114 research outputs found

    Resolved Measurements of X_(CO) in NGC 6946

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    We present the largest sample to date of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in a substantial spiral galaxy other than the Milky Way. We map the distribution of molecular gas with high resolution and image fidelity within the central 5 kpc of the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 in the ^(12)CO (J = 1-0) transition. By combining observations from the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m single dish telescope and the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy interferometer, we are able to obtain high image fidelity and accurate measurements of L_CO compared with previous purely interferometric studies. We resolve individual GMCs, measure their luminosities and virial masses, and derive X CO—the conversion factor from CO measurements to H2 masses—within individual clouds. On average, we find that X_CO = 1.2 × 10^(20) cm^(–2) (K km s^(–1))^(–1), which is consistent within our uncertainties with previously derived Galactic values as well as the value we derive for Galactic GMCs above our mass sensitivity limit. The properties of our GMCs are largely consistent with the trends observed for molecular clouds detected in the Milky Way disk, with the exception of six clouds detected within ~400 pc of the center of NGC 6946, which exhibit larger velocity dispersions for a given size and luminosity, as has also been observed at the Galactic center

    Change of CD20 Expression in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Treated with Rituximab, an Anti-CD20 Monoclonal Antibody: A Study of the Osaka Lymphoma Study Group

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    Change of CD20 expression was examined in cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). CD20 expression after treatment with anti-CD20 antibody (rituximab, Rx) for DLBCL was examined in 23 cases who received serial biopsy by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and flow cytometry (FCM). CD20– by IHC and/or FCM was defined as CD20–. Four cases were CD20– at initial biopsy but became CD20+ after chemotherapy with Rx (CH-R) (group A). Recurrent tumors in three group A cases became resistant to CH-R. Initial and recurrent tumors were CD20+ before and after CH-R in 17 cases (group B). Tumors before CH-R were CD20– in two cases (group C) and continued to be CD20– in one and turned CD20+ in the other with survival time after the relapse of 8 and 23 months, respectively. Evaluation of CD20 expression with immunohistochemical and flow cytometric methods is used for the prediction of responsiveness of relapsed DLBCL for CH-R

    The Millimeter Sky Transparency Imager (MiSTI)

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    The Millimeter Sky Transparency Imager (MiSTI) is a small millimeter-wave scanning telescope with a 25-cm diameter dish operating at 183 GHz. MiSTI is installed at Atacama, Chile, and it measures emission from atmospheric water vapor and its fluctuations to estimate atmospheric absorption in the millimeter to submillimeter. MiSTI observes the water vapor distribution at a spatial resolution of 0.5 deg, and it is sensitive enough to detect an excess path length of <~ 0.05 mm for an integration time of 1 s. By comparing the MiSTI measurements with those by a 220 GHz tipper, we validate that the 183 GHz measurements of MiSTI are correct, down to the level of any residual systematic errors in the 220 GHz measurements. Since 2008, MiSTI has provided real-time (every 1 hr) monitoring of the all-sky opacity distribution and atmospheric transmission curves in the (sub)millimeter through the internet, allowing to know the (sub)millimeter sky conditions at Atacama.Comment: 12 pages, 1 table, 10 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    ASTE CO(3-2) Mapping toward the Whole Optical Disk of M 83: Properties of Inter-arm GMAs

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    We present a new on-the-fly (OTF) mapping of CO(J=3-2) line emission with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) toward the 8' x 8' (or 10.5 x 10.5 kpc at the distance of 4.5 Mpc) region of the nearby barred spiral galaxy M 83 at an effective resolution of 25''. Due to its very high sensitivity, our CO(J=3-2) map can depict not only spiral arm structures but also spur-like substructures extended in inter-arm regions. This spur-like substructures in CO(J=3-2) emission are well coincident with the distribution of massive star forming regions traced by Halpha luminosity and Spitzer/IRAC 8 um emission. We have identified 54 CO(J=3-2) clumps as Giant Molecular-cloud Associations (GMAs) employing the CLUMPFIND algorithm, and have obtained their sizes, velocity dispersions, virial masses, and CO luminosity masses. We found that the virial parameter alpha, which is defined as the ratio of the virial mass to the CO luminosity mass, is almost unity for GMAs in spiral arms, whereas there exist some GMAs whose alpha are 3 -- 10 in the inter-arm region. We found that GMAs with higher α\alpha tend not to be associated with massive star forming regions, while other virialized GMAs are. Since alpha mainly depends on velocity dispersion of the GMA, we suppose the onset of star formation in these unvirialized GMAs with higher alpha are suppressed by an increase in internal velocity dispersions of Giant Molecular Clouds within these GMAs due to shear motion.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, ApJ in press, version with high resolution figures is available via http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~kmuraoka/m83paper/m83aste-otf.pd

    Quantification of (–)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Inhibition of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cell Line Adhesion and Proliferation Using Real-time Cell Analysis 

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    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) has a poor prognosis because of immediate metastasis. Several studies in humans and animals have suggested that the ingestion of green tea or its active ingredient (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) may decrease the risk of cancer. Using a recently developed real-time cell analysis (RTCA) system, we have shown previously that EGCG inhibits cell migration and the invasion of oral cavity cancers by suppressing matrix metalloproteinases. In the present study we used RTCA to investigate the effects of EGCG on cell adhesion to fibronectin-coated plates using three cancer cell lines: one ATC cell line (TCO-1) and two poorly differentiated oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) cell lines (SAS and HO-1-u-1; originating from the tongue and floor of the mouth, respectively). EGCG (50”M) inhibited the adhesion of all three cell lines. In addition to its effects on cell adhesion, 50”M EGCG inhibited the cell proliferation of TCO-1 cells. Furthermore, EGCG decreased αV integrin (ITGAV) mRNA levels in all three cell lines, suggesting that EGCG inhibits the cell adhesion and proliferation of OSCC and ATC cells via suppression of integrin expression. Therefore, EGCG represents a useful dietary constituent or a lead compound for counteracting metastasis of oral cavity cancers and thyroid cancers

    Voluntary self-touch increases body ownership

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    Experimental manipulations of body ownership have indicated that multisensory integration is central to forming bodily self representation. Voluntary self touch is a unique multisensory situation involving corresponding motor, tactile and proprioceptive signals. Yet, even though self-touch is frequent in everyday life, its contribution to the formation of body ownership is not well understood. Here we investigated the role of voluntary self touch in body ownership using a novel adaptation of the rubber hand illusion (RHI), in which a robotic system and virtual reality allowed participants self-touch of real and virtual hands. In the first experiment, active and passive self-touch were applied in the absence of visual feedback. In the second experiment, we tested the role of visual feedback in this bodily illusion. Finally, in the third experiment, we compared active and passive self-touch to the classical RHI in which the touch is administered by the experimenter. We hypothesized that active self-touch would increase ownership over the virtual hand through the addition of motor signals strengthening the bodily illusion. The results indicated that active self-touch elicited stronger illusory ownership compared to passive self-touch and sensory only stimulation, and show an important role for active self-touch in the formation of bodily self

    Transabdominal Approach for Spontaneous Oesophageal Perforation: A Review of Four Cases

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    Spontaneous oesophageal perforation is an uncommon and life-threatening disease. Although several methods of treatment have been proposed, surgical treatment is considered the standard procedure. Primary repair using the transthoracic approach is the most common. However, few studies have evaluated the characteristics of the transabdominal approach. This study aimed to investigate the clinical outcomes of spontaneous oesophageal perforation that was surgically treated using the transabdominal approach. We retrospectively reviewed all patients with spontaneous oesophageal perforation who were admitted to the surgical department of our institution between November 2010 and April 2017, and identified a total of four patients. Data including demographic factors (age and sex), location of perforation, time to operation, operative method, complications, length of hospital stay, and postoperative recovery were reviewed. In all four cases, we treated the defect using the transabdominal approach, which provides a good surgical field of view. The aims of operative intervention, namely primary repair and access for enteral feeding, can be achieved using this approach. The most commonly observed complication was pyothorax, and we suggest the addition of intrapleural drainage for its prevention. Dysgraphia was observed in two patients, which improved with conservative treatment. The overall mortality rate was 0%. Our results demonstrate that primary repair using the transabdominal approach is safe and effective for the management of spontaneous oesophageal perforation. Addition of intrapleural drainage can improve the outcome associated with this approach

    Effective Appendix Stump Closure Using the Doubleshanked Titanium Ligation Clip (DS Clip): A Case Report

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    Background: During laparoscopic appendectomy, several methods and devices can be used to close the appendicular stump, such as endoloops, linear staplers, clips, and open purse-string sutures. The Double-shanked Titanium Ligation Clip¼ (DS clip; B. Braun Aesculap, Tuttlinger, Germany), a new device that can be used to close the appendicular stump, was approved for use in Japan in March 2015. We report a case of effective appendix stump closure using DS clips. Case presentation: An 81-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with complaints of severe pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed a thickened appendix (1.7 cm in diameter) with fecal stones, while acute inflammatory signs were visible around the appendix. He was diagnosed with acute appendicitis for which laparoscopic appendectomy was performed with a curative intent. It was difficult to mobilize the cecum because of inflammation, so we attempted to use DS clips instead of linear staplers. A histological examination revealed gangrenous appendicitis. The patient’s postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged 10 days postoperatively. We also used DS clips to close the appendicular stump in 12 other cases. We observed no intra- or postoperative complications and no cases of mortality. Conclusion: The management of an appendicular stump using DS clips during laparoscopic appendectomy was simple, safe, and cost-effective. DS clips may be an alternative method to linear staplers

    The Super-linear Slope of the Spatially-Resolved Star Formation Law in NGC 3521 and NGC 5194 (M51a)

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    We have conducted interferometric observations with CARMA and an OTF mapping with the 45-m telescope at NRO in the CO (J=1-0) emission line of NGC 3521. Combining these new data, together with CARMA+NRO45 data for M51a and archival SINGS Hα\alpha, 24Ό\mum, THINGS H I and GALEX FUV data for both galaxies, we investigate the empirical scaling law that connects the surface density of SFR and cold gas (the Schmidt-Kennicutt law) on a spatially-resolved basis. We argue that plausibly deriving SFR maps of nearby galaxies requires the diffuse stellar/dust background emission to be carefully subtracted. An approach to complete this task is presented and applied in our pixel-by-pixel analysis on both galaxies, showing that the controversial results whether the molecular S-K law is super-linear or basically linear is a result of removing or preserving the local background. In both galaxies, the power index of the molecular S-K law is 1.5-1.9 at the highest available resolution (230 pc), and decreases monotonically for decreasing resolution; while the scatter (mainly intrinsic) increases as the resolution becomes higher, indicating a trend for which the S-K law breaks down below some scale. Both quantities are systematically larger in M51a than in NGC 3521, but when plotted against the de-projected scale (\delta_{dp}), they become highly consistent between the two galaxies, tentatively suggesting that the sub-kpc molecular S-K law in spiral galaxies depends only on the considered scale, without varying amongst spiral galaxies. A logarithmic function \gamma_{H_2}=-1.1 log[\delta_{dp}/kpc]+1.4 and a linear relation \sigma_{H_2}=-0.2 [\delta_{dp}/kpc]+0.7 are obtained through fitting to the M51a data, which describes both galaxies impressively well on sub-kpc scales. A larger sample of galaxies with better quality data are required to test the general applicability of these relations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap
