33 research outputs found

    Pushing versus pulling: division of labour between tarsal attachment pads in cockroaches

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    Adhesive organs on the legs of arthropods and vertebrates are strongly direction dependent, making contact only when pulled towards the body but detaching when pushed away from it. Here we show that the two types of attachment pads found in cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea), tarsal euplantulae and pretarsal arolium, serve fundamentally different functions. Video recordings of vertical climbing revealed that euplantulae are almost exclusively engaged with the substrate when legs are pushing, whereas arolia make contact when pulling. Thus, upward-climbing cockroaches used front leg arolia and hind leg euplantulae, whereas hind leg arolia and front leg euplantulae were engaged during downward climbing. Single-leg friction force measurements showed that the arolium and euplantulae have an opposite direction dependence. Euplantulae achieved maximum friction when pushed distally, whereas arolium forces were maximal during proximal pulls. This direction dependence was not explained by the variation of shear stress but by different contact areas during pushing or pulling. The changes in contact area result from the arrangement of the flexible tarsal chain, tending to detach the arolium when pushing and to peel off euplantulae when in tension. Our results suggest that the euplantulae in cockroaches are not adhesive organs but ‘friction pads’, mainly providing the necessary traction during locomotion

    Biologically inspired adaptive walking of a quadruped robot

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    Preliminary Bounding Experiments in a Dynamic Hexapod

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    Templates and Anchors for Antenna-Based Wall Following in Cockroaches and Robots

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    Tuataras and salamanders show that walking and running mechanics are ancient features of tetrapod locomotion

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    The lumbering locomotor behaviours of tuataras and salamanders are the best examples of quadrupedal locomotion of early terrestrial vertebrates. We show they use the same walking (out-of-phase) and running (in-phase) patterns of external mechanical energy fluctuations of the centre-of-mass known in fast moving (cursorial) animals. Thus, walking and running centre-of-mass mechanics have been a feature of tetrapods since quadrupedal locomotion emerged over 400 million years ago. When walking, these sprawling animals save external mechanical energy with the same pendular effectiveness observed in cursorial animals. However, unlike cursorial animals (that change footfall patterns and mechanics with speed), tuataras and salamanders use only diagonal couplet gaits and indifferently change from walking to running mechanics with no significant change in total mechanical energy. Thus, the change from walking to running is not related to speed and the advantage of walking versus running is unclear. Furthermore, lumbering mechanics in primitive tetrapods is reflected in having total mechanical energy driven by potential energy (rather than kinetic energy as in cursorial animals) and relative centre-of-mass displacements an order of magnitude greater than cursorial animals. Thus, large vertical displacements associated with lumbering locomotion in primitive tetrapods may preclude their ability to increase speed

    Hysteresis of soft joints embedded with fluid-filled microchannels

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    Many arthropods are known to achieve dynamic stability during rapid locomotion on rough terrains despite the absence of an elaborate nervous system. While muscle viscoelasticity and its inherent friction have been thought to cause this passive absorption of energy, the role of embedded microstructures in muscles and muscle joints has not yet been investigated. Inspired by the soft and flexible hinge joints present in many of these animals, we have carried out displacement-controlled bending of thin elastic slabs embedded with fluid-filled microchannels. During loading, the slab bends uniformly to a critical curvature, beyond which the skin covering the channel buckles with a catastrophic decrease in load. In the reverse cycle, the buckled skin straightens out but at a significantly lower load. In such a loading–unloading cycle, this localized buckling phenomenon results in a dynamic change in the geometry of the joint, which leads to a significant hysteresis in elastic energy. The hysteresis varies nonlinearly with channel diameters and thicknesses of the slab, which is captured by a simple scaling analysis of the phenomenon