 could be demonstrated in neural tissue (5). To this end, CD4 expression in brain was analyzed with several different anti-CD4 mAbs, and using a CD4-specific cDNA probe in Northern blot analyses . CD4' cells and CD4-specific mRNA were found in the cerebellum, thalamus, and pons. The reactive cells could be identified as neurons as well as glial cells

    The effect of microplastics on Daphnia fitness – Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    1. Micro/nanoplastics pose a new environmental threat to aquatic ecosystems. The model organism Daphnia spp. has been used in many exposure studies to investigate the effect of micro/nanoplastics on organism fitness. However, owing to variation in experimental approaches, it is difficult to compare the findings. The aim of our study was to systematically review the research on the effect of micro/nanoplastics on Daphnia fitness, identify research gaps and offer recommendations for future studies. 2. We synthesised 121 studies and extracted data for numerous categories concerning study design, micro/nanoplastic characteristics and ecotoxicological endpoints. 32 studies were included in a meta-analysis on the effect of micro/nanoplastics on Daphnia reproduction. 3. Existing research exhibits several limitations. The majority of experiments have been conducted exclusively using Daphnia magna, neglecting other species and leading to an inherent bias in the representation of the broader Daphnia genus. Then, these studies have predominantly used a single genotype of Daphnia, disregarding potential clonal variation. In addition, most experiments investigated only a single Daphnia generation, although the limited number of multigenerational studies available suggest an increasing toxicity trend with subsequent generations, even if there was no impact on the F0 generation. 4. Regarding the types of plastics tested, the majority of studies focused on pristine, spherical microplastic particles, primarily composed of polystyrene, with particle sizes of 0.1 mg/L. This narrow focus limits the applicability of the findings to environmentally relevant scenarios, where micro/nanoplastics can take various shapes and composition, undergo aging and usually occur at lower concentrations than those used in the studies reviewed. 5. The primary Daphnia response variable assessed was mortality, followed by variations in reproductive traits or body size. The meta-analysis focusing on reproductive traits unveiled a consistent and adverse influence of micro/nanoplastics exposure on the production of offspring by Daphnia. 6. Future studies should test environmentally relevant concentrations of micro/nanoplastics, focus on smaller, lake-inhabiting Daphnia species, incorporate clonal variation and extend the scope to include multiple Daphnia generations. Moreover, recognising the complexity of real-world scenarios, we recommend integrating assessments of micro/nanoplastic effects with multiple stressors. By simulating such conditions, studies can yield insights that better mirror the complexities of ecological systems and provide a more accurate representation of the potential consequences of micro/nanoplastic pollution

    Evidence for Lignocellulose-Decomposing Enzymes in the Genome and Transcriptome of the Aquatic Hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica

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    Fungi are ecologically outstanding decomposers of lignocellulose. Fungal lignocellulose degradation is prominent in saprotrophic Ascomycota and Basidiomycota of the subkingdom Dikarya. Despite ascomycetes dominating the Dikarya inventory of aquatic environments, genome and transcriptome data relating to enzymes involved in lignocellulose decay remain limited to terrestrial representatives of these phyla. We sequenced the genome of an exclusively aquatic ascomycete (the aquatic hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica), documented the presence of genes for the modification of lignocellulose and its constituents, and compared differential gene expression between C. aquatica cultivated on lignocellulosic and sugar-rich substrates. We identified potential peroxidases, laccases, and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, several of which were differentially expressed when experimentally grown on different substrates. Additionally, we found indications for the regulation of pathways for cellulose and hemicellulose degradation. Our results suggest that C. aquatica is able to modify lignin to some extent, detoxify aromatic lignin constituents, or both. Such characteristics would be expected to facilitate the use of carbohydrate components of lignocellulose as carbon and energy sources

    An investigation of the Movimento da Escola Moderna (MEM) pedagogy and its contribultion to learning to learn in Portuguese pre-schools

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    This study identifies how the Movimento da Escola Moderna model for pre-school education works in practice, and how it has supported (or constrained) effective learning processes associated with 'learning to learn'. The conceptual framework combines socio-cultural theories of learning with literature on learning to learn and the role of interactions in teaching-learning processes to identify effective learning processes in the early years. Adopting an interpretative approach to research, the study involves an in depth casestudy approach with ethnographic elements. Two classrooms, purposefully selected, provide detailed illustrative cases of the MEM pedagogy. Data included observations (participant observations and video recording), interviews (adults and children), and documents. The analysis combined a theoretically driven framework with grounded analysis. This research showed that relationships between the MEM model, its practice and the children's participation in processes that promote 'learning to learn', are not straightforward. Both classrooms provided 'communities of learning' where children were encouraged to self-regulate their learning and engage in collaborative activities, transforming their identity from 'child' to 'leamer', and their leading activity from 'playing with others' to 'learning with others' . It was found that the structural and dynamic quality of day-to-day practices sometimes had contradictory effects, which led to the identification of some conditions required to guarantee such change for all the children including the youngest and those less participative. The implications for further development of the MEM model and teachers' practices are discussed. These findings contribute to understand the role of pedagogy in mediating, from an early age, the development of a life-long learner

    Auchenorrhyncha and Psylloidea collected during the 25th Central European Auchenorrhyncha meeting, Arnhem, The Netherlands (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha and Psylloidea)

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    Die 25. Mitteleuropäische Zikadentagung fand vom 14.-17. September 2018 in Arnheim in den Niederlanden statt. Da es die erste Tagung in den Niederlanden war, wurden Sammelexkursionen in fĂĽnf typische niederländische Landschaften unternommen. Drei der Exkursionsziele befanden sich in neu geschaffenen Schutzgebieten, die sich auf ehemals landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen befinden. Die beiden weiteren Exkursionsziele waren alte, geschĂĽtzte Heideflächen. Insgesamt konnten 117 Zikadenarten und 6 Psylloidea-Arten nachgewiesen werden. Drei Arten waren neu fĂĽr die Niederlande: Macrosteles spinosus (in dieser Publikation vorgestellt), Kybos abstrusus (monophag an Populus nigra) und Macrosteles sardus (an Epilobium hirsutum). FĂĽr einige seltene Arten konnten neue Fundpunkte ermittelt werden: Kelisia monoceros, Aphrophora major, Stroggylocephalus agrestis, Edwardsiana diversa, E. tersa, Fruticidia bisignata, Ophiola russeola und Psammotettix pallidinervis. Durch die drei Neufunde erhöht sich die Anzahl der bislang in den Niederlanden nachgewiesenen Zikadenarten auf 421. Diese Arbeit zeigt zudem, dass selbst in erst seit kurzem bestehenden Schutzgebieten seltene und interessante Arten nachgewiesen werden können. The 25th Central European Auchenorrhyncha meeting took place in Arnhem, The Netherlands on 14-17 September 2018. It was the first time the meeting was held in The Netherlands, and for this reason, excursions were undertaken to five typical Dutch landscapes. Three of the excursions involved newly created nature reserves, located on former agricultural land. The other two were old, protected heathlands. In total, 115 Auchenorrhyncha species, and 6 Psylloidea species were collected. Three species were new for the Netherlands: Macrosteles spinosus (presented in this paper), Kybos abstrusus (monophagous on Populus nigra) and Macrosteles sardus (Epilobium hirsutum). For a number of rare species new occurrences were reported: Kelisia monoceros, Aphrophora major, Stroggylocephalus agrestis, Edwardsiana diversa, E. tersa, Fruticidia bisignata, Ophiola russeola and Psammotettix pallidinervis. Our results show that also in young, newly created nature reserves interesting species can be found.&nbsp

    Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: International survey and call for harmonisation.

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    AIM Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (AE-IPF) is an often deadly complication of IPF. No focused international guidelines for the management of AE-IPF exist. The aim of this international survey was to assess the global variability in prevention, diagnostic and treatment strategies for AE-IPF. MATERIAL AND METHODS Pulmonologists with ILD expertise were invited to participate in a survey designed by an international expert panel. RESULTS 509 pulmonologists from 66 countries responded. Significant geographical variability in approaches to manage AE-IPF was found. Common preventive measures included antifibrotic drugs and vaccination. Diagnostic differences were most pronounced regarding use of KL-6 and viral testing, while HRCT, BNP and D-Dimer are generally applied. High dose steroids are widely administered (94%); the use of other immunosuppressant and treatment strategies is highly variable. Very few (4%) responders never use immunosuppression. Antifibrotic treatments are initiated during AE-IPF by 67%. Invasive ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation are mainly used as a bridge to transplantation. Most physicians educate patients comprehensively on the severity of AE-IPF (82%) and consider palliative care (64%). CONCLUSION Approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of AE-IPF vary worldwide. Global trials and guidelines to improve the prognosis of AE-IPF are needed

    Patient-reported outcomes and patient-reported outcome measures in interstitial lung disease: where to go from here?

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    Public Painting - Malerei und Handlung

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    Das Magazin "Public Painting – Malerei und Handlung" versammelt künstlerischen Projekte, die auf unterschiedliche Weise Verhältnisse von Malerei zum öffentlichen Raum reflektieren, und Verhältnisse thematisieren, die im öffentlichen Raum ausagiert werden. Die Beiträge entstanden als Resultat der Kooperation des kunstwissenschaftlichen Seminars "Malerei als Handlung" von Anne Röhl und des kunstpraktischen Seminars "public painting" von Sebastian Freytag während des Sommersemesters 2021 an der Universität Siegen. Unter dem Titel "public painting" wurden Schnittstellen von malerischer Praxis und öffentlichen Raum diskutiert. Die Studierenden des Seminars "Malerei als Handlung" haben sich wiederum damit beschäftigt, wie die Gattung Malerei im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts durch die Abkehr von traditionellen Entstehungsprozessen und Malhandlungen befragt wurde und skulptural und/oder performativ wird. Daneben widmeten sich die Studierenden des kunsthistorischen Seminars der schriftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den künstlerischen Resultaten des kunstpraktischen Seminars. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem öffentlichen Raum stellte im Sommersemester 2021 eine besondere Herausforderung dar, da er pandemiebedingt nur eingeschränkt nutzbar war. Die künstlerischen Ergebnisse dokumentieren somit auch diese Zeit

    Impact of cerebrovascular lesions on striatal dopamine transporters and dopamine D2 receptors in patients with parkinsonism

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    Einleitung Die subkortikale arteriosklerotische Enzephalopathie (SAE) ebenso wie Infarkte im Gehirn beeinträchtigen die Funktionalität des nigrostriatalen Systems und können ein vaskuläres Parkinson-Syndrom (VPS) verursachen. Die Differenzierung eines VPS von einem idiopathischen Parkinson-Syndrom (IPS) bei Patienten mit einer SAE oder Infarkten stellt sich in der klinischen Routine als schwierig dar. Das Ziel dieser retrospektiven Arbeit war es, Dopamintransporter (DAT) von Patienten mit Parkinsonismus und einer SAE zu untersuchen sowie Befunde der DAT-SPECT und D2-Rezeptor-SPECT von Patienten mit Hirninfarkt und Parkinsonismus zu evaluieren. Methodik In der ersten Teilarbeit wurden 15 konsekutive Patienten mit parkinsonoiden Symptomen und SAE mit 15 retrospektiv ausgewählten “matched pairs” (IPS, keine Auffälligkeiten in der MRT) verglichen. In der zweiten Teilarbeit analysierten wir Ergebnisse der DAT- und D2-Rezeptor-SPECT bei zwölf konsekutiven Patienten mit einem Parkinsonismus und Hirninfarkten unter Beteiligung des nigrostriatalen Systems. Ergebnisse In der ersten Teilarbeit fanden wir ein DAT-Defizit bei 9/15 Patienten in der SAE-Gruppe, während alle 15 Patienten in der IPS-Gruppe verminderte DAT aufwiesen. Bindungsquotienten (BQ) für das Putamen kontralateral zur betroffenen Seite waren in der SAE-Gruppe signifikant höher als in der IPS-Gruppe. Eine Asymmetrie im Putamen, die der Caudatum-zu-Putamen-Werte ebenso wie die kontralateralen Caudatum-zu-Putamen- Werte waren bei IPS-Patienten ohne SAE signifikant höher. In der zweiten Teilarbeit fand sich ein bi- oder unilaterales DAT-Defizit bei 11/12 Patienten mit Hirninfarkten. Sechs dieser elf Patienten zeigten eine D2-Rezeptor- Schädigung (fünf mit striatalen Infarkten). Bei den übrigen Patienten ließ sich ein intakter D2-Rezeptorstatus feststellen. Schlussfolgerung Patienten mit IPS ohne Auffälligkeiten in der MRT zeigen eine deutlich niedrigere DAT- Dichte, höhere Asymmetrie im Putamen sowie niedrigere Caudatum-zu-Putamen- Werte als Patienten mit SAE und Parkinsonismus. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass zumindest ein Teil der Patienten mit SAE und Parkinson-Symptomen keine nigrostriatale Degeneration aufweisen und an einem VPS leiden. Die SPECT kann bei Patienten mit Hirninfarkten wichtige Informationen zum Status des nigrostriatalen Systems liefern, welche in der Differenzialdiagnostik zwischen einem M. Parkinson und einem VPS eingesetzt werden können. Es bedarf weiterer, prospektiver Studien, um die Sachlage der bildgebenden Differentialdiagnostik im Bereich VPS vs. IPS zu vertiefen.Aim Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy (SAE) as well as infarctions in the cerebrum can affect the nigrostriatal system and presumably cause vascular parkinsonism (VPS). However, in patients with SAE or with infarcts the differentiation of VPS from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPS) is challenging. The aim was to examine the striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) density in patients with parkinsonism and SAE as well as DAT SPECT and D2 receptor SPECT in patients with cerebral infarctions. Methods The first study compared 15 consecutive patients with parkinsonian symptoms and SAE with 15 retrospectively chosen, matched patients with diagnosis of IPS without any abnormalities in MRI. The second study was focused on results of DAT and D2 receptor SPECT in patients with parkinsonism and cerebral infarcts with involvement of the nigrostriatal system. Results In the first study we observed a DAT deficit in 9/15 patients of the SAE-group. In contrast, all patients from the IPS-group showed a reduced DAT binding. Binding ratios (BR) of putamen contralateral to the side of the more affected limb were significantly higher in patients with SAE vs. patients in the IPS-group. BR for putaminal asymmetry and asymmetry caudate-to-putamen as well as contralateral caudate-to-putamen BR were significantly higher in the IPS group. In the second study we have found a bi- or unilateral DAT deficit in 11/12 patients in the infarction-group; six of those eleven patients (five with striatal infarcts) had a significant D2 receptor deficit on the side of the infarction. Conclusion DAT deficit was less pronounced in patients with SAE and parkinsonism than in patients with IPS without any abnormalities in the MRI. Our results suggest that at least a part of the patients with parkinsonism and SAE have no nigrostriatal degeneration und suffer from a VPS. D2 receptor SPECT and DAT SPECT in patients with cerebral infarctions provides important information in differentiation between an IPS and a VPS. In the diagnosis of VPS vascular risk factors should be considered more intensively. According to a syndrome-oriented therapy, medication management should be changed (antihypertensive/rheological agents rather than L-dopa). A potential role of DAT and D2 receptor SPECT in the differential diagnosis of VPS and IPS requires more assessments within prospective studies
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