3,726 research outputs found

    General Formulation for Proton Decay Rate in Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT

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    We make an explicit formulation for the proton decay rate in the minimal renormalizable supersymmetric (SUSY) SO(10) model. In this model, the Higgs fields consist of 10{\bf 10} and 126ˉ{\bf \bar{126}} SO(10) representations in the Yukawa interactions with matter and of 10{\bf 10}, 126ˉ{\bf \bar{126}}, 126{\bf 126}, and 210{\bf 210} representations in the Higgs potential. We present all the mass matrices for the Higgs fields contained in this minimal SUSY SO(10) model. Finally, we discuss the threshold effects of these Higgs fields on the gauge coupling unification.Comment: 32 pages, typos are corrected, a few references and comments to the papers arXiv:hep-ph/0204097 and arXiv:hep-ph/0402122 are adde

    Condition for the Existence of Complex Modes in a Trapped Bose--Einstein Condensate with a Highly Quantized Vortex

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    We consider a trapped Bose--Einstein condensate (BEC) with a highly quantized vortex. For the BEC with a doubly, triply or quadruply quantized vortex, the numerical calculations have shown that the Bogoliubov--de Gennes equations, which describe the fluctuation of the condensate, have complex eigenvalues. In this paper, we obtain the analytic expression of the condition for the existence of complex modes, using the method developed by Rossignoli and Kowalski [R. Rossignoli and A. M. Kowalski, Phys. Rev. A 72, 032101 (2005)] for the small coupling constant. To derive it, we make the two-mode approximation. With the derived analytic formula, we can identify the quantum number of the complex modes for each winding number of the vortex. Our result is consistent with those obtained by the numerical calculation in the case that the winding number is two, three or four. We prove that the complex modes always exist when the condensate has a highly quantized vortex

    CP Violations in Lepton Number Violation Processes and Neutrino Oscillations

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    We examine the constraints on the MNS lepton mixing matrix from the present and future experimental data of the neutrino oscillation and lepton number violation processes. We introduce a graphical representation of the CP violation phases which appear in the lepton number violation processes such as neutrinoless double beta decay, the μe+\mu^--e^+ conversion, and the K decay, Kπ+μμ.K^-\to\pi^+\mu^-\mu^-. Using this graphical representation, we derive the constraints on the CP violation phases in the lepton sector.Comment: 21pp, REVTeX, 9 Figure

    Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Enhanced Magnetic Response by Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We show that the spin Hall conductivity in insulators is related with a magnetic susceptibility representing the strength of the spin-orbit coupling. We use this relationship as a guiding principle to search real materials showing quantum spin Hall effect. As a result, we theoretically predict that bismuth will show the quantum spin Hall effect, both by calculating the helical edge states, and by showing the non-triviality of the Z_2 topological number, and propose possible experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Signature of stripe pinning in optical conductivity

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    The response of charge stripes to an external electric field applied perpendicular to the stripe direction is studied within a diagrammatic approach for both weak and strong pinning by random impurities. The sound-like mode of the stripes described as elastic strings moves to finite frequency due to impurity pinning. By calculating the optical conductivity we determine this characteristic energy scale for both a single stripe and an array of interacting stripes. The results explain the anomalous far-infrared peak observed recently in optical-conductivity measurements on cuprates.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    What Does mu-tau Symmetry Imply about Neutrino Mixings?

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    The requirement of the mu-tau symmetry in the neutrino sector that yields the maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing is shown to yield either sin(\theta_{13})=0 (referred to as C1)) or sin(\theta_{12})=0 (referred to as C2)), where \theta_{12(13)} stands for the solar (reactor) neutrino mixing angle. We study general properties possessed by approximately mu-tau symmetric textures. It is argued that the tiny mu-tau symmetry breaking generally leads to cos(2\theta_{23}) \simsin(\theta_{13}) for C1) and cos(2\theta_{23}) \sim \Delta m^2_\odot/\Delta m^2_{atm}(\equiv R) for C2), which indicates that the smallness of cos(2\theta_{23}) is a good measure of the mu-tau symmetry breaking, where \Delta m^2_{atm} (\Delta m^2_\odot) stands for the square mass differences of atmospheric (solar) neutrinos. We further find that the relation R \sim sin^2(\theta_{13}) arises from contributions of O(sin^2(\theta_{13})) in the estimation of the neutrino masses (m_{1,2,3}) for C1), and that possible forms of textures are strongly restricted to realize sin^2(2\theta_{12})=O(1) for C2). To satisfy R \sim sin^2(\theta_{13}) for C1), neutrinos exhibit the inverted mass hierarchy, or the quasi degenerate mass pattern with | m_{1,2,3}| \sim O(\sqrt{\Delta m^2_{atm}}), and, to realize sin^2(2\theta_{12})=O(1) for C2), there should be an additional small parameter \eta whose size is comparable to that of the mu-tau symmetry breaking parameter \epsilon, giving tan(2\theta_{12}) \sim \epsilon/\eta with \eta \sim \epsilon to be compatible with the observed large mixing.Comment: 10 pages, title slightly modified, comments added in the introdction, typos corrected, references updated, version to appear in Physical Reviews

    Theoretical Study of Friction: A Case of One-Dimensional Clean Surfaces

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    A new method has been proposed to evaluate the frictional force in the stationary state. This method is applied to the 1-dimensional model of clean surfaces. The kinetic frictional force is seen to depend on velocity in general, but the dependence becomes weaker as the maximum static frictional force increases and in the limiting case the kinetic friction gets only weakly dependent on velocity as described by one of the laws of friction. It is also shown that there is a phase transition between state with vanishing maximum static frictional force and that with finite one. The role of randomness at the interface and the relation to the impurity pinning of the sliding Charge-Density-Wave are discussed. to appear in Phys.Rev.B. abstract only. Full text is available upon request. E-mail: [email protected]: 2 pages, Plain TEX, OUCMT-94-